• Record Label: Epitaph
  • Release Date: Sep 14, 2010
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 94 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 66 out of 94
  2. Negative: 7 out of 94
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  1. Sep 17, 2010
    I have to say he seldom disappoint. He sounds more like this new band i heard. Though new but they have really pulled it off with some of te greatest music

  2. Sep 14, 2010
    The best overall Weezer album since Pinkerton except for maybe Maladroit. From start to finish the album is great and unlike Raditude, it has some great lyrics and epic rock. If you were turned off from Weezer because of Raditude definitely give them another chance with Hurley. The deluxe edition is a little disappointing but for a few extra dollars it shouldn't be a problem. This shouldThe best overall Weezer album since Pinkerton except for maybe Maladroit. From start to finish the album is great and unlike Raditude, it has some great lyrics and epic rock. If you were turned off from Weezer because of Raditude definitely give them another chance with Hurley. The deluxe edition is a little disappointing but for a few extra dollars it shouldn't be a problem. This should be the start of a good direction for the band as we're getting Death To False Metal and Pinkerton Deluxe in November. A great time to be a Weezer fan. Expand
  3. Sep 14, 2010
    Probably their best album since 2002's Maladroit (their most underrated record, in my opinion), Hurley gives fans what they wanted... Weezer returns to form with this nice collection of fun and catchy songs...
  4. Sep 14, 2010
    I've been a =w= fan since blue and have bought all of their albums - i honestly believe this to be their best album since Pinkerton. They've have had *lots* of wicked songs, but *no* wicked albums. I can listen to this one front to back without a hitch. I think the lyrics are much better, and although their is only 1 guitar solo (Smart Girls) I still think the instrumentation is good.I've been a =w= fan since blue and have bought all of their albums - i honestly believe this to be their best album since Pinkerton. They've have had *lots* of wicked songs, but *no* wicked albums. I can listen to this one front to back without a hitch. I think the lyrics are much better, and although their is only 1 guitar solo (Smart Girls) I still think the instrumentation is good. Rivers definitely let's his vox shine! Next single for me: "Time Flies" - a catchy foot stomper that good friends would love to sing together. Expand
  5. Sep 14, 2010
    For all those Weezer fans hoping to here a shift in the bandâ
  6. Sep 16, 2010
    After last year's Ratitude, Weezer ultimately can claim that Hurley is their best sounding album in recent years with memorable lyrics and an uplifting rock sound Weezer can please fans and newbies alike,
  7. Sep 17, 2010
    Hurley marks Weezer's return to writing solid albums with lyrics that are far superior to any other their last three releases. Hurley, to me, was an album that was good after the first listen but that grew to be a very good album with more spins (or nowadays, "clicks"). Memories, the first single demonstrates that Rivers has more emotion in his vocals foregoing the perfect glassy sheenHurley marks Weezer's return to writing solid albums with lyrics that are far superior to any other their last three releases. Hurley, to me, was an album that was good after the first listen but that grew to be a very good album with more spins (or nowadays, "clicks"). Memories, the first single demonstrates that Rivers has more emotion in his vocals foregoing the perfect glassy sheen that auto-tuned voice delivers, but delivers a more human element to the album that was present on Pinkerton and Maladroit. Overall, the album is a concise, short and solid which may lack in obvious singles but stands on the strength of its well constructed, rock songs that makes the whole bigger than the sum of its parts. Expand
  8. Sep 26, 2010
    Easily their best since "Maladroit". Haven't been able to take it out of the CD player. The songs are very fleshed out, sonically layered, and Rivers has matured as a vocalist.
  9. Dec 29, 2010
    I've written in the past about how much I haven't enjoyed the Rick Rubin-era of Weezer. I've even read where the band itself hasn't liked where all of the additional outside influences have led the band. When I heard that Geffen and Weezer parted ways last year, I was disappointed as it indicated the end of one of the last traditional edgy rock bands and their support by a major label.I've written in the past about how much I haven't enjoyed the Rick Rubin-era of Weezer. I've even read where the band itself hasn't liked where all of the additional outside influences have led the band. When I heard that Geffen and Weezer parted ways last year, I was disappointed as it indicated the end of one of the last traditional edgy rock bands and their support by a major label. However, I've enjoyed where some bands have gone since becoming New Wave Indy in the era of the Internet, so I was heavily anticipating Hurley as their first post-Geffen CD. While I absolutely despised the opening track and first single, "Memories," the rest of Hurley was a surprisingly well-produced and pop/rock-driven sound I'm used to from Weezer. That was very apparent with the intense snare drum intro on "Ruling Me," which smacks of the hard edge on Maladroit, which is the closest to completely independent Weezer got during the Geffen years.

    Forgettable songs like "Trainwrecks," "co-written (surprisingly) with 80's hit maker Desmond Child, lose their way.

    The strings and flutes supporting "Unspoken" is a new sound I absolutely love, especially when it kicks in during the final minute of the song. It's one of the best songs they've recorded in years.

    Rivers vocals vibrate into a weird Johnny Rotten state on "Where's My Sex," but it works in a very punk way. One of my favorite current songwriters, Ryan Adams, co-writes "Run Away" with Rivers and, while different for current Weezer, channels the old stuff and completely satisfies. Same with "Hang On," co-written with Rick Nowells, whom I've loved since his days of writing with Stevie Nicks. And as if Weezer wasn't beach rock enough, they worked with Orange County's finest bass player, No Doubt's Tony Kanal and American Idol writer Jimmy Harry on the raucous "Smart Girls."

    While thoroughly enjoying Hurley, I was surprised at the rawness of "Brave New World." I liked it, while not entirely enjoying the chorus. What surprised me the most is that it was co-written with Linda Perry, who I personally consider to be one of the worst songwriters of the last 20 years. I have to admit, though, I was impressed with her contribution to the song.

    The biggest surprise came at the end, though. Mac Davis. Yes...the country singer/songwriter from the 1970s and 80s...co-wrote the closer, "Time Flies." It's cute, but should have been left as a B-Side. I was more than thrilled to hear such a fine collection of Weezer material without the support of DGC that it gives me hope for the future. I'm not sure I want to continue seeing so many collaborations on a single album, but I'm not complaining at the result. For those who got the deluxe edition, it was adorable hearing them do a very strange version of "All My Friends are Insects." Same goes with the live inclusion of "Viva La Vida." "I Want to be Something" is a very well-written song that may end up as more than the acoustic version here later on. However, my favorite bonus track was "Represent" released as an anthem for the pursuit of the World Cup earlier in 2010.
  10. Nov 1, 2010
    Much better than Raditude, but still has nothing on the first 4 albums. not entirely forgettable though and a handful of stand-out tracks make this a must have for any hardcore weezer fans.
  11. Jan 18, 2011
    Hurley has some great tracks on it. The opener "Memories" is a great track to kick the album off and it only gets better throughout the album. "Where's My Sex?" is classic Weezer. And "Time Flies" is a great ender. Rivers has matured as a vocalist and it really shines on this album. All In All, Hurley is a great album. It's Weezer's comeback album. B+
  12. Oct 15, 2014
    Their best album of the 21st century, save for Everything Will Be Alright in End. It's Weezer's return to the 90's, marred only by inconsistency and incompleteness. It sounds like what would have happened if they would have taken half the time writing and recording The Blue Album that they did.

    This isn't to say that anything else 21st centrist Weezer is bad, though. I liked it all,
    Their best album of the 21st century, save for Everything Will Be Alright in End. It's Weezer's return to the 90's, marred only by inconsistency and incompleteness. It sounds like what would have happened if they would have taken half the time writing and recording The Blue Album that they did.

    This isn't to say that anything else 21st centrist Weezer is bad, though. I liked it all, even Make Believe and Raditude.
  13. Sep 4, 2016
    The tracks that are good on Hurley are exceptionally good, however, much like The Red Album, the tracks that fall short fall very short. The album is carried by the tracks Trainwrecks, Unspoken, Hang On, Run Away and Where's My Sex?
  14. Oct 2, 2010
    The main problem with Weezer nowadays is their constant struggle to return to the sound of pinkerton, arguably their best album and the one that got them so many fans, and in the last 5 years, this is pretty much as close as they have got, perhaps their 3rd best album, with Maladroit being first and Pinkerton a very close second
  15. Apr 2, 2016
    Much better than Ratitude or Red or Make Believe, but still not a Weezer classic like Blue or Pinkerton. "Memories" is a great way to kick off the album with a nice theme about nostalgia. The album continues to be good with the next track "Ruling Me" which sounds like a classic Weezer song. "Unspoken" is definitely a favorite on the album with its great progression. It starts off as aMuch better than Ratitude or Red or Make Believe, but still not a Weezer classic like Blue or Pinkerton. "Memories" is a great way to kick off the album with a nice theme about nostalgia. The album continues to be good with the next track "Ruling Me" which sounds like a classic Weezer song. "Unspoken" is definitely a favorite on the album with its great progression. It starts off as a ballad until near the end where it becomes a hard-hitting and fun tune. "Hang On" and "Smart Girls" are good as well, although I wish live drums had been used instead of a drum machine on the latter. The other songs are decent except for "Where's My Sex" which is probably the worst song on the album. It is a really corny song with weird instrumentation and a over-the-top bridge near the end. This album shows Weezer can still put out good material which is great to hear. Expand
  16. Mar 22, 2015
    7/10 .................................................................................................................................................

Generally favorable reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 28
  2. Negative: 1 out of 28
  1. Mojo
    Dec 13, 2010
    The "sonically exploratory" nature of Hurley occasionally serves Weezer's boredom threshold better than it does the songs. [Nov 2010, p.103]
  2. Dec 13, 2010
    Eight years ago this might have been a decent debut for a Weezer-rip-off pop-punk band, but now, even at their best, Weezer too often come off now as self-parody.
  3. If there is a compliment to be paid to Hurley, it is that the band refrains from delving into the sort of WTF territory they've explored of late.