• Record Label: Gigantic
  • Release Date: Aug 5, 2008

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Girls and Weather loses neither steam nor charm throughout; it's an album for adults who want an excuse to behave like kids again.
  2. Alternative Press
    The Rumble Strips are often seen as Two-Tone ska revivalists when truthfully the sound is more like Wreckless Eric doing Memphis soul with occasional stops in Michigan to raid the vaults at Motown. [Sep 2008, p.159]
  3. Girls And Weather is so cloyingly cheerful and eager to please that it might as well be "Big Brother" audition tape.
  4. While not all of the songs are so wide-eyed 'Time' is about resigning oneself to a life of domestic boredom--the Strips tend to keep things bouncy and light.
  5. So while they aren't 'middle of the road' yet, their rumble needs to find a direction of their own before finding their speed limit.
  6. It’s Waller’s voice--one that proved too powerful an entity for his former band, Vincent Vincent And The Villains--that stops The Rumble Strips from being mere Dexys copyists.
  7. A whole album of these sort of showy gestures would likely prove exhausting, but the Strips are careful not to overdo it, and Girls and Weather is stacked with singles that condense the band's energy and enthusiasm into more compact bursts of joy.
  8. In the times today, it’s good that there are bands bringing the mood up.
  9. Girls and Weather is a rousing debut effort from a band that isn’t out to try to pull birds by acting like the Stones (or the Clash or the Libertines).
  10. 80
    The Rumble Strips are so contagiously charged up that it's tempting to overlook their pathetic mind-set.
  11. Their Achilles heel is a lack of slow, gut-wrenching ballads, something they'll surely have to put right if they're to win Mr Rowland's blessing.

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