• Record Label: 4AD
  • Release Date: Mar 6, 2020

Universal acclaim - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
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  1. Mar 5, 2020
    It's another huge step forward for the uncontainable U.S. Girls organism, one that skillfully combines the immediacy of personal memories with Remy's uncanny ability to inject her singular creative voice into every sound she touches.
  2. Entertainment Weekly
    Mar 2, 2020
    A rush of indelible non sequiturs - vibraphone solos, ripsaws - gives it all an unexpectedly thrilling buzz. [Mar 2020, p.99]
  3. Mar 3, 2020
    Heavy Light, the remarkable new record from Meg Remy's U.S. Girls project, is a scavenger hunt for these elusive pasts — music devoted to reflection and retrospection. ... Never before have her narratives felt so personal and resonant.
  4. Mojo
    Mar 2, 2020
    Thanks to its exquisite craft, and Remy's feel for her characters, that project finds its finest expression yet in Heavy Light. [Apr 2020, p.86]
  5. Mar 5, 2020
    There is no doubt that it takes several cycles through the album for things to start to click. That’s if you find yourself willing to give in to the album’s concepts and approach.
  6. Mar 9, 2020
    The record is arresting and unnerves in a way only possible from personal anecdotes as opposed to Poem’s parables—it doesn’t speak for everyone, like a fable might, but it does speak for a lot of people.
  7. Mar 9, 2020
    Heavy Light thrives in this sort of dissociative blaze where gender politics, grief, and deeply fucked-up pop hooks slam into one another. So much of Heavy Light exists in this emotional space that feels like an exquisite freefall.
  8. Q Magazine
    Mar 2, 2020
    Heavy Light holds her ground beautifully. [Apr 2020, p.104]
  9. 90
    You might miss the electric-burn intensity of the lead guitars from In a Poem Unlimited, or you might miss the Iggy’s The Idiot-meets-Marc Bolan-and-Madonna-on-a-Tarantino-soundtrack vibes, but ultimately, there’s just as much to enjoy here. Heavy Light is more subdued, more restrained, and certainly more beautiful than its big sister.
  10. 80
    Heavy Light confirms a major talent.
  11. Mar 4, 2020
    Produced by Remy and recorded live with 20 session musicians, Heavy Light is rich, textured and sonically huge.
  12. The Wire
    Jun 11, 2020
    In the past this rage was intrinsic, wounds covered with cheery sugar, but now there is emotional distance at the core of Heavy Light, filled with others’ voices. Whether or not a deliberate choice, through this transformation the album loses some of its potency and ability to affect. [Jun 2020, p.59]
  13. Uncut
    Mar 2, 2020
    Heavy Light is no one-note affair. ... Artfully honest songs. [Apr 2020, p.36]
  14. Mar 5, 2020
    Beyond the artful execution of the conceptual core of the record, Remy has once again constructed a vibrant and moving album. Heavy Light both reflects back on her previous work and stands among the best of it.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 40 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 31 out of 40
  2. Negative: 1 out of 40
  1. Mar 18, 2020
    Being really excited to hear this album, it would be an understatement to say I'm disappointed. The first two songs, which are the singles,Being really excited to hear this album, it would be an understatement to say I'm disappointed. The first two songs, which are the singles, make for a beautiful opening to an otherwise boring and bland album. Full Review »
  2. Mar 21, 2020
    Remy and her friends managed to deliver an album that is delivered and with simple sound features, like clapping, but super original andRemy and her friends managed to deliver an album that is delivered and with simple sound features, like clapping, but super original and thought-provoking. Full Review »
  3. Jun 4, 2020
    U.S. Girls have been moving closer to more listenable music from their sound experiments in that were released in 2008. Half Free and In AU.S. Girls have been moving closer to more listenable music from their sound experiments in that were released in 2008. Half Free and In A Poem Unlimited hit the sweet spot, and I thought they would hang around that spot a little longer. Excited to hear this after those two euphoric albums and the awesome Overtime that was released early, I was extremely disappointed by the blandness of the album, apart from a few songs. I listened to it for weeks, trying to love it, but I had no luck. Still, U.S. Girls stays on top of my favourite bands, and one album is not enough to change that. Full Review »