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Universal acclaim- based on 650 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 81 out of 650
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  1. Aug 8, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. In My Defense veio provar que os 5 anos de espera de sei antecessor The New Classic valeram a pena! Impecável! Expand
  2. Aug 8, 2019
    Good beats, good lyrics and good comeback.
    So far one of the best albums of 2019
  3. Aug 8, 2019
    O álbum é perfeito ele merece maior reconhecimento músicas e batidas incríveis, perfeitas e viciantes
  4. Aug 8, 2019
    The album shows Iggy finally independent and resolute. Mind-blowing beats that keep you from dancing, songs with strong lyrics like Started. I just love this album and each of its tracks!
  5. Aug 8, 2019
    the queen of rap SNAPPED! y’all befter stream and buy every single track PERIOD!!!!!!!! iggy is the **** QUEEN!!!!!!!
  6. Aug 8, 2019
    Adorei o álbum RAINHAAAAAAAAA, te amo muito. Não desista de nós. Estou aguardando ansiosamente pelo show no Brasil
  7. Aug 8, 2019
    O álbum é completamente impecável, valeu a pena esperar por tanto tempo!! Iggy soube muito bem se alinhar sozinha, sem gravadora alguma, espero que consiga se levantar novamente e chegar ao topo!!
  8. Aug 8, 2019
    Uma crítica clara a todos os haters que criticaram ela nesses 5 anos, é um álbum agressivo e extremamente defensivo, assim como o nome o conceito segue completamente coesivo e bem feito. Os grandes críticos parece que nunca vão entender o conceito de defesa da iggy. Pois nunca passaram por isso
  9. Aug 8, 2019
    O álbum está incrível. Depois de ser boicotada pela própria gravadora, a Iggy deu a volta por cima, lançou seu trabalho com selo independente e próprio, repleto de clipes incríveis e com o flow gostoso de sempre!
  10. Aug 8, 2019
    Iggy Azalea fez um álbum incrível e com um conceito estranhamente incrível, letras inteligentes com batidas viciantes
  11. Aug 8, 2019
    Amazing album! Iggy made a banger return! It is definitely worth giving a listen to it if you like this genre.
  12. Aug 7, 2019
    discordo totalmente dessas críticas feitas. Iggy se reinventou e inovou demais, sempre entregando um trabalho bom para os fãs dela e para o público, “In My Defense” mostra isso, uma faixa é melhor do que a outra, e você não consegue ter só uma faixa favorita, Iggy falou tudo que ela queria nesse novo álbum, afinal esse é a defesa da lenda e não doando críticos ou haters!, nota 1000000 prodiscordo totalmente dessas críticas feitas. Iggy se reinventou e inovou demais, sempre entregando um trabalho bom para os fãs dela e para o público, “In My Defense” mostra isso, uma faixa é melhor do que a outra, e você não consegue ter só uma faixa favorita, Iggy falou tudo que ela queria nesse novo álbum, afinal esse é a defesa da lenda e não doando críticos ou haters!, nota 1000000 pro álbum, eu te amo demais Iggy, e nenhum crítico vai poder tirar isso de mim e dos outros fas!!! Stream em In My Defense Expand
  13. Aug 7, 2019
    I will be listening to this bop filled masterpiece ALL summer and beyond!! So many fun songs great beats and hidden gems...the other girls are definately taking notes as usual.
  14. Aug 7, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Iggy came back with a fresh air in Rap
    This album showed all her skills in this game. In my defence is a best rap album ever.
  15. Aug 7, 2019
    This album surprised me in many positive ways. I was impressed by Iggy Azalea's remarkable EVOLUTION. She is to be congratulated for the album In My Defense and the flawless videos.
  16. Aug 7, 2019
    Iggy trouxe um álbum totalmente diferenciado pra carreira, conseguindo agradar o público alvo, fãs e ouvintes e abringir cada vez mais seu público, com uma promoção totalmente leviana, com singles e videoclipes primordiais que exploram mais afundo este conceito e trás personificações elegantes e icônicas de bandeja ao público, concluindo mais um objetivo de sua carreira, 'In My Defense' éIggy trouxe um álbum totalmente diferenciado pra carreira, conseguindo agradar o público alvo, fãs e ouvintes e abringir cada vez mais seu público, com uma promoção totalmente leviana, com singles e videoclipes primordiais que exploram mais afundo este conceito e trás personificações elegantes e icônicas de bandeja ao público, concluindo mais um objetivo de sua carreira, 'In My Defense' é um álbum repleto de metáforas bem exploradas e conotações de fácil entendimento o que abrange o álbum em todos os detalhes e formas. Expand
  17. Aug 7, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Iggy rainha , álbum maravilhoso, sem defeito Expand
  18. Aug 7, 2019
    O álbum "in my defense" claramente é uma evolução no repertório de iggy, deixa bem claro onde ela quer chegar em cada música, um hip-hip que está além de raiz, simplesmente memorável.
  19. Aug 7, 2019
    O trabalho da Iggy nesse álbum tá ótimo, para os verdadeiros apreciadores do seu trabalho, sabe como é bom ver um trabalho totalmente voltado às raízes do início da carreira da Iggy, minha rapper tá vivissima, Iggy conte comigo pra tudo fada
  20. Aug 7, 2019
    Letras péssimas, batidas genéricas e sotaque forçado. Igloo Australia provando mais uma vez que não tem talento. Lamentável.
  21. Aug 7, 2019
    Fantastic album!!!! Iggy didn't miss a beat. I enjoyed it from the beginning to the end.
  22. Aug 7, 2019
    This album is really perfect, real rap, diferentt flows, good singles, good videos. TOP 5
    Started, Freak Of The Week, Thanks I Get, **** It Up and Clap Back
  23. Aug 7, 2019
    É um álbum muito dançante e provocativo. Ao mesmo tempo que enche nosso corpo de vontade de dançar, da também sua resposta a todos que adoraram odia-la.
  24. Aug 7, 2019
    Love this album! Listen to it during all my workouts. It is by far my favorite from her yet.
  25. Aug 7, 2019
    Such a cohesive album. She proves she can produce bangers and know how to rap over any type of flow.
  26. Aug 7, 2019
    It is one thing to face negativity and hatred and bow down to your maker, but Iggy Azalea did not and will not do that. On this album, there is a cockiness that has made her the degenerate of the modern hip hop/rap genre. Influences of sex and money make the cut, like a lot of modern music. Iggy Azalea, however, has an overall theme and a well thought out plan that we have seen executedIt is one thing to face negativity and hatred and bow down to your maker, but Iggy Azalea did not and will not do that. On this album, there is a cockiness that has made her the degenerate of the modern hip hop/rap genre. Influences of sex and money make the cut, like a lot of modern music. Iggy Azalea, however, has an overall theme and a well thought out plan that we have seen executed for this project again and again. Videos with visuals beyond compare, songs that bring us back to her roots while still moving forward in an ever changing industry, and an attitude that makes the haters hate even more. She is good at both flowing on the beat and making sure you don't forget her catchy hooks. You can look over Miss Azalea if you'd like, but know that not everything has to be so serious. Music is subjective and though you may not like something, that does not mean it is not good art, objectively. Expand
  27. Aug 7, 2019
    In my defense uno de los mejores álbumes rap de este año, Iggy ha vuelto con sonidos que la caracterizaban en sus días de Mixtape. Sally Walker, Started y F*ck It Up son muy buenos sencillos. 10/10
  28. Aug 7, 2019
    FINALLY a new album from Iggy great songs not a song on this album I don’t like and the fact she did this all on her own and got good featuring artists is amazing
  29. Aug 7, 2019
    Ótimo é o único album de rappers que eu consigo escutar inteiro! Acho que talvez algumas faixas sejao meio parecidas porém nada que comprometa o álbum..
  30. Aug 7, 2019
    Iggy trouxe exatamente o que eu esperava, a volta por cima. Quem conhece a rapper sabe das poucas e boas que ela teve que passar e é incrível como após tudo isso ela consegue trazer ótimas sonoridades e rimas impactantes. Uma obra-prima do hip hop
  31. Aug 7, 2019
    Full of bops, a no next album. As always, underestimate. My faves songs are Clapbakck, Thanks I get, Comme des Garcons and Freak of the week
  32. Aug 7, 2019
    In My Defense is easily the best rap album of 2019. It offers so much diversity in its sound, while also being vulnerable about the issues that Iggy has faced in the past. It is extremely representative of who she is as an artist and is definitely worth the listen!
  33. Aug 7, 2019
    This album is everything we were waiting for every song is unique and amazing in its on way. This album doesn't have a single skip iggy azalea really out did herself, it doesn't matter what haters thinking we know this a good album
  34. Aug 7, 2019
    I loved it a lot it had flow and iggy really spit bars people just liked to hate on her but she really did her ****
  35. Aug 7, 2019
    Absolutely love this album! Iggy really showed off her rap abilities in all the tracks. My faves are the fiery intro “Thanks I Get” and the freaky bops “Freak of The Week” and “Just Wanna.” Shame that the critics reviewed this album from their own biased personal view because it definitely deserves better.
  36. Aug 7, 2019
    This album is one of the best female rap albums out their. Iggy azalea absolutely slayed this album with only being an INDEPENDENT artist. She has grown so much on this album and I am amazed! Keep it up girl and don’t listen to the haters because they don’t know sh*t!
  37. Aug 7, 2019
    This album is definitely one of the best rap albums of the year. It showcased Iggy’s amazing improvement flow-wise, lyrics-wise, and content-wise. “The New Classic” showed more of a “pop singer” side of her but this album definitely brings out the aggressive & “rapper” side of her. I’m proud.
  38. Aug 7, 2019
    In my defense is so dope, its different. It’s been 5 years since iggy drop an album. Don’t let her flop, she’s a star.
  39. Aug 7, 2019
    Really impressive how she managed to release this kind of stuff as an independent, really good.
  40. Aug 7, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Best album so far, she deserves your stream, cuz she came with a good concept and a good lyrics Expand
  41. Aug 7, 2019
    Sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks
  42. Aug 7, 2019
    Masterpiece! This Queen did a great with her 2nd album. Great experience listening to this piece of art.
  43. Aug 7, 2019
    The fact of the reality is that had this album been released by another rap girl (or even one of your rap guy favs), the public would love it. But because people have these opinions and misconceptions about who Iggy is, what kind of music she should make, and who she should be, we’ll never let her live. Confirmation bias, group think, ignorance, and misogyny (in some cases, internalized)The fact of the reality is that had this album been released by another rap girl (or even one of your rap guy favs), the public would love it. But because people have these opinions and misconceptions about who Iggy is, what kind of music she should make, and who she should be, we’ll never let her live. Confirmation bias, group think, ignorance, and misogyny (in some cases, internalized) rule public opinion about Iggy. At the end of the day, this album did exactly what it needed to do. It proved she can rap as there isn’t a single pop element on the album (to those who say she’s just a pop star), it proved she’s one artist who has always been true to themselves (the content and elements are the same as the mixtapes she made 8 years ago, just improved and more polished), and it proved that the public will never give her a fair shot. Iggy never left. You just stopped paying attention. Regardless, she’s here to stay. Expand
  44. Aug 7, 2019
    Besttttttt singer everrrrr i love you iggy azelea my favorite obviously is started and silly walker but there all good
  45. Aug 7, 2019
    Yaaaaas Iggy, you're the **** princess of rap and this album is so good for your fans
  46. Aug 7, 2019
    The album is just iconic and
  47. Aug 7, 2019
    Uno de los mejores álbums del rap femenino, si bien Iggy no se arriesgo en sonidos tiene unas letras sumamente buenas, cabe recalcar que Iggy es totalmente independiente y esto es un factor importante y debe ser valorado.
  48. Aug 7, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Algo nuevo y diferente a the new Classic y ahora como artista Indie, muy currado y muy bueno Expand
  49. Aug 7, 2019
    THe album is one of the best rap albums this year, it’s umatched, hard work, aesthetically wonderful and strong, iggy is getting more talented everytime, she is so powerful.
  50. Aug 7, 2019
    In My Defense is really an album that you can listen all the time to. The beats and also the lines are sickening.
  51. Aug 7, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is so good, from top to bottom, every song is single worthy. Plus, it high-key reminds me of mixtape Iggy (2011/2012) which is kind of nostalgic to me, I really love this body of work. Expand
  52. Aug 7, 2019
    Genuinely a great album. No filler songs, incredible production and catchy as hell. The critics couldn't be more wrong about this and it still shows they hate Iggy for now apparent reason.
  53. Aug 7, 2019
    Our QUEEN! Iggy the Savage.. I love this album, Full of character and the I don't give a fuuu sass.
    Top: Started.
    Thanks I get.
    Sally Walker.
    **** it Up.
    Clap Back.
  54. Aug 7, 2019
    Nothing but bops on this album!! Deeper lyrics with more heart than I expected but still club bangers galore. It's sucess is even more impressive considering Iggy isn't with a label
  55. Aug 7, 2019
    The growth In her music and the way she raps is so noticable! She did amazing. In addition to the great visuals she provided such as Started, Sally Walker and F*ck It Up! I enjoyed every bit of this era.
  56. Aug 7, 2019
    AMAZING! An album based on real rap, with actual sounds, and her flow it’s great! I’m obsessed!!!
  57. Aug 7, 2019
    This is a good ass album. Y’all are just bandwagon hating. Iggy keeps being slept on.
  58. Aug 7, 2019
    Das Album ist ein Meisterwerk. Sie zeigt in vielen Songs das sie es drauf hat eine Rapperin gennant zu werden. Das Album hat einen Roten Faden und die Beats sind eifach nur Hammer! Gut Gemachtes Stück
  59. Aug 7, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Начнем с того, что предвзятость критиков слишком очевидна. Даже если она выпустит самый лучший альбом всех времен, объективности от них можно не ждать. Альбом действительно отличный, у нее очень крутая игра слов, тексты лучше, чем у той же Карди Би, но! она белая, ее модно ненавидеть! Альбом цельный, он имеет звучание ее ранних микстейпов 2011-2012 годов, она была еще до Меган, Рико Карди и т.п., так что о взаимствовании флоу вообще можно не говорить. Expand
  60. Aug 7, 2019
    perfect comeback, and doing it ALL independently. a great record!
    the album features a great set of collaborations, and also throws it back to her earlier mix tapes (which are also underrated)
  61. Aug 7, 2019
    This album was simply amazing after her 5 year hiatus. Each song had a different feel and had their own special elements added to them. She opens up the LP with two heavy hitting bangers and ends it with songs that take us back to the roots of her artistry with raunchy sexually positive anthems. If only people chose to form their own opinions on her whether than joining in on all theThis album was simply amazing after her 5 year hiatus. Each song had a different feel and had their own special elements added to them. She opens up the LP with two heavy hitting bangers and ends it with songs that take us back to the roots of her artistry with raunchy sexually positive anthems. If only people chose to form their own opinions on her whether than joining in on all the unnecessary hate she gets on a day to day maybe people would tell the truth give her album with a rating it deserves! Expand
  62. Aug 7, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Buen álbum tengo que poner 75 caracteres y no se que poner solo voy a decir que ya termine saludos Expand
  63. Aug 7, 2019
    Feels good to have Iggy Back. The singles are HUGE BOPS an it’s a super underrated album cause of its low entry on Billboard 200
  64. Aug 7, 2019
    Basically she brought everything that would have made you a fan since her mixtape eras, but polished anf better. Brilliant.
  65. Aug 7, 2019
    Excelent production, smart and fun lyrical content, good motives and a powerful message.
  66. Aug 7, 2019
    Wonderful album. The princess is back! Comme Des Garcons need to be a single.
  67. Aug 7, 2019
    Loved it. Every song slaps. It was executed perfectly, in the way Iggy wanted to. Comme Des Garcons is my personal favourite.
  68. Aug 6, 2019
    Iggy Azalea has a album full of bangers! My only dislike is if she had more songs speaking of her recent struggles with her ex engagement, label issues, cultural appropriation, etc.
  69. Aug 6, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A wonderful album. Iggy has surprised me a lot in these recent releases, not to mention that she is closer to her fans .. I love this **** ... I expect new releases. With Pabllo Vittar please. Expand
  70. Aug 6, 2019
    Legendary and iconic ! The album we have been waiting for after all these years. She’s just a powerful and independant woman and she did bops after bops..
  71. Aug 6, 2019
    Excelente album. No words. All people love this. Iggy Azelea is amazing artist.
  72. Aug 6, 2019
    Amazing album! Way better than the other female rappers in the industry. Well done Iggy!!!
  73. Aug 6, 2019
    A master piece!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    This girl never disappoints. Love it
  74. Aug 6, 2019
    A masterpiece. She literally invented art. Ugh her mind is just so powerful. Just so powerful I have to take a moment and reflect on the ART I just witnessed
  75. Aug 6, 2019
    Do NOT let the critic reviews scare you away!!!She had never been a darling of the critics.This album is amazing from top to bottom.She is spitting like never before saying EXACTLY what she wants.This is a RAP album not a pop rap album RAP is amazing and I am very proud
  76. Aug 6, 2019
    Iggy has proven yet again why she holds the accolades that she does. When she hit big with Fancy, everyone labeled her a pop/rap star without realizing that she's a RAPPER. The pop rap scene wasn't for her and so she decided to take it back to her mixtape days with this album and IT WORKS. She's raw, she's cocky, she's bragging about her money (as she damn well deserves to.) I'm not sureIggy has proven yet again why she holds the accolades that she does. When she hit big with Fancy, everyone labeled her a pop/rap star without realizing that she's a RAPPER. The pop rap scene wasn't for her and so she decided to take it back to her mixtape days with this album and IT WORKS. She's raw, she's cocky, she's bragging about her money (as she damn well deserves to.) I'm not sure why it's okay for male rappers to brag about their ice and their money but once a female does it, she's labeled a **** or she's told she should speak about something else more meaningful. She tried to give y'all meaning with Savior and y'all let it flop, so she decided to take her power back as an artist and a rapper and talk about what SHE wants to talk about instead of trying to please everyone. The die hard Azaleans know that THIS is the Iggy we want, need and love. TNC was cute as an intro but it's time for Iggy to do Iggy again and that's what this album does. She brought the heat and if y'all can't take it then simply exit the kitchen. 10/10 for sure! Expand
  77. Aug 6, 2019
    Although the album does not hold up to the title it doesn’t fail to get you up and dancing. The bar spitting and the cadence of Iggy on this album has shown how she has evolved as an MC. The catchy beats and choruses make such a fun album.
  78. Aug 6, 2019
    Love this album ! Everybody should listen to that. Can’t wait for more music from her.
  79. Aug 6, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. iggy azalea inspiração pra muitos, rainha de vários, compreendida por poucos, amada por milhões... VOCÊS SEMPRE ODIARAM A MINHA TUPAC, PAU NO CU FOS CRÍTICOS, IN MT DEFENSE HINO DEMAIS.. E NADA MAIS IMPORTA DO QUE MINHA OPNIÃO, TOMEM NO CU SEUS . Expand
  80. Aug 6, 2019
    Iggy en este álbum puso todo su esfuerzo siendo una artista independiente logro entrar a muchos charts.
    Nos dio canciones muy buenas como Sally Walker , Started y Just Wanna
    Realmente se merece un 10
  81. Aug 6, 2019
    Not a single skippable track. Iggy shows a more genuine and abrasive side of her with this record. Perfect consistency with the sound throughout. Shuffle the album, and it’ll sound just as great as it does played in order.
  82. Aug 6, 2019
    Love the album!!!
    Can’t wait for more!!
    Iggy they want you to lose but you are not going no where!!
  83. Aug 6, 2019
    Love this album! So proud of Iggy she’s such a bad ass. Congrats on ur album Iggy!
  84. Aug 6, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. One of the best albums in the 2019 for sure. The beats, her flow, the bars. She has everything and improved a lot! Expand
  85. Aug 6, 2019
    Critics can really suck ass after their pathetic reviews. Their opinion is taken from the fact everyone hates Iggy and critics want to match to people's opinion as much as they can so they will be called good critics. Fun paradoks is fact that people actually love the album. Critics' reasonings like "in my defense" should be about self defending is laughable. Its about having full controllCritics can really suck ass after their pathetic reviews. Their opinion is taken from the fact everyone hates Iggy and critics want to match to people's opinion as much as they can so they will be called good critics. Fun paradoks is fact that people actually love the album. Critics' reasonings like "in my defense" should be about self defending is laughable. Its about having full controll over releasing stuff. Not about defending self. Misintepretated by critics. Expand
  86. Aug 6, 2019
    Un album excepcional desde la primera hasta la ultima pista. si eres fan de iggy azalea desde hace mucho tiempo este album te recordara a sus raices de mixtape.las colaboraciones de Juicy J y Kash Doll son una BOMBA!
    5 años de espera por este album valieron la pena.
  87. Aug 6, 2019
    The critic score is absolutely ridiculous lol. The album isn't bad at all, it's fun and the music she's always wanted to make.
  88. Aug 6, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's a really good album. U have to listen it more than 2 times to decide which song is better. My favourite one is Just Wanna, hoemita, thanks I get, clapback and then the singles **** it up, started, Sally walker) Expand
  89. Aug 6, 2019
    This album is definitely one of her best works to date. Filled with pure rap goodness.
  90. Aug 6, 2019
    Her best album, it’s incredible I love every single song! (I hated her before this album so I know I’m right)
  91. Aug 6, 2019
    This album is brilliant and cohesive! Iggy has shown such diversity over her past releases and resumes her place as a key component to the female rap industry.
  92. Aug 6, 2019
    The best female rap album of the decade. This album is a masterpiece and is amazing since Iggy is an independent artist now, it means that she is doing everything by her own. The people should be stop slepping on her because she is a very talented , humble, and amazing artist.
  93. Aug 6, 2019
    the best album released this year.
    Thanks I Get is so good as the intro.
    Sally Walker and Started are such bops and they're so good as singles.
    F*ck It Up is a night club anthem it's so catchy and deserves to be the song of the summer.
  94. Aug 6, 2019
    It’s nice to see how much work and effort Iggy put into In My Defense and that she’s in full control of what she wants to put out. This album is a masterpiece!
  95. Aug 6, 2019
    Bored and repetitive, same sound, same flow, it's an entire waste of time..
  96. Aug 6, 2019
    Um projeto majestoso, que visa mostrar que ela está ali sim, que sabe fazer rap e que não liga para Hate. Com ótimas músicas e poucos feats., In My Defense mostra que Iggy evoluiu como artista e que sabe e dá o que seu público espera dela.
  97. Aug 6, 2019
    Poxa, um dos melhores álbuns do ano e com essa nota? Tomara que melhore, amo você Iggy, conte comigo pra tudo
  98. Aug 6, 2019
    Estou ouvindo o álbum neste momento, é me deparo tão orgulhoso do álbum é claro da Iggy, é claro a evolução dela, discordo das críticas feitas por alguns, esse álbum merece verde, minhas faixas favoritas são Comme Des Garcons e Hoemita, elas são bem diferente é Iggy bota para quebrar, ooh é não vamos esquecer do Lil Yachty uau que flow, em fim o álbum está perfeito.
  99. Aug 6, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Finalmente um álbum pop/rap digno. Dançante e com refrões chiclete. Eu amei Expand
  100. Aug 6, 2019
    melhor album de rap do ano, e nao vai ser essas critocas negativas ae vao tirar isso, iggy eu te venero

Generally unfavorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 4
  2. Negative: 2 out of 4
  1. Aug 5, 2019
    Nobody expected Azalea to come back super talented and with an entirely new shtick. Nonetheless, In My Defense could have been a tad bit more introspective or at the very least, fun.
  2. Aug 5, 2019
    The album is stacked with cartoonish approximations of what she thinks a rap song should sound like: shivers of bass, the occasional “skrrrt,” Mad Libs of designer brands and bodily fluids. Many sound like direct imitations of the rappers she admires.
  3. Aug 5, 2019
    After a half-decade of life lessons, Azalea could have gone in a certain cathartic and mature direction. However, on In My Defense, she opted for a less gracious and, ultimately, exhausted route.