
Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. Nov 27, 2017
    The third LP from Jessie Ware sees her bring her diva mode to the forefront of her sound, but the lack of the scarcity and minimalism that saw her emerge at the turn of the decade results in the finished product lacking the effectiveness of her earlier work.
  2. Oct 26, 2017
    An album that suffers from feeling just too assured.
  3. Oct 23, 2017
    Tracks such as Hearts, the gently pulsating Your Domino and Last of the True Believers (featuring the Blue Nile’s Paul Buchanan) all perfectly showcase Ware’s crystalline vocals--you just wish she’d step out of her comfort zone more often.
  4. Oct 20, 2017
    Glasshouse isn’t exactly groundbreaking. It could also do with being about half its mighty 17-track length.
  5. Oct 20, 2017
    On Glasshouse, she manages to harness her rarely seen diva mode in among the pared-back hallmarks, but the result is a mixed one.
  6. Oct 20, 2017
    Though Glasshouse has its fair share of misfires and middling material, it’s never for a lack of vision. Even when songs veer towards the pristine inoffensiveness of a Sam Smith, Ware’s affable personality is largely present.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 78 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 54 out of 78
  2. Negative: 7 out of 78
  1. Oct 30, 2017
    Every artist tries to evolve and discover themselves in music, changing their styles, maturing and adapting their influences according to whatEvery artist tries to evolve and discover themselves in music, changing their styles, maturing and adapting their influences according to what they are experiencing in life at the moment.

    You all should see it as an evolution: for many ones Devotion (1st album, "Jessie's birth in music") will always be the bestest, as others will prefer Tough Love (2nd album, "teenager venturing") or then new listeners will come directly for Glasshouse (3rd album, "adulthood").

    It's all about growing as an artist and finding your own style or just experiment. MUCH PEACE & LOVE! ♥
    Full Review »
  2. Oct 25, 2017
    A decline when compared to Devotion and Tough Love but the end result is still very enjoyable. There's a great variety in the productionA decline when compared to Devotion and Tough Love but the end result is still very enjoyable. There's a great variety in the production though some of the tracks feel more like Sam Smith or Ed Sheeran than a Jessie Ware track. Hearts, Midnight and Love to Love are my highlights on this. Full Review »
  3. Nov 2, 2017
    The attempt to connect with a younger, more susceptible audience by using trite melodic conventions did no help to create any truly graspingThe attempt to connect with a younger, more susceptible audience by using trite melodic conventions did no help to create any truly grasping songs, but Jessie Ware had more motivation than that and created a basic calm atmosphere where everything could be congenial and well received, only lacking any skeletal substance to make it more than an adequate listen. My Score: 120/180 (Good) = 6.7/10 Full Review »