
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. Q Magazine
    Jun 9, 2020
    The connective sense of an on-the-hoof holiday from the day job, plus emotionally deep and humorous lyrics, make this a winner. [Summer 2020, p.98]
  2. May 26, 2020
    Perhaps his strongest solo collection in some time, ‘I Love The New Sky’ holds true to an innate but rarely explicit sense of optimism. Softly uplifting in a very English way, it feels like a slow exhalation, a record that gently tugs at your sleeve. A low-key marvel.
  3. May 26, 2020
    It’s all crowned by the confidence of I Got This, which reconciles Charlatans-esque country-soul Hammond to classy baroque-pop ba-ba-bas in a way that is unabashedly uplifting.
  4. May 22, 2020
    As it shifts from the McCartneyesque soft rock of Sweetheart Mercury to the psychedelic mantra of The Warhol Me and very Sparks-like piano chamber pop of Comme D’Habitude, everything tends to sound a bit like something you might have heard before being lovingly recontextualized.
  5. 80
    Unravelling fresh surprises with each listen, ‘I Love The New Sky’ is the sort of immersive cult-pop experience that should break the ‘trending’ column in its own right.
  6. Uncut
    May 22, 2020
    The top line melodies don't always cut that deep, but with such intriguing decoration, we're still enchanted. [Jul 2020, p.29]
  7. May 21, 2020
    On one level I Love The New Sky is simply a collection of engaging songs but on another it’s a call for togetherness, an appeal to stay strong and embrace life. Whichever view you take it’s very much a record for these times.
  8. 80
    I Love the New Sky, might just be his best. Compared to earlier collaborative projects, this new record was composed solo in the Norfolk countryside, perhaps explaining why it has such a wonderfully expansive feel. It’s big and brash.
  9. May 21, 2020
    While I Love the New Sky would have been a near-perfect nine-track LP, it's a rare treat that Tim Burgess can give fans something so inspired and inspiring this deep into his career.
  10. 85
    Burgess’ omnivorous pop palate leads the music through baroque flourishes, residual California vibes, and a laser battle reminiscent of Joy Division’s “Insight” in the sunny swell of “Warhol Me,” with equal aplomb. It is a kinder, gentler rock and roll, perhaps, envisioned by someone who is convinced that “the future is friendly.”
  11. May 21, 2020
    The essential generosity of Burgess' spirit helps keep I Love the New Sky buoyant during the rare moment it drifts a bit too far into cheerful trippiness. And those moments are so rare, they're hardly noticed.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 4 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 4
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 4
  3. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Oct 7, 2020
    A catchy set of pop songs, very likable and very listenable. The recording is crisp and clean, well produced and the songs are well written.A catchy set of pop songs, very likable and very listenable. The recording is crisp and clean, well produced and the songs are well written. Like much of the original Britpop era, there isn't much in terms of innovation, depth or grit here but there is always time and a place for high quality, straightforward pop in my music collection. To quote a tweet from the man himself, "The music you like isn't **** Opener "Empathy for the Devil" and closing track "Laurie" stand out. Full Review »
  2. Sep 2, 2020
    ( 71/100 )

    Esta aceptación personal de Tim Burges es amigable y simpática, pero no realmente intima. El vocalista de Manchester, Inglaterra
    ( 71/100 )

    Esta aceptación personal de Tim Burges es amigable y simpática, pero no realmente intima. El vocalista de Manchester, Inglaterra de la banda The Charlatans regresa con un proyecto como solista llamado "I Love The New Sky" en donde habla sobre estar en paz con sus propias decisiones, cuerpo y vida alrededor de él. El álbum tiene un arco narrativo usual que comienza con canciones amigables y up-beat pero poco energicas. Las melodías se pueden tararear con facilidad pero, para el final, carecen de intensidad y sensibilidad tanto lyrica como musical. "Lucky Creatures" es un climax importante, pero su logro se siente fuera del contexto musical. Este pequeño teatro de Rock-Pop da brincos en la banqueta ignorando la tormenta que la rodea y se va volando lejos de toda relevancia.
    The personal acceptance of Tim Burgess is friendly and sympathetic but not really intimate. The vocalist of Manchester, England of The Charlatans comes back with a solo project called "I Love The New Sky" where he talks about being in peace with his own decisions, body, and life around him. The narrative path of the album is usual and begins with friendly and upbeat songs, but with no energy. The melodies can be hummed easily, but in the end, they lack of lyric and musical intensity and sensibility. "Lucky Creatures" is an important climax, but its achievement feels out of the musical context. This little theatre of Rock-Pop bounce walk in the sidewalk ignoring the storm around it and takes it far away of all relevance.
    Full Review »