
Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
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  1. May 19, 2020
    At its best, Hvman:||:Natvre has the impressive magic that has made Nightwish one of Europe’s biggest bands. But there’s a feeling this time that for such a big concept, things haven’t gone quite far enough.
  2. May 19, 2020
    Ultimately, in the overall sweep of Nightwish's rich and varied discography, Human. :||: Nature. comes across as more of a minor note than a magnum opus.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 17 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 17
  2. Negative: 2 out of 17
  1. Dec 27, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click full review link to view. Is "Human Nature" a bad album? No, it's a very nice album. I actually like most of the songs in it, especially "Pan", "Music", "Harvest" and "Shoemaker", but also the others. I know "Noise" is probably the most famous one from this album, but I don't like the song that much actually. But what I really like is the orchestral part on the second CD of the album. So, why just 6 from 10? Because, it's away too different. The album is good, it has a nice idea, and Nightwish ofcourse keeps the quality up, but the music in this album is a way too different, from what I think about when it comes to Nightwish. Yes, Nightwish always somehow changed their music. For example, the album "Imaginaerum" is completely different to what they have done in "Once". But there is still this specific Nightwish feeling. You can still somewhere feel the Nightwish in it. In "Endless Forms Most Beautiful" Nightwish already stepped a bit away from this feeling, but it was still there. But now, in Human Nature they have lost it in my opinion. It's great music, but not what would expect from Nightwish. But I love the orchestral part on the second CD. Toumas is a genius, wow, yes, this definitely describes the beauty of nature. I also like that Floor's voice comes out very strong in this album. I really like this. She is a very capable singer and is definitely one of the best and strongest singers in the world. I would like to see this also in the next album, wich is expected to come in 2024. But I would also like to see, that they will return a bit to the orchestral arrangements in their songs and focus on those more and get back this classical nightwish style, wich is a bit more cinematic, like in the albums "Once", "Dark Passion Play", and "Imaginaerum" (wich are also my three favourite albums of Nightwish). When this album would not be from Nightwish, I would give it 7 from 10. It's okay, and has some cool songs, but it doesn't give me this big "wow" effect ,only the orchestral part about nature on the second CD really kicked me, because this is probably the best orchestral description of nature. But as a Nightwish album, its 6 from 10, because it has not enough Nightwish in it. Full Review »
  2. Apr 19, 2022
    Never have i heard an album where Symphony and Metal were at eye level. This is the perfect lovechild from the two strongest music genres inNever have i heard an album where Symphony and Metal were at eye level. This is the perfect lovechild from the two strongest music genres in the world and one of the best albums i have ever heard in my life! Just dont expect symphonic metal as you know it! Full Review »
  3. Apr 25, 2021
    Perfeito! Álbum primoroso, as quatro primeiras faixas mostram a tamanha qualidade do trabalho deste grupo! Por não serem americanos não tem oPerfeito! Álbum primoroso, as quatro primeiras faixas mostram a tamanha qualidade do trabalho deste grupo! Por não serem americanos não tem o reconhecimento de uma grande banda. Tuomas é um compositor inigualável. Floor Jansen é uma das melhores vozes do rock! Banda perfeita! Full Review »