
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. The Rural Alberta Advantage are an excellent Toronto band that before this year nobody outside of Toronto cared much at all about; here’s hoping their follow-up manages to capitalize on what’s good here to make something really memorable.
  2. Hometowns has an earthly fragility, folksy without being folky. Score another one for Canada.
  3. Taking Mangum’s recorded-on-cardboard lo-fi folk epics as their ground zero, TRAA turn in the best alt.debut of the year.
  4. With more intensely vigorous drumming, more obviously personal lyrics, and a more blatant interest in glossy electro-pop, Edenloff's band carves out their own niche. It is one that masterfully blends the masculine and the feminine, the refined and the coarse, the dark and the bright.
  5. 70
    Nils Edenloff's passionate songwriting comes across as both raucous (“The Dethbridge in Lethbridge”) and gently sweet (the harmony-rich boy-girl cupcake “Don’t Haunt This Place”), consistently marked by a joyful sonic ingenuity.
  6. Hometowns, the band’s just-reissued 2008 album, is a well-crafted bit of folk that needn’t stand on the shoulders of giants.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 28 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 28
  2. Negative: 1 out of 28
  1. Oct 15, 2010
    Easily the best album of 2008/2009 (depends on which release you consider to be "official"; regardless, it would win either year). There isEasily the best album of 2008/2009 (depends on which release you consider to be "official"; regardless, it would win either year). There is not one weak track on an album filled with passionate, driving tunes about nostalgia, youth, lost relationships and lost homes. The drumwork on display is among the finest I've heard in a long time, and the Nils Edenloff's Mangum-esque vocals only serve to hammer home the pain, joy, heartbreak, and memory that is so pervasive throughout this album. In short, this is THE definitive summer album of the past few years, possibly the best summer album since Wilco's Summerteeth. Do your self a favor and pick up this under-appreciated gem.
    (Standout tracks: "Rush Apart", "The Deathbridge in Lethbridge", "Don't Haunt this Place", "Frank AB", "Four Night Rider", "Edmonton", "In the Summertime")
    Full Review »
  2. Nov 12, 2011
    Never have I heard an album that grew on me as quickly as Hometowns. The RAA is easily one of my favorite musical groups and that is very muchNever have I heard an album that grew on me as quickly as Hometowns. The RAA is easily one of my favorite musical groups and that is very much because of this album. The album starts off with a mellow, extraordinary track and from there takes you on a ride of fun and excellent indie rock. Full Review »
  3. Mark
    Aug 2, 2009
    This thing is great. The drummer is amazing, the songwriting is solid and the album is cohesive. What more can you ask for?