• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Feb 6, 2007
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 223 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 46 out of 223

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  1. ericr
    Feb 19, 2007
    One of the catchiest cd ever made.
  2. mariad
    Feb 20, 2007
    mind blowing lyrics and a much more melodious sound than the other albums. it's perfect and well worth listening to
  3. Forx
    Mar 9, 2007
    An Awesome album. The best your going to get this year, most probably. Definitely full marks.
  4. panda
    Mar 9, 2007
    Any one who is ignorant enough to not get the the fact the band grew up and oh well if they might sound slightly familiar grow the fuck up because this bands sound hasnt really changed since evening out... yea they matured a little bit but get over it. overall i though this cd was amazing it was everything i expected and more from this band
  5. ZoeeS.
    Apr 1, 2007
    you guys rock !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. SamW
    Oct 1, 2008
    The Best Album Ever Made So Far!....But that might change when Folie A Deux is released.
  7. CharlotteJ.
    Aug 4, 2008
    This is my favourite album ever. Each song is great in its own way. They haven't "sold out". They have experience and the confidence that their fans give them, so have stepped it up.
  8. CinloyKko
    Feb 25, 2007
  9. MCOtaku
    Feb 6, 2007
    Emo delight!
  10. tomj
    Feb 6, 2007
    this cd is the baaaw of the sheep!
  11. ShawnM
    Feb 7, 2007
    I think Pete Wentz and Patrick Stump might be geniuses, or a genius collectively. This album is amazing from start to finish - the best album this year, so far. I know, I know, we're only a month in, but c'mon. OK, best album since MCR for me. Best tracks: Thriller, This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race, I'm Like a Lawyer With the Way I'm Always Trying To Get I think Pete Wentz and Patrick Stump might be geniuses, or a genius collectively. This album is amazing from start to finish - the best album this year, so far. I know, I know, we're only a month in, but c'mon. OK, best album since MCR for me. Best tracks: Thriller, This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race, I'm Like a Lawyer With the Way I'm Always Trying To Get You Off, Thnks Fr Th Mmrs, and I've Got All This Ringing In My Ears And None On My Fingers (which sounds mostly like it was ripped right out of the seventies). But they're all excellent. It's good to see a band that was so successful (especially financially) willing to adjust their music to what they want to write, rather than write for the mindless masses. I commend them all. Expand
  12. JeffeyL.
    Jun 6, 2007
    This album is great...while on first listen I didn't like it as much as "Cork Tree," upon second and third helpings it has become THE album to listen to at this moment. Although FOB will never match the amazing album that "Take This To Your Grave" was (I doubt any one else will either), "Infinity On High" has become my record of the year. If you don't like this kind of music, This album is great...while on first listen I didn't like it as much as "Cork Tree," upon second and third helpings it has become THE album to listen to at this moment. Although FOB will never match the amazing album that "Take This To Your Grave" was (I doubt any one else will either), "Infinity On High" has become my record of the year. If you don't like this kind of music, don't bother posting your "0" score...The thing about Fall Out Boy is, you either love them or hate them...but one thing that you cannot contest, the music is catchy as all hell. Expand
  13. alig
    Jul 11, 2007
    Fall out boy is definitely one of my favorite bands, if not my favorite, and their album Infinity on High really impressed me. I love these guys! This albums a hit!
  14. mikeo
    Feb 12, 2007
    Awesome Album By A Brilliant Band, all the songs have merit and are individually great!
  15. Andrew
    Feb 6, 2007
    It's amazing. they revamped their sound from their first 2 albums and they didnt lose anything.
  16. marleeb
    Mar 26, 2007
    I love the album it rocks
  17. chynas.
    Jun 17, 2007
    i absolutely love these guys music. even before they became real famous their music was awesome. anyone who likes good music,should listen to this cd.and patrick has a great voice.
  18. OrlandoM
    Aug 17, 2009
    I liked this album simply because nobody but Fall Out Boy can create this awesomeness.
  19. NaviJ
    Feb 13, 2007
    youre are Messed Up if you dislike even a single line from the album!
  20. josephr
    Feb 26, 2007
    finally!, another album for my collection. still the best punk pop group ever keep it up.
  21. TimC
    Apr 11, 2007
    The kids who badmouth Fall Out Boy don't really make any sense in their insults. Chances are that they haven't even heard the album, are in middle school, and don't understand music. Here's something sensical: "Infinity on High" is one of the best pop rock albums I've heard. It takes the catchiness of Blink-182 and adds a ton of creativity and another ton of The kids who badmouth Fall Out Boy don't really make any sense in their insults. Chances are that they haven't even heard the album, are in middle school, and don't understand music. Here's something sensical: "Infinity on High" is one of the best pop rock albums I've heard. It takes the catchiness of Blink-182 and adds a ton of creativity and another ton of heart. I've probably listened to the record twenty times now, and I still really enjoy it. Expand
  22. Kat
    Apr 13, 2007
    this album is amazing and maybe some people should actually listen to it before they rate it. once you listen to it, it will be very hard to talk crap about fall out boy. and they are not shit or at least- the lead singer can actually sing so they have talent.
  23. TomS
    Apr 17, 2007
    Fall Out Boy just seem to get better with every album they release, but with 'Take This To Your Grave' bordering on perfection, there's little room for improvement; just variety. 'Infinity On High' is by far their most varied album, and every song is instantly definable. From the first play through to the last you won't get that sense of 'Well It's Fall Out Boy just seem to get better with every album they release, but with 'Take This To Your Grave' bordering on perfection, there's little room for improvement; just variety. 'Infinity On High' is by far their most varied album, and every song is instantly definable. From the first play through to the last you won't get that sense of 'Well It's All Good, But It's All The Same' you got with 'From Under The Corktree' on your first listen of it. A fine album, and a much reccomended one. Expand
  24. alysha
    Apr 24, 2007
    fall out boy amazes me with each new song they write.infinity on high was an amazind cd and there just awesome.
  25. FrankO.
    May 31, 2007
    Despite a few edgey songs, this album is amazing. Takes a few listens but worth it in the end.
  26. Anonymous
    Jun 18, 2007
    These guys are amazing. This album is genius and is an follow up to cork tree. The whole album is great but Take over...,Thnks fr th mmrs, carpal tunnel..., don't you know..., and Hum hallelujah are all amazing. Athough out of those Thnks fr th mmrs is by far the best so if you only buy one song get that one.
  27. alexf
    Jul 25, 2007
    I love this album so much! I love every song they are so creative.
  28. Logan
    Mar 6, 2007
    This is, by far, the best Fall Out Boy album out there! The songs are excellent, both the ones that you hear every day on the raio and the ones on there that you don't hear so often.
  29. patrickD
    Jun 7, 2007
    i'velistened to this album and i'mm still not bored every song on this album rockz (even though this album is mostly pop) except your crashing but you're no wave that song sucks must listen songs= thriller, the take over the brake's over this ain't a scene its an arms rae,i'mlike a lawyer, hum hallelujah, don't you know who i think i am,thnks fr th mmrs, i'velistened to this album and i'mm still not bored every song on this album rockz (even though this album is mostly pop) except your crashing but you're no wave that song sucks must listen songs= thriller, the take over the brake's over this ain't a scene its an arms rae,i'mlike a lawyer, hum hallelujah, don't you know who i think i am,thnks fr th mmrs, carpal tunnel of love Expand
  30. ChrisS
    Feb 19, 2007
    Fall Out Boy are more talented than most pop/punk/emo acts out there today. To give them a lot of credit is shakey at this point, but Infinity On High proves that hooks and hard rock can coincide peacefully and with great appeal. The Jay-Z cameo on the opening "Thriller" is just a riot. Infinity trumps the band's previous From Under The Cork Tree by far. "I'm Like A Lawyer" and Fall Out Boy are more talented than most pop/punk/emo acts out there today. To give them a lot of credit is shakey at this point, but Infinity On High proves that hooks and hard rock can coincide peacefully and with great appeal. The Jay-Z cameo on the opening "Thriller" is just a riot. Infinity trumps the band's previous From Under The Cork Tree by far. "I'm Like A Lawyer" and "THNKS Fr THE MMRS" are explosive hits waiting to shatter the charts, and really shine the creativity and craftiness of Fall Out Boy. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. For a band that was once so self-assured and able to utilize its talents so compellingly, the album is regrettably haphazard.
  2. Alternative Press
    Some of the band's most gut-wrenching and powerful melodies to date. [Mar 2007, p.133]
  3. Lo and behold, it turns out these pasty emo boys are a pretty great blue-eyed soul band.