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Universal acclaim- based on 180 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 17 out of 180

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  1. [Anonymous]
    Aug 17, 2005
    When compared to other albums neing released nowadays, this album really is excellent. Don't judge it by anything but it's own merits as an album. The upbeat songs really rock!!!
  2. PepaS
    Jan 10, 2006
    The only reason people gave this cd bad ratings is because mike was in trouble during that time
  3. JexyG
    Feb 1, 2006
    GREAT ALBUM MJ's greatest album yet.
  4. MuhdS
    Sep 5, 2006
    MJ's best album yet!!! Can't wait for the next!!!!!!
  5. SuperN.
    Oct 2, 2007
    I vehemently disagree with the majority of the critic's estimations on the supposed mediocrity of this album. It is not only excellent, it sounds even better 6 years on. Michael Jackson's inward perspective, that the critics interpret as self-pity, seems more like a revelation to his public of the feelings inside the most famous living human being on earth. I think that is quite I vehemently disagree with the majority of the critic's estimations on the supposed mediocrity of this album. It is not only excellent, it sounds even better 6 years on. Michael Jackson's inward perspective, that the critics interpret as self-pity, seems more like a revelation to his public of the feelings inside the most famous living human being on earth. I think that is quite acceptable. The criteria for music criticism is so cynical as to not be a true reflection of the public's perspective, which is based more on emotional impact than advanced musicology and snide remarks. Expand
  6. Holly
    Jul 13, 2007
    I thought it was one of his best albums ever. We have to remember...we are no longer living in the 80's. If he were to release another Billie Jean or something, no one would buy it people would think he was crazy. The guy has to adapt to the current time, and I think he did that very well. I thought it was a little long though and to many ballads. But, i still loved it! I'm a I thought it was one of his best albums ever. We have to remember...we are no longer living in the 80's. If he were to release another Billie Jean or something, no one would buy it people would think he was crazy. The guy has to adapt to the current time, and I think he did that very well. I thought it was a little long though and to many ballads. But, i still loved it! I'm a huge fan! long live michael jackson1 Expand
  7. JasonM.
    Sep 26, 2007
    Absolutely brilliant album, with an appearence from the late Notorious B.I.G. - genius, 'Unbreakable' just great and inventive plus good opening track, 'You Rock My World' another album highlight, 'Butterflies' awesome ballad, 'Whatever Happens' totally rocks, 'Privacy' - brings truth and reality, 'Cry!' another catchy ballad, Absolutely brilliant album, with an appearence from the late Notorious B.I.G. - genius, 'Unbreakable' just great and inventive plus good opening track, 'You Rock My World' another album highlight, 'Butterflies' awesome ballad, 'Whatever Happens' totally rocks, 'Privacy' - brings truth and reality, 'Cry!' another catchy ballad, 'Heaven Can Wait' - great piece of songwriting, '2000 watts' - futuristic track with a good appearance by Teddy Riley- this shows Michael can adapt to current times, I truly great 10 out of 10 album, people shouldn't review this so bad the album is awesome, can't wait for his next offering. BY the way Michael Jackson fans NEW TRACK OUT - Gangsta (No friend of mine) try and download it now it's brilliant, new and exciting new MJ tack with a rap performance by Temperamental. Can't wait for the BAD 2Oth anniversary Re-Release OUT October 2007' the 15th. Can't wait for the new album!!!!!!!!!! Expand
  8. TebitE.
    Jan 27, 2009
    Invincible album is not a video album but yet listening to the lyrics filled the gap left out.Invincible was not well received by critics but yet it sold very well as compared to albums in 2000s.Micheal is still "alive" and he will still do more "Great works". Just sit back and watch.
  9. Cleetus
    Nov 25, 2001
    The album is good. It is nice to see the King return after such a long absence.
  10. abouzardaman
    Nov 6, 2001
    da man is still da king.. respect..
  11. kents
    Jul 20, 2004
    get your heads together people. do you have to use his personal life as an argument for his work? stay focused and listen to invincible, really listen to it. it is the greatest piece of art ever created. no other artist has ever made anything like this. and stop comparing it to thriller. thriller was made in 1982 and was and is still the best album of all times. but we now live in 2004 get your heads together people. do you have to use his personal life as an argument for his work? stay focused and listen to invincible, really listen to it. it is the greatest piece of art ever created. no other artist has ever made anything like this. and stop comparing it to thriller. thriller was made in 1982 and was and is still the best album of all times. but we now live in 2004 and his music also lives in 2004 and beyond. he knows it and the fans know it. we therefore do not sit around and wait for the next billie jean. we know better. you should to. Expand
  12. HJ.
    Jul 23, 2008
    There key elements in a song that makes it stand shoulder above the rest. The instruments arrangements, vocal tempo and sonic accuracy. Then their are major vendor critics who score their rating +-2 of their industry peers before they have a listen to a single track. We know you haters, There is very few good materials out there to compare with.
  13. MarlinB.
    Nov 16, 2001
    I fell in love with this album from the begining to the end. it has something for every pop cultured, r&b, Rap wanna be out there. the man is amazing to do what he can do. to keep his legacy. you dont lose something that you are trapped in. this is michael and his music where talking about here. get into the groove,"sigh", slow people catch up.
  14. JammyD.
    Nov 28, 2001
    A brilliant and innovative work that some people might not like but it sure delighted me
  15. LeartS.
    Dec 16, 2001
    Say what you want about his nose, but this album is just great. Michael was able to satisfy the pop, as well as th R&B fans with great songs like "Unbreakable", "Threatened", "Break of Dawn", "Heaven can wait", "Butterflies" etc, etc, etc. Big thumbs up to Mike, he proved to be "Invincible"!
    Mar 12, 2005
    Michael Jackson is amazing and i love hm - now and forever. The invincible album is fantastic and the people who critisise him are either rascist or just real losers. This album is great, with real great tracks, like butterflies, cry, invincible, all of them are great actually. MJ is named the King Of Pop fpr a reason and this album proves it. by MJ is Amacing, 14 yrs old.
  17. jjyuu
    Nov 11, 2006
    this cd rox
  18. Nov 5, 2010
    These negative reviews are based on what used to be, not what currently is. The bottom line, it was very different, very entertaining. As a side note, on billboard it got the "album of the decade" award. Shove it critic "professionals", you don't know what you're talking about.
  19. Nov 16, 2010
    Michael Jackson is a legend. And this is an amazing album. From the vocals of the /breaking Dawn to the beat of you rock my world, Michael has rocked my ears in this album. It is amazing and mindblowing.
  20. Aug 16, 2011
    a crítica falou mau, mas o álbum é maravilhoso (tanto que foi eleito o álbum da década). Invincible vai do pop ao rap e vai do rock ao r&b, o álbum é excelente é um dos melhores do MJ.
  21. May 11, 2014
    This album is so underrated... I think it's even better than the previous one, History. Unbreakable and What ever Happens are the best tracks with 2000 Watts. You have to re-discover this if you missed it.
  22. May 15, 2014
    Most underrated album ever. This album is a true work of art, it totally flaws and includes some of THE most amazing songs MJ has ever written (best example: the song "Speechless")
  23. Jan 16, 2018
    Você estar até cansado do MJ, ok. Mas achar este álbum ruim, é meio radical, não?! #MJ4Ever
  24. May 14, 2019
    Michael Jackson is a legend. And this is an amazing album. The coolest song in the album You rock my world ! Despite all the negativity the album the best
  25. Jun 19, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. O álbum mais pessoal do Rei do Pop. Repleto se batidas envolventes que levam a essência de sua alma. Um álbum que trás a tona toda a versatilidade que só o Rei do Pop é capaz de mostrar. Seu constante lírico entre uma faixa e outra é incrível. Expand
  26. Oct 10, 2021
    Great song after great song. The only two that i don’t understand is in the album are 2000 watts and privacy. But the rest are bangers after bangers
  27. Aug 8, 2021
    One of the best albums of the 2000s.Probably Michael Jackson's most underrated album, with some of the best beats of our time. With awesome songs like You Rock My World, Butterflies, Speechless, You Are My Life or Whatever Happens. It is totally worth listening to and deserves much more appreciation.
  28. Aug 10, 2022
    I can't stand it as a non-fan. I really can't stand someone giving Invincible a low score. In all fairness, this album has a lot of experimental elements, and it's very successful.
  29. Jun 9, 2023


  30. Aug 4, 2023
    I give it a 10 out of 10 because it is Michael's best album, it has a very good production and good songs like butterflies break of dawn you rock my world speechless and heaven can wait Michael in this Album has a beautiful voice and the cover is very good I give it a 10/10
  31. ZachB
    Mar 30, 2007
    Not quite up to par with Dangerous, Bad, or Thriller but still a magnificent comeback album that maintains soulful originality. "Heaven Can Wait" is very reminiscent of his other quality ballads such as "I Just Can't Stop Loving You" and "One More Chance At Love." His new take on R&B is also remarkably fresh with catchy pop tracks such as "Unbreakable," "Privacy," and of course "You Not quite up to par with Dangerous, Bad, or Thriller but still a magnificent comeback album that maintains soulful originality. "Heaven Can Wait" is very reminiscent of his other quality ballads such as "I Just Can't Stop Loving You" and "One More Chance At Love." His new take on R&B is also remarkably fresh with catchy pop tracks such as "Unbreakable," "Privacy," and of course "You Rock My World." Sadly, this album stood little chance with the harsh allegations that tormented his public name at the time but for anyone who is remotely a fan of his music this is another bulls eye album from the King of Pop. Expand
  32. Max
    Nov 6, 2001
    Despite most of the critics, I consider this album very good. I am a great R&B fanatic and Michael Jackson satisfies most of my needs with this cd. His voice is simply fantastic. They way it's recorded is amazing -- if you play it loud, seems like MJ is at home! Break od Dawn, Butterflies, Speechless: they are all very good ballads. Break of Dawn is currently my preference on the Despite most of the critics, I consider this album very good. I am a great R&B fanatic and Michael Jackson satisfies most of my needs with this cd. His voice is simply fantastic. They way it's recorded is amazing -- if you play it loud, seems like MJ is at home! Break od Dawn, Butterflies, Speechless: they are all very good ballads. Break of Dawn is currently my preference on the album. Unbreakable rhythm is incredible. They only tracks i did not like, like the rest, are "Heartbreaker" and "Threatened", the rest, is magic! Expand
  33. JosephA
    Sep 22, 2005
    This is a great album, it really grew on me. Points on it even outshine some early stuff. Long live the king of pop!
  34. Natalie
    Jul 13, 2007
    I love michael jackson!!! i was slightly disappointed with the album, just because I LOVE his old work so much. But, at the same time, I thought it was a lot better than half the stuff out there, and I thought the reviews he got were horrible. I'm really looking forward to his album that comes out in November of 2007.
  35. Dec 25, 2014
    criticism must be musical. there are to much resentment in some valuations even judging his lifestyle. This album has works as 'you rock my world' or 'whatever happens' with innovative sounds very well made. Butterflies, Unbreakable and Break of Dawn were surprisingly good though with similar sound. generally outstanding, excluding The Lost Children and Privacy, a whim. excellent materialcriticism must be musical. there are to much resentment in some valuations even judging his lifestyle. This album has works as 'you rock my world' or 'whatever happens' with innovative sounds very well made. Butterflies, Unbreakable and Break of Dawn were surprisingly good though with similar sound. generally outstanding, excluding The Lost Children and Privacy, a whim. excellent material like almost everything that makes Mr. Jackson. Expand
  36. Jul 11, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Had it had a normal release with music videos, live performances, commercials and etc. it would've been a huge success. But due to the dispute with Sony the album had no support, no music videos besides You Rock My World and only had one live appereance. Vocally this is perhaps the best album and MJ's as aggressive and intense as ever before. The three first Rodney Jerkins songs are incredible and there's even a Biggie-verse..

    The only negative thing that can be said about is perhaps that it's just a little too long, but I'd never take out any songs. The album starts with fast and aggressive songs, before slowing down later on.

    Personally I love this album. I've been listening to it for many years and sometimes I listen to the whole album from start to stop several times a day during the time in my car.

    Invincible doesn't hold anything back for MJ's other great albums. It could perhaps have been slightly shorter. at 16 songs with several of the songs being over 5 minutes it's a very long album, but I donæt know which song to take out..
  37. Jan 9, 2021
    This is an underrated but overlong album.
    If it had been cut to
    1. Unbreakable 2. Heartbreaker 3. Invincible 4. Break of Dawn 5. Heaven Can Wait 6. You Rock My World 7. Butterflies 9. Don't Walk Away 10. Whatever Happens 11. Threatened 12. 2000 Watts The only problem was that it had too much filler. Butterflies is a beautiful piece of neo-soul. Jackson's falsetto clearly soars
    This is an underrated but overlong album.
    If it had been cut to
    1. Unbreakable
    2. Heartbreaker
    3. Invincible
    4. Break of Dawn
    5. Heaven Can Wait
    6. You Rock My World
    7. Butterflies
    9. Don't Walk Away
    10. Whatever Happens
    11. Threatened
    12. 2000 Watts
    The only problem was that it had too much filler. Butterflies is a beautiful piece of neo-soul. Jackson's falsetto clearly soars and the ending of the song is pure heaven with Marsha singing with MJ. The chorus is beautiful and vocally stacked, which I love, unilke some idiots. The song is perfectly paced and slow, which is how I like it. Just a perfect song. Heartbreaker is super innovative and electronic, genre-defying and the chorus is awesome. Invincible is one of my favorite tracks on the album. It is the most Dangerous-ish cut on the , with a slower blues tempo and excellent Jackson ad-libs. You Rock My World is classic disco, bass-thumping Michael Jackson with great vocals. Great song. Reminiscent of Off The Wall.
    Break of Dawn and Heaven Can Wait are awesome love songs and Break of Dawn has phenomenal vocals.
    I also love the Latin-tinged, rock-blues ballad with Santana with an excellent guitar solo and phenomenal Jackson ad-libs and just a great vocal performance.
    Threatened and Unbreakable are both bangers and super catchy. Unbreakable is a tad bit too long but still great. Got a Biggie Verse. The piano-driven hip hop beat is just magnetic.
    Don't Walk Away is great, Riley-produced heartbreak soul with a country twinge and phenomenal Jackson vocals.
    Which is dope. Threatened is funk/New Jack Swing and twenty times better than Thriller. I just love the chorus and the beat.
    2000 Watts is interesting enough all though I prefer Shout. I do like Jackson's new vocals. The beat pounds with funk and new jack swing. But its mostly Jackson's voice that is the interesting part of the song.
    Speechless is neo-gospel with reiigious undertones. Unfortunately it is slightly sappy and underdeveloped. Jackson does sing like an angel, tho.
    Then we have You Are My Life, which is sweet, especially since it was written for his kids, but still it is slow and dull and a clear filler.
    Cry is okay, nothing special. The lyrics are okay, but it is not nearly as good as Man in the Mirror or Keep The Faith. The Lost Children is sweet, but again, should have been released on a compilation album.
    And Privacy is more media-bashing, except its done much better on Scream and Tabloid Junkie. Even You Wanna Trip On Me and Leave Me Alone are preferable to this.

    A perfect, but way overlong album which could have been cut to 11-12 tracks.
    Gets way too much hate. The music critics at the time were idiots, They didn't even review the music and just spent much of their reviews attacking his character or reviewing his past musical glories.
    A shame Sony didn't promote this flawed masterpiece.
  38. Jan 4, 2022
    The album runs a bit too long with alot more softer songs than his previous works but still has some really great tracks like whatever happens, you rock my world, threatened, unbreakable and invinceble.
  39. StevenR
    Jul 10, 2004
    This isn't his best work. But lets face if Thriller (and Off the Wall) was a VERY hard act to follow. He's been trying ever since to recreate the peak of his career. Having said that, this is a very good album, with many very good tracks. It sets him apart as the world class artist he is. I have to say, there's always something new everytime you hear it. The layout of the This isn't his best work. But lets face if Thriller (and Off the Wall) was a VERY hard act to follow. He's been trying ever since to recreate the peak of his career. Having said that, this is a very good album, with many very good tracks. It sets him apart as the world class artist he is. I have to say, there's always something new everytime you hear it. The layout of the tracks maybe a bit iffy, but you don't have to listen in order intended. Long live the innovative nature of MJ's music. There are many an artist who could learn trick or two. Expand
  40. GemmaH.
    Jun 10, 2007
    I Love Michael Jackson so much! This album is HUGE concidering all the trouble that the public has given him. He is so so so strong to get up on his feet and continue doing what he loves best dispite all the false alligations. I love Michael Jackson with all my heart xxxx
  41. LukeI
    Jun 3, 2007
    I love MJ music and this one was probably the worst of HIS albums but compared to any other it will be better. Looking forward to his new album November 2007. MJ will re-shine his crown of King of POP!
  42. Jan 31, 2016
    Its is a more calm approach from Michael because History was lot of anger. So I think he was just switching up his style a little which I think is good. This is an underrated album when looking from a critics view
  43. Sep 28, 2018
    Clearly a whole different music experience. Not only Invincible has nothing to be jealous of the previous MJ's albums, but introduce and establish a brand new sound, which till today feels so fresh.An innovative combination of Pop and RnB. There are some songs that should clearly last less than they really do like Heartbreaker or Break of dawn. If the album contained at least two moreClearly a whole different music experience. Not only Invincible has nothing to be jealous of the previous MJ's albums, but introduce and establish a brand new sound, which till today feels so fresh.An innovative combination of Pop and RnB. There are some songs that should clearly last less than they really do like Heartbreaker or Break of dawn. If the album contained at least two more strong songs then could touch the perfection. Overall, the album can be enjoyable, fun and relaxing. I have to say that the ballads made to me a better impression than the strong songs that fans tend to prefer more. The songs that stand out are Unbreakable, Speechless, Lost Children and Whatever happens. Privacy and especially Don't walk away are good too. An album that didn't take the credits it really deserved when it came out, but today the community has appreciated its value. Expand
  44. JennaN
    Jan 10, 2007
    Well I consider myself a great fan of his work. There is no doubt to how skilled this guy truly is. The reason I gave his album a 7 though is because I'm not here to rate his entire career (which would easily be a 10) , only his album, which I thought was lacking the one thing I liked best about his old stuff.. his Michael jackson hee-hees and other random outbursts throughout his Well I consider myself a great fan of his work. There is no doubt to how skilled this guy truly is. The reason I gave his album a 7 though is because I'm not here to rate his entire career (which would easily be a 10) , only his album, which I thought was lacking the one thing I liked best about his old stuff.. his Michael jackson hee-hees and other random outbursts throughout his songs haha! Don't get me wrong though Michael, this is your music and nobody can really tell you how to do it, I just hope your next album is a little more like what you used to make. Expand
  45. RiteshN
    Jun 22, 2009
    If the album was kept limited to only 10 songs and if the last 5 songs had been kept off the final album , this would have been an album better than Thriller. The initial 10 songs are AMAZING ! Best songs are - Heaven can wait, Heartbreaker, Break of dawn, 2000 watts.
  46. MAQ
    Nov 29, 2012
    Not Michael's best album, but neither is it his worst. Simply love the dance tracks, although the record IS a little too long. But anyways, it's much better than the music nowadays. I think critics should see Invincible as an individual album, they shouldn't compare it with his previous works. This album deserves more critical appreciation.
  47. Apr 14, 2021
    Apesar de altamente boicotado pela crítica especializada e também pela gravadora Sony misoic e ainda pela mídia de massa, o album Invencible, do inesquecível Rei do Pop, é ainda bom. Acredito que é injusto compará-lo aos outros trabalhos do artista, visto que esse disco não veio exatamentr em uma fase boa de sua vida. Eu diria que o disco peca por ser longo demais e possuir algumas músicasApesar de altamente boicotado pela crítica especializada e também pela gravadora Sony misoic e ainda pela mídia de massa, o album Invencible, do inesquecível Rei do Pop, é ainda bom. Acredito que é injusto compará-lo aos outros trabalhos do artista, visto que esse disco não veio exatamentr em uma fase boa de sua vida. Eu diria que o disco peca por ser longo demais e possuir algumas músicas genéricas para baladas ruins. Porém, há ainda músicas boa no album e que são agradáveis de ouvir. Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 19
  2. Negative: 4 out of 19
  1. The mix is such that the saccharine ("You Are My Life" and "Heaven Can Wait") is outweighed by the brilliant ("Whatever Happens" and "The Lost Children"), creating a record that is quite relevant while at the same time being experimental and fresh.
  2. Jackson has lived a bizarre train-wreck life of mystery and tragedy, but following such a lengthy absence, Invincible just reeks of desperation and aimlessness.
  3. It does at least manage to include several of the things we hold dearest about Michael Jackson the singer, and it also steers clear of anything as laugh-out-loud as 'Earth Song'.