• Record Label: 4AD
  • Release Date: May 17, 2019

Universal acclaim - based on 34 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 34
  2. Negative: 0 out of 34
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  1. May 28, 2019
    While the National have been transformed and enhanced by the tendrils of connection that have grown out into a wider world here with this bold and remarkable series of collaborations and joint ventures, they also remain their essential selves.
  2. May 22, 2019
    By allowing their diligently designed blueprint to take a new, unexpected form, the National haven’t ceded the spotlight, only broadened it.
  3. May 20, 2019
    The centre of gravity around which they've always spun, the human heart of Berninger's lyrics that was always caked under middle-class anxiety and "quote-unquote upscale tropical funeral" surrealism, has never been easier to find. This tension between open-heartedness and discursive, tangential songwriting--let's call it the distance between simplicity and complexity, for closure's sake--is the paradox on which this album is built, and to that brilliant balancing act you can always return when it feels like it's losing the thread.
  4. 80
    The National prove with I Am Easy To Find that they don’t need the old bang and clatter to achieve their signature melancholic glory.
  5. May 17, 2019
    What first makes the record baffling is also what makes it fascinating, as the band toes the line between experimentation and self-sabotage. They wring maximum potential from bizarre ideas.
  6. May 17, 2019
    The album's triumph is in shoring up our capacity to keep searching, making sense of the chaos and loving no matter what, summed up beautifully in the end with "There's a million battles that I'm never gonna win anyway/I'm still waiting for you every night with ticker tape, ticker tape." It can't be a celebration each time, but in surmounting failings large and minute, this eighth National album posits, sometimes it should be.
  7. May 17, 2019
    The National have put out another album that could easily be argued as their best--and it may be easier to make that claim now than ever before.
  8. May 17, 2019
    A record imbued with the distance between people and places, the impermanence of stories and emotions, and one that finds it ever so hard to stay in one place for too long. ... It’s a damn fine National album.
  9. May 17, 2019
    The whole record works best less as a collection of songs than a sustained mood piece: its moves uptempo (Where Is Her Head, Rylan) are tempered by the stillness that surrounds them. The music burbles, without ever insisting. The lyrics (credited to Berninger, his wife Carin Besser, and Mike Mills, the film director who’s also listed as a co-producer) are both allusive and grounded.
  10. May 17, 2019
    The National had an incredible streak of great albums throughout the 2000s that propelled them to their current status as one of the biggest indie rock bands, and I Am Easy to Find is another solid addition to their catalog, even if it breaks that streak.
  11. May 16, 2019
    It would be rash to immediately start writing The National’s obituary, but this really does sounds like the band is preparing to wind down, for a period at least. It seems like we’re really no closer to answering that first question. Where do The National go from here? It could be a while before we find out.
  12. May 16, 2019
    Where once they relied on builds with big payouts, the soundscapes conjured on I Am Easy to Find harness restraint so effectively, instead of reveling in the melodies that champion the vocal riches over the intricate layering of guitars, Bryan Devendorf’s iconic rhythms and the space between everything. Even at 64 minutes, it’s a record that never feels bloated.
  13. May 16, 2019
    The National’s never been afraid to dial things down, but it’s rarely sounded as vulnerable as it does here--song after song, Dessner’s vibrant, moody arrangements serve to reflect Berninger’s precarious balance of hope and frustration.
  14. 80
    They’re never going to knock you down with their raw power. But, like the Midwestern cities of southwestern Ohio that birthed them ... you’ll find a lot of beauty if you stick around long enough.
  15. May 16, 2019
    I Am Easy to Find is littered with these ambitious flourishes, all of which add up to make a much broader and more pointed statement of offbeat intent.
  16. 80
    At a sprawling 16 tracks and 63 minutes long, the only thing I Am Easy To Find suffers from is its sombre and pensive pace, without the feral release that certain fans of ‘Boxer’ or ‘Alligator’ might long for.
  17. May 16, 2019
    I Am Easy to Find has loose ends and picturesque detours in addition to a revolving cast of characters and a suggestion of mess that give the album an appealingly unkempt sense of humanity.
  18. May 16, 2019
    Although the album is the band’s biggest yet, with a cast of dozens including 13 violinists alone, it rarely feels bulky. Only the too-Arcade-Fire-for-comfort “Where Is Her Head” succumbs to grandiosity, prioritizing spectacle over purpose.
  19. May 16, 2019
    On I Am Easy to Find, another standard-bearing indie dude brand has reconfigured itself with multiple women’s voices at the LP’s core, a portion of the roughly 77 musicians that temporarily explode the band’s quintet. ... They pull it off without diluting their National-ness.
  20. May 16, 2019
    With new voices, new avenues of exploration and new lyrical viewpoints, The National, alongside producer-director Mike Mills, once again show their ability to reinvent themselves to produce something that is more than just an album.
  21. May 15, 2019
    There’s plenty here to push The National’s sound forwards and stave off stagnation.
  22. Q Magazine
    May 14, 2019
    [It takes a while] for the songs to emerge out of the mist. When they do, they stand among the band's best work. [Jul 2019, p.104]
  23. May 14, 2019
    I Am Easy To Find feels like a restart for a band in its 20th year. It might challenge some fans and may not ever grow on others, but more than anything, it proves that the National are not the band you thought they were. They're way more than that.
  24. May 14, 2019
    One does eventually feel the album’s length, with the stretch of songs in between “You Left Your Soul with You” and “I Am Easy to Find” feeling comparatively pedestrian—the sounds of a band treading more familiar ground before really staring to take chances. But once they do, the sprawl quickly begins to justify itself, revealing some of the most ambitious music the National has ever made.
  25. May 13, 2019
    With its 16 tracks clocking in at 63 minutes, it’s the band’s longest album to date and, despite a smattering of classy highlights, it feels laboured and cumbersome. With that in mind, the album as a whole falls short of The National’s best work. Yet it is, in places, an admirable detour.
  26. Mojo
    May 7, 2019
    Ultimately, it's a record filled with beauty that tries to do what therapy does: sort through a mess of emotions and reorganise them into something that makes more sense. [Jun 2019, p.84]
  27. Uncut
    May 7, 2019
    The relentless mid-tempos at times make this epic 16-track album drag, but on the devastating "Not In Kansas" and the frantic "Where Is Her Head" Berninger once again proves himself rock's most astute and humane chronicler of everyday crises of faith. [Jun 2019, p.32]
  28. May 7, 2019
    At 68 minutes long and 16 tracks, its length becomes an issue during a third quarter which drifts. But as an exercise in breaking with consistency, I Am Easy To Find shows The National remain open to new possibilities after all.
  29. 90
    The nature of the project is in a way their own noble experiment, ultimately finding them at their boldest and most assured to date.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 129 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 9 out of 129
  1. May 17, 2019
    This album listening feels like entering a photography museum presented with your life. There are some ugly and beautiful parts but they allThis album listening feels like entering a photography museum presented with your life. There are some ugly and beautiful parts but they all are part of you. This band managed to play on their strength but it elevated it to give us all the sense that we are part of it. Impeccable work - arrange, lyrics, voices, feelings. Full Review »
  2. May 17, 2019
    This is an outstanding album by one of America's great rock bands. It's their Ok Computer or their Sandinista. It's the album where the bandThis is an outstanding album by one of America's great rock bands. It's their Ok Computer or their Sandinista. It's the album where the band finds the right mix of talent and experimentation. Each band member shines from Bryce's strings to Matt's voice to Scott's emotional bass lines to Aaron's gorgeous piano work to Bryan's incredible drumming. Is it a good starting point for a new fan? No. That would probably be Trouble Will Find Me or Boxer. However, it's a gift to the loyal fans. It is an experiment that almost always works and brings incredible emotional depth to the music. Full Review »
  3. May 17, 2019
    Certainly a departure from the usual The National sound, this album presents a calmer, more organized sound than previous records. However itCertainly a departure from the usual The National sound, this album presents a calmer, more organized sound than previous records. However it is a welcome change, as always the band shows a mastery with melody and lyrical composition, adding an amazing female vocal backdrop that make the record so much more intimate and new. Another amazing effort from the band. Full Review »