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Generally favorable reviews- based on 94 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 68 out of 94
  2. Negative: 9 out of 94
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  1. Mar 26, 2015
  2. Mar 22, 2015
    9/10 .................................................................................................................................................
  3. Dec 24, 2013
    A rap album for a generation that should be number 1 in every country. My favorites include Bad" and "Freedom ain't Free(Around My Way)". Lupe is my favorite rapper for a reason, and this album exemplifies why.
  4. Mar 31, 2013
    better than lasers, the beats are actually poppy and good, lupe also brings great lyricism to modern hip-hop. bad is a great example of a positive of the best rap albums of 2012
  5. Mar 12, 2013
    The song that impacts me the most is unforgivable youth. to me it implies that the country when young made a lot of stupid mistakes that are unforgivable. to its detriment. vs 1The Indians welcomed the settlers, instead of killing all of them immediately, vs 2 talks about the slave trading and how african americans built this country, but promised that they would have to pay for theirThe song that impacts me the most is unforgivable youth. to me it implies that the country when young made a lot of stupid mistakes that are unforgivable. to its detriment. vs 1The Indians welcomed the settlers, instead of killing all of them immediately, vs 2 talks about the slave trading and how african americans built this country, but promised that they would have to pay for their sins, and vs 3, finale retribution. his poetry is not subtle. but it f s with you because he speaks the truth. Expand
  6. Oct 4, 2012
    SO lame and forgettable. His next album needs to be Lasers 2. I am not a big Lupe fan anymore. I like the album, but he can do so much better! He dosen't need to make a F&L2: Part. 2. His lyrics are getting worse. His song **** Bad was lame. The beat was lame. The hook was lame. The lyrics were okay, but the song is very forgettable.
  7. Oct 1, 2012
    I Definitely Give This Album A 10 Lupe Is A GREAT Lyricist.....If Your Thinking About Getting The Album I Think You Should You Want Be Disappointed,I New It was Gonna Be A Good Album Because The First Food & Liquor Album Was Pretty Tight.
  8. Sep 29, 2012
    Yeah,good album.He is a really good lyricist,but i don't like some beats,anyway.second time i listened to this album,the tracks seemed a lot's not like Food & Liquor,but i love it.
  9. Sep 29, 2012
    Classic album... more focused and more potent than either the original F&L and The Cool. This will have a hard time going over on any fans he's made off of LASERS alone due to the heavy topics and dense lyrics. Lupe pulls no punches on this release and raps over heavy hip hop beats (something LASERS was missing) as well as some smooth ones (Its Hood Now). If youre a Lupe Fiasco fan you'llClassic album... more focused and more potent than either the original F&L and The Cool. This will have a hard time going over on any fans he's made off of LASERS alone due to the heavy topics and dense lyrics. Lupe pulls no punches on this release and raps over heavy hip hop beats (something LASERS was missing) as well as some smooth ones (Its Hood Now). If youre a Lupe Fiasco fan you'll love the album. If youre not, you can still go pick up your Waka Flocka album. Expand
  10. Sep 28, 2012

    From the second you enter your local music retail store this week, you should have an immediate idea about what kind of man Wasalu Muhammad Jaco (Lupe Fiasco) is. Amongst the vibrant cover arts of this weeks best releases and latest offers, you
  11. Sep 27, 2012
    This album sees Lupe going back to more of the style he was known for in Food & Liquor and The Cool after the overproduced/poppy sound of LASERS. However, make no mistake; even though this album is called "Food and Liquor II", it does not have a lot in common with it in terms of sound. This album still isn't as good as Lupe was back in his prime, but it is still an excellent collection ofThis album sees Lupe going back to more of the style he was known for in Food & Liquor and The Cool after the overproduced/poppy sound of LASERS. However, make no mistake; even though this album is called "Food and Liquor II", it does not have a lot in common with it in terms of sound. This album still isn't as good as Lupe was back in his prime, but it is still an excellent collection of tracks. The album features Lupe's trademark style of bringing sharp lyricism and poignant messages to Hip-Hop. The first half of the album is excellent, although some tracks are better than others. However, in the second half of the album, the tracks really become hit and miss. Highlights include ITAL, Freedom Ain't Free, Put Em Up, Audubon Ballroom, Hood Now, and Go To Sleep. However, this album is not without its faults. Sometimes production is lacking and sometimes its overpowering. Some of the tracks are weak, some choruses were boring, and some tracks didn't give much of an impression. But overall, this is a solid album, and I look forward to seeing Lupe's future work. Expand
  12. Sep 27, 2012
    Based on Lupe Fiasco's material before, his most recent album Food & Liquor Vol 2: The Great American Rap Album does not disappoint. To me he goes back to the bases of hip-hop when he made the songs Around My Way (Freedom Ain't Free) and Put Em Up. Other tracks like Strange Fruition, ITAL (Roses),B!%ch Bad, Lamborghini Angels, Heart Donor, and How Dare You still touch the bases of hip-hopBased on Lupe Fiasco's material before, his most recent album Food & Liquor Vol 2: The Great American Rap Album does not disappoint. To me he goes back to the bases of hip-hop when he made the songs Around My Way (Freedom Ain't Free) and Put Em Up. Other tracks like Strange Fruition, ITAL (Roses),B!%ch Bad, Lamborghini Angels, Heart Donor, and How Dare You still touch the bases of hip-hop but he fixes it up for the 2012 hip-hop sound. Above all, his choice of words for his lyrics are insane. If you love true hip-hop/rap i suggest that you buy this album. Expand
  13. Sep 27, 2012
    It's pretty good. A return to form of sorts. You should know that they totally incorrectly pulled the Pitchfork review, though. That one's for his first album.
  14. Sep 26, 2012
    Food and liquor 2: the great American rap album is a really good album. The beats are really good and his lyrics are a masterpiece. Every songs in the album are classic. My favorite songs on the album are Bad **** cold war, around my way, ital (roses), Strange Fruition, and Audubon ballroom. Buy this album, support real hip hop.
  15. Sep 26, 2012
    i rate this album solely based on lyrics and concept and with that said its a perfect 10 no less (maybe more)
    production is not so perfect for me though but it matches very well with lyrics
  16. Sep 26, 2012
    Lupe Fiasco is a technically talented emcee, but that
  17. Sep 26, 2012
    It's good to have Lupe Fiasco back. I usually find that the production on Lupe Fiasco albums is a little different from most other emcees, and the first listen was a little jarring because of it. But once I listened to the album a second time, the tracks seemed to flow a lot better. Lupe Fiasco albums always grow on me, so I know that I'll start to appreciate the album even more as timeIt's good to have Lupe Fiasco back. I usually find that the production on Lupe Fiasco albums is a little different from most other emcees, and the first listen was a little jarring because of it. But once I listened to the album a second time, the tracks seemed to flow a lot better. Lupe Fiasco albums always grow on me, so I know that I'll start to appreciate the album even more as time goes on, and you are going to need a lot of listens to truly appreciate the songs. The track are jam-packed with metaphors and allusions and other things of that nature in the standard Lupe Fiasco style. With this is mind, it took me a little while to discover the nuances and subtle word plays in the songs. I'm somewhat of an amateur hip-hop listener, so I'm sure it'll take all of you a lot less time to experience all the subtle tricks Lupe pulls. This album goes into a lot of interesting themes, but you probably already know that. The standout tracks to me are "Unforgivable Youth", "Battle Scars", and "Cold War". My only major gripe is that Lupe should probably loosen up a bit. He seems to sound better when he takes things a little less seriously and relaxes. But overall, this is a great album that you all should totally listen to. Expand
  18. Sep 26, 2012
    This album marks a return to form for Lupe Fiasco. Tracks like "Strange Fruition", "Audubon Ballroom", "Lamborghini Angels", "Battle Scars", and "Unforgivable Youth" are definitely the highlights. However, all of the tracks feel like they were recorded for the original Food & Liquor or The Cool, which is something all his fans wanted. Not the perfect album, but very good.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. Oct 31, 2012
    What it proves to be is an exhilarating, uneven, thought-provoking, over-egged, over-long, lucid, barnstorming, soul-infused hip-hop album of a type that, as I may have mentioned once or twice or five times, you just don't get any more. Except, of course, you do, and here it is.
  2. Oct 12, 2012
    Some of these tracks give Lupe the room to triumph... But he falters on the frivolous "Heart Donor."
  3. Oct 4, 2012
    Food & Liquor II is fine and good. It's just not The Great American Rap Album.