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Hurley Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 94 Ratings

  • Summary: As its first independently released album, Weezer still remains true to form with a collection of Pinkerton-esque pop rock.
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 28
  2. Negative: 1 out of 28
  1. Hurley wrestles with serious themes - heartbreak, nostalgia, busted and unrealized dreams; the kinds of things that songwriters usually write songs about when they're on the precipice of turning 40.
  2. Hurley isn't perfect, but it's the best thing Weezer have done in quite some time, and that's all we can hope for-until the next Nirvana comes along, of course.
  3. It's got the charm and spark of the Weezer of old, and that's a quality you just can't fake.
  4. The song's stitched-together feel is also emblematic of an album that feels a bit rushed.
  5. Hurley, named after the tragicomic Lost character (who also adorns the cover), continues this recent trend with no less than nine co-writers (for 10 songs), and an even longer list of featured musicians, including Michael Cera, who is enlisted to lay down some mandolin and harmonies for no discernible reason beyond his being Michael Cera.
  6. So the best songs on Hurley are immediately familiar, like an old lover's phone number you can't forget. This is great, but obviously not that great. Everybody should move on after a while.
  7. If there is a compliment to be paid to Hurley, it is that the band refrains from delving into the sort of WTF territory they've explored of late.

See all 28 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 24
  2. Negative: 2 out of 24
  1. Sep 17, 2010
    I have to say he seldom disappoint. He sounds more like this new band i heard. Though new but they have really pulled it off with some of teI have to say he seldom disappoint. He sounds more like this new band i heard. Though new but they have really pulled it off with some of te greatest music
  2. Sep 14, 2010
    Probably their best album since 2002's Maladroit (their most underrated record, in my opinion), Hurley gives fans what they wanted... WeezerProbably their best album since 2002's Maladroit (their most underrated record, in my opinion), Hurley gives fans what they wanted... Weezer returns to form with this nice collection of fun and catchy songs... Expand
  3. Sep 16, 2010
    After last year's Ratitude, Weezer ultimately can claim that Hurley is their best sounding album in recent years with memorable lyrics and anAfter last year's Ratitude, Weezer ultimately can claim that Hurley is their best sounding album in recent years with memorable lyrics and an uplifting rock sound Weezer can please fans and newbies alike, Expand
  4. Nov 1, 2010
    Much better than Raditude, but still has nothing on the first 4 albums. not entirely forgettable though and a handful of stand-out tracks makeMuch better than Raditude, but still has nothing on the first 4 albums. not entirely forgettable though and a handful of stand-out tracks make this a must have for any hardcore weezer fans. Collapse
  5. Mar 22, 2015
    7/10 .................................................................................................................................................
  6. Feb 8, 2016
    This album is not exactly the Blue Album or Pinkerton, and it certainly is not even close to weezer's best musical ability, but some of theThis album is not exactly the Blue Album or Pinkerton, and it certainly is not even close to weezer's best musical ability, but some of the tracks are really good, including Memories and Trainwrecks. The album falls short when it tries to be emotional and deep, but just kind of ends up sounding a little bit MCR-ish in sorts. I guess you could say Pinkerton was a little bit "emo", but it did it correctly. The instrumentation is pretty good on this album, but can get a little sloppy at times. This is a pretty decent record, for modern Weezer standards. Expand
  7. Apr 13, 2011
    By far the worst Weezer album. Created in less than a year, this album features some of Rivers Cuomo's laziest songwriting ever. "Where's myBy far the worst Weezer album. Created in less than a year, this album features some of Rivers Cuomo's laziest songwriting ever. "Where's my Sex?" Cleverly replaces the word socks with sex, and "Smart girls" replaces the word hot with smart. Not exactly groundbreaking. Weezer has completed their devolution from geeky, alt-rick heroes to producers of trashy party music for morons. You'll hear their poorly produced garbage on the radio more than you ever heard the Blue album, but that doesn't it good music.

    As a fan who owns every album (even this one) I'll say this: If I ever hear another new Weezer song, it will be because I have forgotten to change the radio station.

See all 24 User Reviews