• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Jul 29, 2016

Universal acclaim - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
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  1. Sep 13, 2016
    It’s her vocal prowess that threads together the line-up of producer-du-jour types that feature on For All We Know. That, and the infectious grooves that dominate this album provide endless enjoyment--18 tracks worth, to be precise.
  2. Q Magazine
    Sep 6, 2016
    The songs are low-key, personal tales with quiet hooks, grabbing what energy they can from the production's sudden lurches. [Oct 2016, p.109]
  3. Aug 4, 2016
    The album has no weak songs. There is an excess of adequate ones, however.
  4. Nao’s real flair, though, lies in embracing the old school and making it seem fresh. ‘Get To Know Ya’ and ‘DYWM’ both re-rub late ’80s soul and push it firmly into 2016 with crisp production and an effortless dancefloor feeling. More proof, if it were needed, that Nao--and her odd but addictive vocal--belongs up front.
  5. Aug 2, 2016
    At 54 minutes, the 18-track record begins to feel a little baggy, its uncharismatic drums and textural familiarity giving Nao’s paragliding voice one job too many. Even when overlong, though, the songs can impress with their breadth.
  6. Aug 2, 2016
    For All We Know is an extremely accomplished debut from a supremely talented artist.
  7. 80
    Throughout, Nao balances some very aerated sulking about unsatisfactory relationships with defiantly old-school touches. You can hear everyone from Janet Jackson to Aaliyah in this confident artist’s deceptively dreamy tones.
  8. Jul 29, 2016
    [A] sensational debut--she’s evolving into an artist serious pop listeners can commit to.
  9. Jul 28, 2016
    When the walls seem to be crumbling, she dodges them with vocal acrobatics and surging production. As we look forward to a happier time, less insufferable, NAO shares a bit of bliss in her coming-out party as one of R&B’s most promising young dominants.
  10. Jul 27, 2016
    The experiences feel lived and the emotional crescendos genuine, but the inferred vagueness of the title belies the certainty at its core: For All We Know is a masterwork.
  11. Jul 26, 2016
    The only real criticism is that, in trying to present all of her sides, Nao hasn’t been ruthless enough in the cutting room. At eighteen tracks, For All We Know feels its length but, to be fair, it’s hard to suggest what to trim.
  12. Jul 25, 2016
    Its weakness is in its 18-track odyssey; an elaborate route around an otherwise enchanting album.
  13. 80
    For All We Know is among the most impressive debut albums we’ve heard in 2016, and heralds the arrival of Nao as a unique and fascinating figure on the R&B landscape.
  14. Jul 25, 2016
    Throughout For All We Know, her vocals display her adventurous spirit, the mixture of electronic and acoustic instrumentation developing into a funky blend.
  15. 75
    As it stands, it’s a moderate success following her appearance on Disclosure’s Caracal and Samsung commercials.

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 63 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 54 out of 63
  2. Negative: 4 out of 63
  1. Oct 3, 2016
    This is one of the best releases of 2016 so far. I listened the whole album 4 times in the first day! The R&B is amazing with some retroThis is one of the best releases of 2016 so far. I listened the whole album 4 times in the first day! The R&B is amazing with some retro beats, an awesome voice and great lyrics. Full Review »
  2. Aug 3, 2016
    An outstanding debut from a unique and surprisingly mature artist! It may feel long but her striking voice manages to keep you going to enjoyAn outstanding debut from a unique and surprisingly mature artist! It may feel long but her striking voice manages to keep you going to enjoy the brilliant production this great album has to offer. Full Review »
  3. Jul 31, 2016
    just listened to the whole album and the impression i was left with was a limited voice carried by the sometimes clever production. I can'tjust listened to the whole album and the impression i was left with was a limited voice carried by the sometimes clever production. I can't see myself returning to listening to this, her voice just started to grate.

    Janet Jackson's last longplayer did this much better.
    Full Review »