• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Apr 6, 2004
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 213 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 11 out of 213

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  1. najeeba
    Sep 14, 2005
    This album is immature, especially compared to Moon and Antarctica. Though a collection of catchy, decently written songs, it's more of a transition album, just the album that you have to put out, to get it over with, to get the follow up to the ubeatable album they released before this.
  2. danh
    Sep 24, 2005
    I have been listening to modest mouse, way back when they frist relased "This is a long drive for someone with nothing to think about" in 1997. I like "Good news for people who love bad news" because it stays not to far off of what they started with music wise. rock and inde music. I think this is there best alubum yet. But better alubums are yet to come for this inde rock band!!!!!
  3. StanH
    Feb 22, 2006
    Quite possibly the greatest album of all time...absolutely mind-blowing for me...Brock is a genius.
  4. time
    Nov 21, 2006
    The Moon and Antartica is quickly becoming the most overrated albums of the 00s. People are turning that album into the new Sufer Rosa. People like it because it came out first and doesn't have hits. I've heard the Moon... and for once Spin was right on the money for giving it a 3 out of 10. It's crap! This album is far superior in every aspect of the word. Don't The Moon and Antartica is quickly becoming the most overrated albums of the 00s. People are turning that album into the new Sufer Rosa. People like it because it came out first and doesn't have hits. I've heard the Moon... and for once Spin was right on the money for giving it a 3 out of 10. It's crap! This album is far superior in every aspect of the word. Don't believe the hype that their last records have gotten. These people are bitter old farts who have no understanding of what good pop music is. To all you that hate this record, you're the biggest sellouts and you can all drop dead Expand
  5. Dec 23, 2010
    Modest Mouse have crafted an odd kind of album here with Good News For People Who Love Bad News. Every track sounds great. It's a good set of tracks. But they all sound random and different. Every song is more different than the previous song, It's not necessarily a bad thing, just seems kind of random. But I never listened to much Modest Mouse before this album and I hear that's thereModest Mouse have crafted an odd kind of album here with Good News For People Who Love Bad News. Every track sounds great. It's a good set of tracks. But they all sound random and different. Every song is more different than the previous song, It's not necessarily a bad thing, just seems kind of random. But I never listened to much Modest Mouse before this album and I hear that's there kind of thing. But anyways, Very good album. Every song is diverse and intricate and sometimes pretty funny. "Float On" is one of my favorite songs. "Black Cadillacs" is a great song. All In All, Good News For People Who Love Bad News is a great album. B+ Expand
  6. Dec 19, 2010
    Their best album. there's not much I can say about it except that it has many songs I liked, only downside is that I'm christian and I've heard they're disrespectful to god but I guess that's OK with me since I like to play marilyn manson's the reflecting god before I go to sleep sometimes( and I usually pray after), maybe I just like the music or maybe my subconcius is a hypocrite but ITheir best album. there's not much I can say about it except that it has many songs I liked, only downside is that I'm christian and I've heard they're disrespectful to god but I guess that's OK with me since I like to play marilyn manson's the reflecting god before I go to sleep sometimes( and I usually pray after), maybe I just like the music or maybe my subconcius is a hypocrite but I try not to listen to the lyrics on a song when they say something i hate instead of hating the song when the song is awesome, so I'm just gonna say it's a good album. Expand
  7. Apr 9, 2011
    I only really liked 2 of these songs, "Float On" (8) and "Bukowski" (7). "One Chance" (6.5) had potential in the first minutes or so and the end, but I didn't like the middle of the song, it was kind of annoying, like half of the songs on the album. I could tolerate "Black Cadillacs", "Blame It on the Tetons", "Ocean Breathes Salty" and "The World at Large". They all got a 6. The rest wereI only really liked 2 of these songs, "Float On" (8) and "Bukowski" (7). "One Chance" (6.5) had potential in the first minutes or so and the end, but I didn't like the middle of the song, it was kind of annoying, like half of the songs on the album. I could tolerate "Black Cadillacs", "Blame It on the Tetons", "Ocean Breathes Salty" and "The World at Large". They all got a 6. The rest were annoying to me. "Bury Me with It", "Satin in a Coffin" and "The Good Times Are Killing Me" got 5s. "Dance Hall", "The Devil's Workday" and "The View". Expand
  8. Oct 28, 2017
    This is a real favourite of mine. A truly class album, Modest Mouses best work in my opinion and one of the albums of the 00's. Not a bad track to be found and several classics here including the cult favourites "Float On", "Bury Me With It" and "One Chance" along with the magnificently gentle "Blame It On The Tetons". Modest Mouse and Isaac Brock are undoubtedly unique and I don't likeThis is a real favourite of mine. A truly class album, Modest Mouses best work in my opinion and one of the albums of the 00's. Not a bad track to be found and several classics here including the cult favourites "Float On", "Bury Me With It" and "One Chance" along with the magnificently gentle "Blame It On The Tetons". Modest Mouse and Isaac Brock are undoubtedly unique and I don't like comparing them to anyone but this record does remind me a lot of the Pixies Doolittle. It may be Brocks unnerving vocals mirroring Black Francis in parts, not quite sure. If you like your indie/alternative rock then buy this record - you won't be disappointed. A treat. Collapse
  9. Nov 3, 2011
    I really like this album.

    The song lyrics are just awesome, even people who didn't like the music should read the lyrics to think about it.

    Rate of 10 for the Music and the Lyrics.
  10. Jul 3, 2012
    I enjoyed it. I've only listened to it once so I'm not to sure how it will hold up over many listens, but so far so good.
  11. Jan 29, 2013
    An amazing album by far. You should definitely buy this album if you love listening to indie rock music and if you are doing homework because it is amazing when doing homework. definitely a must have (I think I am repeating myself but oh well) not the best for gaming and such but its also a great roadtrip album as well so i really do recommend you buy this album because it really is good
  12. CiV
    Jun 27, 2013
    This album may go down as one of the best rock albums of the 21st century. Not one song on this album is below a 9, on top of that, every song sounds unique from one-another.
  13. Nov 11, 2015
    One of Modest Mouse's best albums along with "The Lonesome Crowded West" and "We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank".

    Filled with bitter-sweet lyrics, raw and yet beautiful instrumentation, and just simply enjoyable from start to finish. Also, "Float On" may be one of the greatest indie rock songs ever recorded.
  14. May 1, 2017
    This is Modest Mouse being creative, deep and mature as ever. While it could be argued that some tracks lower the overall quality bar set up by "The World at Large", "Float On" and many others, the album is still a stud in the Modest Mouse discography.
  15. May 19, 2018
    It's not The Moon & Antarctica, and it's not The Lonesome Crowded West. However obvious this statement is, it truly makes sense when you listen to the album the full way through and think "Welp, it's time to go back to the old records and remember the days when I bought full albums". It's not bad, not bad by a long shot. I just expect something better. Also, I read a review about thisIt's not The Moon & Antarctica, and it's not The Lonesome Crowded West. However obvious this statement is, it truly makes sense when you listen to the album the full way through and think "Welp, it's time to go back to the old records and remember the days when I bought full albums". It's not bad, not bad by a long shot. I just expect something better. Also, I read a review about this album where someone gave it a 1 because the album states "god is an ****" That is the second dumbest thing I have ever seen, behind the (insert insult here) who gave In the Aeroplane Over the Sea a 60% on Rolling Stone. Expand
  16. Feb 11, 2019
    Loved this album. Anything these guys make will always be better than half of everything else I've heard. Dance Hall is a good song, too.
  17. Dec 11, 2020
    It is such a great album that I've been listening to it frequently ever since I stumbled upon it, a whole year ago.

Universal acclaim - based on 32 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 28 out of 32
  2. Negative: 0 out of 32
  1. A lot of major label-imposed ideas, like rhythm guitar and a heartbreakingly conventional new bass sound, combine to utterly ruin the record's first half. If you can make it through to News' innards, however, an EP's worth of something like better-recorded, more thought-out Lonesome Crowded West material awaits.
  2. Weathered now, their herky-jerk stands up smartly to interjections from the Dirty Dozen Brass Band.
  3. Blender
    [Brock is] adept at wringing out emotion while straddling sentimentality, but too often here, gauche studio affectations make his sap sound plain cheap. [Apr 2004, p.134]