
Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. K-Os doesn't necessarily pursue Rebellion's themes far enough. But give him a break -- it's only the cat's second album.
  2. The wide array of musical reference points show rap's sonic possibilities.
  3. A blueprint for where hip hop should be headed.
  4. Tracking the spiritual crossroads of hip-hop, reggae, soul, and flamenco, Joyful Rebellion stirs each of those ingredients into an album that, at the very least, deserves acclaim for blending classic and often forgotten Afro-sounds into 04's hip-hop scene.
  5. Joyful Rebellion is indeed a remarkable and ambitious album that aptly demonstrates a rising and vigorous musical mind of which the hip-hop world is most deserving.
  6. Q Magazine
    With genre-hopping abandon he enlists Spanish guitars, jazz bass, reggae horns, rock drums and disco synths, relentlessly asserting that commercial viability and imagination don't have to be mutually exclusive. [May 2005, p.112]
  7. Urb
    A schizophrenic journey into the mind of a man who clearly embraces myriad genres. [Oct 2004, p.103]
  8. Vibe
    While k-os's antimaterialist ranting can wear thin at times, Joyful Rebellion builds and improves on the rich, organic, live sound that made his debut, Exit, such a left-field hit. [Nov 2004, p.162]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 25 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 25
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 25
  3. Negative: 3 out of 25
  1. CM
    Sep 10, 2009
    K-OS second album "Joyful Rebellion" is as underrated as TV On the Radio's "Dear Science" is overrated. Songs like "Crucial", "Man I K-OS second album "Joyful Rebellion" is as underrated as TV On the Radio's "Dear Science" is overrated. Songs like "Crucial", "Man I used to be", "Crabbuckit" and especially "The Love Song" are, in its essence, instant classics that could rival OutKast's best recordings. The question is, why is everyone listening to the Black Eyed Peas instead of the K-OS? Full Review »
  2. RajithV
    Jan 11, 2007
    Kos has created an album that creatively and intelligently expands hip hop, and gives the audience what it wants. With hits such as Kos has created an album that creatively and intelligently expands hip hop, and gives the audience what it wants. With hits such as Crabbuckit and Neutroniks, the man himself is revolutionizing hip hop to a tee, and making other 'rappers' choke. Full Review »
  3. MikeP
    Oct 11, 2006
    One of the few hip-hop albums that I have heard latley that doesn't have any "filler" tracks. Each song has something to offer. Give it One of the few hip-hop albums that I have heard latley that doesn't have any "filler" tracks. Each song has something to offer. Give it a listen and I think you'll agree Full Review »