• Record Label: Merge
  • Release Date: Jun 17, 2016

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
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  1. Jun 29, 2016
    Friday Night is a stronger and more engaging work than Butler's solo debut, and the new songs suggest he should have something memorable next time he goes into the studio by himself.
  2. Jun 29, 2016
    It's all weird and ramshackle, but it fits the music so well. With each improvised yelp, clap and audience holler, Butler has created a record that captures his sound, in spite--or, perhaps, because--of his unwillingness to stick to one.
  3. Jun 29, 2016
    The new songs point in some directions Butler might go in the future: the raw heavy metal riffing of “Public Defender,” which is simultaneously bracing and ridiculous; the homemade ‘80s soundtrack rock of “Sun Comes Up,” which sounds like a Moroder sequencer held together by duct tape. But that quest for pure spontaneity can reveal the cracks in Butler’s craft.
  4. Q Magazine
    Jun 29, 2016
    Crackling with the background ambience of heckle and cheer, it's a decent attempt at bottling live lightning, if a slightly self-satisfied one. [#361, p.107]
  5. Jul 7, 2016
    The loose mood throughout spills into the playing, which at its best moments strikes a sprightly spontaneity, but also lands elsewhere like a weak punch to the shoulder. By Friday Night's end, you've had some fun, just not enough to make it that memorable.

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