• Record Label: Jive
  • Release Date: Dec 8, 2009

Generally unfavorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 12
  2. Negative: 6 out of 12
  1. With his actions this year, Chris Brown strapped cement boots on the zero-gravity pleasures pop music is meant to provide. Graffiti won't magically fix that, but at its best moments, it still floats.
  2. 70
    The album's most striking moment is "Fallin' Down." Over a ominous guitar riff, the 20-year-old sings, "It's getting heavy / I think I'm getting ready to break down." It's the most honest moment of his short career. The kid sure needs a vacation.
  3. Despite being five tracks too long--specifically the five tracks which have him falling back to his syrupy ways of old Graffiti is hands down the highest point of Chris Brown's career.
  4. While listeners can't help but be reminded of his fall from grace, Brown also shows us on Graffiti that he's still a formidable talent.-
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 166 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 78 out of 166
  2. Negative: 82 out of 166
  1. Nov 18, 2011
    Graffiti is worth the buy. The album expresses the way Chris Brown is changing as a man. Turning to a different genre in music, makingGraffiti is worth the buy. The album expresses the way Chris Brown is changing as a man. Turning to a different genre in music, making something we've never heard before. I love this CD! I think its worth the money and time.

    Individual Ratings:
    1. I Can Transform Ya. (10/10)
    2. Sing Like Me. (10/10)
    3. Crawl. (10/10)
    4. So Cold. (9.5/10)
    5. What I Do. (10/10)
    6. Famous Girl. (9.5/10)
    7. Take My Time. (9/10)
    8. I.Y.A. (10/10)
    9. Pass Out. (10/10)
    10. Wait. (10/10)
    11. Lucky Me. (8.5/10)
    12. Fallin Down. (10/10)
    13. I'll Go. (10/10)
    CD 2:
    1. Gotta Be Ur Man. (9.5/10)
    2. Movie. (8/10)
    3. For Ur Love. (9.5/10)
    4. I Need This. (10/10)
    5. I Love U. (9/10)
    6. Brown Skin Girl. (8.9/10)
    Full Review »
  2. Sep 2, 2011
    This album was not his best nor was it his worst. This album was overlooked by his RIhanna incident and people reviewed the album based on it.This album was not his best nor was it his worst. This album was overlooked by his RIhanna incident and people reviewed the album based on it. It was not a good comeback album but he was not making a comeback he was just trying to restore his career. I like the album, it was mature and he expressed his feelings. I would have given it a 7 but I need to help the score so I'll give it an 8 Full Review »
  3. Jan 26, 2011
    I'm only giving this album a 10 to balance out some of the flack he got for the Rihanna incident. Btw, he was genuine about his feelings whenI'm only giving this album a 10 to balance out some of the flack he got for the Rihanna incident. Btw, he was genuine about his feelings when he did "man in the mirror" on BET. I know this because I saw the movie "Takers" and Chris Brown has no acting ability. That said, this was a mediocre album. Certainly not a "0" album ( like Lil' Wayne's 'Rebirth') but no more than a 7 (and that's being generous). Hopefully, when he puts out FAME, it will be a real comeback from the analytical beating he took (and it was only fitting that he took one; anyone who denies that doesn't know how America works). That's my 2 cents and hopefully this review will find an agreeable reader. Thanks. Full Review »