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  1. Aug 28, 2023
    A perfect letter to Compton. That's all I can say to sum this up, not only does it have songs that are still listenable and fresh today, but really it has no bad moment. Even 'Real' which people say is bad, still has an absolutely massive amount of appeal to me. The sophomore slump was truly avoided here in one of, if not the greatest albums from the 2010s.
  2. Dec 29, 2012
    Kendrick is about as human as possible and he has a wonderful way of expressing just that. He takes a story about family, violence, faith, religion, confessions and insecurities and lays himself bare for all to hear. And as well as delivering this story with a sense of comfortable conviction that is humble enough to make you feel as if Kendrick is talking at your level but assertiveKendrick is about as human as possible and he has a wonderful way of expressing just that. He takes a story about family, violence, faith, religion, confessions and insecurities and lays himself bare for all to hear. And as well as delivering this story with a sense of comfortable conviction that is humble enough to make you feel as if Kendrick is talking at your level but assertive enough to make you listen, Kendrick shows his talent for a memorable hook, suitable collaborations and his talent to give the album an unexpected depth, with characters being developed and criticised as Kendrick looks within himself.

    The introspection can often become extremely intense and close to the bone, making the story easier to follow as the album progresses. Kendrick transforms from a young kid suffering from peer pressure, the urge for sex and girlfriends the family disapprove of, to a man that can move on and become "really, really real", and we're there to watch him grow from start to finish.

    Fantastic album.
  3. Oct 25, 2012
    Other than the track with ft. Drake where the ysampled Janet Jackson, I think it's a very solid album. I will have to give it a few more spins before calling it a classic. You really can't gage what's classic until at least 2 years after the original release. If it's still in rotation in your changer or iPod then it's a classic. Great story telling and unique production. I really like howOther than the track with ft. Drake where the ysampled Janet Jackson, I think it's a very solid album. I will have to give it a few more spins before calling it a classic. You really can't gage what's classic until at least 2 years after the original release. If it's still in rotation in your changer or iPod then it's a classic. Great story telling and unique production. I really like how he got like 10 producers all on the same page. The album just flows tegether quite well, with an exception to the Drake assisted track. Expand
  4. Apr 30, 2014
    Section. 80 is proof enough that Kendrick isn't your run of the mill MC. Kendrick reaches even higher with this LP, reaches so high in fact, he's since set the bar for every single rapper, minus Kanye of course. Good Kid, M.a.a.d City is one of the best hip hop releases in the past 5 years. Dre's production is unrivaled, and Kendrick goes exceptionally hard, especially on "BackstreetSection. 80 is proof enough that Kendrick isn't your run of the mill MC. Kendrick reaches even higher with this LP, reaches so high in fact, he's since set the bar for every single rapper, minus Kanye of course. Good Kid, M.a.a.d City is one of the best hip hop releases in the past 5 years. Dre's production is unrivaled, and Kendrick goes exceptionally hard, especially on "Backstreet Freestyle". Very refreshing to hear an actual rapper sing about growing up in the streets of Compton and not primarily acquiring large lump sums of cash from drug dealing. This isn't necessarily N.W.A type lyrics about Compton, gangsta **** but he does profess stories of him and his homies nearly getting thrown in prison, and problems with drinking, not to mention lewd comparisons between the Eiffel Tower and his penis.

    All In All, Good Kid... Is packed with great lyrics, colorfully produced beats, impressive flows and intriguing narrative throughout the entire record. A-
  5. Mar 21, 2015
    I recently bought this album and I must say that I am impressed. Kendrick Lamar is a great rapper, he has a nice flow and thought provocative lyrics..
  6. Dec 10, 2012
    I, like so many other people, I waited a long time the release of this album and I wasn't disappointed. Kendrick Lamar will become one of the godfathers of hip-hop thanks to his talent and what he has to say. Speaking of Good Kid, M.A.A.D. City you can say that is a mix of excellent production (Hit-Boy, Just Blaze) and large collaborations like Drake, Dr. Dre and MC Eiht. Kendrick Lamar inI, like so many other people, I waited a long time the release of this album and I wasn't disappointed. Kendrick Lamar will become one of the godfathers of hip-hop thanks to his talent and what he has to say. Speaking of Good Kid, M.A.A.D. City you can say that is a mix of excellent production (Hit-Boy, Just Blaze) and large collaborations like Drake, Dr. Dre and MC Eiht. Kendrick Lamar in his lyrics speak a lot about economic disenfranchisement, gang violence, and downtrodden women but does so with a style so original, to be envied by Jay-Z. The West Coast Hip-Hop is reborn, Brooklyn attention. Expand
  7. Oct 25, 2012
    Laden with skit after skit all following a common storyline, Good Kid, M.A.A.D City tells a shockingly personal story about a 17 year old boy growing up in Compton, Kendrick Lamar himself. Whether it's talking about him apparent girlfriend "Sherane", peer pressure from his neighbourhood crew or his "repentance" at the album's end, Lamar effortlessly flows throughout each track with varyingLaden with skit after skit all following a common storyline, Good Kid, M.A.A.D City tells a shockingly personal story about a 17 year old boy growing up in Compton, Kendrick Lamar himself. Whether it's talking about him apparent girlfriend "Sherane", peer pressure from his neighbourhood crew or his "repentance" at the album's end, Lamar effortlessly flows throughout each track with varying styles while staying true to the trippy style he developed on his Section.80 album. Expand
  8. Nov 11, 2012
    This thing was widely anticipated considering how hot K Dot has become-jumping on everyone's remixes and all the singles he was putting out. Now an entire album which is FIRE. I liked the addition of old school Spice One on the record. However the album seemed kinda limited versus his wide array of styles shown on his singles. A bit too limited at times (Yes, we get it, Pyrus are in yourThis thing was widely anticipated considering how hot K Dot has become-jumping on everyone's remixes and all the singles he was putting out. Now an entire album which is FIRE. I liked the addition of old school Spice One on the record. However the album seemed kinda limited versus his wide array of styles shown on his singles. A bit too limited at times (Yes, we get it, Pyrus are in your 'hood) and would have liked to seen more TDE contributions on this CD but it is a banger and a tribute to know hip hop isn't dying. Expand
  9. Nov 24, 2012
    Grand album. Kendrick Lamar is one of the best rappers ever in the field of lyrics and proves it on his "short film". The way of his rapping is special and also if he's not every time on beat, he's a really great rapper. I love concept albums and this one is a really good one. But you can also just enjoy his flow and the great beats. 'good kid, m.A.A.d city' is one of the best albums inGrand album. Kendrick Lamar is one of the best rappers ever in the field of lyrics and proves it on his "short film". The way of his rapping is special and also if he's not every time on beat, he's a really great rapper. I love concept albums and this one is a really good one. But you can also just enjoy his flow and the great beats. 'good kid, m.A.A.d city' is one of the best albums in the year 2012 and I suggest you buying the deluxe edition, if not, you'll miss three awesome songs! Expand
  10. Dec 28, 2012
    Just compare this album to any other mainstream rap album released this year. GKMC is close to a masterpiece - from lyrics, concepts, beats, features, structures to skits - everything is on point. Name another rap album that have included such a thorough, well-executed and structured story. It's like a "short film" as the cover art says. It makes you imagine the songs scenes in your head.Just compare this album to any other mainstream rap album released this year. GKMC is close to a masterpiece - from lyrics, concepts, beats, features, structures to skits - everything is on point. Name another rap album that have included such a thorough, well-executed and structured story. It's like a "short film" as the cover art says. It makes you imagine the songs scenes in your head. Every song is so deep and striking - even Swimming Pools, despite it's mainstream feel.

    A lot of rappers, e.g. Game, Dr. Dre, rap about the life of Compton, it's a common theme on West Coast hip hop, and Kendrick knew that, so he delivered his view of his home city in such a diverse and original way. In recent years there haven't been any hip hop albums that can be labelled as a "classic", but good kid, m.A.A.d city is almost one. This album deserves all the props that it receives, because there won't be an album like this coming again any time soon.
  11. Nov 26, 2012
    I hesitate to give this album a 10 because it's still so new, but I think once I've had some years to sit and look back this will be one of my favorite hip hop albums ever. If you ignore the story that is being told throughout the entire album you will miss a lot and the point of songs like Swimming Pool and Backseat Freestyle will go right over your head without you even realizing it.I hesitate to give this album a 10 because it's still so new, but I think once I've had some years to sit and look back this will be one of my favorite hip hop albums ever. If you ignore the story that is being told throughout the entire album you will miss a lot and the point of songs like Swimming Pool and Backseat Freestyle will go right over your head without you even realizing it. He's a fantastic storyteller (especially on Sing About Me...) and the beats are great. Would suggest to any fan of hip hop. Expand
  12. Feb 27, 2013
    The way this entire album is a story and has individual meaning is absolutely stunning. A few songs fly over my head, but most stick, and the overall narrative approach is amazing. 9 from me.
  13. Sep 14, 2021
    This is a great album that put Kendrick on the map. This highlights his versatility in flow and voices and shows his singular vision for representing Compton life.
  14. Jun 18, 2013
    Now everybody…”serenade to the new faith of Kendrick Lamar”.
    King Kendrick Lamar has ascended to the throne of rap.
    good kid, m.a.a.d. city, the newest EP from Compton citizen and Dr. Dre protege Kendrick Lamar is an album not to be trifled with. The 25-year exploded onto the rap scene this past year with his new release, and ever since, he has almost become a household name. GKMC is
    Now everybody…”serenade to the new faith of Kendrick Lamar”.
    King Kendrick Lamar has ascended to the throne of rap.

    good kid, m.a.a.d. city, the newest EP from Compton citizen and Dr. Dre protege Kendrick Lamar is an album not to be trifled with. The 25-year exploded onto the rap scene this past year with his new release, and ever since, he has almost become a household name. GKMC is almost more of an audio book than an album (or a “short film” for that matter), but that’s only because of Kendrick’s intensive and intriguing storytelling skills. The concept presented in this album gives the listener a front-row POV as Kendrick discusses a memoir from a self-proclaimed “good kid” turned to his hoodrat ways by the “maad city” that is Compton. Kendrick tells the tales of lust, fame, underage drinking and drug-doing, robbery, life, the presentation of death and the fear of it, the past, present, and future, money, gang violence, and the numerous ways that damn girl Sherane got him into all kinds of shenanigans. Lamar compares these topics in a way that has been rarely heard in precedent rap recordings with his incredible use of internal rhyme, and just the overall rhyme scheme in general. The production provides a smooth transition of flow across the entire album that leads you right into the next song. The structure of the songs are each differently assembled that no two songs really sound alike, attributing to the variety of issues he speaks about on the album.
    I really enjoyed the voicemail messages and outside recordings of the album’s characters. They show you a further insight into the song and help you better visualize what point Lamar is trying to get across.
    I also really found the way that Lamar switched up his voice to accentuate the different mindsets, characters, and moods he was using. You can hear the difference when he switches moods: from hyped to calm to sad to angry, and even from his regular voice to his high-pitched and low-pitched crooning, which reminded me of the psychological tripartite theory of Freud’s: the id, the ego, and the superego. Three mindsets crowd Lamar’s thoughts at times and you can hear it.
    I would have really liked to hear more about Sherane, or Lamar’s parents in the songs. Their characters intrigued me from the beginning and I was hooked instantly, especially seeing Sherane being compared to a TMNT character in the first song.
    Regardless, the production, feel, mood, lyrics, story, and flow on this album all combine to make a fantastic piece of music and create a new insight into the lives of the people in Compton.
    I definitely recommend listening to the full album straight through to get the full experience, also.
  15. Aug 26, 2014
    This album is a hip-hop classic and in my opinion, ranks in the top 3 rap albums of the decade, thus far. This album is so good that when you listen to it, you can envision everything that is happening. It's a shame that Kendrick didn't win the Grammy for Best Rap Album because this album is on another level.
  16. Apr 16, 2014
    Kendrick Lamar conseguiu me fazer voltar a escutar hip hop/rap. Esse disco mostra como um bom album do genero deve ser feito, diferente de muitos outros que rolam por ai, ''Good Kid M.A.A.D City'' é sensacional do começo ao fim. Com seu clima um tanto pesado mas sem perder sua essencia, o album é, com certeza, um dos melhores discos de hip hop da década.
  17. May 16, 2014
    Kendrick's second studio album. and wow this thing was great ,Kendrick's smooth fast flow that changes with the topic he's rapping about. the production on this was impressive, the beats that he chose where perfect with what kendrick chose to rap about. each song on this is done really well, the lyrics throughout this album tell a story, like the skits at the end of every songs fit inKendrick's second studio album. and wow this thing was great ,Kendrick's smooth fast flow that changes with the topic he's rapping about. the production on this was impressive, the beats that he chose where perfect with what kendrick chose to rap about. each song on this is done really well, the lyrics throughout this album tell a story, like the skits at the end of every songs fit in well. very impressed with this album, a must get! Expand
  18. Mar 22, 2015
  19. Dec 13, 2014
    To start off with gkmc i heard it before section.80 tbh nnow i love how both the albums are set conceptually with a story. where section.80 is a narrative through a book n gkmc is a movie with all the skits. i dont want to spoil on this review but gkmc will hit u hard with its setting the theme the state of mind of kendrick n the inner battle with his city compton. kendrick is an amazingTo start off with gkmc i heard it before section.80 tbh nnow i love how both the albums are set conceptually with a story. where section.80 is a narrative through a book n gkmc is a movie with all the skits. i dont want to spoil on this review but gkmc will hit u hard with its setting the theme the state of mind of kendrick n the inner battle with his city compton. kendrick is an amazing lyricist and ull love the beats on most of the songs. but on songs like maad city and sing about me... the material n the message of on a whole what kendrick wants to say is really astounding. the short skits connect through songs and beautifully set up the album. but the major purpose of the album is in the name of the album itself angel on angel dust. or his angry adolescent divided. both of it perfectly speak about the album. ps love kendrick now put three fingers in the air bishes Expand
  20. Mar 20, 2015
    The ONLY reason I DIDN'T give this a 10 is because I JUST listened to TPAB and THAT album really took away from this album... but that's a good thing, for Kendrick. It proves, to me, that he grew into something beyond special. His storytelling is out of this world. This is the album I thought would be his peak... but I was clearly wrong!
  21. Aug 21, 2017
    When this album released, I would have called it a 10/10. I wondered how much better a rap record could really be. Then TPAB came out. That's why I'm gonna give GKMC a VERY STRONG 9. I do think Kendrick 1 upped himself, usurped his own throne really. This album is fantastic and tells a gripping story in a beautiful way. It could almost be made into a movie with how well the story is told.When this album released, I would have called it a 10/10. I wondered how much better a rap record could really be. Then TPAB came out. That's why I'm gonna give GKMC a VERY STRONG 9. I do think Kendrick 1 upped himself, usurped his own throne really. This album is fantastic and tells a gripping story in a beautiful way. It could almost be made into a movie with how well the story is told. It's a narrative album that is great to listen to end to end or just hear songs by themselves. GKMC is amazing no matter how you choose to consume it. Expand
  22. Jul 8, 2015
    Great album all around deserves a 9.5/10 almost perfect IMO it worked perfectly with every beat and also all of the verses had deep meanings the chorus' had great work done on them **** don't Kill my vibe lol anyways it was amazing you should enjoy it if you like Rap.
  23. Jan 8, 2016
    Lyrically this must be the best album ever made, kendrick lamar is an unbelievable artist and this project really changed my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. May 25, 2016
    92/100. There aren't many albums that you can listen to all the way through and enjoy every single song on it, but this is one of those. Kendrick made an album here that will provide classics for years to come.
  25. Nov 5, 2016
  26. Jul 17, 2017
    great album............................................................................................................................................................
  27. Aug 18, 2017
    This album is really a book. A story with characters and progression with music to back it up.

    Kendrick Lamar is a storyteller in Good Kid, M.A.A.D City. From Master Splinter's Daughter to Compton, the story he tells through the visceral moments of conversations between songs create a vivid image of the world the main character inhabits. If you are a fan of rap, you need to listen
    This album is really a book. A story with characters and progression with music to back it up.

    Kendrick Lamar is a storyteller in Good Kid, M.A.A.D City. From Master Splinter's Daughter to Compton, the story he tells through the visceral moments of conversations between songs create a vivid image of the world the main character inhabits.

    If you are a fan of rap, you need to listen to this album.

    Personal favorites: **** Don't Kill My Vibe; Backseat Freestyle; Poetic Justice; Sing About Me, I'm Dying Of Thirst; and Compton.
  28. 4za
    Apr 19, 2018
    One of the best concept albums of all time. Amazing story throughout every track. While the album has some trap and pop influences, it still gives a sense of intellect that separates it from its competition. This is my second favourite album of all time just behind To Pimp A Butterfly. Kendrick comes through with some of his best music ever as evidenced by tracks like 'Sing About Me, I'mOne of the best concept albums of all time. Amazing story throughout every track. While the album has some trap and pop influences, it still gives a sense of intellect that separates it from its competition. This is my second favourite album of all time just behind To Pimp A Butterfly. Kendrick comes through with some of his best music ever as evidenced by tracks like 'Sing About Me, I'm Dying Of Thirst'. Without spoiling the story, this album has an incredible over-arching story that comes through with a very satisfying conclusion. Near perfect album, Expand
  29. Dec 3, 2018
    One of the best from the 2010's. Kendrick Lamar uses his many voices and fantastic flow along with his brilliant story telling to make a classic album. The album contains many timeless classics such as his signatures m.A.A.d City, **** Don't Kill My Vibe, and Swimming Pools (just to name a few). The rest of the album is filled with hard hitting tracks that make you think and having otherOne of the best from the 2010's. Kendrick Lamar uses his many voices and fantastic flow along with his brilliant story telling to make a classic album. The album contains many timeless classics such as his signatures m.A.A.d City, **** Don't Kill My Vibe, and Swimming Pools (just to name a few). The rest of the album is filled with hard hitting tracks that make you think and having other tracks you can bop too. Besides all that, the theme of the album is also very creative and awesome. The album takes place in one day of Lamar's childhood growing up in Compton where we experience him going through gang violence and losing a friend, amongst many other prevalent issues. Expand
  30. M64
    Jul 23, 2018
    Amazing album by K-Dot. It features storytelling, powerful bars, and gives us a look of life in the city of Compton. This’ll most likely be a classic.
  31. Jul 16, 2018
    Brilliantly executed and multi-layered in its scope and storytelling. A very strong sophomore album for KDOT.
  32. Sep 9, 2019
    good kid, m.A.A.d city is truly one of Kendrick's first classic album (idk if Section.80 is). This album is like a cinematic movie but in music, it's truly a masterpiece and a instant classic. All of the tracks are perfect but one track ruins the album.

    Sherane a.k.a Master Splinter's Daughter - 9/10 **** Don't Kill My Vibe - 9/10 Backstreet Freestyle - 10/10 The Art of Peer Pressure
    good kid, m.A.A.d city is truly one of Kendrick's first classic album (idk if Section.80 is). This album is like a cinematic movie but in music, it's truly a masterpiece and a instant classic. All of the tracks are perfect but one track ruins the album.

    Sherane a.k.a Master Splinter's Daughter - 9/10
    **** Don't Kill My Vibe - 9/10
    Backstreet Freestyle - 10/10
    The Art of Peer Pressure - 10/10
    Money Trees - 9/10
    Poetic Justice - 8/10
    good kid - 9/10
    m.A.A.d city - 10/10
    Swimming Pool (Drank) - 9/10
    Sing About Me, I'm Dying of Thirst - 11/10 (10/10)
    Real - 6/10 (ruins it for me)
    Compton - 8/10

    good kid, m.A.A.d city is still my favourite album, it's in my top 10 rap albums of 2010s.
  33. May 9, 2020
    Top 5 Tracks: Sing About Me I’m Dying Of Thirst, The Recipe, mAAd City, 13itch Dont Kill My Vibe, The Art Of Peer Pressure
  34. Feb 9, 2020
    Como que o Kendrick conseguiu a façanha de apenas existir na música? Com álbuns profundos e ricos de sonoridade, realmente eu não sei como ele teve à audácia...
  35. Oct 4, 2019
    It deserves about a 9.2+ because it is literally Kendrick and he has TPAB bruh. This should be the album you have to listen to get into Kenny so yeah. Ahead of it's time as well.
  36. Aug 7, 2021
    This album is fantastic. Many amazing songs. I liked the storytelling and concept of it too.
    Best songs: M.A.A.D. City, Swimming Pools
    Worst songs: -
  37. Feb 20, 2020
    By far my favorite Kendrick album, he mastered his sound and created a cohesive masterpiece that defines and expands on what hip-hop has meant to him. The cohesiveness of this album cannot be understated, and the whole production, lyrical message, and especially the skits create such a clear image and journey through the listener's mind. There are few things I could say about this albumBy far my favorite Kendrick album, he mastered his sound and created a cohesive masterpiece that defines and expands on what hip-hop has meant to him. The cohesiveness of this album cannot be understated, and the whole production, lyrical message, and especially the skits create such a clear image and journey through the listener's mind. There are few things I could say about this album that hasn't been said before. GKMC can be overlooked now because of the critical acclaim that TPAB and DAMN have gotten, but listening to this album gives you a different feeling than either of those do. This is what the roots and origins of hip-hop should and do feel like in the 2010s. There are very few songs that ever get skipped by me on this album.
    Favorite Track: The Art of Peer Pressure / Sing About Me, I'm Dying of Thirst
    Least Favorite Track: Money Trees
  38. Apr 2, 2020
    This is the album that got me into rap music. Sure, I liked some rap songs before, but this was the rap album that changed my thoughts on rap. There's a reason this guy became the first rap artist to win a Pulitzer. I read the lyrics to Swimming Pools (Drank) to my mother who dislikes rap, and she actually liked it. Loved the lyrics. It's the strong point on this album. The only thing thatThis is the album that got me into rap music. Sure, I liked some rap songs before, but this was the rap album that changed my thoughts on rap. There's a reason this guy became the first rap artist to win a Pulitzer. I read the lyrics to Swimming Pools (Drank) to my mother who dislikes rap, and she actually liked it. Loved the lyrics. It's the strong point on this album. The only thing that holds it back from a 10 is that it is a bit too long (could have been trimmed down 5-10 minutes). Now I can tell those middle schoolers back in 2012-2013 that Kendrick is great, instead of saying that I don't listen to rap. I'm glad that this is becoming a classic. Expand
  39. Kmi
    Sep 10, 2020
    Kendrick Lamar's 2012 record "good kid, m.A.A.d city" is really a staple on hip hop in the 2010's. The storytelling is strong on this album, and Kendrick somehow manages to turn very bitter experiences into an enjoyable record, which hides how dark and dangerous Lamar's youth was with catchy flows and very notable production. A compelling sophomore album that improves upon 2011's "Section.80."
  40. Nov 25, 2020
    The sounds on this album are so dreamy I always get sleepy when listening and that's in a good way. This used to be my favorite Kendrick Lamar album buuut. But this still an amazing album like it doesn't have a single mediocore track they're all deep. The story on this album is the best he's ever done it's like watching a movie with your ears. standout tracks money trees, maad city,The sounds on this album are so dreamy I always get sleepy when listening and that's in a good way. This used to be my favorite Kendrick Lamar album buuut. But this still an amazing album like it doesn't have a single mediocore track they're all deep. The story on this album is the best he's ever done it's like watching a movie with your ears. standout tracks money trees, maad city, swimming pools, sing about me, poetic justice, backseat freestyle, **** dont kill my vibe, art of peer pressure. yea pretty much the whole album but the best has to be "sing about me" or "swimming pools". Expand
  41. Mar 29, 2021
    this album is a 9 this album is a 9 this album is a 9 this album is a 9 this album is a 9
  42. Apr 12, 2021
    good kid, m.A.A.d city is both entertaining and poetic - proof that hip-hop can be an art form and that an album can be more than just fun music.

  43. Jul 27, 2021
    GKMC is the best storytelling album I've ever listened to and likely ever will. Each songs knows exactly how to immerse the listener into the story of Kendrick and his troubled but yet inspiring upbringing. The project explores how Kendrick was a kid with good intentions dragged into gang related activities and drugs due to the culture surrounding the city he lived in. He documents theGKMC is the best storytelling album I've ever listened to and likely ever will. Each songs knows exactly how to immerse the listener into the story of Kendrick and his troubled but yet inspiring upbringing. The project explores how Kendrick was a kid with good intentions dragged into gang related activities and drugs due to the culture surrounding the city he lived in. He documents the effects that peer pressure and alcohol had on choices despite consciously knowing its wrong. Kendrick flows so well over a mixed choice of sinister beats telling these stories and using recorded phone call to maintain the structure and add depth to the story he is telling. The album includes several of his best and the best songs in hip-hop such as: m.A.A.d city, Swimming Pools, Money Trees and Sing About Me, I'm Dying Of Thirst which is is a powerful almost 12 minute song about a friend named Dave and his brother who died before this very album dropped. Overall this album is unreal and only dips in quality towards the end with Compton and Real which aren't inherently bad songs but in my opinion changes the sound of the ablum which although this is relevant to the story as it shows Kendrick is breaking from the gang life doesn't feel as inspired as the rest of the album. However, excluding this, the album is a true masterpiece but just misses its mark that would make it perfect in what its trying to achieve. Expand
  44. Jan 9, 2022
    really cinematic, amazing songwriting. it could've ended on the 10th track tho.

    best tracks: Swimming Pools and good kid (this was hard to decide)
    worst track: Real or Compton

    rating: 9.6
  45. Jan 30, 2023
    After listening to this album over and over again, I decided to give it my full attention and review it. What is there to say about this album, it really deserves all the praise it gets and the score on this website. Kendrick Lamar really put himself out there in the rap scene and showed his full potential of his art and craft. Album follows the story of the a young Kendrick Lamar and theAfter listening to this album over and over again, I decided to give it my full attention and review it. What is there to say about this album, it really deserves all the praise it gets and the score on this website. Kendrick Lamar really put himself out there in the rap scene and showed his full potential of his art and craft. Album follows the story of the a young Kendrick Lamar and the way it's been put into an album is something else. Kendrick Lamar was the rapper that broke me through into thinking that not all new school rap is trash back when I would listen to nothing but old school rappers. GKMC is just a glimpse of why Kendrick Lamar is one of the greatest rappers of all time. Every lyric written down doesn't come from **** claims that some rappers preach about their "gangbanging, hoes and money", whereas Kendrick tells the stories of what he witnessed ever since he was a young boy, watching the crimes, gangbanging and violence of the streets of Compton, that past rappers on this album: MC Eiht, Jay Rock, Dr. Dre who grew up in South Central LA/Compton also witnessed. Mentioning MC Eiht and Dr. Dre, it was great to see rappers from Compton that were at the front of the rap scene in the late 80's and 90's like Kendrick did with this album.
    GKMC is Kendrick's The Chronic, an album people will look back at, as one of the most influential and important albums of rap.
  46. Mar 28, 2022
    This album is absolutely amazing. I think it shows hood culture in a negative light. Demonstrating the hardships and showing how teenagers often get pulled into committing crimes and doing drugs. It feels almost immersive listening to the album, the story telling makes the album's world come to life. The production is amazing, and the rapping and features are great. Incredible lyricism,This album is absolutely amazing. I think it shows hood culture in a negative light. Demonstrating the hardships and showing how teenagers often get pulled into committing crimes and doing drugs. It feels almost immersive listening to the album, the story telling makes the album's world come to life. The production is amazing, and the rapping and features are great. Incredible lyricism, and overall just a great album. Expand
  47. May 13, 2022
    ‘Good Kid Maad City’ - Kendrick mastering the art of story telling, hit making and showing he’s ready to be the next up.
  48. May 18, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. An expected evolution from Section.80, good kid, m.A.A.d city demonstrates a more confident Kendrick in a list of powerful and insightful tracks. This album is so iconic with tracks like m.A.A.d city, Swimming Pools, Money Trees and B*tch Don't Kill My Vibe being implemented into popular culture it doesn't even need conceptual justification to put this album as a classic. This project plays like a movie, with intermission in between songs guiding the listener through Kendrick's story. The project flows flawlessly from one track to another, but some tracks in my opinion are pretty weak which is keeping it from perfection. Other than that, good kid is an excellent and accessible listen for people who want to bump to some bangers or for people who want to analyze and think about what the music means.

    Favorite Tracks: B*tch Don't Kill My Vibe, Backseat Freestyle, The Art of Peer Pressure, Money Trees, Poetic Justice, good kid, m.A.A.d city, "Sing About Me, I'm Dying Of Thirst", Compton

    Least Favorite Tracks: Sherane a.k.a Master Splinter's Daughter, Real
  49. Jun 29, 2022
    Lyrical content: 10/10
    Production: 10/10

    Most favorite track(s): Swimming Pools (Drank), Sing About Me, I'm Dying of Thirst

    Favorite track(s): **** Don't Kill My Vibe, The Art of Peer Pressure, Money Trees, Poetic Justice, M.A.A.D City

    Least favorite track(s): Real
  50. Oct 2, 2022
    sing about me, im dying of thrst is the greatest song of all time. good kid > maad city
  51. Oct 2, 2022
    Kendrick feels invincible on this album. The story, production and bars are all top-tier.
  52. Jan 31, 2023

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  53. Feb 8, 2023
    Es un album casi perfecto, me encanta su tematica, es imresionante como Kendrick llega a contar sus historias a traves de su musica, GOAT.
  54. Mar 27, 2023
    A Great Major-Label Debut album. His 2nd best album (Behind To Pimp a Butterfly), Definitely painted a great picture of his upbringing in the CPT. New Generation West Coast sound.
  55. May 18, 2023
    amazing storytelling on this album. the singles work on their own, and add amazingly to the narrative of this project. really an amazing example of how to tell a story through music.
  56. Jun 26, 2023
    Amazing album, for me one of the best 4 songs run of all time with good kid, M.A.A.D. city, swimming pools and sing about me i'm dying of thirst, this last 2 tracks being top 5 kendrick songs with one music to party and other to cry in the shower, the skits are amazing too, but this is not a 10 because it has some bad songs like real and Sherane, the deluxe also is really good with now orAmazing album, for me one of the best 4 songs run of all time with good kid, M.A.A.D. city, swimming pools and sing about me i'm dying of thirst, this last 2 tracks being top 5 kendrick songs with one music to party and other to cry in the shower, the skits are amazing too, but this is not a 10 because it has some bad songs like real and Sherane, the deluxe also is really good with now or never beeing one of my favourite Kendrick songs Expand
  57. Oct 22, 2012
    To give some perspective, Section.80 is easily one my 2011 favourites. I think Good Kid, M.A.A.D. City is very good hip hop, but I don't think it matches or happens upon anything he didn't already conquer with his last, aside from mainstream appeal. Which is fantastic - if anyone deserves it, he does. I would say that a 10 here is irresponsible, because we've heard better from Lamar andTo give some perspective, Section.80 is easily one my 2011 favourites. I think Good Kid, M.A.A.D. City is very good hip hop, but I don't think it matches or happens upon anything he didn't already conquer with his last, aside from mainstream appeal. Which is fantastic - if anyone deserves it, he does. I would say that a 10 here is irresponsible, because we've heard better from Lamar and can expect to hear much more of the same. Everybody's rushing to be the first to call this an instant classic... I'm content with calling it a great rap album by an inevitably classic artist. Expand
  58. Dec 21, 2012
    Sonically, you can't do better than Kendrick, and even though I found myself frequently confused/ angered by Lamar's constant character/style/flow changes, I was also greatly impressed with each individual track. Yes, it misses the mark on immersion as an album, but as a collection of individual songs, holy balls. It's so good.
  59. Oct 23, 2012
    I really was looking forward to this album and Kendrick had the added pressure of stepping outside Dr Dre's shadow here and for the most part has stood well on his own. Pretty dope album but time will tell if he turns out as good as Game did and can carry the west coast torch. If you are a fan of good rap music, look no further.
  60. Nov 25, 2012
    first listening to this album you may not 'get the hype' or understand it all, but ounce you go back and listen to his other albums, go and look up the history, go look up concept of the album and go look up the lyrics and listen to it again then you will not only understand the album but start loving it. This isn't just an average rap album talking about different things and seperatefirst listening to this album you may not 'get the hype' or understand it all, but ounce you go back and listen to his other albums, go and look up the history, go look up concept of the album and go look up the lyrics and listen to it again then you will not only understand the album but start loving it. This isn't just an average rap album talking about different things and seperate tracks with dumb lyrics infact this album is a masterpiece. The concept of the album is a day in the life of a teenage Kendrick Lamar as an upcoming rapper before he ever got signed and the way it is done really makes you feel like your actually there. Each track and their lyrics makes sense/fits on the album and links up with not only the others on the album but other tracks on his previous albums. It is a lyrical journey like no other. I also suggest picking up his previous albums/mixtapes. Expand
  61. Dec 20, 2012
    This is a good album but not instant classic (if that even exists) and one has to wonder about the motives of some of these high scores by these so-called professional reviewers. It is like they are trying to create another great or something. The album definitely has the same flaws that most mainstream rappers have. It is not like his lyrics are inspiring to a grown man. The album also isThis is a good album but not instant classic (if that even exists) and one has to wonder about the motives of some of these high scores by these so-called professional reviewers. It is like they are trying to create another great or something. The album definitely has the same flaws that most mainstream rappers have. It is not like his lyrics are inspiring to a grown man. The album also is held together way too often by skits which almost becomes a crutch at times. Drake really has no business fitting into this album other than him simply wanting him on here. Also, the constant mentioning of his city or Compton is clearly not something that his creative juices are telling him to do. It is a strategy put in his head by Dr. Dre and other west coast pioneers.

    All that said, the album flows together well and has a standout song or two but I am not sure that this album really has the replay value as a entire body of work to make it strong enough to be a classic.
  62. Jan 12, 2013
    Kendrick's lyricism is mind-blowing. His ability to paint vivid pictures through story-telling is unmatched since Biggie Smalls. It may be better. The production is perfect for Kendrick, and complements his unreal lyricism excellently.
    However, there are some repetitive phrases and choruses (see "Real"). The final track, "Compton", is a letdown. It finishes the album with a sense of
    Kendrick's lyricism is mind-blowing. His ability to paint vivid pictures through story-telling is unmatched since Biggie Smalls. It may be better. The production is perfect for Kendrick, and complements his unreal lyricism excellently.
    However, there are some repetitive phrases and choruses (see "Real"). The final track, "Compton", is a letdown. It finishes the album with a sense of arrogance, (courtesy of Dr. Dre, who is featured on the song), rather than honesty, which seems to be a trademark trait of Kendrick. It's no doubt a great album, but the final track is a letdown.
  63. Mar 9, 2013
    it;s the best rap album of 2012, but that's not saying much. this is a great album, but not a masterpiece. some of the beats are just not enough to call this a masterpiece
  64. Mar 4, 2016
    This is one of the greatest hip-hop albums ever. Yeah, that's true. Kendrick Lamar's lyrics tell us about his boyhood in Compton - with all the good and the bad experiences typical of the growth - while he raps over some damn well-produced beats. The flow is amazing, it changes from being smooth and relaxed **** Don't Kill My Vibe", "Sherane", "Swimming Pools") to being aggressive andThis is one of the greatest hip-hop albums ever. Yeah, that's true. Kendrick Lamar's lyrics tell us about his boyhood in Compton - with all the good and the bad experiences typical of the growth - while he raps over some damn well-produced beats. The flow is amazing, it changes from being smooth and relaxed **** Don't Kill My Vibe", "Sherane", "Swimming Pools") to being aggressive and frustrated ("Backset Freestyle", "m.A.A.d City"). Kendrick proves not only to be the greatest rapper of our generation, but also one of the best songwriter of the last 10 years. Expand
  65. Dec 16, 2015
    A unique, refreshing and very passionate take on the timeless tale of growing up in the world. It feels great, very relatable but sometimes bizarre. Oh, and the beats are amazing and complement Kendrick's eclectic style.

    Favourite track: The Art of Peer Pressure
  66. Jul 11, 2019
    This is an interesting album, dark and heavy in places (Money Trees, Swimming Pools), more bouncy in others (Vibe, Backseat) but my favorite here is Poetic Justice. I think Poetic Justice is a perfect meeting of Drake and Kendrick, their styles are meshed into something that represents both of them in the same song! This album overall is worthy and very well produced.
  67. May 28, 2020
    Good Kid, m.A.A.d City is definitely a very good conscious hip hop album, and the concept behind this project is clearly defined, explained, and developed throughout the sequence of songs. The listening feels like a long story about the past life of Kendrick Lamar, and tracks like Sherane, Swimming Pools and m.A.A.d City really get you in the mood, not mentioning the high rapping qualityGood Kid, m.A.A.d City is definitely a very good conscious hip hop album, and the concept behind this project is clearly defined, explained, and developed throughout the sequence of songs. The listening feels like a long story about the past life of Kendrick Lamar, and tracks like Sherane, Swimming Pools and m.A.A.d City really get you in the mood, not mentioning the high rapping quality displayed in Backseat Freestyle and other tracks. Expand
  68. Aug 26, 2022
    I did kind of find this album kind of boring at some times. But Kendricks storytelling and naration was pretty good. I think Kendricks flow was good. The production was good. I think the album overall souunded great.
  69. Nov 1, 2012
    some great tracks and some really average ones. too much talk of 'sucking my d***' and fake talk of shooting guns for his lyrics to be top notch. he is very creative with his approach though. i wish i liked this more than i do.
  70. Oct 28, 2012
    I'm on the same boat as Dr_Ubersexy... The production on the album is top quality, but is that a good enough reason to give it a 10/10? it seems to be... Critics are Loving this album and I honestly don't understand it at all, Is Dr. Dre threatening to have them " taken care of" if they don't be nice? ... It IS different in tone to most modern R & B albums, and there are some decent lyricsI'm on the same boat as Dr_Ubersexy... The production on the album is top quality, but is that a good enough reason to give it a 10/10? it seems to be... Critics are Loving this album and I honestly don't understand it at all, Is Dr. Dre threatening to have them " taken care of" if they don't be nice? ... It IS different in tone to most modern R & B albums, and there are some decent lyrics however.. but as I say, if were giving things good reviews for production now why not call Skrillex the new Elvis Presley or hey.. lets call Transformers 3 the modern Godfather, this album is no more than a 7 from me, narrowly escaping 6 because I'm digging the lyrics. Expand
  71. Jun 14, 2022
    This album is held at very high regard with most Kendrick fans, and while I agree that the record is a masterfully written narrative, the multiple attempts at a commercial radio song on this album makes this not as replay-able as "DAMN." or even "To Pimp a Butterfly". "Poetic Justice" with Drake is beyond boring. From its spacey, minimal beat, to the underwhelming delivery from Kendrick,This album is held at very high regard with most Kendrick fans, and while I agree that the record is a masterfully written narrative, the multiple attempts at a commercial radio song on this album makes this not as replay-able as "DAMN." or even "To Pimp a Butterfly". "Poetic Justice" with Drake is beyond boring. From its spacey, minimal beat, to the underwhelming delivery from Kendrick, and the Drake verse that fails to reach the same lyrical quality as Kendrick, it's a skip every time. "Real" has great verses and a nice, relaxed rhythm, but the vocal tone on the chorus is unbearable. And, while I do enjoy "Swimming Pools" and **** Don't Kill My Vibe" from lyrical and conceptual standpoints, the instrumentals haven't entirely aged well.

    That obviously doesn't mean I dislike the rest of the record. The intro sets the stage perfectly; "The Art of Peer Pressure" paints the title perfectly; m.A.A.d city is one Kendrick's best songs period; This album is still fantastic. There are soaring highs, but also too many lows for me to say it is close to Kendrick's best body of work.
  72. Dec 18, 2012
    Section 80 is better............
  73. Jun 14, 2013
    I'm sure Kendrick Lamar has a really interesting story to tell, but to me he's just not all that compelling. I get it, it's a concept album...I just don't care for the concept
  74. Feb 3, 2020
    Like most of Kendrick's albums, very tasteful, but not very inspiring. Not as great as the reputation and accolades would suggest. Nothing about this album blew me away.
  75. Nov 22, 2022
    .............................................................................................................overrated but still good
  76. Oct 25, 2012
    I really don't understand the hype, I've listened to it all the way through twice, and nothing really jumped out at me. The lead single "Swimming Pools (Drank)" was actually quite bad with the lyrics being nothing but what we've heard in nearly every other rap song ever, and some parts (including the hook) was really annoying. Luckily this isn't the case with all the songs, such asI really don't understand the hype, I've listened to it all the way through twice, and nothing really jumped out at me. The lead single "Swimming Pools (Drank)" was actually quite bad with the lyrics being nothing but what we've heard in nearly every other rap song ever, and some parts (including the hook) was really annoying. Luckily this isn't the case with all the songs, such as "m.A.A.d city" and "Compton". But the album comes off as mostly boring with lyrics that are clever but mostly unoriginal. If you like it, more power to you, but it really isn't as good of an album as everyone is raging about. Section.80 was better. Expand
  77. Apr 14, 2013
    Alright, critically over-rated. DECENT HIP-HOP. There are a few good tracks on here but many of them fall short for me. a 4 sounds pretty good. It's better than most hip-hop albums out there.
  78. Jan 25, 2016
    I don't get the positive reviews I found the album truly dull and Lamar's rapping is simply irritating. This album is nothing compared to the artists I grew up listening to 2Pac and Eminem. A boring album. Not recommended.
  79. Oct 14, 2013
    this album is the most overrated album of all time, yes the production was good but i think people are the whole story board of the album overshadow the music itself. personally i prefer section 80. gkmc heavily influence by Andre 3000
  80. Aug 4, 2023
    overrateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

Universal acclaim - based on 36 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 35 out of 36
  2. Negative: 0 out of 36
  1. Jan 24, 2013
    The quotidian problems and longings of the title track making up the real heart of the album, a rough and tumble struggle to the top.
  2. Jan 10, 2013
    In another rapper's hands the concepts might have been overcooked or the messages too self-righteous, but Kendrick manages to achieve scale while remaining firmly grounded on two feet.
  3. Dec 21, 2012
    This is the best rap album of 2012--not just because of champion verses and immaculate drops, but because they recognize that the most brilliant foreground only shines against a well-defined backdrop.