
Universal acclaim - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
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  1. Sep 26, 2017
    For the most part Hiss Spun comprises what can be succinctly described as downtempo dirges with a handful of diversions. ... Whether this reliance on slow burners is a good thing will largely depend on your appetite for diversity. Arguably the weakest aspect of Hiss Spun is the hit-and-miss nature of its ability to land blows to your gut--a goal which tends to be fundamental to music of this stripe.
  2. Sep 20, 2017
    Hiss Spun is a full-on sludge-metal extravaganza, never content to go slow and heavy when it could be going slower and heavier. The bombast is overwhelming, and while there’s an admirable zeal to her drive for making almost every second as intense as possible, it begins to get numbing.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 31 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 31
  2. Negative: 4 out of 31
  1. Dec 14, 2017
    Absolutely stunning record. Love the combination of Wolfe's haunting vocals with the sludge metal sound. Bears little comparison to anythingAbsolutely stunning record. Love the combination of Wolfe's haunting vocals with the sludge metal sound. Bears little comparison to anything else, but definitely has the weirdness and heaviness of Soundgarden, and at times the atmosphere created resembles 2:54 or early Tamaryn. Standout tracks: Twin Fawn, The Culling. Full Review »
  2. Oct 22, 2017
    This album makes me think of a metal album PJ Harvey would make. Which is totally a good thing! While I'm not familiar with Chelsea's earlierThis album makes me think of a metal album PJ Harvey would make. Which is totally a good thing! While I'm not familiar with Chelsea's earlier material, from what I've gathered it's gothic folk music, as my first foray into her musical world I dug it and want to dig into her back catalog.

    This album is heavy, both sonically and lyrically, dealing with repented memories of her past as well as themes of metal heath, paired well with heavy doom metal riffs and loud, distorted downtuned guitars and heavy drumming. It's one hell of a trip! There are times when the songs are sluggish and slow, particulary in the second half, and even if you are a metal head you might be left cold feeling like it's not too metal enough. But for people that aren't into metal, this is certainly an album for you! Especially if you can get behind the dark subject matter. As for me, while there are low points, the high points are high! I'll be rocking to album standouts 16 Psyche, Vex, the Culling, and Scrape when I pick it up!
    Full Review »
  3. Sep 27, 2017
    Wolfe brings heavy, dark synths containing pinches of doom metal and gothic alternative with her banshee-like voice melodize over preachingly.Wolfe brings heavy, dark synths containing pinches of doom metal and gothic alternative with her banshee-like voice melodize over preachingly. This album contains twists like "Twin Fawn" which simmers down in your ears then explodes with drums and guitar and "Strain" which contains only pure instrumentation. Wolfe's voice is the bow on all of this "metalness", she runs free on tracks and pierces the heart, arguably one of Wolfe's best albums to date. Full Review »