• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Sep 29, 2009
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 46 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 39 out of 46
  2. Negative: 1 out of 46

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  1. Shaun
    Dec 4, 2009
    I've seen heaps of critical and fan praise piled on "I and Love and You" and I'm not saying the Avetts don't deserve it. But as a fan who discovered these guys some six years ago, I continue to believe that the real masterpiece in the Avett catalog is their prior release "Emotionalism". Raw with a polished feel, tender yet rockin', Emotionalism is the true 10. The I've seen heaps of critical and fan praise piled on "I and Love and You" and I'm not saying the Avetts don't deserve it. But as a fan who discovered these guys some six years ago, I continue to believe that the real masterpiece in the Avett catalog is their prior release "Emotionalism". Raw with a polished feel, tender yet rockin', Emotionalism is the true 10. The Avetts continue to write great songs but I sometimes feel like this album is propelled in large part by the hype of a major label debut and the production of Mr. Rubin. Expand
  2. DarnellS
    Oct 26, 2009
    It's an OK to good album that every folk-infused hipster is losing their shit over. So many 10's on the user reviews is so telling. Really people? This is as good as they come? For real? I've $10 bucks that says you'll have forgotten these guys in 5 years.
  3. AdamW.
    Oct 21, 2009
    It's good by the standards of the music industry today, but it's just not anything remarkable for the Avetts. In fact, I think it's a step in the wrong direction. It's like everything that was good about our boys, their ingenuity, their imperfections, their perfection, and their music has all been sucked out and we've been left with a husk of the splendor that It's good by the standards of the music industry today, but it's just not anything remarkable for the Avetts. In fact, I think it's a step in the wrong direction. It's like everything that was good about our boys, their ingenuity, their imperfections, their perfection, and their music has all been sucked out and we've been left with a husk of the splendor that once was. Have you guys listened to Four Thieves Gone? Mignonette? Carolina Jubilee?! Now THAT'S the stuff. Expand
  4. DeezyC
    Oct 6, 2009
    First, let me say, this is my first Avett Brothers. And their sound in general seems like it would appeal to me. But this album feels very contrived and lacking in authenticity. I just couldn't get into it because of this, but I'm sure I'll enjoy other albums of the Avett Brothers.
  5. MaineMike
    Oct 2, 2009
    Although I think its a decent album, and the title track is quite good, listening to it leaves me a little disappointed, as there is only one song that displays any hint of bluegrass. It seems the trend away from bluegrass and toward Coldplay is now only 1 album away from being complete. If you like that sort of thing, than add a point or two the score, but I can get Coldplay elsewhere. Although I think its a decent album, and the title track is quite good, listening to it leaves me a little disappointed, as there is only one song that displays any hint of bluegrass. It seems the trend away from bluegrass and toward Coldplay is now only 1 album away from being complete. If you like that sort of thing, than add a point or two the score, but I can get Coldplay elsewhere. Its harder to find the the blend of bluegrass, folk, and pop the Avetts were playing a few years ago. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. Mojo
    With little in the way of banjo now, nearly every song comes steeped in acoustic piano, while the vocals are pitched to eke out every last chunk of substance from well-honed lyrics. [May 2010, p.93]
  2. The result is an intimate, poignant album, laced with rich production that enhances, not clouds, the songwriting itself.
  3. The Avett Brothers have hit upon a winning approach, and this album is another step in their taking it beyond the obvious.