• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Nov 22, 2005

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. By destroying the momentum of the of the new record by tossing in a trio of very weak songs that are the very definition the word "filler", what could have been a landmark hard rock double album becomes merely a good one.
  2. Even if Hypnotize is full of missteps, its existence as a separate entity is what makes Mezmerize nearly perfect.
  3. Uncut
    In many ways [it] seems in thrall to its predecessor. As a study in System Of A Down's multifarious strengths and occasional weaknesses, however, it's indispensable. [Jan 2006, p.110]
  4. Alternative Press
    Hypnotize isn't a radioactive pile of suck, but had the Down boys offered some genuine hairpin turns in their aesthetic, there might be more reason to pursue a more meaningful dialogue that transcends the tired notion of "System just being System." [Jan 2006, p.127]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 260 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 11 out of 260
  1. martinw
    May 11, 2007
    the best band of its kind!!!
  2. Nov 15, 2016
    Hypnotise is perhaps the most important album System has ever released. This was their final album before they went on a long hiatus, whichHypnotise is perhaps the most important album System has ever released. This was their final album before they went on a long hiatus, which will soon be ending with their upcoming album. This also, perhaps, was their weakest album, and the hiatus will most likely allow them to spiritually clear their air, and allow them to head in a clearer, more musically interesting direction.

    There are some issues on this album, for example the overuse of Daron’s voice. In my opinion he works so much better as a backup singer than a lead vocalist, and it’s a shame he steals the show from Serj, who really is the greater singer. For one, Daron’s voice is high and whiny (intentionally so), which does suit the instrumentation, but wastes the manic singing of Serj, who really proved his skills in their debut. There are fewer moments in the vocals on this album that really resemble Spiders and Know, which evoke that middle eastern sound, which could really have helped these tracks.

    However, regardless this is a SOAD album, so it is still of a high quality, even if it can’t keep up with its predecessors. There are some standout tracks on this:

    We get a really fast, and thrash-like riff opening the album, and does remind me of the way 80’s bands tended to open their albums. This song does work, and has a lot of emphasis on Serj’s voice, which for me is a major plus.

    Kill Rock ‘n Roll:
    Another solid SOAD track, especially the comedic lyrics. “I felt like the biggest ass” goes to show there was some honest musicianship on this album, and even some hints of experimentation in their songwriting, which meant this album was anything but tame. Very re-listenable.

    Great lyrics (“can you say brainwashing…brainwashing” as an example), this was a great track to choose for the title, but what I especially love is the solid balance between Daron and Serj’s vocals. If they want more Daron singing, this is the way to do it, with very prominent backups. Sadly the song isn’t as heavy as Mesmerize before it, but compensates with a very catchy and modern melody. Not a song you can really headbang to, but one you could really sing along to.

    Holy Mountains:
    This song sounds like something straight off their Debut. A long and heavy track, with massive religious criticisms (on the edge of redundancy and revolutionary), like a mix of Mind and Know. There is an eerie soundscape throughout the track, and makes the pacing of the album so much better. The 3 songs before this were very short and heavy, adding up to about 10 minutes of fast riffs, then stopped for a massive stomping track filled with huge riffs which live up to the name. This was an expertly written song.

    She’s Like Heroin + Vicinity of Obscenity
    They experiment even more She’s Like Heroin, and succeed in making something quite catchy, and re-listenable. This is quite a different tone for SOAD, as this is the first time they (kind of) touch on songs about love, but in their own, mildly psychotic way. Then with Vicinity of Obscenity they come full circle with the veritey of this album, this song is ENDLESSLY relistendable, with some standout lyrics, even on this album. Really great song, which I believe was previously released on a few of their older singles, which goes to show that they had some of their roots in this album

    Lonely Day:
    This song has a great melody, and ‘memorable’ lyrics, which I really don’t know what to make of… Daron has leads, and it just goes to show what a shame it is that Serj isn’t as present on this album, and he could really have carried the melody a bit better. Regardless the song sounds good when you listen, and is one which really feels like a hit, which works to the advantage of those re-listening to the album.

    Soldier Side:
    The album ends with the opposite of the opening track. What a good track this is. Like a semi-ballad, it has actually interesting anthem-like lyrics about war. Serj and Daron have harmonising vocals that work here, because of the anthem like quality of the song. A great way to end the album.

    Overall this cannot be considered a disappointment. It could compete with all of SOAD’s discography for its clear and distinctive style, and its melodic focus. I only wish there was less emphasis on Daron’s voice, and more softer and harder moments.

    This was a great success, and should really get everbody excited for the SOAD album, which is even as half as good as this (which will easily be) then we might have their new masterpiece on our hands.
    Full Review »
  3. UnclePhil
    Nov 23, 2005
    A disappointment, and a clear indication that Rick Rubin ought to have forced the band to pare all this down into one album. While he was at A disappointment, and a clear indication that Rick Rubin ought to have forced the band to pare all this down into one album. While he was at it, he ought to have stolen Daron's mic, and let Serj, the truly distinctive vocalist in the band, shoulder singing and lyrical duties. After hearing "Vicinity of Obscenity," it's hard to know whether we can still trust even Serj for halfway decent lyrics, but at least we wouldn't have to listen to Daron flunk middle school English while he whines about "the most loneliest day of [his] life." 3/4 of the songs from Mezmerize combined with 1/4 of the songs here might have comprised one of the better hard rock (and protest) albums of the decade, but it's too late now. For a band positioned to be making the best music of its career, they sure do sound uninspired. I'm far from hypnotized. Full Review »