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Universal acclaim- based on 732 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 42 out of 732

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  1. Mithyus
    Apr 5, 2007
    Is This It? is a strong addition to The Strokes' history, and brings Indie Rock to a new level.
  2. GiacomoP
    Feb 15, 2007
    Very good album
  3. KickerTom
    Feb 14, 2007
    Great album. Possibly one of the greatest.
  4. PilarS
    Jan 8, 2007
    From the mid-tempo pop ballad 'Is This It', to the perfect pop-rock that are 'Someday', 'Last Nite' and 'When It Started', it's hard to imagine a more consistent album to come out in 2001. 'Soma', 'Alone, Together', 'Take it or Leave it' are so strong in their own simple energy that you just can't help singing From the mid-tempo pop ballad 'Is This It', to the perfect pop-rock that are 'Someday', 'Last Nite' and 'When It Started', it's hard to imagine a more consistent album to come out in 2001. 'Soma', 'Alone, Together', 'Take it or Leave it' are so strong in their own simple energy that you just can't help singing along. Who cares if they're good-looking? It's all about the music! Collapse
  5. AudreyA
    Jan 2, 2007
    Moving and powerful; there isn't a single song on this album that I didn't adore. I listen to it when I'm said, when I'm elated, when I wake up. Keep it handy. Julian Casablancas' voice sounds both bored and emotional, and at times it can carry you away. The guitar: mesmerizing; the lyrics: entirely confusing, but in its ambiguity absolutely profound. This is Moving and powerful; there isn't a single song on this album that I didn't adore. I listen to it when I'm said, when I'm elated, when I wake up. Keep it handy. Julian Casablancas' voice sounds both bored and emotional, and at times it can carry you away. The guitar: mesmerizing; the lyrics: entirely confusing, but in its ambiguity absolutely profound. This is without a doubt one of the best debut albums in rock history. Expand
  6. MC
    Dec 12, 2006
    If you don't like it, I suggest you listen to it more than just once. You also shouldn't judge any album on hype. This album is the definiton of pop-edged rock. They do what they do very well.
  7. ZachF
    Oct 30, 2006
    The best album of the decade, hands down.
  8. Danilio
    Aug 22, 2006
    Yeah it's straight-forward and simple. Yeah it's the most overhyped album for a long time. Yeah they sound slightly similar to The Velvet Underground and Television. But it's still a great album
    Aug 4, 2006
    In my opinion the best albums since 2000 are 1. Is This It? by The Strokes 2. Kid A by Radiohead 3. The Moon & Antarctica by Modest Mouse 4. Franz Ferdinand by Franz Ferdinand 5. Turn On The Bright Lights by Interpol
  10. MarshMan
    Jul 17, 2006
    amazing..... it's almost perfect pop-rock.
  11. AndrewG
    Jun 29, 2006
    Desperately over-rated. Mostly forgettable and suprisingly dull. This album really isnt worth all the fuss that surrounds it. However there are several quality tracks on it such as the now classic Last Night and the brilliant Someday. At its best it shines. At its worse it drowns in repetative overproduction
  12. David
    Jun 11, 2006
    Thank Bob this terrible trend is over. Rock revival? Whatever.
  13. HendraS
    Jun 4, 2006
    salute for the strokes!!!! I gave you 10 pts for all your songs.
  14. sandieh
    May 8, 2006
  15. samf
    May 4, 2006
    I've had this album for almost a year, and I'm still waiting for the time that I go more than a couple days without a listen.
  16. DannyR
    Apr 26, 2006
    Not a bad album, but honestly are these guys that good? People have got too damn excited over the Strokes who are somewhat of a lame version of Television. Buy "Marquee Moon" and you will here music a lot like "is this it?" but less repetitive and better guitar playing.
  17. youaregayf
    Apr 22, 2006
    the best band ever. s gold is gay
  18. NiallC
    Apr 8, 2006
    Amazing debut. One of the greatest albums ever.
  19. LeahK
    Feb 12, 2006
    Many people said this was a bad second album, but the songs were catchy and full of the rock n roll sound i was looking for. kickass album.
  20. macmn
    Jan 15, 2006
    this album is simply amazing. the fast pace style keeps you wanting more
  21. Elliott
    Jan 14, 2006
    Enough time has passed to solidify this as one of the greatest rock albums ever made.
  22. Fletcherb
    Jan 5, 2006
    this is one of the most deeply rewarding discs ever made. 10 just isn't enough.
  23. josh
    Jan 5, 2006
    The strokes are the greatest band to come out of any musice scene/genre in the past 15 years. Seminal.
  24. S.Gold
    Jan 3, 2006
    Boring, same song and style over and over. How can people call this interesting?
  25. jakep
    Dec 5, 2005
    "Guitar rock that knows the grit of downtown, understands the seductiveness of a timeless pop song, and recognizes that a great solo can be accomplished in 20 seconds." This album is exceptional from the opening title track to the finale. The best record to come out since London Calling.
  26. TonyG
    Dec 3, 2005
    Everybody's been talking in extremes about this album, but to me, it simply did the job. It stuck to the bare-knuckled essentials of rock, created raw emotion and energy from simplistic music, and provided an enjoyable thirty minutes. Definately nothing incredible, but definately nothing terrible.
  27. edd
    Sep 25, 2005
    I'll always have a soft spot for The Strokes and this album. Who can remember how all popular rock music sounded back in 2001? I'll remind you, it was shit!!! .Limp bizquit,Korn,Staind, P.O.D. nu metal was all the rage. And then you had The Strokes they were fresh and original and just what was needed at the time.Well you you dont hear limp bizqit on the radio anymore do you? I'll always have a soft spot for The Strokes and this album. Who can remember how all popular rock music sounded back in 2001? I'll remind you, it was shit!!! .Limp bizquit,Korn,Staind, P.O.D. nu metal was all the rage. And then you had The Strokes they were fresh and original and just what was needed at the time.Well you you dont hear limp bizqit on the radio anymore do you? Great album. Expand
  28. Fredthefriend
    Aug 13, 2005
    absolutely genius music. my god- how can you NOT see this as rock? more importantly so, how can you not at least give it credit for not being a band that sounds as homogenized as just about every other rock album out there?
  29. cwk
    Aug 11, 2005
    pretty much garbage. People who think this is "rock" have never heard rock, apparently. the guy who said "almost emotionless" is right. These guys are total frauds and a glut of similar bands are the reason I can hardly listen to rock today. Thankfully there are still a handful of creative, original artists out there.
  30. Boone
    Jul 23, 2005
    What I love about this album is how every song holds this weird contained emotion, while at the same time, appears almost emotionless. The same can be said about the inward energy of the band. You just imagine the vocals being delivered by a guy standing completely still, entirely motionless, except for his hands. The fingers clench, extend, and shake, just letting you know that despite What I love about this album is how every song holds this weird contained emotion, while at the same time, appears almost emotionless. The same can be said about the inward energy of the band. You just imagine the vocals being delivered by a guy standing completely still, entirely motionless, except for his hands. The fingers clench, extend, and shake, just letting you know that despite the almost dead exterior, this man is very much alive. Expand
  31. JeffD
    Feb 4, 2005
    Please, Julian, stop it. Do you use the vocal processor when ordering Starbucks or dismissing groupies? Monotonous, repetitive, derivative...there's just no real emotion on this disc. Sure, they can play...but there's nothing on here that I really want to hear over and over, nothing that sticks in my head. Completely overhyped.
  32. Matt
    Sep 27, 2004
    Ignore the hype - rip away the layers of this, what you get is background music. If you want something unassuming and unambitious that won't grab your attention too much, this is it. But if you're looking for something to grab you, the question "Is This It?", the answer is almost certainly no, though you may well ask yourself the same question.
  33. DanielG
    Aug 14, 2004
    One of the coolest rock albums I've heard in a long time.
  34. Joannel
    Aug 7, 2004
    this is brilliant it makes you laugh and dance and fell like a total fukcing idiot... if ANYONE would give it less than a 9 u are fucking crazy..( and they are the ebst lookign band by FAR
  35. Briana
    Feb 29, 2004
    This album fuckin rules!!! I will love it forever! Completely genius! Julian Casablancas is a sex god! His voice is amazing! Every little bit of every song is fuckin brilliant, the guitars, the bass, the drums... It rocks!
  36. andieh
    Jan 22, 2004
    I Love This CD... J...ust, Just Great!
  37. JeremyG
    Jan 4, 2004
    A band confident enough to bask in the hype lavished upon them, and ballsy enough to actually live up to ridiculous expectations. Taut, fast, catchy rock songs fill this album. Easily enjoyable, even after multiple listens.
  38. AndrewR
    Nov 21, 2003
    Catchy enough, I suppose, but Is This It? begs the question that its title poses-- that is, 11 tracks after the fact, there's little that sticks in the brain, except for maybe the Strokes's uncanny ability to make Television boring. For me, only "Trying Your Luck" really left an impression.
  39. Beth
    Oct 6, 2003
    The Strokes are awesome! Don't let yourself be lost in the Velvet Underground-comparisons, or the long lists of "pre-1977 punk" influences...These five guys pull off a simple yet memorable style with catchy hooks, cute lyrics, and a badass New York attitude. "Is This It?" headlined the modern-rock revival, leaving the Strokes to be touted as "Saviors of Rock 'n Roll." The The Strokes are awesome! Don't let yourself be lost in the Velvet Underground-comparisons, or the long lists of "pre-1977 punk" influences...These five guys pull off a simple yet memorable style with catchy hooks, cute lyrics, and a badass New York attitude. "Is This It?" headlined the modern-rock revival, leaving the Strokes to be touted as "Saviors of Rock 'n Roll." The Strokes may not be revolutionary, and the extreme over-hype may be a turnoff, but, quite simply, this is rock music done right. Expand
  40. JackW
    Aug 28, 2003
    Is This It is good for what it is: a straight up fast rock non-punk fest. The strokes don't push boundaries or really do anything innovative here, but Casblancas catchy melodies and Moretti's skillful rhythm make for a pleasing and consistent listen. I woul dbe very disappointed if the follow-up was identical thoguh, so the Strokes had better tread carefully with there very Is This It is good for what it is: a straight up fast rock non-punk fest. The strokes don't push boundaries or really do anything innovative here, but Casblancas catchy melodies and Moretti's skillful rhythm make for a pleasing and consistent listen. I woul dbe very disappointed if the follow-up was identical thoguh, so the Strokes had better tread carefully with there very simple sound. Expand
  41. TomH
    Aug 6, 2003
    Mediocre at best. So simple it's sickening, but no horrible in it's own right
  42. davem
    Jun 6, 2003
    This album gets better with each listening, unlike the ridiculously overhyped White Stripes album. The first few times you hear it may not be overly impressive but it will grow on you.
  43. ReneT
    Apr 30, 2003
    you know what? if you don't like THE STROKES then, FUCK YOU!!! These guys will rock forever!!!
  44. Trixie
    Jan 10, 2003
    loved it, totally different and different from what's out there right now
  45. Ashley
    Oct 25, 2002
    The Strokes are fucking awesome. Thats all I have to say. Oh, and if you don't like The Strokes, then you don't deserve to go on living. Oh, and Julian Casablanca is incredibly sexy. And so are all the other guys in the band. Oh, and I saw them in concert in Chicago and they were SO GOOD! ok, really, thats it.
  46. AaronL.
    Oct 7, 2002
    I can't figure it out. I've read the glowing reviews and listened to the disc many times, and I just can't understand the fuss. Although they have their good moments, I'm supposed to believe that these guys are the new gods of rock 'n roll? I don't think so. In either case, there is a lot riding on their next release - glad it's not me that has to do it!
  47. RyanT.
    Sep 28, 2002
    When I first heard the album I was not very impressed. But once you listen for a while you'll realize this is a great simple rock record and one of the best albums of the year.
  48. AndrewI
    Sep 16, 2002
    Very good album for those too young to know how recycled it is.
  49. AlD.
    Aug 27, 2002
  50. [Anonymous]
    Jun 30, 2002
    worst retro shit ever. perfect for nme readers
  51. ZoeZ.
    Mar 27, 2002
    This album is strait up and I hope it never goes away. I love these guys and I hope they never sell out!
  52. MikeC.
    Mar 11, 2002
    Finally a real rock group. with all the crap that is out ,this is cool.
  53. EdithF.
    Feb 19, 2002
    I'm not not saying this as an obsessive idiot, I'm saying it as an opinionated music-lover. This is an excellent album which deserves all of the good reviews it gets. Not because it's bringing back old trends or whatever critics are labeling them as, just because it's damn good music and these guys have a load of talent.
  54. BrettB.
    Jan 13, 2002
    Finally Rock and Roll gets a much needed kick in the ass.
  55. RobertS.
    Jan 8, 2002
    great music. some of the best stuff i have heard in a while. just keep it comming
  56. JamesB.
    Dec 26, 2001
    It's become quite trendy to slag off the strokes. Regardless of the infantile indie/major debate, the fact is the tunes are there and yes as an indie rock fan it is okay to enjoy them.
  57. TauviaD.
    Dec 16, 2001
    This album makes me believe in real stone cold, white boy killin' em in Harlem at the Apollo type music. No this album isn't good, it's flawless,and I'm just a little girl of 29 who believes in God again. Thankyou guys. Las Vegas mixed honey, Tauvia Dawn
  58. AdCoo
    Dec 14, 2001
    Album of the year? Probably. But I'd still rather listen to the Velvets
  59. EricS.
    Dec 13, 2001
    Is this it? Really? This what bandwagons full of people are raving about? No, it's not awful...but it's far from great.
  60. BenG.
    Dec 12, 2001
    the lyrics are great. and the whole idea of this group is excellent. whoever doesn't like this cd, especially the london import with "new york cops", sucks.
  61. Suzanne
    Dec 3, 2001
    If I could give this album an even higher rating I would. It's totally got me obsessed. It made me go see them play just a week after i bought the thing, and they were even more amazing live. This is now my favorite band. Trust me this is good music.
  62. CharleneL.
    Nov 27, 2001
    Frankly, I don't understand all the hype surrounding The Strokes. It's not like they're the first band to play music like this. There are many, many bands out there who make better music, but will never reach The Strokes' height of recognition worldwide and in the media, simply because they aren't signed to major record companies. That's all. The Strokes may Frankly, I don't understand all the hype surrounding The Strokes. It's not like they're the first band to play music like this. There are many, many bands out there who make better music, but will never reach The Strokes' height of recognition worldwide and in the media, simply because they aren't signed to major record companies. That's all. The Strokes may be fresh to those who have never been exposed to indie bands and such, to those who mostly listen to top 40 radio stations. They're just a bunch of pretty boys with haircuts and clothes that are apparently 'in', but in a trendy way. Their music is, still, radio-friendly. So this is nothing new. Expand
  63. NancyM.
    Nov 14, 2001
    best album of 2001 hot rocker boys
  64. AnnaH.
    Nov 11, 2001
    Very original I love this band.
  65. bobbyb
    Nov 3, 2001
    absolutely incredible
  66. RogerE.
    Nov 2, 2001
    I don't mind if VU, Television, The Cars or Stooges did this more than 25 years ago. We're in 2001 and a few bands right now sound as fresh, arrogant, mellodicaly stunning and vital like Casablancas and pals. ¿Hey! check out The Soudtrack of Our Lives and tell me Pink Floyd did this 30 years ago. ¿So what?
  67. JayR.
    Oct 23, 2001
    Julian Casablancas does such a phenomenal job of channeling the spirit of Lou Reed circa 1967. I don't think album would have been all that great if the The Strokes were from Duluth, MN. But by being New Yorkers they revive that old New York garage band sound earnestly. These song have a definite charisma that pop music has been lacking in a long time. Good things will come from this album.
  68. NickK.
    Oct 17, 2001
    This album kicks like the Stones during the Exile on Mainstreet era. It leaves every other rock album of the year seem tame.
  69. KurdtCobain
    Oct 15, 2001
    The bandwagon is off and running. This album is hardly groundbreaking nor nearly as catchy as Nevermind. It will not appeal to middle America at all. That said, for fans of the VU and Television, the album is a treat. Good songs.
  70. SalC.
    Oct 15, 2001
    The simple fact is that the best songs on the record are the (5) that had already been released on their (2) Rough Trade singles. As I had both them both months ago, the rest was dissapointing. If you have neither single, but my rating to an (8).
  71. mistereels
    Oct 14, 2001
    Rock music like old people said it used to be, a classic debut album with more hooks than an amputee convention.
  72. AlexF.
    Oct 14, 2001
    Most hyped band this year. Their music is ok but quite insubstantial. VU did this much better more than 30 years ago.
  73. AlexF.
    Oct 14, 2001
    Most hyped band this year. Their music is ok but quite insubstantial. VU did this much better more than 30 years ago.
  74. JerryA.
    Oct 2, 2001
    One of the best albums of all time. I wouldn't be surprised if this kicks off the next wave of good music in the mainstream. It has that landmark Nevermind 10 years ago.
  75. SiA.
    Sep 27, 2001
    This has to be the best album of the year, by lightyears

Universal acclaim - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 26
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 26
  3. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. 100
    Simply put, Strokes have every quality rock'n'roll requires from its finest exponents and Is This It is where they come together.
  2. Able to make the timeworn themes of sex, drugs, and rock & roll and the basic guitars-drum-bass lineup seem new and vital again, the Strokes may or may not be completely arty and calculated, but that doesn't prevent Is This It? from being an exciting, compulsively listenable debut...
  3. 70
    Their album is little more than thirty minutes and eleven versions of the same song. But damn if that one song isn't a good one.