• Record Label: Matador
  • Release Date: May 4, 2018

Universal acclaim - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 8
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 8
  3. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. May 8, 2018
    Phair mobilized and rearranged some tunes from her Girly-Sound tapes. Almost all of them improve with Guyville’s studio polish, but a couple are better in their original form ... Exile in Guyville remains her most visible and memorable record, but it’s more than a time capsule of early-nineties indie rock. Its most compelling songs (and there are a bunch of them) still generate tensions, among a voice and its bodily contours and the public’s articulations of femininity.
  2. Mojo
    May 8, 2018
    Built on Phair's self-taught chording and a melodic sense of rich DIY potency, these compelling narratives blossom into a transfixing (and profane) particularity. [Jun 2018, p.102]
  3. Q Magazine
    May 8, 2018
    The record's sexual frankness unfairly overshadowed the intricate songwriting idiosyncrasies or Phair's deadpan articulation of relationship dynamics. ... [The Girly-Sound tapes] provide a fascinating roadmap to her debut. [Jun 2018, p.119]
  4. Uncut
    May 8, 2018
    Girly-Sound to Guyville is something much more revealing than an anniversary commemoration. It's a document of an artist finding and raising er voice: a souvenir from an era that questions long-held assumptions about the sex and the business of rock'n'roll. [Jun 2018, p.38]
  5. May 8, 2018
    It's no surprise, given how developed Guyville is for a debut, that Phair's playful arrangements and lyrical incision were there from the jump. Her voice expands from singsong to confident as she figures out just what it can do. ... Due to Phair's songwriting and enduring cultural salience (and Wood's production), the album has aged better than the work of her peers. Phair was initially derided for being too pop, but that's what gives Guyville both timelessness and grace.
  6. May 8, 2018
    Much of the spooky sparseness of Girly-Sound was stripped away on Exile in Guyville, which in this context feels big, bold, and colorful--not the beginning of something, but rather the culmination of fearless bedroom exploration. When paired, it's impossible to deny that both Exile and Girly-Sound retain their artful power: What's amazing about this reissue is, it points out how distinct those two projects are.
  7. May 8, 2018
    Taken as a whole, Girly-Sound to Guyville is a dizzying deep dive into Phair’s world before her breakthrough, and at times, it comes off like one of those bulletin boards in a cop drama, covered in photos and colorful push pins, with string connecting the dots. For folks who’ve loved and lived with Phair’s music for the past quarter-century, it will be endlessly fascinating. But even for the unfamiliar, this is a foundational work of indie rock worthy of careful attention.
  8. May 8, 2018
    It’s sexy like the Stones, and, in moments, unbearably tender. But it’s also funnier than anything the Stones ever did, and infinitely more self-deprecating.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 68 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 39 out of 68
  2. Negative: 24 out of 68
  1. Jun 20, 2018
    A true masterpiece. Very good production. Rich musically, deep lyrically, 1 of todays finest!
  2. Jan 3, 2019
    A 90s masterpiece. It continues to influence every girl with a guitar that makes indie music, like Courtney Barnett, Soccer Mommy, Snail Mail,A 90s masterpiece. It continues to influence every girl with a guitar that makes indie music, like Courtney Barnett, Soccer Mommy, Snail Mail, etc...
    BTW, who are the f****ing idiots that gave this album a negative score? Is it because it's in the chart of Best of 2018?
    Full Review »
  3. Aug 5, 2022
    This is one of Liz Phair's best works. Standouts include 6'1", Dance Of The Seven Veils, Never Said, F*ck And Run, Divorce Song, and Gunshy.