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Universal acclaim- based on 650 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 81 out of 650
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  1. Aug 7, 2019
    It is one thing to face negativity and hatred and bow down to your maker, but Iggy Azalea did not and will not do that. On this album, there is a cockiness that has made her the degenerate of the modern hip hop/rap genre. Influences of sex and money make the cut, like a lot of modern music. Iggy Azalea, however, has an overall theme and a well thought out plan that we have seen executedIt is one thing to face negativity and hatred and bow down to your maker, but Iggy Azalea did not and will not do that. On this album, there is a cockiness that has made her the degenerate of the modern hip hop/rap genre. Influences of sex and money make the cut, like a lot of modern music. Iggy Azalea, however, has an overall theme and a well thought out plan that we have seen executed for this project again and again. Videos with visuals beyond compare, songs that bring us back to her roots while still moving forward in an ever changing industry, and an attitude that makes the haters hate even more. She is good at both flowing on the beat and making sure you don't forget her catchy hooks. You can look over Miss Azalea if you'd like, but know that not everything has to be so serious. Music is subjective and though you may not like something, that does not mean it is not good art, objectively. Expand
  2. Nov 14, 2019
    so underatted and robbed album in this year. Iggy deserved more, really more, more and more!
  3. Jul 24, 2020
    i think i am the only one that really likes it. even thought the lyrics are generic, the whole album is a bop and pure fire. best rap album of the year, for me
  4. Sep 2, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. After a long 5-year-hiatus since her first debut album, although she never left during all this time (check her last EP “Survive The Summer”, dropped last year), Iggy comes back as an independent artist with her sophomore album “In My Defense”, an interesting project that could be done better but it’s sonically cohesive, delivers diversity in flows, improvement in her rapping & sounds more confident than ever, despite the little monotony of the instrumentalization & missing something that I can’t point it out.

    In this statement, she defends herself against Internet, the media, the haters & the male dominance in Hip&Hop/Rap industry. Starting with aggressive tracks as “Thanks I Get” & “Clapback”, she let us clear that she has made an impact in the industry and won’t let nobody to bring her down those who try to erase her, ignore and hate. After that, her braggadocio is extended through catchy hooks on songs like “Sally Walker”, “Started”, “Spend It” and “Commes des Garçons”, bragging about fame, money & beauty. At this point, she comes up with a renewed attitude & energy that wasn’t shown in her debut album.

    There’s some bouncy-freaky-tracks as “Freak Of The Week”, featuring Juicy J, and “Just Wanna”, the stand-outs of the album, which proves that she’s familiar in this kind of bounce and twerkish music. However, there’s some little falldowns as some features doesn’t connect really with the songs or brings something new on the table, like the boring monotone Lil Yatchy’s verse in “Hoemita” and see-and-not-seen Stini in “Big Bag”, unlike Kash Doll **** It Up”, a dark rework of her hit “Fancy”, who dares to switch to a different flow, and Juicy J.

    She has improved so much in rapping though and has shown her versatility to deliver different flows in every song like “Commes des Garçons” or the whispering in “Just Wanna”, as trying to stay away from the pop sound and being more hardcore & raw. Also sounds more confident when she brags herself, shades & be unapologetic. Maybe it was her time to say whatever she had her mind.

    In the other hand, the instrumentalization & beats are kinda similar and nothing was risked, dared or different. Unlike in “Survive The Summer”, which every song sounded different but was sonically cohesive in general, this doesn’t favor really with the content Iggy is bringing with her lyrical content & flows.

    In conclusion, it’s a good project that needs to be more polished, especially the beats & features, but an improvement from her departure of the “The New Classic” rap-pop sound and sounding more comfortable & confident with herself. It's not her best project but not the worst though. If she stays in this lane and risks, she could get the respect she deserves.
  5. Aug 6, 2019
    Album 100% full of rap & bops. Might be repetitive at some points but Iggy really shows her bars and energy here. Perfectly cohesive.
  6. Apr 28, 2020
    The sophomore is a stark departure from the feature heavy pop-rap debut that featured singers like Rita Ora, Ellie Goulding and Jennifer Hudson. Instead this time around, the only features come in the form of guest verses, with Kash Doll’s appearance on **** It Up being a stand out moment on the album. While The New Classic was consistent in delivering potential radio hits with sing-a-longThe sophomore is a stark departure from the feature heavy pop-rap debut that featured singers like Rita Ora, Ellie Goulding and Jennifer Hudson. Instead this time around, the only features come in the form of guest verses, with Kash Doll’s appearance on **** It Up being a stand out moment on the album. While The New Classic was consistent in delivering potential radio hits with sing-a-long choruses sang by a featured artist, In My Defense is consistent in J. White beats that allow Iggy to deliver her charismatic and effortless verses.

    Singles Sally Walker, Started and **** It Up are the album highlights, merging Iggy’s low tone flow with J. White’s menacing beats, a harmony that perfectly blend together. Where 2018’s Survive The Summer primarily featured Iggy rapping slowly over dark, nocturnal beats made for clubs, In My Defense allows Iggy to switch up her flow often and could easily be the soundtrack of a summer pool party.
  7. Aug 17, 2019
    A cohesive and mature album, with a well done rap, without the forced inclusion of pop tracks to fall in the public eye and play on the radio.
  8. Aug 26, 2021
    Surprised at the low score as this is her best body of work in my opinion. Sally walker and started are probably her best solo songs.
  9. Feb 22, 2020
    Sinceramente eu não sei como a Iggy, que saiu do The New Classic, entrega um trabalho meia boca como esse. Muitas faixas desnecessárias, batidas repetitivas em quase todas as músicas e por aí segue. De todas as músicas, as únicas que eu gosto e consigo ouvir completas são Sally Walker e Started.
  10. Feb 16, 2020
    Nothing special could've been better but it is what is is not the WORST album
  11. Aug 25, 2020
    If I were listening to this rap album expecting great rap and lyrics, then I would give this a 0. All the songs make an attempt at being rap, and there actually are a few songs that I would put in my playlist, but it's not rap. The beats are catchy, and there honestly isn't a 'worst' song on the album. There's a couple good songs, and then the rest are varying levels of 'meh'. I don'tIf I were listening to this rap album expecting great rap and lyrics, then I would give this a 0. All the songs make an attempt at being rap, and there actually are a few songs that I would put in my playlist, but it's not rap. The beats are catchy, and there honestly isn't a 'worst' song on the album. There's a couple good songs, and then the rest are varying levels of 'meh'. I don't think it belongs on a list of the worst rap albums in recent history (eg. Total Xanarchy, Revival). Expand
  12. Jun 25, 2021
    Could’ve been a masterpiece if worked on more.
    Some of the songs are bland and the album has no personality overall.
    Twerking songs are good, but we wanted something more mature from Iggy with this album
  13. Aug 15, 2019
    A disappointment compared to her debut, In My Defense is more of a compilation than a coherent album.
  14. Oct 16, 2019
    This album was really a mess, some songs like **** it up had bad videos, and non singles are just **** songs
  15. May 29, 2020
    Ruim, bem ruim... Os singles anteriores ao lançamento davam outra visão sobre o álbum...
    Estou decepcionada
  16. Aug 28, 2020
    Plano, es un disco totalmente plano y repetitivo, si tan sólo las canciones hubieran sido similares a los sencillos, otra cosa hubiera sido
  17. Dec 24, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. In My Defense parece que foi feito as pressas e sem nenhum tipo de entrega. Iggy Azalea se empenhou em não trabalhar neste álbum, que ficou bagunçado e sem nexo, ouso dizer que as faixas são iguais. O que salva são os singles. Expand
  18. Aug 31, 2019
    Kuinaza. Hay talento solo falta apoyo. Aún así ella puede dar más que este pobre intento. Ojalá el proximo trabajo sea mejor
  19. Aug 5, 2019
    Iggy azalea regresa para entregarnos un álbum en su totalidad repetitivo, carente de originalidad y con letra y producción que deja mucho que desear sin duda de los peores del año.
  20. Oct 5, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. yeah this is bad. The only remotely good cut here is Sally Walker. The whole album is just Iggy playing the "bad **** role... Again but now she does it with a very cringy songwriting. Expand
  21. Jan 21, 2020
    O álbum é completamente desnecessário. Rimas complemento desconexas e tããão preguiçosas. Os beats são horríveis só salvando apenas os singles como Sally Walker.
  22. Aug 9, 2019
    Muy repetitivo y aburrido, los mismo sonidos, son tan aburridas las melodías y la letra, no se esfuerza
  23. Aug 8, 2020
    Why are people giving this album a good rating Iggy can’t rap and I don’t even classify her as a rapper she’s one of the worst rappers out there
  24. Apr 20, 2021
    Iggy is going to hell for releasing this garbage. On release night, i was actually excited, but going from track to track i felt like crying. This album is so lifeless and sounds like a bad attempt at mainstream hip hop. I guess the production is alright (even though you can def tell which tell had more production), the beats are alright and she can flow well but the whole thing is stillIggy is going to hell for releasing this garbage. On release night, i was actually excited, but going from track to track i felt like crying. This album is so lifeless and sounds like a bad attempt at mainstream hip hop. I guess the production is alright (even though you can def tell which tell had more production), the beats are alright and she can flow well but the whole thing is still lackluster. This is so fcking bad i wish i could airdrop my feelings to you guys to make y'all understand ! Idk what the user score is hearing and its showing they cant be trusted either. I really feel like she took 700 steps back with this album. A stain in her discography. Her unreleased album Digital distortion is miles ahead better and i'm moved to tears everyday that it cant properly see hasn't been the light of day but THIS has....This direction she's going is.... and its worrisome because it seems she hears nothing wrong with this and wants to continue with this direction. Like she listened to this and liked it enough to release it...... Expand
  25. Aug 11, 2019
    "In My Defense" é um álbum totalmente inofensivo, com rimas sem graça e uma produção que não leva o trabalho a lugar algum. Parece muito mais uma mesma faixa que foi estendida e jogada aleatoriamente com frases de efeito que facilmente seriam legendas de fotos no Facebook só pro álbum ter a duração mínima pra se chamar álbum. A estética continua sendo a única coisa interessante da"In My Defense" é um álbum totalmente inofensivo, com rimas sem graça e uma produção que não leva o trabalho a lugar algum. Parece muito mais uma mesma faixa que foi estendida e jogada aleatoriamente com frases de efeito que facilmente seriam legendas de fotos no Facebook só pro álbum ter a duração mínima pra se chamar álbum. A estética continua sendo a única coisa interessante da artista, mas chega a incomodar quando um artista prova ter tanta falta de profundidade e autenticidade em meio a videoclipes e ensaios fotográficos bem feitos. Isso pode até conquistar alguns gays carentes de pop e que só ouvem música literalmente com os olhos e não com os ouvidos. Tudo aqui é calculado, desde sua escolha em ser #amiga LGBT enchendo o seus clipes de drag queens até o esforço pra ter opiniões favoráveis aos assuntos mais recentes no Twitter. Expand
  26. Aug 27, 2019
    Someone has too much time on their hands creating these fake accounts to give 10's for the c.r.a.p. IA shouid be punished for damaging my ears with this bs!~
  27. Aug 6, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. a iggy é muito mais do que o in my defense, um álbum totalmente longe da iggy e do que ela é realmente capaz de fazer, se ela tivesse seguido o mesmo tipo do STS eu acho que teriamos um melhor resultado. Expand
  28. Aug 6, 2019
    Bored and repetitive, same sound, same flow, it's an entire waste of time..
  29. Aug 6, 2019
    Pobre cadáver horroroso ya que se retire kkkk, y sus "fans" por lástima jurando que tendría buenas críticas
  30. Jan 24, 2020
    Este album es un desastre, tantos años de espera para esta cosa? Escupida por los criticos.
  31. Aug 7, 2019
    Sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks
  32. Aug 7, 2019
    Letras péssimas, batidas genéricas e sotaque forçado. Igloo Australia provando mais uma vez que não tem talento. Lamentável.
  33. Aug 12, 2019
    muito fraco, não chegou nem perto do último álbum esperava muito mais... rimas fracas, músicas sem conexão
  34. Aug 12, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. No hits on this album. Iggy this could of been better. What happened to the old iggy. We don’t like this new iggy Expand
  35. Aug 12, 2019
    i am sorry but this album is pure garbage, I didn’t expect much though from this person who likes to drag other artists
  36. Nov 10, 2019
    Mal produzido o álbum é uma mistura de confusão , sem nenhum aspecto de criatividade.
  37. Aug 23, 2021
    Pior album já lançado por algum artista de rap, essa mulher é um desserviço pro rap, ainda bem que se aposentou.
  38. Nov 3, 2020
    Esto se lo dedico a mi hermosa mana Diego Caganitez, te odiamos MIERDIGGY URGE RETIRO

Generally unfavorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 4
  2. Negative: 2 out of 4
  1. Aug 5, 2019
    Nobody expected Azalea to come back super talented and with an entirely new shtick. Nonetheless, In My Defense could have been a tad bit more introspective or at the very least, fun.
  2. Aug 5, 2019
    The album is stacked with cartoonish approximations of what she thinks a rap song should sound like: shivers of bass, the occasional “skrrrt,” Mad Libs of designer brands and bodily fluids. Many sound like direct imitations of the rappers she admires.
  3. Aug 5, 2019
    After a half-decade of life lessons, Azalea could have gone in a certain cathartic and mature direction. However, on In My Defense, she opted for a less gracious and, ultimately, exhausted route.