• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Aug 31, 2018
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Universal acclaim- based on 1419 Ratings

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  1. Jun 5, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Shady is back and with a vengeance. I feel like Em's music was missing something the past couple years. Not that his past couple albums have been bad, they just lacked that slim shady fire that I loved soo much from his first couple albums. He seems hungry again and out for blood. I love this album. I listen to it when I workout as it gets me pumped. I really like how lyrically talented Em is. His flow switches and word play are really impressive. I also love when he includes introspective and heartfelt tracks like stepping stone. I grew up listening to D12 so it was hard hearing Em say that the group is officially over but it was Closure for the fans. Anyways, if you haven't heard this album- I suggest you go get it cause Shady is back!!!! Expand
  2. Jun 14, 2019
    Superb. We got the old Eminem back, major respect for this man and he should continue on making music like this.
  3. Jun 21, 2019
    The Ringer 8/10 great lyrics and great flows with a fine beat.
    Greatest 8.5/10 see above but with a better beat.
    Lucky You feat 10/10 amazing lyrics amazing hook amazing beat both Em and Joyner give an amazing delivery, won't shy to say it is one of the best rap tracks in 2010's. Normal 8/10 great lyrics and flow (see a pattern?) with a beat that didn't really did it to me at first but
    The Ringer 8/10 great lyrics and great flows with a fine beat.
    Greatest 8.5/10 see above but with a better beat.
    Lucky You feat 10/10 amazing lyrics amazing hook amazing beat both Em and Joyner give an amazing delivery, won't shy to say it is one of the best rap tracks in 2010's.
    Normal 8/10 great lyrics and flow (see a pattern?) with a beat that didn't really did it to me at first but grew the hell on me.
    Stepping Stones 9/10 tells the amazing story of the rise and fall of D12 with a really good beat.
    Not Alike 8/10 Royce delivers and Em perform really good as usual.
    Kamikaze 7/10 it is a good track but isn't as good as the previous tracks.
    Fall 8.5 really good beat with good lyrics but the isn't as good as previous tracks.
    Nice Guy 2/10 the beat is horrible the lyrics aren't good and so are the flows and Jessie Reyez singing really sucks.
    Good Guy 4/10 beat, lyrics, flows and singing are better from the previous track but not by much.
    Venom 7/10 it is a fine track everything is fine the beat, flow and lyrics but it is not an interesting track.
    overall 7.3 could have got an 8 but the last few tracks ruin.
  4. Jul 8, 2019
    I am very pleased that Marshall returned his alter ego - Slim Shady! It was a very good decision in this situation!
    This album is clearly better than "Revival"!
  5. Oct 31, 2019
    Em is the king Best album ever Em is the king Best album ever Em is the king Best album ever
  6. Aug 12, 2020
    An incredible show case of lyrical ability, absolutely shut down all the critics.
    This album shows Eminem going back to his roots, going back to what made him him.
    Em is at his best when he’s angry and I’d put this album up there with some of his best work.
  7. Jan 20, 2020
    Not his best but certainly better than Revival, Relapse & Recovery. Fave tracks; Lucky You, Not Alike, The Ringer
  8. Jan 22, 2020
  9. Jan 23, 2020
    Awesome album with Eminem taking a step up from that noise known as Revival, only thing stopping it from being a 10 is his defenses of the latter album
  10. Oct 30, 2019
    raw, beautiful, fierce. Great comeback after revival. wish he keeps this vibe on next album
  11. Apr 5, 2020
    This is amazing one of the best albums of 2018. Amazing tracks on here like lucky you, not alike, etc
  12. Jan 17, 2020
    Slim Shady is back!! Amazing features, not a lot of fillers straight to the point. Production is also on point.
  13. Jan 17, 2020
    Amazing. VENOM at the end blew my mind. I'm addicted.
    9/10 because ten is only reserved for The Eminem Show
  14. Jan 18, 2020
    One of my favourite albums for this rap genius ever truly amazing by far the greatest of all time
  15. Jan 23, 2020
    Insant classic. This is the best album of all time. Nothing can be better than this. This is the greatest piece of music.
  16. May 7, 2020
    Kamikaze has clever word-plays,impressive flows and flow changes,aggressive,entertaining and direct disses,impressive rhyme schemes.It has also a heartwarming song Stepping Stone and .the only issue with the album is the weak hooks in a few songs.An album from the master of craft.
  17. Jan 19, 2020
    Eminem vs the whole industry was amazing.
    But the most awesome it's that he win, nobody respond him. untochable.
  18. Feb 17, 2020
    Feel good to hear Eminem express is anger so freely! I just skip three songs that I don’t really feel
  19. Jan 20, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. this album was one of the best with fall, the ringer, lucky you being apart of my top ten Eminem songs of Eminem's best album in years! We all missed you, Slim Shady. Save us from the mumble rap Expand
  20. Jan 20, 2020
    After the overly harsh criticism of Revival, Em comes hard on Kamikaze! He wrecks all of these soft rappers, fake mumble rappers, as well as the critics.

    This album you can start at 1, and listen all the way through. Ringer, Greatest, Lucky You, Not Alike, Kamikaze, Fall, and Nice guy are absolutely perfect. Em kills it!
  21. Jan 21, 2020
    Great comeback for haters! It was Eminem’s surprise album and it was really great. The only bad song on this album was nice guy everything else was either great or okay. But overall great album, the down side maybe was it was a it short but easy on replay side.
  22. Jan 21, 2020
    Great album. I love it
    After everyone trashed this the best comeback anyone can do. Perfect response album and every song is lit
  23. Jan 22, 2020
    Yeahhhh boii...... THIS IS REAL KAMIKAZE. Disses everyone. Spitting fire. EMINEM.
  24. Jan 22, 2020
    When we get Eminem on Revival we **** up. Now we got Shady from the darł side. 10/10
  25. Jan 28, 2020
    Slim Shady is back!! Amazing features, not a lot of fillers straight to the point. Production is also on point.
  26. Jan 22, 2020
    What an amazing album, the lyrical ability displayed here by Eminem is unmatchable. The wordplay & double entendres are countless! Great storytelling too and good production.
  27. Jan 22, 2020
    Among those who gives the G.O.A.T the best I've ever heard of eminem's new album
  28. Jan 28, 2020
    A great comeback from Revival's failure, Slim Shady returns to remind the doubters of his rapping skills that he is the Rap God
  29. Jan 22, 2020
  30. Jan 22, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Solid album. He should’ve gave us this one instead of giving us revival. But anyways Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Sep 10, 2018
    Kamikaze finds Marshall Mathers revelling in his Slim Shady rabid underdog role, fulminating at critics, boggling at Lil Yachty, and sneering at the Migos flow on Not Alike. How riveting all this finger-wagging is probably depends upon your birth date.
  2. Sep 7, 2018
    Fans clamoring for the old Marshall Mathers should stream the old album or hell, rent it from the library or something. After being faced with nothing to prove as the highest-selling rapper of all-time, Eminem’s found another challenge in perfecting the new style he’s put on display.
  3. Sep 7, 2018
    As sheer performance, Eminem's vocals remain a thing of wonder, which is why it's so dispiriting to hear him circling the drain, relying on old tricks instead of expanding his worldview. He has the musical skills to mature; he's just refusing to let himself act his age.