• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Dec 14, 2018
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 477 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 61 out of 477
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  1. Dec 18, 2018
    I was a little put off due to the length of the album, but I still had to give it a chance. I did not listen to the full album at once. I listened to the first half for a a couple of days, then moved on to the second half. Overall I really enjoyed the production of the songs, and Zayn's silky smooth voice is a pleasure to listen to. He showed off his vocal range really well. This albumI was a little put off due to the length of the album, but I still had to give it a chance. I did not listen to the full album at once. I listened to the first half for a a couple of days, then moved on to the second half. Overall I really enjoyed the production of the songs, and Zayn's silky smooth voice is a pleasure to listen to. He showed off his vocal range really well. This album definitely shows lyrical growth from his debut album. For me, the album could have ended at Insomnia. I find myself skipping the last 3 songs - they're not bad at all, i just think the other songs are so much better. I will still give it a 10/10 simply because i thoroughly enjoyed 99% of the album, and to be honest, i've been having it on repeat constantly. Icarus Falls has quickly entered my list of favourite albums of 2018. Expand
  2. Dec 18, 2018
    Amazing album. Length may put you off but its a cohesive body of work. If 27 feels too long listen to it in 2 parts. Lyrical content is amazing. Zayn has shown tremendous growth from his first album. Definitely an album that you fall more and more in love with upon more listens. Love it. Stand alone songs include the interlude, Back to Life, Satisfaction, Common and Natural (in noAmazing album. Length may put you off but its a cohesive body of work. If 27 feels too long listen to it in 2 parts. Lyrical content is amazing. Zayn has shown tremendous growth from his first album. Definitely an album that you fall more and more in love with upon more listens. Love it. Stand alone songs include the interlude, Back to Life, Satisfaction, Common and Natural (in no particular order) Expand
  3. Dec 18, 2018
    Overlook the length and sit down with this album on a free night and allow yourself to invest yourself into it. If you feel you don't have the time just listen to it in parts and zayn will still manage to charm his way into your heart imo. Very rare do you find an album of this length have different kinds of sounds but somehow still manage to remain cohesive. Never a dull moment. ZaynOverlook the length and sit down with this album on a free night and allow yourself to invest yourself into it. If you feel you don't have the time just listen to it in parts and zayn will still manage to charm his way into your heart imo. Very rare do you find an album of this length have different kinds of sounds but somehow still manage to remain cohesive. Never a dull moment. Zayn always impresses with his vocal ability but in this album you realise just how much he can do with his voice and how different he can make it sound. High or low, whether it's his voice or the mood of the song, zayn can make it work. The album starts off seemingly sweet and simple enough (though it's notable that even his love songs are deeper than the usual) until the mid which is marked by the soul crushing 4 minute long interlude. The rest of the album gets heavier and darker almost quickly and is arguably the better part of the album. With stellar production, smooth and effortless vocals which always manage to send a nod to his pakistani heritage, beautifully crafted lyricism and a little help from Greek mythology, zayn has shown that he clearly is a master of his art. Expand
  4. Dec 18, 2018
    It's honestly one of the best albums out this year. I love the concept and how he used greek mythology in his lyrics, both sides of the album, name and cover. So many highlights, both vocally and lyrically. I would definitely recommend it to a friend
  5. Dec 18, 2018
    zayn didnt make this album for the charts and the numbers, he simply wanted the world to ENJOY his music; the album is so personal and beautiful.
    ps justin bieber said he deserves a grammy so
  6. Dec 18, 2018
    For a long album it's just wonderful how every track just has it's own special piece of art and emotions. I will say I'm just blown away by this one. Exceeded all my expectations and I want to just express how wonderful his voice is and his ability to make you feel his emotions is something only great artists do. I just believe this album should get a lot of recognition and should beFor a long album it's just wonderful how every track just has it's own special piece of art and emotions. I will say I'm just blown away by this one. Exceeded all my expectations and I want to just express how wonderful his voice is and his ability to make you feel his emotions is something only great artists do. I just believe this album should get a lot of recognition and should be written in books. Expand
  7. Dec 18, 2018
    I must say that it's the first time that I feel deeply connected with some songs from a popular artist. His powerful and angelic voice touch my soul and taking me to another place. Very good work.
  8. Dec 18, 2018
    I'm being completely objective here: it’s an incredible body of work. Zayn has managed to pick out so many little nuances from different genres (rock, pop, older country, r&b, even praise and worship?) and mold them together into one textured yet extremely cohesive album. It’s hopeful. It’s bright. It's smoky. It’s melancholy. And because Zayn truly understands music, and more importantly,I'm being completely objective here: it’s an incredible body of work. Zayn has managed to pick out so many little nuances from different genres (rock, pop, older country, r&b, even praise and worship?) and mold them together into one textured yet extremely cohesive album. It’s hopeful. It’s bright. It's smoky. It’s melancholy. And because Zayn truly understands music, and more importantly, himself, it’s able to exist as all of these things at once without seeming scattered and nonsensical.
    I'm continually impressed by his artistry and just how thoughtful he is.
  9. Dec 18, 2018
    honestly ICARUS FALLS is the best album i ever listen to. Zayn is a very talented person and he got the most beautiful voice in the world.
  10. Dec 19, 2018
    In an era where music has become so impersonal, where the lyrics have less weight than the music, and where it’s become less about touching someone’s soul and more about finding a beat that catches someone’s ear, it’s so rare to see an album that takes you back to the time where you can identify with the feelings inspired by a song. That’s precisely what Icarus Falls does. It makes youIn an era where music has become so impersonal, where the lyrics have less weight than the music, and where it’s become less about touching someone’s soul and more about finding a beat that catches someone’s ear, it’s so rare to see an album that takes you back to the time where you can identify with the feelings inspired by a song. That’s precisely what Icarus Falls does. It makes you sad, happy, and everything in between. The title itself promises an intriguing tale of a fallen man, and the 27 tracks do not disappoint. Today where 140 characters have become the limit to hold our attention, some have made an issue of the length of the album. If you’re looking for a record that has a couple of good songs and the rest fodder, this is not it. This is an album where each song is a chapter that tells the story of a man in love, but whose life complications get in the way of that love. It’s never dull, it’s not exhaustive, and you will not be disappointed. In my humble opinion, Icarus Falls is one of the best albums you will purchase in this and the coming year. Expand
  11. Dec 18, 2018
    From heartfelt lyrics, to emotional strong vocals, to great production if I could give this album a 100 i would. 27 songs and not one filler song. Cohesive, related to the "Icarus Falls" theme, and double album. Zayn is one outstanding artist.
  12. Dec 18, 2018
    A cohesive masterpiece. the album flows so well.... that quantity does not seem to scare anymore, definitely worth every second.
  13. Dec 18, 2018
    Exceeded my expectations. At first i was like - meh, this album is too long for me to listen to, but i eventually gave it a go, mainly because i really liked zayns first album. I thought that I’d probably leave it half way through, but man this album was good. I couldn’t resist not listening ti it completely. An amazing album. Touches every genre.
  14. Dec 18, 2018
    It's one of the best albums released this year. The symbolism is out of this world and showcases Zayn's genius. The lyrics, production and instrumentals show a clear progression from Mind of Mine. Check it out fir yourself!
  15. Dec 18, 2018
    This album is truly amazing! It is so versatile and each song is different from the other yet they seem to be in continuation. The production and lyrics are outstanding and the album is full of emotions. Songs recommended -
    1. Common
    2. Back To Life
    3. There You Are
    4. I Don't Mind
    5. Flight of The Stars
  16. Dec 18, 2018
    Mind of Mine, Zayn's debut album, was a great work and I didn't know how Zayn could top that. But, somehow, he did and in the most difficult way, might I add. He gave the world two albums worth of music, 27 songs divided by an interlude that sets the difference between both sides -- the romantic, hopeful and lovestruck one and then the disappointed and betrayed one that's a little tooMind of Mine, Zayn's debut album, was a great work and I didn't know how Zayn could top that. But, somehow, he did and in the most difficult way, might I add. He gave the world two albums worth of music, 27 songs divided by an interlude that sets the difference between both sides -- the romantic, hopeful and lovestruck one and then the disappointed and betrayed one that's a little too relatable. It's a ride of feelings delivered through Zayn's impressive and smooth high notes and falsettos.

    I haven't been able to listen to anything else since this album's release and, along with Rosalía's "El Mal Querer", Icarus Falls is my favourite 2018 album and certainly one of the best! Hopefully it'll continue to shine and it'll be recognised as the sublime work that it is.
  17. Dec 18, 2018
    First of all THIS ALBUM IS UNPREDICTABLE . i remember listening to Zayn's first album and i remember how i much i liked tbh i didnt expect his sophomore album to be that good but he did it he outdid himself.people may find it lengthy as it has 27 songs on it but believe me you will love it. if you don't have time just listen to the first 10 songs. i hope they will help you to decide. thisFirst of all THIS ALBUM IS UNPREDICTABLE . i remember listening to Zayn's first album and i remember how i much i liked tbh i didnt expect his sophomore album to be that good but he did it he outdid himself.people may find it lengthy as it has 27 songs on it but believe me you will love it. if you don't have time just listen to the first 10 songs. i hope they will help you to decide. this album has everything. it has those beautiful,meaningful lyrics, those beats OMG. Every song carries a different vibe. this album is like a roller coaster of emotions. it will make you dance it will make you sad, it also carries those classy vibes.one can't predict the songs it's like you are 5 secs in the song you think its gonna be a sad song but BOOM! that is why i love this album so much. Expand
  18. Dec 18, 2018
    This album is so dreamy it's honestly unreal. It has such an intense mood and is such a vibe I can't stop listening to it. The main complaint about this album is that it's too long, but I'm certainly not going to complain about too much music when the production is so meticulous and it is as vocally mindblowing as this. Zayn is irrefutably one of the best vocalists making music today, andThis album is so dreamy it's honestly unreal. It has such an intense mood and is such a vibe I can't stop listening to it. The main complaint about this album is that it's too long, but I'm certainly not going to complain about too much music when the production is so meticulous and it is as vocally mindblowing as this. Zayn is irrefutably one of the best vocalists making music today, and this album demonstrates that in painstaking detail. His range, his technique, his control; absolutely stunning. You cannot resist falling in love with his voice in this album, neither will you be able to resist the intense vibe it sets down. You'll find yourself returning to it repeatedly and enjoying it before you fall asleep or make love. Some of the sounds in the first half of the album are so wispy and ethereal. Expand
  19. Dec 19, 2018
    ZAYN'S BEST WORK YET! Mind of Mind is a solid debut and Icarus Fall shows his true artistry. The mythology is brilliantly executed, each of 27 songs ties back to the story. ALSO, EACH OF THE SONG IS WRITTEN SO BEAUTIFULLY!!! These lyrics are poetry, but nothing too pretentious or hyperbole. It's just Zayn. and his voice, oh wow! something about his voice makes me feel calm and peaceful.ZAYN'S BEST WORK YET! Mind of Mind is a solid debut and Icarus Fall shows his true artistry. The mythology is brilliantly executed, each of 27 songs ties back to the story. ALSO, EACH OF THE SONG IS WRITTEN SO BEAUTIFULLY!!! These lyrics are poetry, but nothing too pretentious or hyperbole. It's just Zayn. and his voice, oh wow! something about his voice makes me feel calm and peaceful. MUST LISTEN SONGS: Common, Stand Still, Flight of the Stars, There You Are. Trust me, the diversity of genre make it easier for anyone to find the song they like. Give it a listen! THIS IS MY ALBUM OF THE YEAR!!! Expand
  20. Dec 19, 2018
    so versatile voice. so much vibe in one album. ballad, beat, retro, r&b, pop, soulful, and more with quality sound and vocal. we can 'say he improves from the first album
  21. Dec 19, 2018
    The vocals. The lyrics. The production. The vibe. Unbelievable. That is all.
  22. Dec 20, 2018
    I am highly impressed by this album Zayn's voice is so charismatic and soulful and songs are so amazing a highly recommended album
  23. Dec 23, 2018
    Zayn did not disappoint, besides bringing an album full of his compositions, the quality of each song is so terrifying, in addition to exploring his voice well, he can touch the heart of what he hears.
  24. Dec 31, 2018
    the thing about this album is that every song is unique. Literally every song is different from the other, i liked so much flight to the stars, all that, you wish you knew, sour diesel, rainberry, insomnia, talk to me... ugh ALL? Yes all. NO skips. It deserves all the success in this world. It shows Zayn's voice so well, his vocals and the lyrics are everything. The producing is verythe thing about this album is that every song is unique. Literally every song is different from the other, i liked so much flight to the stars, all that, you wish you knew, sour diesel, rainberry, insomnia, talk to me... ugh ALL? Yes all. NO skips. It deserves all the success in this world. It shows Zayn's voice so well, his vocals and the lyrics are everything. The producing is very outstanding and better than Mind of mine's one. I truly enjoyed this album. From the first track to the final one. Honestly one of the best albums of 2019. Zayn is very talented and makes excellent music. We need more like him! Expand
  25. Dec 18, 2018
    An album that was worth the 2.5 year wait! Every song is unique in its own way. Standouts for me include Natural, Common, All That, There You Are and Imprint. It’s a hard feat to have a 27 track long album with no skips and Zayn has defiantly achieved that. Pleasantly surprised!
  26. Dec 20, 2018
    Amo todo de este álbum, desde los falsetes de Zayn, sus sonidos misteriosos pero a la vez encantadores, es genial que este álbum este lleno de tantos géneros a los que Zayn supo acomodar de una forma excelente para así darle vida a esta maravillosa obra de arte. Felicitaciones Z
  27. Dec 18, 2018
    Em seu segundo álbum de estúdio Zayn supera o seu primeiro "Mind Of Mine" e surpreende ao trazer grande qualidade em 27 MÚSICAS. Sem repetição, sem incoesão, e falhas quase imperceptíveis em algumas faixas. Totalmente pessoal e sincero.
  28. Dec 18, 2018
    The album is more than amazing zayn did really good job , you could really feel it it’s so emotional and private which i really love cause it makes feel close to zayn . Alot of people complain about the length but that wasn’t a problem for me i really enjoyed it and i actually wish there were more songs , zayn’s voice is so angelic and i think he’s one of the best in the industry he justThe album is more than amazing zayn did really good job , you could really feel it it’s so emotional and private which i really love cause it makes feel close to zayn . Alot of people complain about the length but that wasn’t a problem for me i really enjoyed it and i actually wish there were more songs , zayn’s voice is so angelic and i think he’s one of the best in the industry he just need to promote and interact more . Expand
  29. Dec 18, 2018
    i never thought um gonna listen to the album, because it is 'too long' in our basic point of view. But i kinda interested to see what zayn has come up with, either its a progression of his 1st Mind Of Mine or not. So, i selected 5 songs randomly and listened. They were Natural, Common, Good Guy, There You Are and Flight of the stars and BOOM! They were amazing. I feel like they were veryi never thought um gonna listen to the album, because it is 'too long' in our basic point of view. But i kinda interested to see what zayn has come up with, either its a progression of his 1st Mind Of Mine or not. So, i selected 5 songs randomly and listened. They were Natural, Common, Good Guy, There You Are and Flight of the stars and BOOM! They were amazing. I feel like they were very different from each other but are connected some way in deep. The more listened to those, the more i feel how beautiful they say their individual stories yet connected to one another in very weirdly comfortable way. I found myself with a sudden urge to listen to the whole album, i was like "if 5 of 27 songs can bring this much to the table, and do wonders, imagine what other 22 could bring". i was curious. So after finding some time from my busy schedule I sat by my big window with a coffee, plug my headphones and hit "play" on Let Me. I opened my eyes only when i realized album is over. I didnt even feel the time passing. it was that amazing. Zayn's voice, wow it does wonders to you that you dont even know how to explain. His voice was so melodic i feel the raw emotions and the feels that he feels in relation to my life, and suddenly Icarus Falls became my life story. The production is good, song choices were good. I didnt skip any song in my first go but later with the time, i decided to skip No Candle No Light simply because i am not a big fan of electric music. I love all the tunes tho, i loved how instrumentation carried on, with that instruments in that places with zayn's; voice it sounded magical. I never believe this album to be this good but WOW. I was genuinely impressed and i am still. The more i listen to the album the more i get addicted, the more i feel the emotion, the more i understand the depth and more i feel vulnerable and small because it hits in the right places and all your feels are all over the place. Its weirdly comforting, again. Honestly Mr. Malik, amazing job. It is extremely difficult to put 27 songs and not getting one bad song label. Definitely a improvement of Mind Of Mine in every way. lyrically, vocally, musically and the production vise. One of the best albums iv listened in 2018. Thank you zayn (: Expand
  30. Dec 18, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Such an amazing album the production of the songs is so good and Zayn's voice could put you in another world it holds so much emotions which helpes you to feel what he is singing...his vocals are on point. This album shows so much lyrical growth from his debut album " Mind Of Mine " . There is 27 songs on the album but every song is PREFECT like i really can't skip one song or say this one is a bad song and the more i listen to it the more i fall in love with it if you tried to understand ZAYN and what he might have been through you will know how much deep and meaningful the lyrics are ...the whole concept of the album is so brilliant and the fact that Zayn is here for music and not charts makes me respect him even more. In my opinoin Icarus Falls is one of the best albums this year. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Jan 31, 2019
    It’s an inward, headphones-on plug into a young man wrestling with varying levels of success, from codependency and addictive behaviour to self-acceptance. It’s the sound of Zayn grappling with toxic masculinity.
  2. Dec 26, 2018
    Once you accept the intimidating length and occasional clumsy lyric (see: “An attack of the mind / like Optimus Prime in his prime”), there’s plenty here to appreciate.
  3. Dec 20, 2018
    Icarus Falls has a lot of songs and some of them are quite good. As a vehicle for blitzing the internet with Zayn singles, the album is totally effective. But the concept is only half-conceived, and the listening experience is repetitive and dull.