• Record Label: Def Jam
  • Release Date: Jun 5, 2007

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. This CD sounds as if it were scientifically engineered to deliver hits.
  2. Rihanna works with edgier and wittier verse than on her two previous albums.
  3. What the songs lack in lyrical innovation they more than make up for in transporting rhythms.
  4. An album of class, depth and seriously hard grinding, it's a major transformation from pretty girl with potential to star turn.
  5. An unexpectedly varied and satisfying listen.
  6. Blender
    She's chosen a bunch of fiery roles that even she can't dull up. [Jul 2007, p.114]
  7. Beyonce's superstar status is not in danger, but she should hand her A&R man a copy of this album.
  8. Frankly, any track from this set could work as a single.
  9. Three consecutive Timbaland productions, including one suited for a black college marching band and another that effectively pulls the romantically co-dependent heartstrings, enhance the album rather than make it more scattered.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 466 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 39 out of 466
  1. Jul 22, 2011
    This album is mostly flawless from start to finish. Songs like "Question Existing", "Good Girl Gone Bad", "Sell Me Candy", "Lemme Get Dat",This album is mostly flawless from start to finish. Songs like "Question Existing", "Good Girl Gone Bad", "Sell Me Candy", "Lemme Get Dat", and a few others despratly need taken off this album. Highlights include "Hate Myself For Loving You", "Umbrella", "Push Up On Me", "Breakin' Dishes", "Shut Up And Drive", "Rehab", "If I Never See Your Face Again", "Disturbia", "Take A Bow"! Full Review »
  2. Nov 21, 2011
    Overproduced, no relatable lyrics, poor voice... this is Rihanna's music. You won't miss much if you decide to skip this album, or herOverproduced, no relatable lyrics, poor voice... this is Rihanna's music. You won't miss much if you decide to skip this album, or her discography for that matter. Full Review »
  3. EdwardE
    Jul 14, 2007
    The best R&B album of this decade. It's that good.