
Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
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  1. Magnet
    Sep 22, 2015
    As comebacks go, it's perfect. [No. 124, p.61]
  2. Jul 29, 2015
    The group's first with its original lineup since 1997, is great by any standard.
  3. Jul 13, 2015
    Ghost Notes is their most consistent--and consistently enjoyable--album yet.
  4. Jul 13, 2015
    Sometimes the songwriting relies too heavily on swelling harmonies and crescendos, and occasional lyrical clichés grate.
  5. Jul 10, 2015
    It’s a celebration of the two of them--Post and Gordon, back together, joyous and rocking out, the past behind them.
  6. Jul 10, 2015
    At times, it sounds like they're documenting something far more serious than the turbulent narrative of silly old rock 'n' roll band, like a divorce or missing pet or something, signifying just how much the individuals in this group mean to each other, and how great it feels to have the old gang back together.
  7. Jul 9, 2015
    Ghost Notes unsurprisingly reflects (and reflects on) the band’s maturity, but retains the confidence and playfulness that made it an alt-rock touchstone.
  8. Jul 9, 2015
    No longer ghosts, with this strong, same-as-it-ever-was album, Veruca Salt are now full-on zombies, the riffing dead. They don’t wanna go.
  9. Jul 8, 2015
    Gordon and Post haven't missed a beat. In fact, they might be better than ever.
  10. Jul 7, 2015
    It’s been 18 years since the original lineup tackled their original sound, so Ghost Notes slows things down to half the tempo to pretend like nothing has changed. For 14 songs, it’s easy to pretend that’s true.
  11. Jul 7, 2015
    After all these years, the members of Veruca Salt are like sparks banging into each other, their notes and beats still giving off heavy heat. And ultimately, that is what makes Ghost Notes work.
  12. 40
    There’s precious little to pique the listener’s interest.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 10 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 10
  2. Negative: 1 out of 10
  1. Jul 27, 2015
    I enjoyed much of American Thighs and Eight Arms and even a bit of Resolver, but none of them were able to get me to listen to the entireI enjoyed much of American Thighs and Eight Arms and even a bit of Resolver, but none of them were able to get me to listen to the entire album. Ghost Notes on the other hand has no filler, nothing you really want to skip, nothing to detract from the album as a whole. The sound of the album can feel dated, or timeless depending most likely on your age. For me, though it sounds like an album from another era - it's also so catchy, so endearing, so well done that "concern" goes right out the window.

    My current favorite is "Lost To Me" a song of a relationship that has already ended, but both participants are still attached to each other and trying to find a way out.
    Full Review »
  2. Jul 12, 2015
    American Thighs was great, Eight Arms to Hold You was good. 2015's Ghost Notes is slightly less great than American Thighs. Don't take thatAmerican Thighs was great, Eight Arms to Hold You was good. 2015's Ghost Notes is slightly less great than American Thighs. Don't take that the wrong way - I do mean that in the positive sense.

    Nina and Louise are meant to sing together, they compliment each other and the melodies and harmonies they hit on Ghost Notes bring me back to my teen years, jamming American Thighs nonstop.

    I've heard comeback (if that's what you want to call this - to many people, they never left) albums, some good, most of them lacking in their attempt. This could have easily been their debut album and they would have still skyrocketed to stardom.

    Don't forget about Jim and Steve! These guys have not missed a beat over the years and sound ferocious as ever.
    Full Review »
  3. Aug 6, 2017
    This marks my first review in over 2 years, I'm glad to be coming back and making more. Love this album, purchased from amazon on october 4,This marks my first review in over 2 years, I'm glad to be coming back and making more. Love this album, purchased from amazon on october 4, 2016 and been a fan since. Ever since i got into Veruca Salt circa July 2015, i couldn't get enough of them. I even like their previous 2 albums made in Nina's absence (which are well worth a listen in my opinion) but the important thing is they reunited and made this beautiful album. My favorites are "sound of leaving," "princeof wales," "lost to me," and "I'm telling you now" but i really love everysong! Full Review »