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Universal acclaim- based on 16 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 16
  2. Negative: 1 out of 16
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  1. Feb 18, 2018
    Wonderfully diverse, sweet then mature then intelligent then fun. Often easy on the surface with many complexities showing through on repeated listens.
  2. Feb 19, 2018
    So here we have the perfect example of how a band can grow up without leaving his classic sound; being an album or not, this serie of EP's is perfect from the start to the end. Every EP is better than the other one till we go to the final song and tells ''this is how we are, a great band''; I'm pretty surure that Poor Boy is the best song and should- will be the final single, the singleSo here we have the perfect example of how a band can grow up without leaving his classic sound; being an album or not, this serie of EP's is perfect from the start to the end. Every EP is better than the other one till we go to the final song and tells ''this is how we are, a great band''; I'm pretty surure that Poor Boy is the best song and should- will be the final single, the single that could give to the band all the sucess they deserve. Expand
  3. Feb 18, 2018
    It's a shame that they didn't just decide to release his as an album, because it's a pretty solid collection of songs, and its overall sales would've probably been boosted in my opinion. The intro tracks to each of these parts are pretty great.

    Part 1: 7.5 (1 and 2 are great, 3 and 5 are fine, and 4 is a bit laughable, but that's just Belle and Sebastian I guess.) Part 2: 8.5 (Good
    It's a shame that they didn't just decide to release his as an album, because it's a pretty solid collection of songs, and its overall sales would've probably been boosted in my opinion. The intro tracks to each of these parts are pretty great.

    Part 1: 7.5 (1 and 2 are great, 3 and 5 are fine, and 4 is a bit laughable, but that's just Belle and Sebastian I guess.)
    Part 2: 8.5 (Good tracks. 5 in particular actually reminds me of their older days, so yeah, I like this one. If I had to say one track doesn't quite hit it for me, it would be Cornflakes.)
    Part 3: 8 (More interesting than part 1, but still doesn't mesh as well as part 2.)

    8/10... like I said, they really should've just released this as an album, lol.
  4. Feb 19, 2018
    Merci Belle, merci Sebastian pour la façon de résoudre nos problèmes humains

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Mar 30, 2018
    These beautiful, beguiling melodies make for an album that’s so rich and regal in both style and shimmer, it’s simply stunning to say the least. Prepare to be enticed.
  2. Feb 26, 2018
    How to Solve Our Human Problems is difficult to pin down. In some ways, Belle and Sebastian's new work represents unexplored territory—yet, the group have been around for so long that one could find elements of nearly every one of their last albums in the 15 collected tracks of this EP trilogy.
  3. Feb 26, 2018
    But stretched across 15 tracks and almost 70 minutes, the highlights are spread too thinly, the likes of Show Me the Sun and Cornflakes mired in mediocrity. There’s unevenness within these overlong songs too.