• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Feb 6, 2007
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 223 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 46 out of 223

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  1. Aug 25, 2022
    their lyrics are so ridiculously convoluted that it's clear they have little to say. It's easy to right a bunch of jabberwocky and claim to be smart . This is not a case of people misunderstanding their genius, they just make no coherent sense.
  2. FarranC
    Mar 15, 2008
    i used to love fall out boy, i have all their albums, and i must say the first 3 are amazing, but it's clear in this record that they have sold out. in 1 word this album is shit!, what ever happened to make a band that used to rock hard into whiny little turds? this album is poor at best
  3. MauricioB.
    Oct 27, 2007
    It sounds like a Hanna Montana sound if she very a men, also the songs are very similar, there aren´t hard work.
  4. nebb
    May 15, 2007
    I'm surprised this isn't a hit with the fans, it's got everything the like, annoying lyrics, annoying guitarmanship, annoying vocals, and music so simple to play a monkey could pass them up. Please, do yourself, and humanity as a race, a favor and don't buy this or listen to it.
  5. BobE
    May 10, 2007
    They are just purlyturdin a jar face it allYou F.O.B Fans they are crap you wantto listen to realmusic like slipknot,Tenacious D, Greenday, rammstein etc.
  6. ToddW
    May 3, 2007
    I consider myself a fan of music and I just don't get these guys. My kids love them; I wish a tree would fall on these boys. It's fine as far as half-wit post punk pop goes, and if that's your nirvana, then by all means play these guys ad infinitum. I just think that with all of the bands out there who are actually saying something and doing something different in their I consider myself a fan of music and I just don't get these guys. My kids love them; I wish a tree would fall on these boys. It's fine as far as half-wit post punk pop goes, and if that's your nirvana, then by all means play these guys ad infinitum. I just think that with all of the bands out there who are actually saying something and doing something different in their music, and will never deign to take a whiff of the Sewerstream, bands like this that wallow in it demean our intelligence. Isn't there enough of that going on out there people? Why would one want to continue to be a stereotype? But if that's your goal, fall in. Just don't be an idiot and give these guys a perfect score. Have some pride. I mean, come on, you're showing how vacuous you truly are in doing that. Expand
  7. AlexR
    May 1, 2007
    I like what Entertainment Weekly's review of Infinity says, "Lo and behold, it turns out these pasty emo boys are a pretty great blue-eyed soul band. ". Funny, I bet it's soulful as the crap coming out of my deriere. Hell, if any thing in this album is remotely soulful, I guarantee it that the producers or Jay-Z made it happen. Cleverly manufactured estrogen pop has seem to find I like what Entertainment Weekly's review of Infinity says, "Lo and behold, it turns out these pasty emo boys are a pretty great blue-eyed soul band. ". Funny, I bet it's soulful as the crap coming out of my deriere. Hell, if any thing in this album is remotely soulful, I guarantee it that the producers or Jay-Z made it happen. Cleverly manufactured estrogen pop has seem to find a comfortable spot in music these days. The lead singer can't sing for his life and the only thing keeping this band alive is their drummer, who is barely par. Nothing new here, which means it's exactly like Cork Tree, therefore, nothing good. Expand
  8. xxhopingtearsxx
    Apr 29, 2007
    I can't believe I'm saying this, but this album makes Fall Out Boy.. very boring.
  9. JasonS
    Apr 20, 2007
    Fall out boy WAS good before they made Infinity on high...why do they had to put the soft satan worship in their music. I speak for myself and a lot of other people when I say that fallout boy is just heading down hill. They need to make an album that doesnt have any of the dissing god stuff.
  10. RobL
    Apr 19, 2007
    When will i ever stop hearing crappy manufactured pop music on the television and radio. this album shows little sign of any intelligent song writing except the occasional catchy beat that i have heard from Blink 182 and other indistinguishable major label pop bands. Once Fallout Boy is gone i am convinced that music will be temporarily saved and will spark the catalyst to change the When will i ever stop hearing crappy manufactured pop music on the television and radio. this album shows little sign of any intelligent song writing except the occasional catchy beat that i have heard from Blink 182 and other indistinguishable major label pop bands. Once Fallout Boy is gone i am convinced that music will be temporarily saved and will spark the catalyst to change the popular music trends. Expand
  11. TheCritic
    Apr 8, 2007
    ok... 1. Emo rock sucks 2. These guys look gay 3. They absolutely stink live 4. These guys sound gay 5. If you are a guy and you get this cd, you will be made fun of, beaten, gagged, shot, burned, electricuited, thrown in an oven and killed... because THESE GUYS SUCK!!!!!!!!!!
  12. BrannonM
    Apr 6, 2007
    A peice of emo shit. Who listens to this garbage. I'll tell you who. Emo losers.
  13. SamD
    Mar 28, 2007
    how awful, just awful.
  14. DaveM.
    Mar 26, 2007
    Fall Out Boy is somewhat similar to crack cocaine when it was first became mainstream. It's addicting, horrible, and spreads like wildfire. The band is an absolute joke and are showing hopeful musicians around the world that you don't need to be skilled (or talented) to be famous.
  15. SamualS
    Mar 25, 2007
    Fall Out Boy, what happen? you guys we're emo now your just posers for girls, trying not to act gay, buy Im starting to think you guys are, Rest In Peace: OLD Fall Out Boy.
  16. songX
    Mar 15, 2007
    it is such a shame to see music like this get praised (at all) . apparently the critics are tuned in to top-20 radio all day long. oh well everybody can't have good taste right?
  17. NickC
    Mar 11, 2007
    We have entered a new era of musical degradation. I thought NSync and the Backstreet Boys were bad, but fucking hell, at least they didn't make any bones about being homos. These pfruit-cakes in glitter and women's pants masqeurading as "rockers" is enough to make any individual with an appreciation for musical integrity, or rock music, vomit. Pop music, once one of the most We have entered a new era of musical degradation. I thought NSync and the Backstreet Boys were bad, but fucking hell, at least they didn't make any bones about being homos. These pfruit-cakes in glitter and women's pants masqeurading as "rockers" is enough to make any individual with an appreciation for musical integrity, or rock music, vomit. Pop music, once one of the most moving, intelligent and satisfying forms of art has completely degenerated into a host of empty, shallow, hypocritical, stupid, assinine, unlistenable collections of affeminate, prima-donna scenesters, who happen to have played instruments for a couple of years. Music cannot be more predictable, forulaic, unoriginal, shallow and empty than this--except for their contemporaries, who are equally as worthless. Fuck Fall Out Boy. Fuck You. Listen to the Beatles. Expand
  18. Jon
    Mar 11, 2007
    This blows dogs for quarters. FOB is an awful band.
  19. PRay
    Mar 8, 2007
    What is this! I though I was listening to Maroon 5 for at least half of this disk. 'This Aint A Scene' best it gets. Its so cheesy and not cool, and not punk and not clever. Its not nice to your ears, not catchy, not funky and Id leave the room if this came on. I came in with an open mind too.
  20. MandiH
    Mar 5, 2007
    After their first album Fall Out Boy took a turn for the worst. They went from being a new and out coming band with catchy beats and lyrics to a sell out, and this album only proves that even more. It's not even worth buying.
  21. RobC
    Mar 4, 2007
    Huge let down
  22. MartinL
    Mar 1, 2007
    Fall Out Boy is awful. Go take some showers and learn how to control your mouth so that your singing doesnt sound like a desperate wail
  23. CrenshawB
    Feb 23, 2007
    No matter how old you are, it's not okay to own this CD. Andrew W.K. is right on the money with how hilariously bad the artwork and the song titles are. Another flash in the pan band that will flicker away and become The Partridge Family of the 2000s. Their lead singer already looks like a fat Danny Bonaduce as it is.
  24. robertp
    Feb 22, 2007
    ok anyone who gave this album anything above a 4 or 5 have no sense of music. but instead of trying to find a band worth listening to they listen to that catchy emo band they heard on the radio. yes i said emo band and at most a sad excuse for alternitive. saying woah oh oh in a high pitched voice does not make you a punk band. and while honestly trying to listen and see how anyone could ok anyone who gave this album anything above a 4 or 5 have no sense of music. but instead of trying to find a band worth listening to they listen to that catchy emo band they heard on the radio. yes i said emo band and at most a sad excuse for alternitive. saying woah oh oh in a high pitched voice does not make you a punk band. and while honestly trying to listen and see how anyone could possibly like them i laughed at the incredibly stupid lyrics and their failed attempt to slow things down in golden. this new album is as sorry as the last two considering its exactly the same. Expand
  25. DickCheaneyWeanie
    Feb 22, 2007
    sounds like the noises that comes from my butt after a meal of like raviolli or something like matza ball soup because it has like huge lumps and its really thick and thats like poopie... anyway, besides that, why is a rapper doing a rock cd? shouldnt he be like with the rest of the homies like smokin bad things and shootin people? ya dats wat i thought! so anyway the singer stinks and i sounds like the noises that comes from my butt after a meal of like raviolli or something like matza ball soup because it has like huge lumps and its really thick and thats like poopie... anyway, besides that, why is a rapper doing a rock cd? shouldnt he be like with the rest of the homies like smokin bad things and shootin people? ya dats wat i thought! so anyway the singer stinks and i hate his voice it sounds like a chipmunk being shot, or being tortured in some kind of way like pulling and stretching its legs and arms, or pulling its intestines out of its guts. anyway as i was saying, the music is directed for 13 year old punks and emos who think they are all so cool cause they listen to fall out boy,,,, what a dumb name, what did they fall out of??? did they like poop? wait let me guess...ice cream! Expand
  26. CarlosM
    Feb 13, 2007
    I dont know what happend with this album but for me is like when Good Charlotte came up with "Chronicles Of Life And Death" after the success album young and hopeless it was a boring and empty album, is almost the same with the new FOB, maybe one good song and the rest is just crap
  27. AndrewK
    Feb 10, 2007
    Well, at least this album starts off okay. The Jay-Z introduction is, admittedly, pretty cool. But the first dozen or so seconds of non-suckage are easily the high point of the entire album; a fucking smorgasbord of stupid lyrics, boring instrumentals, and completely worthless singing. Look at the cover, it's fucking retarded. Read the song titles, they're fucking retarded. Do Well, at least this album starts off okay. The Jay-Z introduction is, admittedly, pretty cool. But the first dozen or so seconds of non-suckage are easily the high point of the entire album; a fucking smorgasbord of stupid lyrics, boring instrumentals, and completely worthless singing. Look at the cover, it's fucking retarded. Read the song titles, they're fucking retarded. Do you own this album? Fuck you. And fuck you Mr. Wentz. Your screaming sounds fucking retarded. Please die. Expand
  28. rrr
    Feb 9, 2007
    yuck!- i can't believe i got suckered into this. it makes me wonder what junk people listen to that gave this a higher rating.
  29. pg
    Feb 9, 2007
    only when i was 12 did i listen to such junk. a completely worthless album.
  30. AnOnymous
    Feb 8, 2007
    FOB, much like MCR, are merely the flavor of the moment and are highly touted by the mainstream media primarily because they're so popular with the kids. This isn't terrible music, for sure, but it hues so close to the bland pop punk formula that it barely makes an impression. FOB is not a musical abomination, but they surely don't deserve all the critical acclaim. And now FOB, much like MCR, are merely the flavor of the moment and are highly touted by the mainstream media primarily because they're so popular with the kids. This isn't terrible music, for sure, but it hues so close to the bland pop punk formula that it barely makes an impression. FOB is not a musical abomination, but they surely don't deserve all the critical acclaim. And now I'll stop calling them Shirley. Expand
  31. JohnP
    Feb 7, 2007
    Did anyone really expect a masterpiece from last year's flavor-of-the-month? Get real. This band is going right in the same garbage pile as every other Emo band. It's over. This sound is tired.
  32. ColbyS
    Feb 7, 2007
    I never really have liked Fall Out Boy, as they've spawned a train of even more terrible imitators and sissified followers at my high school. Could it get any worse than the last CD? Well, yes, if you blended in a little bit of the Backstreet Boys, as evidenced by "This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race," quite possibly the most annoying single released this year, not to I never really have liked Fall Out Boy, as they've spawned a train of even more terrible imitators and sissified followers at my high school. Could it get any worse than the last CD? Well, yes, if you blended in a little bit of the Backstreet Boys, as evidenced by "This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race," quite possibly the most annoying single released this year, not to mention the gayest evocation of the phrase "goddamn." Honestly, Bloc Party gets nailed by reviewers, but this shit gets hailed as greatness? Give me a break. I guess when you're on a big label like this, it'd be easy to pay some reviewers... Expand
  33. king
    Feb 7, 2007
    utter rubbish
  34. MissyM
    Feb 7, 2007
    Backstreet Boys meets Bon Jovi is a perfect description of this band. I would also like to throw in a Sammy Hagar fronted Van Halen for good measure with some Good Charlotte influences on the last 2 tracks. Keep up the good work, slaves.
  35. BillyG.
    Feb 6, 2007
    Ewwwww, no.
  36. matta
    Feb 6, 2007
    C'mon, the new bloc party has a lower score than this tripe?! That's just ridiculous. Rolling Stone, Spin, Blender, Entertainment Weekly, and Alternative Press always give shit albums good reviews. Their weight in the metascore should be much lower than other publications. Anyway, I have actually listened to this, hence the 3 and not a 0 (see, I'm not completely C'mon, the new bloc party has a lower score than this tripe?! That's just ridiculous. Rolling Stone, Spin, Blender, Entertainment Weekly, and Alternative Press always give shit albums good reviews. Their weight in the metascore should be much lower than other publications. Anyway, I have actually listened to this, hence the 3 and not a 0 (see, I'm not completely unreasonable). Honestly, a few okay songs; the only problem is that after the first few, they all sound the exact same. Really these publications that gave this a better score than Bloc Party and Of Montreal must be employing a bunch of 14-year-old girls as their music critics. There really is no other explanation. Expand
  37. JamalR
    Feb 6, 2007
  38. mikes.
    Feb 6, 2007
    oh one of the worse albums of the year by far. Although track 2 is a guilty pleasure the rest of the album is so bad that it is absolutely appalling. Everything from the production to the song writing is horrid.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. For a band that was once so self-assured and able to utilize its talents so compellingly, the album is regrettably haphazard.
  2. Alternative Press
    Some of the band's most gut-wrenching and powerful melodies to date. [Mar 2007, p.133]
  3. Lo and behold, it turns out these pasty emo boys are a pretty great blue-eyed soul band.