• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Aug 31, 2018
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Universal acclaim- based on 1419 Ratings

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  1. Sep 4, 2018
    With his back to the wall it’s is the best Em’s sounded in years. Hip-hop fans love it; ‘professional critics’, not so much. Journalists reviewing him to his own high standards and not to the same metric they use for everyone else is misleading and unprofessional.
  2. Sep 4, 2018
    His best work in a long time, definitely redeemed himself after Revival.

    Eminem is angry and that is when he is at his best!
  3. Sep 4, 2018
    It is laughable to see the butthurt critics and user reviews giving this album a 0-3. Honestly, these critics must be completely out of touch with rap, if they ever had a clue to begin with. The fact that this album hit number 1 in so many countries should speak volumes, maybe not proving it is a 10 but at least proving it is far from a 0. Anybody who enjoys listening to rappers who areIt is laughable to see the butthurt critics and user reviews giving this album a 0-3. Honestly, these critics must be completely out of touch with rap, if they ever had a clue to begin with. The fact that this album hit number 1 in so many countries should speak volumes, maybe not proving it is a 10 but at least proving it is far from a 0. Anybody who enjoys listening to rappers who are skilled lyricists who know how to utilize a beat properly should absolutely snatch this up. Eminem raps across the album with impressive diction and and cadence. His flow is precise, his word-play is clever and the beats are a great fit for his verbal prowess. He takes shots at anybody in the way and honestly most of what he says is right on the money. His detractors are likely to be either

    A) Butthurt critics
    B) Mumble Rappers
    C) MGK and his fanbase
    D) Trump supporters
    E) And in rare circumstances, people who are not butthurt and genuinely did not like the album.

    Obviously when it comes to art, everybody has their own preference and no matter how good an album is, there will always be some people who dont enjoy it. I do agree with most crirics on one thing, that it is his best in years. The reason I did not like Revival is because it had way too many features and it was too pop-friendly. So if you want a great Eminem album that truly showcases why he is the best on a beat, I highly recommend picking this up. It is a 10 to me but obviously that is just 1 mans opinion. My advice, ignore the critics and decide for yourself.
  4. Sep 4, 2018
    Simply incredible, the flow, the punchlines, the production. Em continues to amaze
  5. Sep 4, 2018
    Terrific album. Eminem showcases a level of technicality that no one in rap past or present can ever emulate. He's single-handedly bringing lyrics back to the forefront of hip hop.
  6. Sep 4, 2018
    Album of the year. Unlike anything he did. Unexpected. Excellency of production and letter. Aggressive, intense. Pen technique and talent. This is hip hop. Good, old and new. Thank you Marshall, Eminem and Slim.
  7. Sep 5, 2018
    the album was dope ; lyrics delivery was fire , playing with words , rhymes , flow , speed , we love it the lyrics is so dope that ppl can't understand it , love it
  8. Sep 5, 2018
    I really like this album, SLIM SHADY IS BACK BABY! Now end MGK's career hahaha
  9. Sep 6, 2018
    why did metacritic give nicki minaj and young thug a higher rating than eminem?
  10. Sep 24, 2018
    unexpected bag of goodness - thanks for showing me Joyner and Jessie.
    I only did not like Normal that much - but overall this is great album - insta buy for my old car CD player :D
  11. Sep 25, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Kamikaze really is a return to form of old Eminem. A lot of the songs hit hard lyrically and most of his songs in the past are just that, deep hard hitting songs. If you listen carefully to his lyrics and look up the meaning to those lyrics you appreciate how important Em is to the hip-hop scene that has been overly saturated by mumble rap in which he focuses his rage towards. People that say "this album isn't anything special" and "he just raps fast woopdidoo" don't understand true hip-hop and how powerful the words that are spoken are. People like that just want a catchy beat with lyrics that don't mean anything.

    Get this album if you want to listen to real hip-hop with meaningful lyrics. You won't be disappointed.
  12. Sep 6, 2018
    Eminem is the GOAT and the longevity of his career is evidence to this fact. This album is a breath of fresh air for rap/hip-hop. Simply put, the album is fire. As for all the sissies crying about the use of the word **** keep calm and move on. Society has become so thin skinned it is embarrassing. Besides, Em's lyrics have always been controversial. It is a shame that we live in an eraEminem is the GOAT and the longevity of his career is evidence to this fact. This album is a breath of fresh air for rap/hip-hop. Simply put, the album is fire. As for all the sissies crying about the use of the word **** keep calm and move on. Society has become so thin skinned it is embarrassing. Besides, Em's lyrics have always been controversial. It is a shame that we live in an era where rappers can endlessly rap about and seek to normalize drug use, drug distribution, promiscuity, misogyny, violence, etc... Yet, everyone gets butthurt over a single word. This will be the first hip-hop album I purchase in many years. Stay spittin fire Em and bring rap back. Expand
  13. Sep 7, 2018
    The Rap God is back with a vengeance. This album is incredible, Em works his magic, bar after bar of brilliance on top of great beats. All of the disses aside, this is just a fantastic album for Eminem fans and hip hop fans alike. If you have any appreciation for the art form, this is the GOAT back in tip top shape. Give it a couple of listens, the replay-ability is great, always catchingThe Rap God is back with a vengeance. This album is incredible, Em works his magic, bar after bar of brilliance on top of great beats. All of the disses aside, this is just a fantastic album for Eminem fans and hip hop fans alike. If you have any appreciation for the art form, this is the GOAT back in tip top shape. Give it a couple of listens, the replay-ability is great, always catching something you didn't before. Great surprise! Expand
  14. Sep 8, 2018
    Best album of the year. Slim Shady was truly released in this new album and he's not holding anything back.
  15. Sep 10, 2018
    This album is a big F U to all those who didn't get what he did on Revival. This guy is an artist and can create whatever he wants and however he wants.
  16. Sep 10, 2018
    Fantastic album... one of his best releases. Beats and lyrics are top notch this time around. most refreshing album of the year.
  17. Sep 10, 2018
    Eminem is the GOAT! I hope he continues to make great albums like this! This was amazing!
  18. Sep 10, 2018
    My favorite track is Lucky You. Joyner and Eminem is like a match-up made in heaven
  19. Sep 10, 2018
    This is my favorite album by Eminem. Eminem went after everybody, not even your momma is safe!
  20. Sep 10, 2018
    I have this album on repeat! Better than most of these mumble rappers put out!
  21. Sep 20, 2018
    This album is **** insane. So glad people pissed of. Lucky You, feat Joyner Lucas is insane. Eminem still the rap god.
  22. Sep 21, 2018
    This album is fire. Em is back and taking no prisoners. The features by Joyner and Royce are excellent as well. The beat is on point with the lyrical hits.
  23. Sep 22, 2018
    This is Eminem's best album since The Eminem Show. Some hooks could be done better, but the wordplay on this is out of his world. Plus, he got his lost identity back (since Recovery), what made his albuns since then decay in quality (Recovery, MMLP2, Revival). 8 for the album + 2 for going at mumblerap.
  24. Oct 1, 2018
    I m from INDIA. And the only rap artist i had ever heard is Marshall Mathers .. and I m happy not listened to mumble raps. Shoutout to Joyner,royce da 5'9 and SLIM SHADY ... the night of aug 31st and it was around 12 am... spent whole night listening to ringer... wowww... Once a god..always a RAP GOD
  25. Oct 2, 2018
    Awesome album. Since it was released I can't stop listening to it. Like literally. That is what I listen. Everyday. All day.
  26. Dec 15, 2018
    Kamikaze is a great return to from from Eminem from Revival, was is arguably his worst album to date. Kamikaze features all of the ferocity of Eminem's previous albums along with trendier and up to date beats and flows.
  27. Oct 11, 2018
    A very fun album, and lyrically speaking, it is one of his best. This album, to me, is like a mixture of "The Eminem Show," and "Marshall Mathers LP," so yeah, it is pretty good. It even has high replayability.
  28. Oct 15, 2018
    This Album Is Awesome !!! Every Tracks are Great . Just Gonna Say " Slim Shady is Back Again , This Time Madder than ever ! & Angrier ;)) "
  29. Oct 19, 2018
    Great production,great content and awesome lyrics. Em really surprised everyone with this album.
  30. Oct 31, 2018
    work of art. My personal favourite. A work of absolute art. Fantastic and great
  31. Nov 4, 2018
    this album was one of the best with fall, the ringer, lucky you being apart of my top ten Eminem songs of all time
  32. Nov 21, 2018
    Em kills it on this album, the critics are just butthurt because he shredded their asses on this album, no worries though the fans are standing behind this one.
  33. Dec 9, 2018
    This is a masterpiece album in which Slim Shady’s return from Framed (revival) and good old Em in general. MASTERPIECE
  34. Jan 3, 2019
    The best lyricist ever... This album suprised me when i woke up. Like his songs 'cause I feel like the same. Sorry 4 my english
  35. Jan 21, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Flow wise this is one of the best Eminem album. But people are talking about lack of content you guys should listen to 90s hip hop. Both Royce & Joyner killed it. Lucky you goes so hard, The ringer is a masterpiece & Greatest is great Expand
  36. Oct 29, 2019
    Después de todo el odio y criticas sin sentido vertidas durante los ultimos tiempos esta es la respuesta perfecta.
  37. Jun 5, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Shady is back and with a vengeance. I feel like Em's music was missing something the past couple years. Not that his past couple albums have been bad, they just lacked that slim shady fire that I loved soo much from his first couple albums. He seems hungry again and out for blood. I love this album. I listen to it when I workout as it gets me pumped. I really like how lyrically talented Em is. His flow switches and word play are really impressive. I also love when he includes introspective and heartfelt tracks like stepping stone. I grew up listening to D12 so it was hard hearing Em say that the group is officially over but it was Closure for the fans. Anyways, if you haven't heard this album- I suggest you go get it cause Shady is back!!!! Expand
  38. Oct 31, 2019
    Em is the king Best album ever Em is the king Best album ever Em is the king Best album ever
  39. Aug 12, 2020
    An incredible show case of lyrical ability, absolutely shut down all the critics.
    This album shows Eminem going back to his roots, going back to what made him him.
    Em is at his best when he’s angry and I’d put this album up there with some of his best work.
  40. Jan 22, 2020
  41. Jan 17, 2020
    Slim Shady is back!! Amazing features, not a lot of fillers straight to the point. Production is also on point.
  42. Jan 18, 2020
    One of my favourite albums for this rap genius ever truly amazing by far the greatest of all time
  43. Jan 23, 2020
    Insant classic. This is the best album of all time. Nothing can be better than this. This is the greatest piece of music.
  44. Jan 19, 2020
    Eminem vs the whole industry was amazing.
    But the most awesome it's that he win, nobody respond him. untochable.
  45. Jan 20, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. this album was one of the best with fall, the ringer, lucky you being apart of my top ten Eminem songs of Eminem's best album in years! We all missed you, Slim Shady. Save us from the mumble rap Expand
  46. Jan 20, 2020
    After the overly harsh criticism of Revival, Em comes hard on Kamikaze! He wrecks all of these soft rappers, fake mumble rappers, as well as the critics.

    This album you can start at 1, and listen all the way through. Ringer, Greatest, Lucky You, Not Alike, Kamikaze, Fall, and Nice guy are absolutely perfect. Em kills it!
  47. Jan 21, 2020
    Great comeback for haters! It was Eminem’s surprise album and it was really great. The only bad song on this album was nice guy everything else was either great or okay. But overall great album, the down side maybe was it was a it short but easy on replay side.
  48. Jan 21, 2020
    Great album. I love it
    After everyone trashed this the best comeback anyone can do. Perfect response album and every song is lit
  49. Jan 22, 2020
    Yeahhhh boii...... THIS IS REAL KAMIKAZE. Disses everyone. Spitting fire. EMINEM.
  50. Jan 22, 2020
    When we get Eminem on Revival we **** up. Now we got Shady from the darł side. 10/10
  51. Jan 28, 2020
    Slim Shady is back!! Amazing features, not a lot of fillers straight to the point. Production is also on point.
  52. Jan 22, 2020
    What an amazing album, the lyrical ability displayed here by Eminem is unmatchable. The wordplay & double entendres are countless! Great storytelling too and good production.
  53. Jan 22, 2020
    Among those who gives the G.O.A.T the best I've ever heard of eminem's new album
  54. Jan 28, 2020
    A great comeback from Revival's failure, Slim Shady returns to remind the doubters of his rapping skills that he is the Rap God
  55. Jan 22, 2020
  56. Jan 22, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire Expand
  57. Jan 22, 2020
    Wow! The rapping in this is at a very high caliber! This album is what you get when you make Slim angry!
  58. Jan 22, 2020
    Phenomenal...Unexpected....Incredible LOVE IT Absolutely love this album! Thank you Eminem
  59. Jan 23, 2020
    This album was a great comeback, revival wasn’t the worst either but could have been better still good though, amazing music. The track with Joyner was awesome
  60. Jan 24, 2020
    All the people hating on Eminem **** yall He is ghe GOAT !!!!!!!!! BEAST !!!
  61. Jan 27, 2020
    Shade is back and with a suicide mission and he will tack every MFkss with him who doubted him..
  62. Jan 28, 2020
    Beast of a album. Bought this and still on repeat. The play on the words and the speed the best
  63. Feb 1, 2020
    Em is known for his lyrics and he is the best in the game.
    His wordplays are amazing as always.
    This album is mostly about mumble rapper as u can listen to his lyrics in the ringer that hatata batata line.
    His mostly notable songs from this albums are Lucky you ft. Joyner
    The Ringer Venom
    Notalike ( Mgk Diss )
    The Slim Shady is back
  64. Feb 4, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Amazing! Besides nice guys, all tracks are great. Beats, rhymes, and flow! Even Paul Rosenberg is in it. Like the good ol days Expand
  65. Mar 24, 2020
    2018 was Eminem's year in hip-hop history, and they're gonna write about it. He got a huge W. Actually he placed the L he got on Revival into everybody's mouth lol. Plus he won the beef with MGK and ended the year with an impressive freestyle, after doing amazing features that year too. The album will be remembered more a couple years later. There's a classic potential in it tbh. We'll see.
  66. Jul 8, 2020
    This is a great cd. Eminem rocks and for all of you people who do not like him, then there is something wrong with you in the head.
  67. Aug 28, 2020
    It was almost impossible to recover from an album as disgusting as Revival but the rap god claimed his title back with this masterpiece. Few tracks and more bars, kinda like illmatic of 2018.
  68. Feb 8, 2021
    This album is fire af , i don't know what critics talking about lmao , i love it
  69. Feb 14, 2021
    Eminem is back with a response album after the utterly disappointing and infamous Revival. He is certainly more hungry and hits the mark more often than not this time around. Eminem is at his best writing with his back against the wall
  70. Apr 4, 2021
    I came back to this album a second time, and while my first listen was trash, i think it was because i wanted it to be trash. I wanted Eminem to fail. But now i can deny his godlike rhyme schemes.
  71. May 4, 2022
    this album was super good. Eminem was pissed of from the ratings on revival so he just came at everyone and absolutely destroyed the whole industry.
  72. Nov 7, 2022
    Eminem is here to remind everyone who he is
    Another classic for the ages
    And a reminder that music is subjective the so called YouTube critic talk for clout nothing else
  73. Nov 25, 2022
    Accept it. Eminem's still relevant. Probably more relevant than your favorite rapper. Don't cry. This album still a banger after almost 5 years and there's nothing you can do about it.
  74. Dec 1, 2022
    Amazing. Better than the 2016 Kendrick album in my opinion. It's still played af in Europe and I love it. 10/10 for me.
  75. Dec 6, 2022
    amazing lyrics, amazing rhymes, amazing wordplay, amazing songs. This album aged like fine wine, **** the haters
  76. Sep 8, 2018
    This is just my own opinion it would be a 10/10 if it wanst for "fall", not my cup of tea (i know its being highly reviewed) all the rest songs are extremely enjoyable, with amazing flow, lyrics and production. For me, eminem is back in the game finally!
  77. Sep 16, 2018
    Some of the greatest work Em has ever delivered with two songs in particular (the Ringer and Lucky You) that will comfortably slot into his all time top ten.

    I honestly think it's a little awkward for any critic giving Kamakaze a mixed review; you cannot love lyrics and rapping and not love this album. It's that simple.
  78. Aug 31, 2018
    As a person who was thinking Eminem was losing his way on Revival, while Kamikaze will never touch his older work (he was a different person with different motivations then), glad to see Em is still hungry to eat these wack a** mumble rappers.
  79. Oct 16, 2018
    Hell yeah, this is the Eminem I want. But next album I want something more than just dissing the current state of the industry. (Just keep the flow and production, okay?)
  80. Sep 1, 2018
    If Revival felt like a failed attempt to stand alone against the tide of modern rap trends perverting the genre (in Eminem's opinion, mine, and a lot of other people's), then Kamikaze is a simultaneous acceptance and subversion of said trends. This album feels much more in tune with the times than Em's last, with common production/lyrical tropes seen in many a rap hit today present inIf Revival felt like a failed attempt to stand alone against the tide of modern rap trends perverting the genre (in Eminem's opinion, mine, and a lot of other people's), then Kamikaze is a simultaneous acceptance and subversion of said trends. This album feels much more in tune with the times than Em's last, with common production/lyrical tropes seen in many a rap hit today present in several songs, but what's most interesting is the way he manages to both sell them with a straight face and poke fun at them at the same time. The Wrath of Shady (perhaps a more appropriate, if less entertaining, title for this album), however, isn't limited purely to crap-rappers of the Lil Pump variety - music critics who can't be pleased, fickle audiences who embrace artists one day and reject them the next, and plenty more are subjected to his spittle-flying fury (as impressive on a technical, polysyllabic level as ever) for setting their expectations too high and then complaining when he doesn't live up to them. The end result is something akin to watching a grown man throwing a temper tantrum over his own fading relevancy in a rapidly evolving world, and it's absolutely fascinating to watch. THIS is the Eminem we hoped to find on Revival - profane, juvenile, and angry without losing his sense of humor - and in spilling his guts about being afraid of getting lost in the shuffle, Em is on the fast track to reclaiming his throne. 9/10

    Choice Cuts: "Greatest", "Stepping Stone", "Not Alike"
  81. Oct 7, 2018
    With this surprise release, the best-selling rapper of all time proves just why, after more than two decades, he still remains the best in the game. He reinvents himself with each record and “Kamikaze” is no exception. Longtime fans, however, will immediately notice some parallels to the music released by his earlier Slim Shady persona. Overall, another excellent album to add to Eminem’sWith this surprise release, the best-selling rapper of all time proves just why, after more than two decades, he still remains the best in the game. He reinvents himself with each record and “Kamikaze” is no exception. Longtime fans, however, will immediately notice some parallels to the music released by his earlier Slim Shady persona. Overall, another excellent album to add to Eminem’s remarkable and record-breaking discography. Expand
  82. Sep 1, 2018
    While maybe not as compelling as his earlier work, the level of skill Eminem exhibits is far too great to ignore. This man demands his respect, and all the drama aside, I'll say he has earned it this time. Not as well polished as the MMLP2 either, but the lyrical ability and ballsiness makes it a more entertaining album overall. Not to mention the great production. One of the 3 best albumsWhile maybe not as compelling as his earlier work, the level of skill Eminem exhibits is far too great to ignore. This man demands his respect, and all the drama aside, I'll say he has earned it this time. Not as well polished as the MMLP2 either, but the lyrical ability and ballsiness makes it a more entertaining album overall. Not to mention the great production. One of the 3 best albums of 2018, maybe even higher. Expand
  83. Aug 31, 2018
    Dissing rappers/celebrities, amazing flow, constant rage in his lyrics and funny skits! SLIM SHADY IS BACK! Better than Revival and the same as Good than the Marshall Mathers LP 2. I have not seen eminem with that anger in his lyrics since The Eminem Show in 2002. In addition, it contains the return of slim shady with an air of modernity that turns the album into a classic based onDissing rappers/celebrities, amazing flow, constant rage in his lyrics and funny skits! SLIM SHADY IS BACK! Better than Revival and the same as Good than the Marshall Mathers LP 2. I have not seen eminem with that anger in his lyrics since The Eminem Show in 2002. In addition, it contains the return of slim shady with an air of modernity that turns the album into a classic based on todays standards of Hip Hop. However, I think some tracks could have better productions and beats. Despite that, this is the best thing i ever heard from eminem since 2013. Expand
  84. Jan 3, 2019
    Amazing album my favorite is Lucky You when eminem raps with Joyner Lucas. Great album!
  85. Aug 31, 2018
    Liked 10 out of the 13 song songs of the album. 2 being skits and the song itself being ****
  86. Sep 1, 2018
    Eminem is finally back to the game in this album full of great lyrics, an amazing flow and outstanding production. While there a few songs that I personally didn't quite like, I did enjoy most of them. The rythms utilized here, I think, are fairly varied and never get repetitive.

    'Kamikaze' is a showcase of Eminem's incredible rapping skills, an impressive lyricism full of word-play and
    Eminem is finally back to the game in this album full of great lyrics, an amazing flow and outstanding production. While there a few songs that I personally didn't quite like, I did enjoy most of them. The rythms utilized here, I think, are fairly varied and never get repetitive.

    'Kamikaze' is a showcase of Eminem's incredible rapping skills, an impressive lyricism full of word-play and good rap at its best.
  87. Aug 31, 2018
    ... Let me tell you a little story.

    When Revival came out, I didn't completely hate it. I listened to it all the way through, a couple times... And then I realized I didn't want to listen to it again. That shocked me so much... You have no idea. Now, this morning... I wake up... And I discover that he had dropped a new Album... And I've had it on repeat the whole day. I just wish I
    ... Let me tell you a little story.

    When Revival came out, I didn't completely hate it. I listened to it all the way through, a couple times... And then I realized I didn't want to listen to it again. That shocked me so much... You have no idea.

    Now, this morning... I wake up... And I discover that he had dropped a new Album... And I've had it on repeat the whole day. I just wish I didn't have other things to do this weekend, because I would do nothing but listen to it if possible.
  88. Sep 1, 2018
    Eminem?? In 2018 ?? Does this still have any relevance ??
    The answer is YES!
    After Revival's failure, Eminem seems to have learned to deal with criticism and realize every mistake made last year. Kamikaze brings good featurings, good beats, good lyricism and even good choruses (in which Eminem is not very good but this album sounded good) Responding directly to everyone who doubted
    Eminem?? In 2018 ?? Does this still have any relevance ??
    The answer is YES!

    After Revival's failure, Eminem seems to have learned to deal with criticism and realize every mistake made last year. Kamikaze brings good featurings, good beats, good lyricism and even good choruses (in which Eminem is not very good but this album sounded good)

    Responding directly to everyone who doubted Mr. Mathers and criticizing the current scene of Hip Hop was the main touch to bring Kamikaze to the top, the name of the album closes 100% with its main idea (Eminem dropped this surprise album without any marketing)

    BOTH: I think the last three tracks did not fit into the album's atmosphere and could very well have been replaced.
    The first few seconds of the Nice Guy track are impossible to hear, seriously.
    Venom made it seem like a continuation of Phenomenal, not that this is bad, but it's more of the same.

    A great album, a great comeback from a great rapper.
  89. Sep 1, 2018
    Shady is back! ....... This is the album i wanted. Straight Fire.
    Best surprise.
  90. Sep 1, 2018
    So. As for me and maybe for alot of people this album hit them by surprise. And i was happily surprised. Bringing back his lyricism that Em has used in all his albums was expected, and he delivered really well on that front. He also brought back a bit more energy and less of the political verses/songs that we heard in Revival.

    I think its a really nice album that made me bring all but 2
    So. As for me and maybe for alot of people this album hit them by surprise. And i was happily surprised. Bringing back his lyricism that Em has used in all his albums was expected, and he delivered really well on that front. He also brought back a bit more energy and less of the political verses/songs that we heard in Revival.

    I think its a really nice album that made me bring all but 2 of the songs onto my playlist.
  91. Sep 2, 2018
    So many good beats mixed with the finesse of Em's lyrics. People don't like the hooks but i could not care less since he kills it anyway. "The Ringer" doesn't even have one and is my favourite.
  92. Sep 2, 2018
    Kamikaze is a whirlwind of lyrical fire and catchy beats, his delivery and flow on this album in near perfect, humorous hooks and chorus's give the songs that Slim Shady edge and he picked some great features that worked well with the album, the content was on point and had me on the edge of my seat with every line, a few songs seemed out of place for this album yet still enjoyable, i feelKamikaze is a whirlwind of lyrical fire and catchy beats, his delivery and flow on this album in near perfect, humorous hooks and chorus's give the songs that Slim Shady edge and he picked some great features that worked well with the album, the content was on point and had me on the edge of my seat with every line, a few songs seemed out of place for this album yet still enjoyable, i feel there is more in the works from the vibe of this surprise album so it can only get better from here. Expand
  93. Sep 3, 2018
    Some great tracks coming from one of the best rappers ever. Some really catching songs with incredible rhymes.
  94. Sep 3, 2018
    Kamikaze is easily Eminem's best work in years. Not only did it flawlessly showcase his greatest strength - unfathomably impressive lyricism - but Eminem's diss-filled album also saw the return of many of the elements which originally brought him to fame: songs filled with scathing anger, a sense of fearlessness, and some banging beats (the lack of which was the primary downfall ofKamikaze is easily Eminem's best work in years. Not only did it flawlessly showcase his greatest strength - unfathomably impressive lyricism - but Eminem's diss-filled album also saw the return of many of the elements which originally brought him to fame: songs filled with scathing anger, a sense of fearlessness, and some banging beats (the lack of which was the primary downfall of Kamikaze's predecessor, Revival). It quickly becomes evident that Em raps each lyric of his surprise album with a reinvigorated passion that listeners haven't sensed in years, whether he is ripping a slew of rappers a new one or pouring out his heart over his seemingly broken relationships with each of his former D-12 members. Kamikaze should stand as Eminem's biggest success in recent years because of its brilliant wordplay, the return of Shady-esque songs, and the vast improvement in instrumentals from Eminem's other recent works. Expand
  95. Sep 6, 2018
    Critics are Garbage, this is Eminem's best album in a while, his beats (Which on the last album I thought was his biggest issue) are much better he got some modern producers like Mike Will Made IT, and Ronny J, he's not trying to rhyme so hard like he did in revival, his natural rhyming skills came out in a much more positive way this album because his rhymes weren't just there to soundCritics are Garbage, this is Eminem's best album in a while, his beats (Which on the last album I thought was his biggest issue) are much better he got some modern producers like Mike Will Made IT, and Ronny J, he's not trying to rhyme so hard like he did in revival, his natural rhyming skills came out in a much more positive way this album because his rhymes weren't just there to sound impressive they added to his flow, Eminem isn't back to his heyday, but this is close enough that I think actual intelligent Hip Hop fans will enjoy, instead of annoying ass garbage reviewers who make their entire review about him saying **** I wish Em would stop saying it as well (mostly so stupid ass reviewers will shut up and do their job and review the album) because it is an outdated term, but that's not enough to stop me from listening to Em's best album in years. Expand
  96. Sep 7, 2018
    It is funny to see "critics" are not liking this album solely on the grounds that it's not too "poppy". Granted, the hooks are not for everybody and some need a deep subject matter. What is impossible to deny is that Eminem continues to be the best wordsmith of our times. His lines carry two, sometimes three contexts at the same time, he's extremely crafty when it comes to rhyming schemes.It is funny to see "critics" are not liking this album solely on the grounds that it's not too "poppy". Granted, the hooks are not for everybody and some need a deep subject matter. What is impossible to deny is that Eminem continues to be the best wordsmith of our times. His lines carry two, sometimes three contexts at the same time, he's extremely crafty when it comes to rhyming schemes.

    Really hope he brings up the overall musicality and melody in the future, that way his art can be reach even further.
  97. Sep 8, 2018
    Good to see that EMINEM finally got his mojo back, after two back to back disappointing albums we see a return of a more lightweight yet hard hitting beats that EMINEM can ride really well. People like Joynar and Joyce just add more value and there is great variety from a more diss like Fall to a more emotional Steeping stone. Hopefully The big bad bully of rap sticks to it
  98. Sep 11, 2018
    The album is very very good. The tracks are great, the beats on point and the the lyrics are as always some of the best in hip-hop. Don't let the critic score fool you, this album is well worth the buy.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Sep 10, 2018
    Kamikaze finds Marshall Mathers revelling in his Slim Shady rabid underdog role, fulminating at critics, boggling at Lil Yachty, and sneering at the Migos flow on Not Alike. How riveting all this finger-wagging is probably depends upon your birth date.
  2. Sep 7, 2018
    Fans clamoring for the old Marshall Mathers should stream the old album or hell, rent it from the library or something. After being faced with nothing to prove as the highest-selling rapper of all-time, Eminem’s found another challenge in perfecting the new style he’s put on display.
  3. Sep 7, 2018
    As sheer performance, Eminem's vocals remain a thing of wonder, which is why it's so dispiriting to hear him circling the drain, relying on old tricks instead of expanding his worldview. He has the musical skills to mature; he's just refusing to let himself act his age.