
Generally favorable reviews - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 27
  2. Negative: 1 out of 27
  1. Alternative Press
    There is a breadth of influence throughout, even if the energy level rarely falls below absurdly scorching and the sonic approach remains a fuzzy haze. [Apr 2008, p.150]
  2. By mid-disc, 'Bitches Leave' and 'Bummer Time' have turned lukewarm-bratty, as the remainder of the album stumbles between self-destruction, self-reflection, and breaking shit, and not in a real cohesive way.
  3. Now they’re back, back, back (repetition absolutely necessary) with a second dose of barely-pubesced raucousness and, a mere two spins down the line, DiS is seriously reconsidering the prospect of having children, like, ever.
  4. By riding high on punchy impulses, Get Awkward ends up being a solid follow-up even if it doesn’t sound as instantly re-playable as the band’s charismatic first LP.
  5. Q Magazine
    Singer and girl-Iggy Jemina Pearl's the star, bringing admirable conviction to her tales of boredom, drug-taking and, in the case of the Perky 'Food Fight,' "extra cheese in your face." [Apr 2008, p.102]
  6. 50
    Get Awkward's forced rhymes and attitude sound almost calculated. [Apr 2008, p.92]
  7. Get Awkward, as an album, is a step up, and it certainly has highs and lows, but what I’m really missing here are things like "Bicycle Bicycle, You Are My Bicycle" or even “October, First Account,” songs that really stick out.
  8. Uncut
    Jemina Pearl's voice is compelling, ensuring Be Your Own Pet sound like a candy-coloured, pocket-sized Yeah Yeah Yeahs. [may 2008, p.87]
  9. 60
    Get Awkward showcases a sound reliant on the push and pull between a band whose middle ground is fun.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 15 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 15
  2. Negative: 1 out of 15
  1. DanielB.
    Jul 9, 2009
    Great album by an awesome but now sadly defunct band.
  2. EricC.
    Nov 19, 2008
    When they ditch the grating teen angst image midway through the album for the madness of food fights and zombies, the album takes off. Not When they ditch the grating teen angst image midway through the album for the madness of food fights and zombies, the album takes off. Not great, but pretty darn good. Sucks that they broke up already, though. Oh, and the cut tracks are released on vinyl. Better start collecting LPs, suckers. Full Review »
  3. TBone
    Jun 7, 2008
    I guess i need the UK version. They must have cut some good songs... The only two I like are: Zombie and Whats your damage. I really loved I guess i need the UK version. They must have cut some good songs... The only two I like are: Zombie and Whats your damage. I really loved the 1st album. Full Review »