
Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
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  1. Jul 21, 2015
    How Far Will You Go? is generally closer to The Rocky Horror Picture Show... and is accordingly tremendous fun.
  2. Magnet
    Jul 10, 2015
    The stylistic range is surprisingly broad and definitely campy. [No. 122, p.61]
  3. Jul 10, 2015
    Transferred and restored from S&M Recordings’ original LPs and tapes by Emmons himself, How Far Will You Go?'s 16 tracks are threaded together by deft production details and a forthright sense of humor that posits the duo as unsung heroes of those glam, pre-punk years, which, in essence, they were.
  4. Jul 10, 2015
    If How Far Will You Go is hit-and-miss as music, it's a remarkable document of a forgotten musical detour on the way to the sexual revolution, utterly fearless and not much like anything else of its era.
  5. Jul 10, 2015
    By no means essential, Smokey prove themselves an interesting footnote in the annals of pop music, one full of ideas but lacking the necessary talent to execute effectively.

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