• Record Label: 4AD
  • Release Date: Apr 28, 2023
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 37 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 37
  2. Negative: 0 out of 37
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  1. Aug 24, 2023
    The National's work has always resonated with emotional highs and lows and at their best their music and lyrics mix to give you a visceral experience. Their hasn't always been sad but sorrow and anxiety has always underscored their finest moments. An artist can only harness their souls emotion for so long and this latest album is what I would describe as their medicated album. From whatThe National's work has always resonated with emotional highs and lows and at their best their music and lyrics mix to give you a visceral experience. Their hasn't always been sad but sorrow and anxiety has always underscored their finest moments. An artist can only harness their souls emotion for so long and this latest album is what I would describe as their medicated album. From what I've read in recent interviews with the band and Matt Berninger this makes a lot of sense. Similar to their last album, while this is a good listen, the album doesn't have the incredible emotional highs or lows of what they were doing 10, 15, almost 20 years ago. It feels emotionally fuzzy, as if a cap has been put on the well of emotion. Obviously the bands creative lynchpin Aaron Desser has been spreading himself about creatively working on multiple albums with the likes of Taylor Swift and Bon Iver. The National's sound has been strongly influenced by this and they now sound like a proper Billboard band rather than the near religious experience they were when they played in theatres rather than arenas. Overall, the songs are decent, the production is slick but the soul seems to be missing from this once mercurial band. Expand
  2. Jul 3, 2023
    The National seem to have discovered a formula that works for them and for their fans. No surprises here, just the same good old nostalgia, mesmerising sounds weaving in and out of each other, coupled with hypnotic vocals. Some impressive guests appearances to boot.
  3. Jun 21, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Pretty good album - they didn't take many risks on this one but that's also intentional. The Taylor Swift song is fine but doesn't fit well at all on this imo. Expand
  4. May 29, 2023
    Since "I Am Easy To Find" (2019), I've felt they say and express more verbally than instrumentally. There is a lack of essence on the production or composition that makes most of the songs fall flat into an ambient loop with no much sensibility or intensity, just an ambiguous cloud that holds the recitation of verses. I don't really find the attractive to these projects, but there is stillSince "I Am Easy To Find" (2019), I've felt they say and express more verbally than instrumentally. There is a lack of essence on the production or composition that makes most of the songs fall flat into an ambient loop with no much sensibility or intensity, just an ambiguous cloud that holds the recitation of verses. I don't really find the attractive to these projects, but there is still a spirit in it. As small and almost empty that it is, there is carefulness, patience and attention to the way the album builds up a feeling. It can become a little annoying when the songs walk in a thin line in between a passing feeling and no feeling at all, even if some of the lyrics have an interesting sense of rumination. Expand
  5. May 14, 2023
    I’ve been a fan since the beginning but this record is just a huge disappointment. Listened to it 4 times but I still can’t recall more than 2 songs and even those I don’t like. Yes yes the production is nice but where’s the emotion? The force they used to have? It’s okay as background music but it’s just that.
  6. May 5, 2023
    I admit I'd never listened to The National before, despite being intrigued by their album covers and their acclaim. It turns out that nothing I thought was correct. I expected either some real art stuff or country-tinged ragged glory a la Wilco; what I got was Coldplay with a lazier singer. You'd think seeing "with Taylor Swift" in the credits would have clued me in to theI admit I'd never listened to The National before, despite being intrigued by their album covers and their acclaim. It turns out that nothing I thought was correct. I expected either some real art stuff or country-tinged ragged glory a la Wilco; what I got was Coldplay with a lazier singer. You'd think seeing "with Taylor Swift" in the credits would have clued me in to the pedestrian-as-pretension level here, so earnest that you feel like they're expecting you to tip them in the hopes of relaxing their collective furrowed brow. Other influences wander in: The Beloved meets U2's guitarist on "Tropic Morning" and a couple others, the universal chord structure of opener "Once Upon A Poolside" with the tempo changed so you don't sing the lyrics to Miley's "Wrecking Ball". By the time you get to "Ice Machines", vocalist Matt Berninger thinks he's Chocolate Genius Inc., the difference being that Berninger sounds more stoned than world-weary, like it almost hurts to sing. It certainly doesn't hurt to listen to this album of well-played, mostly sparse downer ballads, but the band is standing in the shadows of giants at best. I'll probably skim their back catalog to see whether they were always this coma-inducing or if some big event brought them down a few levels. "I cannot believe what you get away with," Berninger sings with awkward phrasing at the start of "This Isn't Helping". My sentiments exactly. Expand
  7. May 3, 2023
    Solid, consistent, harmonic, the bass killing it, Aaron dessner is that b1t*ch
  8. May 2, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Album particolarmente elegante ed emozionante , suonato magnificamente con testi profondi e sinceri. Expand
  9. May 1, 2023
    The National mixes teen feeling beats with a heartbreaking voice and lyrics longing a top notch production
  10. Apr 29, 2023
    Another great National album, from start to finish. Production is spot on. The name of the album is so very fitting to the themes that Matt presents with this album. It's a bit more serious, darker and poetic than their other albums, Matt's been on quite the journey to get where he is now. it's also very fitting album for the times, as the world is reeling with mental health issues. GladAnother great National album, from start to finish. Production is spot on. The name of the album is so very fitting to the themes that Matt presents with this album. It's a bit more serious, darker and poetic than their other albums, Matt's been on quite the journey to get where he is now. it's also very fitting album for the times, as the world is reeling with mental health issues. Glad to hear The National family got through those rough waters and were able to share these haunting beautiful songs with us. Expand
  11. Apr 29, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Hauntingly beautiful. Tender and gentle and yet both the music and lyrics covey a deep consolation—this record tarries with the sorrows and the losses and the fragmented memories that subtend all life. These eleven songs feel like constellations, a way finding journey through the Foggy Unsayable. Grateful to The National for this record and all their work. Expand
  12. Apr 28, 2023
    A collection of songs that would be gems on a post-career retrospective box set of outtakes and unreleased songs, maybe, but as a current album it's "meh." It's more thought out and better written than their last effort, mind you. Their new material suffers from their process, imo. Gone are the days of writing a lot, and in the same room, and now the songs (mostly) sound like exactly likeA collection of songs that would be gems on a post-career retrospective box set of outtakes and unreleased songs, maybe, but as a current album it's "meh." It's more thought out and better written than their last effort, mind you. Their new material suffers from their process, imo. Gone are the days of writing a lot, and in the same room, and now the songs (mostly) sound like exactly like what they are -- Matt mumbling over bits of music sent to him by the twins. The things that work on Frankenstein work because they are refried ideas from Boxer > High Violet > Trouble Will Find Me. That makes them better than some other bands, but this one falls flat. And the recording is decidedly no-fi for the most part -- you'd think they fired Bryan in favor of off-the-shelf electronic drum loops. Sorry, dudes, love ya as I do, hard pass on (most of) this one. But, they've now "arrived" in the mainstream, and people are sh***ing themselves over it, so fair play to them and their new friend Taylor. Collapse
  13. Apr 28, 2023
    Meh. I don't get the love. I also don't get why people say this is a comeback. Sleep Well and I Am Easy to Find were better, even great,. Well, really good. This is just blah. Honestly, their worst since Sad Songs.
  14. Apr 28, 2023
    The National bounce back with a great pop turn with great guest turns in Phoebe Bridgers, and Sufjan Stevens. Taylor Swift returns a favor after The National guested on Evermore and additional production and writing collaboration with Aaron Dessner on her folklore/Evermore. It all works with many songs here displaying Matt's beautiful lyrics becoming some of his best paintings yet! NewThe National bounce back with a great pop turn with great guest turns in Phoebe Bridgers, and Sufjan Stevens. Taylor Swift returns a favor after The National guested on Evermore and additional production and writing collaboration with Aaron Dessner on her folklore/Evermore. It all works with many songs here displaying Matt's beautiful lyrics becoming some of his best paintings yet! New Order T-shirt and Your Mind Is Not Your Friend have immediate impact, and the rest of the tunes take turns in echoing thought and recurring toe tapping.... hello Tropical Morning News. As for Joelg who posted saying this was his introductory album to The National.... I am glad you found this album and do dig deeper! The Boxer, High Violet are their two best albums, so take a listen.... then see them live! I've got tickets to see them for the third time in June and can't wait to hear the new songs live!! Expand
  15. Apr 28, 2023
    The National achieves what many try for but miss: elegance. Each song adds a unique turn on a central theme of loss but never losing beauty and somehow, hope. Guest turns by Taylor Swift, Phoebe Bridgers and Sufjan Stevens are perfectly integrated into the fold. This is a band in complete command of their art.
  16. Apr 28, 2023
    One of the most creative albums I've ever heard - Superb songwriting, UNBELIEVABLE PRODUCTION!, genius-complex compositions, deep and intimate storytelling - everything connects like puzzle pieces, to create this masterpiece.

    This was my first time ever listening to The National, and it definitely made me want to do a deep dive into their discography, and that's the biggest affect a new
    One of the most creative albums I've ever heard - Superb songwriting, UNBELIEVABLE PRODUCTION!, genius-complex compositions, deep and intimate storytelling - everything connects like puzzle pieces, to create this masterpiece.

    This was my first time ever listening to The National, and it definitely made me want to do a deep dive into their discography, and that's the biggest affect a new release can make on you.

    The best album of 2023 so far, no doubt in that.

    Favorite Tracks: 'Once Upon A Poolside', 'Eucalyptus', 'New Order T-Shirt', 'Tropic Morning News', 'The Alcott', 'Grease In Your Hair', 'Ice Machines', 'Your Mind Is Not Your Friend'
    (a lot I know, but well deserved).

Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. Jun 1, 2023
    After dancing through all these keys of fear, loss, and distress, the record ends with “Send for Me,” a simple and moving pledge to come pick you up, whatever happens. The slow bloom of warmth feels hard won, but not even remotely fragile.
  2. May 15, 2023
    Even without the backstory or an understanding of how difficult this record was to make, …Frankenstein is a skilful portrait of what it means to feel disconnected from the joy and urgency of life.
  3. May 3, 2023
    There are hints of the band's more dynamic past on Eucalyptus, Tropic Morning News and Grease In Your Hair. But on the whole, First Two Pages of Frankenstein is an excellent exploration into recovery from depression, passion and addiction and is one of the finest records The National have released in quite some time.