• Record Label: Jive
  • Release Date: Nov 18, 2003
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Universal acclaim- based on 708 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 86 out of 708

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  1. RitaK
    Feb 16, 2005
    Dyanamite! This is Britney's best cd yet, and she doesn't get the credit she deserves. The people who gave the cd a zero either have bad taste, or didn't even give it a chance. The cd is edgy, and makes you wanna hit the dance floor. It's definately one of my top favorite cd's of all time. Your missing out if you don't buy it.
  2. RandyB
    Jun 15, 2005
    When they started out, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera waged a war over who possessed the better voice. Now that that war is over, one can now (supposedly) judge Britney on her own. 'In The Zone' is meant to be a sexual stampede, a declaration of her full-fledged independence from her former princess image. The disc features an entourage of guests, most notably Madonna on When they started out, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera waged a war over who possessed the better voice. Now that that war is over, one can now (supposedly) judge Britney on her own. 'In The Zone' is meant to be a sexual stampede, a declaration of her full-fledged independence from her former princess image. The disc features an entourage of guests, most notably Madonna on 'Me Against the Music' and the Ying-Yang Twins on '(I've got that) Boom Boom', but like most guest appearances, they bring a little to the party, but not enough to make a difference. The most impressive thing here is the production, which undeniably saves the disc from a grim future. Britney's voice is the same as it ever was, nasly and suggestive, and her songwriting (she writes lyrics of her own?) on the beatuiful (yes, beautiful) track 'Everytime' is surprising. On most of the rest of the disc though, the lyrics are nothing special, come-ons and moaning. While Spears has definitely improved on the filler crap factor, she can't escape her old nemesis' shadow. Agilera's 'Stripped' of the year before may not feature production as hip-bouncingly good as 'Zone', but when Aguilera pens her own lyrics they are intelligent and fierce enough to be noticed; Britney's are....well, not. And did I mention that Aguilera won the war of the pipes by a landslide? It's enjoyable, but far from great. Expand
  3. JustinA
    Dec 2, 2006
    Great album to come back with. Britney hits such high points all over this album starting with Toxic, Everytime, Shadow, (I Got That) Boom Boom, and Outrageous. Hits all over the place. MATM with Madonna was a nice lead track to get people talking Britney esp after her performance with Madonna and Christina during the VMAs then choosing Toxic to show she's truely back followed by Great album to come back with. Britney hits such high points all over this album starting with Toxic, Everytime, Shadow, (I Got That) Boom Boom, and Outrageous. Hits all over the place. MATM with Madonna was a nice lead track to get people talking Britney esp after her performance with Madonna and Christina during the VMAs then choosing Toxic to show she's truely back followed by Everytime bringing her back to the slow tracks she does so well. Outrageous her 4th single was destined to be her next hit with the possibility of hitting a Top 25 or even Top 10 status failed due to the cancelation of her tour and the video due to an injury keeping her from completing the task. If Britney would have been able to do something different with any of the songs left as a closer it would have been a nice lead out before releasing her Greatest Hits album during the start of the 4th Quarter. In The Zone is basically one of Britney's best albums with promising hopes of continued music experimenting and excellent producers and writings from others and Britney herself. Expand
  4. KipJ
    Jun 30, 2006
    My favorite album. Until her next one that is. :)
  5. mariak
    Jun 30, 2006
    Britney is the best. Nuff said.
  6. caroll
    Jun 30, 2006
    My daughters love Britney. I also came to like her when I heard this album. It's funky, and she has spunk. She is one talented woman.
  7. jonj
    Jun 30, 2006
    Amazing! Britney is "Simply Irresistable."
  8. Katherinewalt
    Jun 30, 2006
    Woo hoo awesome. Words cannot describe this amazing album!
  9. FrankM
    Jun 30, 2006
    Britney is my favorite female artist. I think that says enough.
  10. MelaniT
    Jun 30, 2006
    Britney is my homegirl!
  11. martinl
    Aug 31, 2006
    definitely britney's best album. it's so electronica, kinda reminescent of madonna's ray of light at some parts. it's ethereal and sexy and with some strong beats
  12. joeaverage
    Aug 30, 2006
    great album
  13. BorisF
    Sep 24, 2006
    after sheds the "good girl" image she releases her best work to date no longer afraid to talk about her sexaulity she slams out some of the best power pop, and dance records since madonna she shows her in song writting growth with her growth as a woman a smash pop sensation that only britney can bring!
  14. eoghanc
    Sep 5, 2006
    this is a gr8 album!! mi fav song 'i ot dat boom boom'!!
  15. CarryJ
    Mar 22, 2007
    This is probably my favorite album ever.
  16. SammyM
    Mar 22, 2007
    Just Wow!
  17. EnzoP
    Oct 31, 2008
    Very good album. It proves that even Spears can write good lyrics and sing more serious stuff.
  18. Daved
    Apr 25, 2009
    Amazing produced album. It's Spears' best work to date. She definitely took sexy to an whole new level.
  19. JonK
    Nov 18, 2003
    Finally a solid album from Britney Spears!
  20. bobk
    Nov 18, 2003
  21. AndrewF.
    Nov 18, 2003
    I think that this album sounds very different and catchy. Britney spent more time on this album and it shows.
  22. RyanAdames
    Nov 19, 2003
    I have Brit's last 2 albums and this one is by far the best, great songs like shadow and evrytime show her soft side, while the hook up and boom boom show that she can still make great dance beats. she is a inspiring artist and although her vocals arent as great as whitney or mariah this cd proves Brit still has her spot in Pop life.
  23. erikb
    Nov 19, 2003
    its fantastic!her best cd!
  24. MatthieuR
    Nov 25, 2003
    Not bad. Not as good as her previous efforts (not as fun and catchy), but good nonetheless.
  25. deucejake
    Dec 12, 2003
    I wanna hear the cannon
  26. MarcusB
    Dec 13, 2003
    Great singer, great album. All the people giving 0's probably never even listened to the CD.
  27. frozenfire
    Dec 21, 2003
    this cd show's mandy moore's true inclination to good music unlike other artist her age.
  28. JulieM
    Jan 13, 2004
    I think Britney did an awesome job with this album. It's different, it's herself. and it's great. And Susan B, you must be retarded! You said "Third times a charm" well too bad it's her 4th album. Maybe you should get the facts before you try bashing an artist. You're probably just a fat, ugly bum who has nothing better to do than make fun of probably one of the I think Britney did an awesome job with this album. It's different, it's herself. and it's great. And Susan B, you must be retarded! You said "Third times a charm" well too bad it's her 4th album. Maybe you should get the facts before you try bashing an artist. You're probably just a fat, ugly bum who has nothing better to do than make fun of probably one of the best looking female artists alive. Anyways get a life, and try going to a website of an artist you actually like, rather than just bashing artists who other people really like and appreciate. Expand
  29. MandyK
    Jan 18, 2004
  30. StephG
    Feb 18, 2004
    LOVE it! It is definitely her best one yet.
  31. RickR
    Aug 12, 2004
    its like she's in the zone...oops she did it again....another great album. P.S. this album isn't toxic
  32. JudithC
    Feb 25, 2005
    Britney FINALLY delivers a groovy and sexy record that'd fun to listen and to dance on at parties. Excellent!
  33. ThomasM
    Apr 21, 2005
    I love this britney, definately britney's best, anyone who doesn't like it, has yet to hear it
  34. johannesburgley
    Jul 16, 2005
    i think it's her best album so far. totally different to her first few CD's, it's got Britney experimenting with different sounds, coming up with fab results such as 'touch of my hand' 'early morning' or 'showdown'. and of course there are the less fab tracks ('brave new girl' being an example) that aren't a complete failure, but i think it's her best album so far. totally different to her first few CD's, it's got Britney experimenting with different sounds, coming up with fab results such as 'touch of my hand' 'early morning' or 'showdown'. and of course there are the less fab tracks ('brave new girl' being an example) that aren't a complete failure, but are just not up to scratch with the rest of the album. her melancholy tune 'everytime' succeeds where the track 'shadow' fails, in producing a sad ballad that you actually listen to without yawning, but hey, not all experiments work. Expand
  35. ChrisE
    Oct 12, 2006
    Britney Spears is the epitome of pop superstardom, in both the good and the bad senses. Her fourth studio record In the Zone is an eclectic mix of Hip Hop-tinged pop and influential dance tracks, as evident in songs "Showdown" and the Grammy-winning international No. 1 "Toxic" (by far the biggest standout single here). Spears delivers two ballads "Everytime" and "Shadow" that aren't Britney Spears is the epitome of pop superstardom, in both the good and the bad senses. Her fourth studio record In the Zone is an eclectic mix of Hip Hop-tinged pop and influential dance tracks, as evident in songs "Showdown" and the Grammy-winning international No. 1 "Toxic" (by far the biggest standout single here). Spears delivers two ballads "Everytime" and "Shadow" that aren't bad at all, and the latter is by far the better of the two and one of Britney's best performances. Despite the new sound the buxom blonde heads into, she can't escape having some disappointing tracks ("Early Mornin'" being the most horrible song here), so it's definitely not a perfect listen. But it's encouraging to see an overproduced singer tred into new musical territory despite the obvious flaws. Hopefully she'll continue down such a path in the future. Expand
  36. NormanG.
    Oct 26, 2007
    The only passable Britney album... its the only good album she has released and the one that shows herself as who she is and shes not pretending anymore.
  37. RuanH
    Aug 12, 2007
    In The Zone is Britney's most musically creative and cosmopolitan album, and also her best - elements of pop, r&b, electronica and soft rock are stylishly blended into one brilliant mainstream record.
  38. J.M
    Mar 24, 2009
    At the time this was her strongest album to date, still it could have done better.
  39. MattM
    Nov 18, 2003
    Britney Spears is back with her fourth album "In The Zone," and it is undeniably her best work to date. What a sensational assault on the senses this record is - a colourful, uniquely varied, beyond satisfying collection. Missing from this CD is Max Martin's bubble gum pop of old and a newer, edgier sound. Britney herself has never performed so well vocally, and every track suits her Britney Spears is back with her fourth album "In The Zone," and it is undeniably her best work to date. What a sensational assault on the senses this record is - a colourful, uniquely varied, beyond satisfying collection. Missing from this CD is Max Martin's bubble gum pop of old and a newer, edgier sound. Britney herself has never performed so well vocally, and every track suits her beautifully. Pop Goddess Madonna makes an appearance on the busy, enthralling opening track and first single "Me Against The Music." Other standouts on the album include the hip-hop anthem "(I Got That) Boom Boom" featuring Ying Yang Twins; "Breathe On Me," a sensual, dancey number; "Toxic," with its frenetic string arrangement and coy vocals; "Shadow," a gorgeous, uptempo ballad courtesy of the Matrix; "Brave New Girl," a flawlessly crafted dance/pop number with a killer chorus; and the lush, haunting closing ballad "Everytime," produced by Guy Sigsworth. An unimpressive and unnecessary remix of "Me Against The Music" is tacked on as a bonus track, the only misstep on an otherwise impeccably joyful, truly magnificent record. Yes, Britney's done it again, and she's better than ever. "In The Zone" is one of the best albums of 2003. Expand
  40. karene
    Nov 18, 2003
    it sucks.
  41. ChrisS
    Nov 18, 2003
    This is easily the best album of her career.
  42. MattD
    Nov 18, 2003
    piece of trash.
  43. PersonP
    Nov 18, 2003
    She turned from a Catholic school girl...to a full out sex machine. Cripes.
  44. PersonP
    Nov 18, 2003
    She turned from a Catholic school girl...to a full out sex machine. Cripes.
  45. PersonP
    Nov 18, 2003
    She turned from a Catholic school girl...to a full out sex machine. Cripes.
  46. PersonP
    Nov 18, 2003
    She turned from a Catholic school girl...to a full out sex machine. Cripes.
  47. PersonP
    Nov 18, 2003
    She turned from a Catholic school girl...to a full out sex machine. Cripes.
  48. JosephA
    Nov 19, 2003
    Pretty damn good. The production is wonderful, the songs are fun and melodic, and Britney sounds sexy as hell. What more could you want from her?
  49. John
    Nov 19, 2003
    Great album. I love almost all of the songs on it.
  50. LindsayH
    Nov 22, 2003
    I love it!
  51. bobk
    Nov 23, 2003
  52. MkeyM
    Dec 14, 2003
    The best album of the year by far. Its Brtiney grown up and its an artist taking control of their career and that is great.
  53. Mar 30, 2011
    In the Zone is Britney's sexual, exploring, and hypnotic album. It really pushed sexual image into another level. There is only one track that did not fit on the concept, its the Madonna-inspired Brave New Girl. This time, Spears sounds more natural, effortless and sexual without forcing herself. The success relies on her and the producers.
  54. Dec 23, 2011
    This Is Such A Massive Step From Her Last Album Britney! The Best Songs Are: Me Against the Music (Even Though I Hate Madonna!) (I Got That) Boom Boom Toxic And Outrageous! The Other Songs Are Fine, Just Not As Good As Those Tracks!
  55. Dec 7, 2016
    It's sexy and seductive, with a few upbeat numbers thrown in for good measure. Far more timeless than you might expect. If she released it now (2016) it would be lauded by critics. The production is strong, her vocals are mature and the song writing is fun yet sensible. A very, very good album indeed.
  56. Jun 22, 2011
    POSITIVE - A very well produced album for the most part, this album offers mature yet young sounds throughout. I feel this album certainly wasn't a let down for fans, it is a nice, happy yet sexy album that doesn't get boring, but doesn't try to hard either.
    NEGATIVE - Toxic, Me Against The Music (Feat Madonna), Everytime and Outrageous by far the standout tracks, hence they were all
    POSITIVE - A very well produced album for the most part, this album offers mature yet young sounds throughout. I feel this album certainly wasn't a let down for fans, it is a nice, happy yet sexy album that doesn't get boring, but doesn't try to hard either.
    NEGATIVE - Toxic, Me Against The Music (Feat Madonna), Everytime and Outrageous by far the standout tracks, hence they were all released as singles, but these four singles really are the only tracks that could have been released. Althought the remaining tracks are good they are certainly not "Chart Material", non of them stand out a great deal, and those tracks that do stand out (Brave New Girl, Breathe on me and Showdown) didn't really fit in with the other singles that had been released, although good, i think they may have confused fans. It's quite difficult to explain, but listen to 'Toxic', then 'Brave New Girl' and i think you will see my point. Basically at times this album does lack, can sound a little dull maybe, dare i say, filler tracks are there. OVERALL - A good album, worth more than one listen, catchy, memorable, although not exactly Britney's best.
  57. Jun 28, 2012
    In contention for Britney's worst album, thisi album contains nothing even remotely memorable; between the incredibly weak choruses and bland vocals of "Me Against the Music" and "Toxic" to the incredibly unnecessary and obnoxious guest vocals of the Ying Yang Twins on "Breathe On Me" and "I Got that (Boom Boom), only one song emerges even remotely victorious: the Britney co-penned ballad,In contention for Britney's worst album, thisi album contains nothing even remotely memorable; between the incredibly weak choruses and bland vocals of "Me Against the Music" and "Toxic" to the incredibly unnecessary and obnoxious guest vocals of the Ying Yang Twins on "Breathe On Me" and "I Got that (Boom Boom), only one song emerges even remotely victorious: the Britney co-penned ballad, "Everytime". Aside from that, this album is an utter waste and is rivaled only by Britney's previous, self-titled effort in terms of sheer terribility. Expand
  58. Sep 19, 2011
    It's not Britney's most innovative album, however, what makes In the Zone an appreciated effort is Britney's contribution ("Everytime" is a heartfelt ballad that flatters Britney's fragile and soft, but soothing vocals) and the album's solid production.
  59. Sep 10, 2011
    She turned sexy for this. In a good way. She wrote 8 of the 12 standard edition tracks, like "Brave New Girl" - in my opinion the best track on it. The only bad thing about "In the Zone" is the vocals that sometimes get lazy, like in "Breathe on Me" and "Early Mornin'". Should've been more powerful IMHO.
  60. Jul 14, 2012
    Strong and forceful personality, dance music, music with personality, good compositions, one of the best in Britney. Highlight for "Toxic," "Everytime," "Brave New Girl" and "Outrageous".
  61. Jun 24, 2012
    Sexy, soothing and inspired. The first album Britney delivered that was a great pop album. It sounded current and modern.. It still does - 8 years later.
  62. Jun 29, 2012
    A great effort by Britney. As a huge fan of hers it was great to see how involved she was with the making of this cd. Standout tracks are: Toxic, Early Morning, Everytime and Breathe on Me.
  63. May 29, 2012
    A Pretty Good Album!
    Only About 6 Songs Stick Out But That's Fine!
    The Whole Album Is Very Pop.... Madonna Was Not Needed To Make A Good Song...
  64. Jul 15, 2016
    1. "Me Against the Music": A tongue-twisting, catchy dance track.
    2. "(I Got That) Boom Boom": An upbeat, fun track, its sound the closest to her previous releases.
    3. "Showdown": Strange, yet still dance-able. 4. "Breathe On Me": A sexy, sultry bed anthem. 5. "Early Mornin'": A catchy, slinky, R&B-infused song, bound to get stuck in your head. 6. "Toxic": A sexy track, its beats
    1. "Me Against the Music": A tongue-twisting, catchy dance track.
    2. "(I Got That) Boom Boom": An upbeat, fun track, its sound the closest to her previous releases.
    3. "Showdown": Strange, yet still dance-able.
    4. "Breathe On Me": A sexy, sultry bed anthem.
    5. "Early Mornin'": A catchy, slinky, R&B-infused song, bound to get stuck in your head.
    6. "Toxic": A sexy track, its beats infectious.
    7. "Outrageous": An R&B track, which doesn't come close to being a favourite, but still fun.
    8. "Touch of My Hand": A daring, sexy track, one of my favourites.
    9. "The Hook Up": Not so fussed on this song.
    10. "Shadow": An emotional, tear-jerker power ballad, which is, like "Touch of My Hand," a favourite; definitely underrated.
    11. "Brave New Girl": A fun, electronic track, with a well-developed production.
    12. "Everytime": A soft, beautiful ballad, with sweet vocals and stripped-down production compared to the rest of the album.
    13. "Me Against the Music (Rishi Rich's Desi Kulcha Remix)": (Refer to 1. "Me Against the Music")
    14. "The Answer": A breathy, sultry track, definitely needs more attention.
    15. "Don't Hang Up": Another lovely song with Britney showcasing her falsetto ability.

    My Highlights: "Touch of My Hand," "Shadow," "Breathe On Me," "Everytime," "The Answer," and "Don't Hang Up."
  65. Jun 21, 2014
    Uma palavra para definir esse álbum> samba, Britney misturou vários estilos: Pop, Urban, Dance e muitos outros fazendo com que ele seja um dos melhores de sua carreira. Todas as músicas tem potencial para single, e o que dizer de Toxic? Música perfeita um grande sucesso realmente, todos os singles que o álbum teve foram ótimos. Todas as músicas são, impossível não gostar.
  66. Apr 24, 2015
    In my opinion, this is Britney's first good album. Most of the songs don't hold up very well on their own, but it works really well as an album. In The Zone is musically diverse, but it also has a nice flow to it for the most part, and it's actually pretty upbeat and fun to listen to. There are only a few not-so-good songs in here, which is certainly a step up from her last three stinkers.
  67. Oct 21, 2017
    Britney retorna mais madura e envolvida no seu trabalho como nunca, fazendo um dos CDs mais incríveis da música pop. Trazendo músicas que entraram pra história como "Toxic" e "Everytime", além da super parceria com Madonna.
  68. Jun 15, 2015
    Foxes é maravilhosa. Eu amo tudo o que ela faz, tudo bem feito, impecável. Coisa de artista de verdade, é uma pena ver que não tem o reconhecimento mere
  69. Jul 13, 2015
    The singles from that album was perfect, shows a more adult and decided Britney . The tour of In The Zone (The Onyx Hotel ) ... Toxic is the best song and best video
  70. Oct 13, 2015
    In The Zone-9
    Me Against The Music (7/10)
    (I Got That) Boom Boom (5/10) Showdown (10/10) Breathe On Me (9/10) Early Mornin (7/10) Toxic (9/10) Outrageous (9/10) Touch Of My Hand (10/10) The Hook Up (8/10) Shadow (10/10) Brave New Girl (8/10) Everytime (10/10) É um album maravilhoso, possuí uma variedade de sons maravilhosos e letras como Everytime que são dignas de estarem
    In The Zone-9
    Me Against The Music (7/10)
    (I Got That) Boom Boom (5/10)
    Showdown (10/10)
    Breathe On Me (9/10)
    Early Mornin (7/10)
    Toxic (9/10)
    Outrageous (9/10)
    Touch Of My Hand (10/10)
    The Hook Up (8/10)
    Shadow (10/10)
    Brave New Girl (8/10)
    Everytime (10/10)
    É um album maravilhoso, possuí uma variedade de sons maravilhosos e letras como Everytime que são dignas de estarem presentes nesse álbum fantástico.
  71. Oct 11, 2015
    Toxic. Everytime. That's really all that needs to be said. Britney's 4th album contains two of the Pop World's Biggest Hits. And Toxic earned Britney a Grammy Award for Best Dance Recording. It is a timeless song, and one that absolutely everybody knows. Even now in 2015, 12 years after it was released, the song sounds completely fresh. Oh and that music video... damn! Now THAT! is theToxic. Everytime. That's really all that needs to be said. Britney's 4th album contains two of the Pop World's Biggest Hits. And Toxic earned Britney a Grammy Award for Best Dance Recording. It is a timeless song, and one that absolutely everybody knows. Even now in 2015, 12 years after it was released, the song sounds completely fresh. Oh and that music video... damn! Now THAT! is the best music video of all time! Then there's Everytime. The big song Britney wrote. And my personal favourite Britney song. So beautifully sung and written. On this record Britney made some big changes musically and they paid off. Songs about sex especially, were a theme (Breathe On Me, Touch Of My Hand). She teamed up with Madonna in the amazing Me Against The Music, and she brought it with the Ying Yang Twins in (I Got That) Boom Boom). Favourite songs: Everytime, Toxic, Shadow, Breathe On Me and Me Against The Music. Way to go Britney! Expand
  72. Feb 1, 2016
    On this record, Britney employs her powerful songwriting and melodic skills to create her most inspired sound yet. She showcases various world sounds from the Middle Eastern strings on the flawless Touch of my Hand to the Bollywood beat of her smash hit, Toxic and this album has truly left its mark in Britney's career as a withdrawal from others' creative control.
  73. Feb 9, 2017
    Os instrumentais de 'In The Zone' são ótimos. Muitas canções do álbum são aclamadas por outras estrelas pop, e marcaram a vida de muitas pessoas, como Toxic, o maior hit do álbum. In The Zone marca uma nova etapa na vida de Britney
  74. Jan 30, 2016
    Excellent album. Chaque titre est une pépite. Britney nous transporte dans une atmosphère sensuelle et sexuelle comme su le faire Madonna en son temps.

    Coup de cœur: Tout l'album.
  75. Mar 5, 2016
    gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg fffffffffffffffffffffffffff
  76. Jun 8, 2019
    One of my favorite albums out there.It shows how Britney matured and wrote songs which reflect to her life at that moment.A major game changer in the pop music.
  77. Aug 26, 2016
    Um album bem diverisficado e sensual, a Britney deu o melhor de sí e fez uma biblia do pop onde cada versículo exala um cheiro que vai do bom ao maravilhoso! Um dos melhores albuns de 2004 até 2007
  78. Aug 26, 2016
    In The Zone was her most underrated album so far, during 2003 after the infamous kiss with Madonna at the VMA's, Britney released her first masterpiece, a combined dance-pop, hip-hop and melodic ballads, In the album, Spears includes two of her most iconic songs in her entire career, Toxic and Everytime (she write it and composed it), but also fan favorites like Breathe On Me and Touch OfIn The Zone was her most underrated album so far, during 2003 after the infamous kiss with Madonna at the VMA's, Britney released her first masterpiece, a combined dance-pop, hip-hop and melodic ballads, In the album, Spears includes two of her most iconic songs in her entire career, Toxic and Everytime (she write it and composed it), but also fan favorites like Breathe On Me and Touch Of My Hand, she recorded and released a song with the Queen of Pop (Me Against the Music, the first single) and the rest of the album (maybe except for the bonus remix of Me Against the Music) was perfection from beginning to the end. Expand
  79. Sep 10, 2016
    Sexy, personal, smooth and original. This is a truly masterpiece, including her most successful track to date "Toxic", her most famous duo "Me Against The Music" with Madonna. Plus, tracks that shows a complete different Britney, a girl that has find what she is and is not afraid to show it to the world.
  80. Sep 11, 2016
    that album is really amazing and strong, shows to us a new britney spears, more sexy and powerful than ever,this show really good and amazing songs like toxic,breath on me, i got that and others that make this a great album one of the best of 2004(if not the best)
  81. Jun 9, 2017
    If there was a way for me to convey how much I love this album, I would do so. This was a favorite of mine growing up, and it still sounds fresh with each listen. "Toxic" and "Everytime" are so haunting and wonderful and lovely and perfect; I can't say much else.
  82. Dec 8, 2018
    One of the very few cases (including Britney's herself in here) when, no matter how long it be, the work will remain current. It's 2018 and Toxic could be released today or tomorrow. Such a timeless magnificent work.
  83. Jul 26, 2017
    Calidad Calidad Calidad Calidad Calidad Calidad Calidad Calidad Calidad Calidad Calidad Calidad Calidad Calidad Calidad Calidad Calidad Calidad Calidad Calidad Calidad Calidad Calidad Calidad Calidad Calidad
  84. Oct 11, 2017
    Muito sexy, sensual e maduro. um álbum muito diversificado e muito bem produzido, indo de ritmos pop a ritmos misturados com o hip hop. além de ter hinos atemporais como a música Toxic.
  85. Dec 4, 2020
    Wow, such a masterpiece! This is the most-britney album, she’s involved in 78% of song lyrics and it seems like she love this album, and i’m happy with that
  86. Feb 5, 2018
    uno de sus mejores, definivamente nos queda claro el por que es la princesa del pop
  87. Jan 31, 2019
    Britney's best work (after Blackout). Toxic is such a timeless song, and so are the sexual BOPs Breathe On Me and Touch Of My Hand. She definitely hit her artistic peak around this time.
  88. Feb 22, 2020
    In my humble opinion, "In the Zone" is THE best album of all time. This album was such an extreme transition from her previous three albums. Britney had already started to be more involved in her music and to sound more mature on her third studio album "Britney" (2001) and she already experimented a little bit with different genres on that album but she took it to another level with "InIn my humble opinion, "In the Zone" is THE best album of all time. This album was such an extreme transition from her previous three albums. Britney had already started to be more involved in her music and to sound more mature on her third studio album "Britney" (2001) and she already experimented a little bit with different genres on that album but she took it to another level with "In the Zone". The album is incredibly diverse. There’s songs with major hip-hop influences ("Outrageous" & "Boom Boom"), electropop songs ("Toxic"), R&B ("Early Mornin"), reggae ("The Hook Up"), some dancehall and rock influences ("Showdown") and dance pop ("Breathe On Me"). Multiple songs on the album also have a nice underlying oriental sound to them. The only song that reminds you of Britney‘s previous albums is the poppy "Brave New Girl", which sounds like "Anticipating"'s little sister. The entire record is extremely sensual and must’ve been a huge shock to every fan (and their parents) who had signed up for bubblegum teen pop like "...Baby One More Time" or "Oops!...I Did It Again". Not only does Britney sing about sex ("Breathe On Me"), but she also sings about phone sex ("Don’t Hang Up") and even masturbation ("Touch of My Hand"). Her voice has also never sounded sexier than it does on this record. Britney tried hard to escape from her innocent teen pop Queen image and she did it with class. This album was for Britney what "Erotica" (1992) had been for Madonna or "janet." (1993) for Janet Jackson. To this day it’s the album that Britney had the most involvement in as she co-wrote 9 of the 14 songs on the album. The album rarely gets personal as it’s mostly about sex and becoming a woman but there are a few personal moments. There is the iconic completely self-written ballad about her breakup from Justin Timberlake "Everytime", which was her response to his "Cry Me a River"). The second ballad on the album, "Shadow", could also be about the same topic. Then there’s "Outrageous", which addresses fame, Britney’s public image and scandals. "Brave New Girl" is about Britney finding new confidence and becoming a woman. We don’t even have to talk about the singles. "Me Against the Music" is one of the most iconic collaborations of all time and still an extremely danceable bop and "Toxic" is the definition of iconic and probably Britney‘s biggest hit ever. "Everytime" is Britney‘s most successful ballad and that’s fine because it’s also her best in my opinion. This album is perfection from start to finish and never ever gets boring. Favorites: Breathe On Me, Everytime, Touch of My Hand & Toxic Expand
  89. Jun 3, 2019
    Su mejor album si duda alguna , una biblia del pop , el concepto del album es muy original.
    Grandes hits y en este album Britney experimento en su musica
  90. Jul 30, 2020
    Amazing and iconic album!

    Definitely one of her best albums for sure.

    Early Mornin' is my favorite on the album!
  91. Dec 5, 2021
    Album of the year, one of Britney's best projects. Ahead of it's time, definitely a must listen
  92. Jul 3, 2019
    Greatest pop album of the 2000s I can’t stress is enough she really delivered one of the greatest pop songs of all time with toxic she really snapped.
  93. Jul 20, 2019
    Álbum extremamente Lendário, ICÔNICO, insuperável. Rainha. Eterna princesa do Pop. Amo muito
  94. Jul 24, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Álbum perfeito com hits memoráveis, clipes visualmente muito bonitos, um marco na cultura pop Expand
  95. Sep 1, 2019
    Even there’s a legend who named Blackout i still love this album more and i think this is her best. I love almost all of the tracks but especially Breathe on Me... i mean i guess i’ll still be listening it at the age of 80. I hope she came with some good stuff if she even wants to record an album.
  96. Sep 17, 2019
    It did not age well, if it shows a forced album in many ways, unsteady vocals and the sequence is not good. But the album's good sensual proposition is clear, and he does it very well, with sexy and outrageous beats.
  97. Sep 26, 2019
    In The Zone is by far the most successful album released by Spears. Includes the smash hit Toxic, but also capitalised the 2003 VMASs kiss with Madonna performing a song together (the Princess and the Queen of Pop in a duet, it's history by that fact only).
    This album explore the sexuality and heartbreaks in a sound that makes everything fits and create a whole experience.
    It's crearly
    In The Zone is by far the most successful album released by Spears. Includes the smash hit Toxic, but also capitalised the 2003 VMASs kiss with Madonna performing a song together (the Princess and the Queen of Pop in a duet, it's history by that fact only).
    This album explore the sexuality and heartbreaks in a sound that makes everything fits and create a whole experience.
    It's crearly that the bad reviews (in that times) was because of JT's Cry Me A River and also because a women was expressing herself about her own sexuality, something that put this album in a rate that was by far inferior of what this album means to pop history.
  98. Jan 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It is the very embodiment of eroticism. Of freedom of speech and the most insane desires we have and we don't talk. In the zone was the pinnacle of Britney's career and one of the pillars of pop music. Expand
  99. Feb 24, 2020
    Totally not a Britney fan but received CD as a pink elephant gift at a Christmas party. Listened to it and was suprised. While she is not endowed with the voice of some of her peers, she managed to put out an album that is fun and different. If someone else's name was on the album I probably would have bought it myself. True, it's not great art but who cares? If I wanted great art I'dTotally not a Britney fan but received CD as a pink elephant gift at a Christmas party. Listened to it and was suprised. While she is not endowed with the voice of some of her peers, she managed to put out an album that is fun and different. If someone else's name was on the album I probably would have bought it myself. True, it's not great art but who cares? If I wanted great art I'd listen to Beethoven but if I want to actually enjoy myself I may just listen to this CD, Collapse Expand
  100. Apr 5, 2020
    Muy bueno, los sencillos fueron bien elegidos, es uno de los más completos.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 13
  2. Negative: 1 out of 13
  1. Quite the most lifeless and unloved record to be released by an artist of Spears' global stature.
  2. Spin
    A hectic sonic pileup. [Dec 2003, p.130]
  3. Unlike previous Britney albums, In the Zone has no filler and no shoddy cover versions, just 57 varieties of blue-chip hit-factory pop.