• Record Label: Jive
  • Release Date: Sep 12, 2006
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 501 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 62 out of 501

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  1. AllyM
    Sep 13, 2006
    I can confidently say that this will be one of the best albums of the year. It's a far cry from 'Justified' and that's what makes it work. All songs are single-worth which can't be said for most albums. An amazing effort by an amazing musician. Kudos to Justin Timberlake.
  2. LeeroyD
    Sep 15, 2006
    This album has restored my faith in Pop Music. Outstanding job by Justin Timberlake, and Timberland on this album. Thanks to outlests like Metacritic.com where my comments and reviews count for something. Thanks Metacritic
  3. KartinaW
    Sep 15, 2006
    WOW. This CD is Hot !! OMG this is one of the best CD's I heard this year.
  4. TonyJ
    Sep 15, 2006
    Pretty damn good. I must say I didnt think this white boy could make real r&b music .. but he has. Good shiz justin.
  5. MeldinaW
    Sep 15, 2006
    Powerful!! This CD is FIRE.. Justin and Tim really bring the heat on this chart topping album.. Well done!!
  6. SandraJ
    Sep 15, 2006
    I always liked Jutin Timberlaks work from his eariler Albums and Music with Nsync. I wasnt really sure if I would like this Album because he has changed his style so much.. But wow this cd has surpassed all my expectations.. This is a great cd and I reccomend it to all.
  7. MartinaS
    Sep 15, 2006
    I think album graet! Work good Justing.
  8. DelorasV
    Sep 15, 2006
    Greatest Pop album in the last 20 years. This album is simply amazing.. I reccomend everyone to get this album it is historic!
  9. ElaineJ
    Sep 15, 2006
    Great overall album I liked everytrack on it. The only think keeping me from giving it a 10 is he could have put the Euro tracks on this album also!
  10. JohnP.
    Sep 16, 2006
    One of the worst albums I've ever heard. What was he thinking to go from Justified to this. The beats are too hard for him.
  11. LuisG
    Sep 16, 2006
    just when you thought it was safe to call him the new king of pop he goes a gets all warped out into his worst enemy someone hes not... Justified was ideal ... but this new album is all over the place ... beats that resonate nothing but bouncing heads and shock and dismay .. as if he were afraid or ashamed of his own voice he hides between every song and emerges only in a few... pleanty just when you thought it was safe to call him the new king of pop he goes a gets all warped out into his worst enemy someone hes not... Justified was ideal ... but this new album is all over the place ... beats that resonate nothing but bouncing heads and shock and dismay .. as if he were afraid or ashamed of his own voice he hides between every song and emerges only in a few... pleanty will buy and this album will not withtand time ... other new release JOHN MAYER continnuum offers a better dossage or reality and less trying to be someone your not... poor justin i really liked him !! Expand
  12. kieshad
    Sep 16, 2006
    Awesome Cd, Justin has shown what a true artist he is.
  13. JG
    Sep 17, 2006
    If you think this album is intriguing, then you don't know anything about music.
  14. StevenE
    Sep 17, 2006
    It was awesome, definitely not a sophomore slump.
  15. RyanS
    Sep 18, 2006
    An incredible fusion, of R&B, Funk, and Pop, watch this kid, cause hes goin places, and if you didnt know it already, he's bringing Sexy Back
  16. DrewN
    Sep 22, 2006
    The best pop album of the years hands down. It's an incredible mix of futuristic sounds, great beats, and fun music. Standout tracks include: SexyBack, My Love, Chop Me Up, What Goes Around...
  17. JessicaN
    Sep 24, 2006
    i think the cd is really cool. some of the songs are just ok, but most are great, by the way, its walkin on the beach our TOES in da sand, NOT CLOTHES
  18. BorisF
    Sep 24, 2006
    He's Back and he's sexy and this album defantley lets you know. Though i think itsw a bit over-rated it is defantley a triumph and a push in the right direction showing how comfortable he is in not only pop music but also r&b hip hop and dance
  19. JennaB
    Sep 24, 2006
    first and foremost, I appreciated FS/LS simply because JT didn't rush to capitalize on Justified. Rather than churning out a succession of 2 single/ filler recoerds, he took time on his second solo effort. That said, I knew FS/LS would be a serious change of pace for him. Yes it took a few listens to really get my brain around it, but this is a solid record. Considering that pop first and foremost, I appreciated FS/LS simply because JT didn't rush to capitalize on Justified. Rather than churning out a succession of 2 single/ filler recoerds, he took time on his second solo effort. That said, I knew FS/LS would be a serious change of pace for him. Yes it took a few listens to really get my brain around it, but this is a solid record. Considering that pop radio is saturated with the likes of Paris HIlton and F'ing Brooke Hogan, FS/LS shows that you don't have to reinvent the wheel to make good pop music. "Lovestoned" is positively hypnotic, with its thumping bass line coupled with Justin's voice at its most mature. Honestly, I could do without the Three Six Mafia appearance (everything they do is the same) but Rick Rubin's production on "(Another Song) All Over Again" signifies what I hope is the beginning of many more collaborations. Expand
  20. PaulW.
    Mar 29, 2007
    Very good album. Great production, lots of potential hits and good Timberlake's vocal. One disadvantage is the fact that without Timberland
  21. Sarah
    Nov 17, 2006
    SO SO SO Overrated...music comes from the heart, not a computer. Maybe someone needs to tell Justin that. A 10 year old could have written SexyBacK. Idiot.
  22. time
    Dec 11, 2006
    I freaken' hate him. He's like the female Will Smith. Watered down, generic and flakey. Is this supposed to be a step up from NSYNC? If he brought sexy back than I'd rather sexy retire now and go away til someone who's actually sexy brings it back.
  23. Aug 21, 2010
    I rate this album a perfect 10 cause it's not the best but the two creative 7 min songs and the creative way he puts two songs together is just amazing anyone can make a hit record with a tracklisting containing songs duarating from 3 to 4 mins a real lp consists of 12 songs with 5, 6 and 7 min attention grabbers
  24. Apr 11, 2012
    This album is a breath of fresh air. I listened to it in 2006, and it was amazing. Six years later, a started listening to it again, and it still feels the same way. It never gets old. His best album ever. No wonder he doesn't record music anymore, cause, frankly, it's hard to top this pop masterpiece.
  25. May 23, 2011
    Though the ambition is fully obvious and while the album itself cannot get you going on paper, JT's second solo effort is a triumph in sonic production. So the ones I must really congratulate are Timbaland and Danja. Cheers!
  26. Jun 9, 2011
    Perfect album, it deserved an 10. Justin's voice was beutifulPerfect album, it deserved an 10. Justin's voice was beutiful !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Collapse
  27. Sep 12, 2011
    A porn anthem, oh wait... THE PORN ANTHEM! This album is lyrically beautiful and stylish music!!! Sexy songs and sexy voice by Justin. This album is perfect. Sexyback is the best track on it, followed by the beatbox track Lovestoned.
  28. Apr 9, 2013
    I get the appeal to people outside of the general "pop audience", but I wouldn't consider it the revolutionary pop masterwork some claim it is. There are certainly a few great tracks (particularly What Goes Around Comes Around, the title track, My Love & Until the End of Time), and the production & vocals for the most part are solid all the way through, but the main problem for me is theI get the appeal to people outside of the general "pop audience", but I wouldn't consider it the revolutionary pop masterwork some claim it is. There are certainly a few great tracks (particularly What Goes Around Comes Around, the title track, My Love & Until the End of Time), and the production & vocals for the most part are solid all the way through, but the main problem for me is the lyrics. Maybe I just have a bias when it comes to sex-based lyrics but I just felt kinda uncomfortable listening to some of the lines on these songs. The whole thing just has a somewhat dated & cheesy mid-00s sound to it, back when slow jams & smooth sex songs were a pop mainstay. Plus the songs tended to drag out sometimes, and there's a few tracks I would've gotten rid of entirely (namely Damn Girl, Chop Me Up & Sexy Ladies) to make for a more concise listen. There are some albums that can get away with being over an hour long. This is not one of them. Still, despite these gripes, the songwriting (melodically & instrumentally) succeeds most of the time, and you can definitely tell there was more effort & ambition put into this than the average pop album at the time. And Timberlake is definitely one of the more talented mainstream pop artists of the last decade or so. My favorite song on the album is either the masterfully crafted pop ballad What Goes Around Comes Around or the gospel-tinged Losing My Way, which detours from other subject matter here to paint a vivid picture of a man going through self-destroying drug addictions & is an overall fantastic listen. FutureSex/LoveSounds is a shaky mixed-bag of an album but a pretty enjoyable one nonetheless. As for The 20/20 Experience I have a feeling, judging from what I've heard, that I'll enjoy it a lot more than this one. 72/100 Expand
  29. Nov 14, 2013
    Future sounding indeed. This album has it all; a mixture of sex appeal, dance beats, forward thinking beats and hooks. Download: SexyBack, LoveStoned, My Love.
  30. Aug 26, 2014
    Even to this day, I'm still listening to this album. I remember listening to this album at age 11 or 12, going to school, every morning. Good beats, good music, good singer, good producer and a whole lot more.
  31. May 4, 2015
    JT's best album so far hands down and better than part 1 without any doubts .
    Give me what i dont know Murder True Blood Amnesia are the kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
  32. Nov 21, 2016
    op that was innovative and different for its time but doesnt hold up against the more modern pop acts of the 2010's. some of these tracks have absolutely amazing production, much of it from timbaland and rick rubin, but the majority of them are longer than they need to be, and just drone along. justin timberlake gives some solid but not incredible vocals and lyrics.
  33. Dec 21, 2016
    El sonido del álbum es muy bailable, es bueno a comparación de sus predecesores "The 20/20 Experience". Pero a la mitad del disco, pierde el encanto y se vuelve aburrido. Además de que las canciones también están bastante largas y las letras son muy vulgares y no quedan con el ritmo de cada canción.
  34. Mar 6, 2018
    Futuresex/Lovesounds is a fantastic album with many great songs like SexyBack,My Love,What Goes Around...Comes Around,LovedStoned, and More. I would probably say the one I personally don't like is Chop Me Up but everything else is Fantastic.
  35. Feb 16, 2019
    That s the first album of JT i listened, but listening to this once again just made me addicted to it, so i can stop till today, just the whole main album and both of bonus songs are wonderful, 10/10!
  36. Sep 7, 2019
    one of the best pop album that anyone has ever made, a masterpiece!!!! Justin is the best
  37. Apr 3, 2020
    Great and sexy. Unique and relevant.
    I personally love this album, sounds very different to some other pop male albums.
  38. Aug 1, 2020
    In this album Justin Timberlake was not only the main composer, it was also the first time that he ventured into production and boy did he do very well to be his first time, Timbaland helped him a lot and the result was probably the album of genre pop most revolutionary of this century

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. It's a lot like Justified in that it's a solid collection of expertly produced pop songs whose flaws will be devoured by its almost guaranteed string of hits.
  2. The enjoyable, forgettable FutureSex/LoveSounds may be a just-okay Timberlake album, but it's a great Timbaland demo reel.
  3. By its closer... FutureSex/LoveSounds feels like an entirely different and far less interesting album than the one you started listening to.