
Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
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  1. Nov 2, 2015
    Wolf Eyes are more than just another noise project, their world-view is intact, and I Am a Problem: Mind in Pieces is strong meat for those willing to take a healthy bite.
  2. Alternative Press
    Nov 2, 2015
    The allure is, as ever, the trio's use of the stereo field, and their ability to pump some breathing room into these otherwise sticky and humid tunes. [Dec 2015, p.106]
  3. Oct 30, 2015
    Wolf Eyes’ travels through the depths of noise and despair sound like they end up at a place where the gates read “Abandon All Hope,” but the group’s ability to put across its artistic vision with such totality should inspire at least a flicker of optimism.
  4. Oct 28, 2015
    I Am a Problem isn’t the anomaly it might at first seem, but it is also its own beast. And a powerful, eccentric beast it is, snarling and stalking the shadows.
  5. Oct 30, 2015
    Weird, wonderful and moderately imposing.
  6. Magnet
    Nov 17, 2015
    I Am A Problem still explores texture and discomfort like Wolf Eyes always has, but now have riffs. [No. 126, p.60]
  7. Mojo
    Oct 28, 2015
    Another weighty addition to this first-choice list. [Dec 2015, p.91]
  8. Oct 29, 2015
    There's relative lack of confrontational left turns and endurance-testing meltdowns, which might divide long-time fans over whether this is Wolf Eyes' most boring album or their most "mature."
  9. Oct 28, 2015
    Despite the squalid fervor that juts out in contrast to “Catching the Rich Train,” the surprisingly sedate opener, the trio is still working to arrange its raft of influences in some way that makes sense to its members.
  10. Nov 3, 2015
    You have to sit still a while and let the trio’s sonic images wash over you before their musical zombies rise from the dead to terrorize the stereo space. But give this album a fraction of the patience and attention that Wolf Eyes have put into it--effort on a par with their excellent previous effort, No Answer: Lower Floors--and you’ll be glad you stayed up late enough to see how it ends.
  11. Nov 2, 2015
    I Am a Problem is a strong effort and a well-crafted representation of a Mind in Pieces. It may not be as forceful or jarring as a Burned Mind, Human Animal or No Answer, yet it demonstrates a Wolf Eyes branching off in interesting new directions, as well as perfecting the art of plying their noisome trade to serious ideas and issues.
  12. Dec 14, 2015
    It’s certainly a series of striking and original composites, if a slightly meta one.
  13. Oct 28, 2015
    This isn’t quite your weird uncle’s Wolf Eyes, capable of clearing a den and ending the party in 30 seconds flat--but it’s a Wolf Eyes that’s still capable of scaring off half the guests. The other half will find a lot to love here.
  14. Nov 5, 2015
    This album marks a continued evolution in a subtly different new direction for this most idiosyncratic of American alternative bands, one of the few "allowed" to deliver this most unsettled of musics in a quasi-mainstream setting. After repeated listens, I've come to the conclusion that it and No Answer: Lower Floors represent a welcome refinement of something Wolf Eyes have been articulating since their humble beginnings way back in 2000.
  15. The Wire
    Dec 16, 2015
    The desire of the group to progress feels palpable here. [Nov 2015, p.55]
  16. Oct 30, 2015
    What makes a Wolf Eyes album worthwhile is less the raging skree than their keen application of dark, delectably uncouth fragment. Your head can still wade in this bracken, even if it may not be as tumultuously roiling as it once was.
  17. Uncut
    Dec 11, 2015
    As noise records go, it's a thing of relative restraint, and enjoyable in its own way. [Jan 2016, p.81]

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