
Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. Aug 7, 2017
    All in all, 21 Savage manages to craft a fairly concise project with Issa Album about all the things that make him such a compelling rapper in today’s hip-hop landscape.
  2. Jul 25, 2017
    Despite expectations, it’s an utter joy to listen to--a simple display of what 21 Savage sounds like when he’s having fun rapping.
  3. Jul 20, 2017
    Issa Album contains some of 21 Savage’s best and most fully realized songs to date--especially “Bank Account” and “Bad Business.”
  4. Jul 14, 2017
    The constant vitriol is made scarier by his choice to rap in a stuporous, incantatory monotone. The music here--forbidding snares, honking staccato keyboards--is same-y but effective.
  5. Jul 13, 2017
    For better or worse the album also achieves a certain bland uniformity at times by staying so true to the trap aesthetic and having Metro Boomin produce so much of the music. It's not ill-conceived, it's just that it all winds up becoming a bit monotonous if you don't randomize it and/or mix in some songs by other artists.
  6. Jul 13, 2017
    The budding star easily could have played it safe and stuck to a winning formula, which remains a strong suit (i.e. Issa’s “Bank Account” and “Close My Eyes”). Instead, he challenged himself to be more musically ambitious. While his experiments didn’t produce dynamic results, the positives overshadow the negatives.
  7. Jul 13, 2017
    He is so compelling when he digs deeper into his psyche this way, providing more than superficiality, but there aren’t enough of these moments to sustain Issa Album, which is as basic as its title.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 78 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 78
  2. Negative: 21 out of 78
  1. Sep 28, 2017
    Hey, what the **** does the public see in this guy?! He's bland, has no flow, and sounds like he needs 15 years of sleep!! Also, you calledHey, what the **** does the public see in this guy?! He's bland, has no flow, and sounds like he needs 15 years of sleep!! Also, you called your album "Issa"!? Seriously!? He named it after a freaking meme that he started!!! A couple tracks are tolerable, tho, which is better then some. 2/10 Full Review »
  2. Aug 21, 2017
    Hey, guys! This is my review of "Issa Album" by 21 Savage! Enjoy, please!

    So yeah, I've really enjoyed this album. It's not the best hip
    Hey, guys! This is my review of "Issa Album" by 21 Savage! Enjoy, please!

    So yeah, I've really enjoyed this album. It's not the best hip hop album of the century, but yeah... "Issa Album", 21 Savage's debut studio album is something, that has shown, that Shayaa is not only a mumble rapper; he can rap well and even sings decently. It's 8/10 for this one (for me), period. Good job, Shayaa, keep it up, man!

    Also, today is August 21st... Huh, 21 Savage? Is next album on the way on August 21st, 2018? Well, we'll see, but for now, we have this good album. You need to listen it, as soon, as possible, people! It's worth it!

    ~Pacaveli xx
    Full Review »
  3. Aug 6, 2017
    The Issa Album didn´t live up to the hype. To be fair the expectations were incredibly high for 21 Savage. Around 6 good tracks, the bestThe Issa Album didn´t live up to the hype. To be fair the expectations were incredibly high for 21 Savage. Around 6 good tracks, the best being Bank Account Full Review »