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  1. Negative: 23 out of 214

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  1. EB
    Feb 3, 2005
  2. SueM
    Feb 15, 2005
    I've never been much of a fan of country-style music, more into alternative rock, but Conor Oberst opened my ears and mind with "I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning". He is a storyteller and the emotion really comes through here.The more I listen, the more I love it!
  3. JimB
    Mar 9, 2005
    the new dyan? friend he is much bettter than that!
  4. StuartY
    Jun 24, 2005
    Best album of 2005 so far. Sheer joy, from the folksy strumming of the opener to the angry, ecstatic noise of the finisher. Let's hope that next time round they get proper mainstream recognition.
  5. mattf
    Oct 11, 2005
    this is one of the best albums i have ever owned. i will admit, it took me a good four listens to really appreciate it, but now, i swear, it has probably moved into my top five favorite albums of all-time. the lyrics on this cd are unmatched. He's not Dylan, granted, but he is a marvelous departure from the blythe repititous indie world.
  6. JDrof
    Oct 22, 2005
    It is amazing and not as emo as fevers and mirrors makes you feel his deppresion
  7. TimB
    Jan 23, 2005
  8. CassiusClay
    Jan 25, 2005
    Album of the year!
  9. RobertR
    Jan 30, 2005
    I find it interesting that the critics at All Music Guide find Celine Dion a gifted Canadian artist, while refering to Oberst's work as simplistic and plodding.
  10. ChadV
    Jan 30, 2005
    a honest, emotional, and brilliantly conveyed record. Bright Eyes carving out his legacy with each release.
  11. BrianK
    Feb 16, 2005
    How refreshing to hear someone this thoughtful and risk taking. This is NOT pop music and not necessarily alt-country. If that's what you want beware. But it is the spirit of rock and roll in it's original rebellious spirit and raw rage that is becoming harder and harder to find these days. When I see comments like those from the All Music Guide it makes me smile and remember How refreshing to hear someone this thoughtful and risk taking. This is NOT pop music and not necessarily alt-country. If that's what you want beware. But it is the spirit of rock and roll in it's original rebellious spirit and raw rage that is becoming harder and harder to find these days. When I see comments like those from the All Music Guide it makes me smile and remember that not everyone though Dylan or Elvis were such hot shots either. I saw Bright Eyes on the Vote For Change tour not knowing who they were. I was expecting some reincarnation of some teenage garbage like Green Day or G&R and was pleasantly surprised as were several people I met between the REM and Springsteen sets. Expand
  12. MichaelW
    Apr 25, 2005
    Amazing album. Every song is fantastic. A classic that will be mentioned decades from now. Best album of the year already. Made me go out and download every single one of his albums
  13. GlennM
    May 29, 2005
    This is probably one of the best albums i have ever heard. His lyrics and tunes are so amazing, and more deep than another other artist around right now. I cant belive some guy compared him to linking park?
  14. PhilM
    Apr 28, 2006
    Brilliant, I could listen to this all day
  15. ginnyt
    Jun 30, 2006
    I was simply blown away. Like the first time I heard the Decemberists, or Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins. It's is VERY VERY rare to find a record that is worth listening to the ENTIRE way through. Beautifully done. This will be in heavy rotation for a long time...
  16. ms
    Jun 5, 2006
    A grand triumph in songwriting and a lush and sweeping musical achievment. I am convinced that amongst a few albums that today's Pop artist's, Hip Hop superstars, and fake rock (i.e. Hilary Duff, Lindsy Lohan, Ashlee Simpson) should listen to, this is at the top of the list. It is an incredibly insightful and heartbreaking testament to loneliness, honesty, love, and the A grand triumph in songwriting and a lush and sweeping musical achievment. I am convinced that amongst a few albums that today's Pop artist's, Hip Hop superstars, and fake rock (i.e. Hilary Duff, Lindsy Lohan, Ashlee Simpson) should listen to, this is at the top of the list. It is an incredibly insightful and heartbreaking testament to loneliness, honesty, love, and the evil's of our political world. If there were ever a time to name our new great song-writer of the decade, Conor takes it fair and square. His sorrowful and observational lyrics contain such emotion and power, accompanied by his quivering voice and his frail range. From broken-hearted anthems of the heart, to the anti-war songs this album has it all and it's been crafted with such ernesty and empathy that it is one of the most believable records I think I've heard in the last three years. So I say that every superstar in today's music listen to this, listen to the passion, the themes, the words, the structures, and then they should listen to themselves..because they will feel small and immature at how brave and dignifying this album is. Expand
  17. LFirebrand
    Jan 22, 2005
    Oberst at his best. Lyrically tight with no awkward turns of phrase, the emotions are lucid but more reigned in than on previous Bright Eyes records. The only miscalculation is the re-worked "Landlocked Blues," previously recorded as the superior "One Foot in Front of the Other."
  18. TMoney
    Jan 25, 2005
    simply amazing. his most beautiful work yet. (except for maybe fevers and mirrors).
  19. JoshB
    Jan 28, 2005
    This is the best thing Conor's ever released. It is a masterpiece and will most definitely stand the test of time. The lyrics are amazing and the simple, beautiful sound will mesmerize you.
  20. JacobC
    Feb 12, 2005
    Every moment of this album is perfect.
  21. justinb
    Feb 18, 2005
    classic cd
  22. brendanh
    Feb 21, 2005
  23. KayleighH
    Feb 25, 2005
    Amazing, really. He has a mood everyone can relate to in everysong. I truely think its their best yet.
  24. matts
    Feb 8, 2005
    one of the best lyrically written albums i've heard in a long time, Oberst has echoed the voice of a nation
  25. GrantW
    Mar 21, 2005
    I can't believe how much he has improved since his first almost boring first album.
  26. SteveY
    Mar 7, 2005
    One of the best albums I've ever heard. A beautiful collection of tracks that flow seemlessly. Truly a classic album that will be talked about for years to come. The start of what Conor Oberst truly has in him.
  27. James
    Apr 14, 2005
    A beautiful record thats much more polished than his earlier albums. I'm not sure when it became cool to hate this guy but he's a marvelous song writer who is going to continue to make great music long into the future.
  28. Uhhuhhim
    May 1, 2005
    "All Music Guide - guides you somewhere you don't want to be."
  29. fayeA
    Aug 18, 2005
    without a doubt one of the best if not the best albums this year. bright eyes lyrics have to be his best and his voice captivates me. cant say enough good things, and as far as him being anything like gc...plain stupidity.
  30. JimW
    Aug 5, 2005
    Beautiful lyrics. Very thoughtfully done.
  31. Liz
    Jan 15, 2006
    Personally, I thought this was the best cd i've ever owned and bought. When I first listened to it, Conor's voice had this distinctive sound, and it made me want to hear more. I also love how the music makes you forget everything and it captures you, making you want to go through it again. This is a work of art.
  32. cables
    Jan 18, 2006
    I just dont understand the hatred some people have for this album. it's fantastic. I hate emo, but i love this album. Don't lump this poor guy into the emo category, he's anything but.
  33. garibaldim
    Feb 6, 2006
    To all y'all hataz: Yes. If you really wanted to, you could decide to dislike this album, and then, with persistence, convince yourself that that's always the way you would have felt. But there's simply nothing to really strongly dislike about this album, unless you're offended by the very existence of american popular music canon. Imagine, if you can, coming across To all y'all hataz: Yes. If you really wanted to, you could decide to dislike this album, and then, with persistence, convince yourself that that's always the way you would have felt. But there's simply nothing to really strongly dislike about this album, unless you're offended by the very existence of american popular music canon. Imagine, if you can, coming across this album on your own...nobody else knows about it. get there, try to arrive at a place before overdetermined cynicism, a place you once knew, perhaps. A place where the music you hear has not been inextricably engrafted onto 122 user comments, or an industry of knowing comparisons that came after it, things the music itself never tried to engender. Poor Wide Awake. The music made is now the belated guest at its own party, expectant, innocent, ignored. Go. Be the one to put your arm around this bright-eyed broomstick cowboy. Listen to him. He's saying: "why are there cupcakes all over the walls? They were for eating..." Tell him it's not his fault. Tell him you'll make some new cupcakes -- together. Sorry, I forget what I was talking about. Expand
  34. LachlanW
    Apr 5, 2006
    An incredible album. Probably Obhert's masterpiece.
  35. ChadB
    May 20, 2009
  36. haileya
    Nov 21, 2005
    This album is amazing. One of his best, other than digital ash. He's a phenomenal writer and the melodies in this album are to die for.
  37. adamj
    Jan 21, 2005
    Breathtakingly beautiful. Putting a Picasso picture into words.
  38. JeffB
    Dec 25, 2005
    Fucking fantastic.
  39. loren
    Jan 25, 2005
    Simply brilliant, a timeless album that encapsulates a generation more vividly than any other could
  40. JayH
    Jan 25, 2005
    Connor Oberst shows his ingenuity and talent in I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning. His use of folk music, combined with his beautiful lyrics make this album worth buying twenty times over.
  41. AshleyM
    Jan 26, 2005
    This album shows his growth as an artist. Extrordinary
  42. JosephK
    Jan 27, 2005
    The gentle, perfectly engineered, unbearably sad and honest album he's been building towards his whole life. Better than Fevers and Mirrors, which is saying plenty. A thousand times more focused and vulnerable than Lifted... Don't hesitate on this one.
  43. ChadB
    Jan 28, 2005
  44. alexy
    Jan 27, 2006
    simply amazing - the music is superb, and the words are equally amazing. just by reading the lyrics, you can tell that conor oberst is a genius.
  45. anna
    Jul 17, 2006
    honest and true. oberst manages to surprise listeners on every track, while at times being blunt and at others, elusive. he transforms into a master story-teller and universalizes his lyrics without detaching a human element. from the intro to the final note on the last track a listener is captivated.
  46. TimA
    Aug 24, 2007
    This album is bright eyes greatest masterpiece, the lyrics and melodies are all amazing. Conor's voice sounds at it's best on this record, and is beautifully complemented by the simple, but effective Instrumentation.
  47. JasonW
    Dec 19, 2006
    Before i bought this album, i just thought of bright eyes as...mediocre at best. However, after purchashing this cd just out of curiosity, i have now become a bright eyes fanatic. two days after i bought this cd, i went out and bought digital ash in a digital urn, just because this cd didn't fill my appetite for conor's genius. i have been completely turned around in my opinion Before i bought this album, i just thought of bright eyes as...mediocre at best. However, after purchashing this cd just out of curiosity, i have now become a bright eyes fanatic. two days after i bought this cd, i went out and bought digital ash in a digital urn, just because this cd didn't fill my appetite for conor's genius. i have been completely turned around in my opinion on bright eyes and will absolutely add every cd that he makes to my ever expanding collection of amazing songs, no matter what the genre. Expand
  48. Nov 7, 2011
    "I'm not sure what the trouble was that started all of this, the reasons all have run away but the feeling never did - It's not something I would recommend, but it is one way to live, cause what is simple in the moonlight, by the morning never is..." - Lua, Bright Eyes
  49. Jun 17, 2014
    It never got better than this for Bright Eyes.. One of the greatest albums of recent times - and stands with the greats of all time.
    This album seems to perfectly capture a stage in anyone's life at any given time. From the soul-crushing despairs of heartbreak, to the most hopeful of hopes, to the sour distaste for political affairs.
    This is the type of album that touches one day you and
    It never got better than this for Bright Eyes.. One of the greatest albums of recent times - and stands with the greats of all time.
    This album seems to perfectly capture a stage in anyone's life at any given time. From the soul-crushing despairs of heartbreak, to the most hopeful of hopes, to the sour distaste for political affairs.
    This is the type of album that touches one day you and sticks to you for the rest of your life.
  50. ZachL.
    Jul 5, 2005
    One of the best albums of the year. I can't believe some idiot even suggested good charolette was anything even remotely like him. Good Charolette is some of the lowest of the low. Get your standards right, buddy.
  51. ChrisF
    Jan 30, 2005
    This album is the best album to come out this year, but it's only January. He really does stand out from the pack in that he is writing substantial, lyrical protest rock. Hence, comparisons to Dylan. There are strains of Dylan in his music, particularly from Highway 61 Revisited, but his music isn't as complex as Dylan's. Oberst's greatest fall will be his inability to This album is the best album to come out this year, but it's only January. He really does stand out from the pack in that he is writing substantial, lyrical protest rock. Hence, comparisons to Dylan. There are strains of Dylan in his music, particularly from Highway 61 Revisited, but his music isn't as complex as Dylan's. Oberst's greatest fall will be his inability to write popular music, not his ability to write good music. Expand
  52. giulia
    Feb 7, 2005
    all in all´its a good record, i will go to a bright eyes concert in about one month, and i m happy about it.
  53. jasonw
    Jan 24, 2005
    musically its a notch above mediocre.......lyrically, unmatched in the last decade. guess im bias because he reminds me of myself in the young, rhetorical, and good looking kind of way (me being a smartass)....but he is quite the lyracist. keep it up conor
  54. margo
    Jan 24, 2005
    All in all a great album.. I picked it up at one of his concerts and it's absolutely amazing. Each song is beautiful and I would highly recommend it.
  55. JasonL
    Feb 8, 2005
    In the last two weeks I bought I'm Wide Awake, the remastered first Slits album Cut, and the remastered Here Come The Warm Jets by Brian Eno. By far I've listened to Wide Awake the most, which is as much praise as I can give it. Land Locked Blues is a thing of beauty, and several of the songs come close to it.
  56. victorh
    Jan 24, 2005
    a solid, acoustic album that, though seemingly lacking in the emotion of earlier works, contains just as much depth found in the beautiful melodies
  57. TonyS
    Feb 18, 2005
    This is a great work-and just blow past all the hype and listen-really listen to this and let it lyrically, musically take you along to the worlds it presents. I was not prepared for the artistry here. Like the couple plunging 30,000 feet in the brilliant opener "At The Bottom of Everything" these songs are so filled with life.
  58. Tristram
    Feb 19, 2005
    'Tis the year to profess your ever loving allegience and dole out committed praise on the incomparable Conor Oberst. Its a wonder there aren't maidens scattering rose petals in front of his well-worn Converse All-Stars as he saunders. And yet after just the first song of this likely classic album you get a microcosm of the Bright Eyes experience -- too precious to take seriously 'Tis the year to profess your ever loving allegience and dole out committed praise on the incomparable Conor Oberst. Its a wonder there aren't maidens scattering rose petals in front of his well-worn Converse All-Stars as he saunders. And yet after just the first song of this likely classic album you get a microcosm of the Bright Eyes experience -- too precious to take seriously and yet too undeniable talented to dismiss. The whole "i know am a prodigal songwriter but i can't be happy unless i'm Robert Smith" schtick is getting grating though. Expand
  59. TimM
    Feb 2, 2005
    Such great stuff. Love the entire album.
  60. NateM
    Feb 7, 2005
    Amazing album. Buy it!
  61. MikeA
    May 6, 2005
    His best effort to date, great lyrics (This is the first day of my life, Land locked blues, ...), great melodies, Emmylou Harris, it has it all... Along with Springsteen's Devils and Dust, best folk album of the year so far.
  62. Andy
    Aug 16, 2006
    Its about time soneone got political. Another great effort from Conner, the lyrics will give you goosebumps.
  63. Jon
    Jan 24, 2005
    A stark contrast to Digital Ash, and not just because of the difference in sound. While Digital Ash is easily the worst Bright Eyes release ever, I'm Wide Awake is by far the best. The experimental approach to Digital Ash is admirable, but I think it is now clear what Bright Eyes should be sticking to; raw emotionl alt-country.
  64. JulieC
    Feb 14, 2005
    Conor Oberst may not have the prettiest voice in the business, but his rough-and-tumble style makes social awareness sexy with this album, one flawless lyric at a time. Oberst blends the pain of the private and the public worlds humbly, but perfectly and passionately, expressing his bitterness with his self, his loves, his city, and his nation, giving listeners something to cry to and Conor Oberst may not have the prettiest voice in the business, but his rough-and-tumble style makes social awareness sexy with this album, one flawless lyric at a time. Oberst blends the pain of the private and the public worlds humbly, but perfectly and passionately, expressing his bitterness with his self, his loves, his city, and his nation, giving listeners something to cry to and fight over, with a voice that may be shaky, but is certainly honestly simple and directly genuine. Expand
  65. LaunceR
    Mar 15, 2005
    By turns exuberant, melancholy, bitter and sweet, Oberst scores with this disc. Emmylou's presence is a special treat.
  66. BryanM
    Mar 15, 2005
    "I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning" is Conor's best work yet. Every song on this folk rock masterpiece is spectacular. My favorite tracks include "Old Soul Song", "Land Locked Blues", "Poison Oak", and "Road To Joy".
  67. Johno
    Mar 24, 2005
    Absolutely marvellous. If you ever bump into this guy, buy him a beer and don't mention Dylan. He's one of the greatest songwriters around. Check out 'Fevers & Mirrors' and 'Lifted' too.
  68. TheCriticTheCritic
    Jun 14, 2006
    C'mon!!!! All of you who don't like this album don't like music. He has a great voice and is a great songwriter. What more could you want?
  69. Mar 1, 2011
    I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning is Bright Eyes's best album. Every song sounds like a single. Conor Oberst's voice sounds youthfully self-absorbed and it all sounds great. The opener "At The Bottom Of Everything" really opens up the whole album and the beautiful "First Day Of My Life" really puts a smile on your face. And the ending track "Road To Joy" really ends the album off with a bang.I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning is Bright Eyes's best album. Every song sounds like a single. Conor Oberst's voice sounds youthfully self-absorbed and it all sounds great. The opener "At The Bottom Of Everything" really opens up the whole album and the beautiful "First Day Of My Life" really puts a smile on your face. And the ending track "Road To Joy" really ends the album off with a bang. All In All. I'm Wide Awake is a fantastic album. A- Expand
  70. Sep 18, 2013
    An absolutely lovely album that is one of Oberst's best. It's definitely not for everyone, but for those whose tastes are attuned to this acoustic-folk sound, it's some of the highest quality stuff you can listen to.
  71. ChadS
    Jan 29, 2005
    With a war going on, a Bob Dylan for our times would be nice. Conor Oberst sounds more like the second coming of Wilco, but "We Are Nowhere and It's Now" has a chance of being a classic. I like the brief referencing of "It's a Hard Rain's Gonna Fall" before Oberst makes the line his own. "I'm Wide Awake It's Morning" is a solid album and I will most certainily go With a war going on, a Bob Dylan for our times would be nice. Conor Oberst sounds more like the second coming of Wilco, but "We Are Nowhere and It's Now" has a chance of being a classic. I like the brief referencing of "It's a Hard Rain's Gonna Fall" before Oberst makes the line his own. "I'm Wide Awake It's Morning" is a solid album and I will most certainily go through his back catalog. I followed the wrong child prodigy. I bought all of Ben Lee's stuff. Expand
  72. kstew
    Feb 16, 2005
    okay, really, about an 8.35. oberst has a great voice, and can relax out a melody sing with obvious ease....the only track i'm not into is the first one, and thats because i detest the spoken word junk. other than that, its an interesting listen, overall, it is far too short for a cd...but i only paid 10 bucks for it. maybe he could have combined the two decent albums into one great okay, really, about an 8.35. oberst has a great voice, and can relax out a melody sing with obvious ease....the only track i'm not into is the first one, and thats because i detest the spoken word junk. other than that, its an interesting listen, overall, it is far too short for a cd...but i only paid 10 bucks for it. maybe he could have combined the two decent albums into one great one, and made a lot less money..but, really, who would choose that option? Expand
  73. AndrewS
    Feb 3, 2005
    I really loved The Lifted... album. but this one feels there is something missing. Lyrically, Oberst is fantastic as ever.
  74. PhilPhil
    Mar 20, 2005
    Very strong release, some of the best stuff he's done up to this point in his career. BUT, not necessarily a classic b/c it doesnt veer much from his previous work (Truth told I enjoyed "Story is in the soil" better). And PLEASE, stop the Dylan comparisons. Bob Dylan has been around for some 40 years now and he's still relevant. And BETTER than Dylan? just stop, have you kids Very strong release, some of the best stuff he's done up to this point in his career. BUT, not necessarily a classic b/c it doesnt veer much from his previous work (Truth told I enjoyed "Story is in the soil" better). And PLEASE, stop the Dylan comparisons. Bob Dylan has been around for some 40 years now and he's still relevant. And BETTER than Dylan? just stop, have you kids ever listened to Bob Dylan? NO WAY is this kid is even close, esp. this young in his career Expand
  75. markf
    Mar 29, 2005
    It might only be a 7.5-7.9, but I guess the shoe fits. "Another Travelin' Song" ranks as one of Bright Eyes' all-time best, and there aren't really any weak songs, but "Lifted, etc." was practically a 10, so what am I supposed to say? Yes, this is more to the point, but it loses most of the personal BALLS that were displayed on the last album. This one's still damn It might only be a 7.5-7.9, but I guess the shoe fits. "Another Travelin' Song" ranks as one of Bright Eyes' all-time best, and there aren't really any weak songs, but "Lifted, etc." was practically a 10, so what am I supposed to say? Yes, this is more to the point, but it loses most of the personal BALLS that were displayed on the last album. This one's still damn fine though. I hate all this "emo" talk! Expand
  76. [Anonymous]
    Apr 28, 2005
    Great pop songs with great lyrics. Oberst's voice gets a little old after a while but there's not denying this is a great CD.
  77. JoeB
    Jan 3, 2006
    This album is one of my personal favorites; I enjoy the rhythms and Oberst's vocals. He's certainly not the 'next Bob Dylan'--and to blame him for said label is not fair, nor reason to give a bad review. The lyrics are great, the instrumental is great. An all-around solid effort.
  78. StevenW
    Aug 28, 2005
    Connor Oberst is not half as brilliant as Sufjan Stevens and he sure isn't the new Bob Dylan, but that doesn't make this a bad record at all. It's very nice actually. This album has it's great moments, it's only a bit inconsistent and some songs may sound like 'more of the same'. The quality of the lyrics varies, Oberst's fragile sounding voice adds Connor Oberst is not half as brilliant as Sufjan Stevens and he sure isn't the new Bob Dylan, but that doesn't make this a bad record at all. It's very nice actually. This album has it's great moments, it's only a bit inconsistent and some songs may sound like 'more of the same'. The quality of the lyrics varies, Oberst's fragile sounding voice adds the emotion to the better lyrics on this album. The minimalistic arrangements and the loose chord strumming make it impossible to compare this album with for example Sufjan Steven's ILLINOIS, it's not a masterpiece full of new ideas. So don't expect him to be the new Bob Dylan, Oberst is just a young talented songwriter who probably will deliver us a some more great albums in the future. Expand
  79. JackD
    Jan 28, 2006
    I did enjoy this album and I still do, specifically First Day of My Life. However, I do not feel this album warrants a perfect 10 by any means. He needs to work on the consistency of his music through out the entire record.
  80. JonH
    Feb 2, 2005
    While I enjoyed the album it didn't effect me as much as Lifted... did, didn't have the same emotional empact that that one gave me, still though, there some solid material here.
  81. EdwardE
    Mar 2, 2005
    I bought 'Lifted' long ago & despised the incessant whining & lack of songcraft. Although Oberst seems to be pulling his ideas together more melodically & sonically with this release, I still think he should employ a singer to convey his thoughts.
  82. DavidM
    Aug 19, 2005
    In a very strong year for emerging folk tinge talents - Andrew Bird, Sufjan Stevens, Decemberists...I actually think Oberst, while possibly the most prolific, is the least talented. What sets him apart from the others, however, and has garnered him bigger press, is the more direct/slightly more mainstream core to his sound. Some of the songs here are great (LUA, ANOTHER TRAVELING SONG), In a very strong year for emerging folk tinge talents - Andrew Bird, Sufjan Stevens, Decemberists...I actually think Oberst, while possibly the most prolific, is the least talented. What sets him apart from the others, however, and has garnered him bigger press, is the more direct/slightly more mainstream core to his sound. Some of the songs here are great (LUA, ANOTHER TRAVELING SONG), others near great and fun (AT THE BOTTOM OF EVERYTHING), but overall this is an inconsistent effort from a promising but still not mature artist. Expand
  83. K.A.
    Nov 28, 2005
    The quality of his lyrics is extremely varied--I personally think "Lua" is the best in that department--and the melodies are good but not amazing. I LOVE his voice though--he portrays that pathetic sadness so eloquently, though often out of sync with his lyrics; also, its sporadic range reminds me of Bjork (a definite plus). Maybe I only like it because I'm sick of rock--a good The quality of his lyrics is extremely varied--I personally think "Lua" is the best in that department--and the melodies are good but not amazing. I LOVE his voice though--he portrays that pathetic sadness so eloquently, though often out of sync with his lyrics; also, its sporadic range reminds me of Bjork (a definite plus). Maybe I only like it because I'm sick of rock--a good enough reason to give it a try. Expand
  84. EmiliaB
    Jan 26, 2005
    This CD definitely has its moments. The lamenting lyrics form more of a story than a song. Sometimes it seems as though he may be trying too hard to become indie rock's golden boy, especially with the electronic Digital Ash in a Digital Urn, but the folk-based songs on I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning are soothing and his lyrics flow forward like a story. Not the best I've This CD definitely has its moments. The lamenting lyrics form more of a story than a song. Sometimes it seems as though he may be trying too hard to become indie rock's golden boy, especially with the electronic Digital Ash in a Digital Urn, but the folk-based songs on I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning are soothing and his lyrics flow forward like a story. Not the best I've heard, but not the worst either. Expand
  85. PaulL
    Mar 12, 2005
    Great songcraft and very tuneful, but ultimately it's one of those albums you leave in your CD rack after a month of listening and never feel like listening to again. It won't move you but it's nice enough.
  86. hibb
    May 26, 2006
    I think that this album has been argued to death. It's far from incredible, but much more tolerable than most of his other works. Some of the songs are solid, but the others aren't substatial enough. "First Day of my Life" stands on its own as a great song, but it gets lost in the raucous disoder that is "Road to Joy."
  87. JoshH
    Dec 22, 2005
    The good moments on this album are good, but the bad ones are catastrophic. It hits its low when he talks about guys throwing their backs out trying to lift a girl's heavy heart. Not every lyrical conceit is a good idea, and that's a prime example of one that's not. Oberst has outgrown the wunderkind label people have always slapped on him, but it's clear that he still The good moments on this album are good, but the bad ones are catastrophic. It hits its low when he talks about guys throwing their backs out trying to lift a girl's heavy heart. Not every lyrical conceit is a good idea, and that's a prime example of one that's not. Oberst has outgrown the wunderkind label people have always slapped on him, but it's clear that he still has a lot of growing up to do. Expand
  88. DelboyS
    Jan 25, 2005
    I have yet to understand the hype surrounding the obvious but uneven talents of Oberst. While this album is well written, it is hardly a masterpiece and it is only the talents of Emmylou Harris that make this more than an average record. The best I can say about this album is that Oberst finally stops whining like a kitten caught in a combine and actually sings.
  89. EdM
    Aug 23, 2005
    I hate to say it, but this album is borderline terrible, full of folk music at its most self-important and least interesting. Compared to something like Sufjan Stevens' Illinoise, which is bursting with ideas, Bright Eyes' cloying lyrics and empty strumming sound mostly like a whiny teenager. There really is a clear line between singers who have maturity and those who try to force it.
  90. PaulG
    Aug 22, 2005
    While this new album from Bright Eyes is pleasant enough, it does not justify the attention it has gotten nor the praise. There has been a lot of grooming of this young artist as the new Bob Dylan or what have you, but his work is too slight and for this album, (I have not heard the others) somewhat forgettable. One might look at Sufjan Stevens or Iron and Wine
  91. NickR
    Mar 25, 2005
    Terrible whinging music sung in a kind of 'Help, i'm so weak and pathetic' kind of voice that just got right on my tats. Digital Ash in A Digital Urn is definatley the better of the two.
  92. BillW
    Apr 1, 2005
    the music is fine, rolls nice and all, but i can't get past these whiney, over-affected vocals... and i like bad/odd voices (chuck mosely, dale bozzio, tammy wynette) but this guy needs punched in the stomach. and the lyrics are terrible.. this sounds like music for not-so-arty art school girls and little boys who want not-so-arty art school girls to like them listening right the music is fine, rolls nice and all, but i can't get past these whiney, over-affected vocals... and i like bad/odd voices (chuck mosely, dale bozzio, tammy wynette) but this guy needs punched in the stomach. and the lyrics are terrible.. this sounds like music for not-so-arty art school girls and little boys who want not-so-arty art school girls to like them listening right now, shut up and play yer guitar 'bright eyes'! Expand
  93. NelsonD
    Sep 9, 2006
    In the grand scheme of MTV and VH1 pop music, this album is a goldmine. In the indie/alternative world (and especilly compared to Bright Eyes previous masterpieces), this album is a giant disapointment. After the grand LIFTED in which he seemed to put all his worries finally aside, he seems to go back to pre-adolescent lyrics and themes in this album. The fact the he decided to make it a In the grand scheme of MTV and VH1 pop music, this album is a goldmine. In the indie/alternative world (and especilly compared to Bright Eyes previous masterpieces), this album is a giant disapointment. After the grand LIFTED in which he seemed to put all his worries finally aside, he seems to go back to pre-adolescent lyrics and themes in this album. The fact the he decided to make it a sort of Singer/Songwriter album also ruins it because unlike LIFTED and his previous albums, this one is unadorned, simplistic and in many cases (example: Lua) almost devoid of music. Maybe if the lyrics werent as crypted as an emo kid's poem, then maybe, the album would work better, but with such boring music acompanying it, it just doesnt work. Digital Ash in a Digital Urn, at least, is far more interesting music wise, for its diversity, though the lyrics suffer as before. Here's hoping Conor acts his age for the next album. Expand
  94. Feb 2, 2011
    In spite of the odd decent tune, the dislike I feel for the man singing is hard to suppress. He's like Dylan with a fraction of the musical talent and without any sort of artistic vision (not counting the ideas he stole from Dylan).
  95. DavidP
    Apr 8, 2006
    I have an academic respect for this album, but unfortunately it falls far short of what I expected musically, given the high praise it has received. The meaningful lyrics don't do much for me without compelling music, and the music is far from compelling.
  96. JamieS
    Mar 2, 2005
    nothing special here, bad attempts at country and some of the worst dylan ripoffs in recent years. as in note for note ripoffs.
  97. Stoo
    Mar 4, 2005
    I used to like his real old stuff, but this is just trash.. Oberst embraces his pretentiousness and stretches it to a whole new level.. infinite lyrics that seem empty with only his extremely angsty voice to support them.. since there's obviously no technical talent here- also releasing his two albums in a polar country vs. electronic sounding style is a completely hypocritical cop I used to like his real old stuff, but this is just trash.. Oberst embraces his pretentiousness and stretches it to a whole new level.. infinite lyrics that seem empty with only his extremely angsty voice to support them.. since there's obviously no technical talent here- also releasing his two albums in a polar country vs. electronic sounding style is a completely hypocritical cop out. the songs gain nothing from being cleverly marketed.. putting himself on the same dirty level as good charlotte Expand
  98. ericm
    Jan 26, 2005
    Someone needs to beat this kid up.
  99. 36Thoughtless
    Jan 5, 2006
    Never having heard Bright Eyes before, I went with good expectations for the band because people I knew with decent tastes in music bought this album. Nevertheless, this album has reached new lows in music. Conan Oberst can not sing at all and is a very weak guitar player. The mix of country and rock-based songwriting does not display a great sense of musical talent either: each song Never having heard Bright Eyes before, I went with good expectations for the band because people I knew with decent tastes in music bought this album. Nevertheless, this album has reached new lows in music. Conan Oberst can not sing at all and is a very weak guitar player. The mix of country and rock-based songwriting does not display a great sense of musical talent either: each song begins shockingly dull and ends the same way! I may be particular about the music I listen to, but when I saw the critics' reviews, it blew my mind how so many people could applaud this album's commitment to utter mediocrity. Conan Oberst might as well have been a 14-year-old boy getting together with his friends and producing an album with a tape recorder. The only saving grace (hence my 2 points) is "First Day of My Life," which happens to somewhat memorable, but nowhere near merits the praise given by so many people. Expand
  100. TimF
    Apr 8, 2005
    Unbelievably overrated!!! Probably a talented guy but the songs are boring and inconsequential. It's the same phenomenon that leads to great ratings for Wilco for songs no one really wants to listen to. Take a listen to the older stuff you liked, dispense with your desire to give them credit for that and hold a talented artist like this up to a higher standard. He will never make the Unbelievably overrated!!! Probably a talented guy but the songs are boring and inconsequential. It's the same phenomenon that leads to great ratings for Wilco for songs no one really wants to listen to. Take a listen to the older stuff you liked, dispense with your desire to give them credit for that and hold a talented artist like this up to a higher standard. He will never make the album he has the potential for if you let him slide like this! Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 33 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 28 out of 33
  2. Negative: 0 out of 33
  1. Bright Eyes may well be on the verge of finally bridging the gap between his precocious talent and the maturity of an ageless songwriter.
  2. Far from being the second coming of Dylan, Oberst is as precious as Paul Simon, but without any sense of rhyme or meter or gift for imagery, puking out lines filled with cheap metaphors and clumsy words that don't scan.
  3. A culmination of Bright Eyes' decade-long habit of reviving folk-rock conventions and social engagement for a generation raised on the celebratory egomania of rap and reality television.