
Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 12
  2. Negative: 1 out of 12
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  1. Feb 6, 2019
    Even if it's not quite as cohesive as Clear Shot, Happy in the Hollow doesn't change the feeling that the members of TOY have one foot in another dimension that they're waiting to transport their listeners to.
  2. Classic Rock Magazine
    Feb 8, 2019
    Gone is any trace of the searing vitality that drove their earlier records; in its place a winsome urge to recreate all of the waftiest, wimpiest moments from pop history. [Mar 2019, p.91]
  3. Feb 1, 2019
    The group expand on the sorts of themes and sounds that have made them so distinct to the ear while incorporating new layers of heavier krautrock, as well as melodic folk to further engineer their trademark sound.
  4. Mojo
    Jan 24, 2019
    Its wintery charms and enervated intrigue are hard to deny. [Feb 2019, p.90]
  5. Mar 22, 2019
    You will have gathered from this that Happy In The Hollow makes a positive impact, its occasional loss of focus an asset rather than a fault as the music runs free. TOY make music notable for its mood, groove and texture, if not always finding a killer melody.
  6. Jan 30, 2019
    TOY make a strong case for Happy in the Hollow as their most cohesive and compelling record. The record’s intense, shadowy first half and airy, graceful second half culminates in an mercurial odyssey that unabashedly celebrates TOY’s eccentricities.
  7. Q Magazine
    Feb 4, 2019
    A band recharged and re-energised. [Mar 2019, p.120]
  8. 85
    Happy in The Hollow is their most satisfying work to date, doubly notable for its being the first record the band have produced themselves.
  9. Jan 24, 2019
    Above all, it’s the melodies that stand out, whether in the wonderfully whacked out melodies of ’You Make Me Forget Myself’ or pacy ripples of ‘Sequence One’, all delivered with an insouciance that’s rather satisfying in these times.
  10. Jan 24, 2019
    TOY continue to put their own unique spin on psychedelia with Happy in the Hollow, and it’s one that clearly works, but ultimately the record lacks in any kind of urgency and doesn’t push much further on what the band have already achieved with previous albums.
  11. Uncut
    Jan 24, 2019
    A further shift away from the full-throttle krautrock of their early years into something more sumptuous. [Feb 2019, p.37]
  12. Jan 30, 2019
    Having enjoyed the best of both worlds, TOY have returned with their boldest statement of intent to date.

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