• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Aug 31, 2018
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Universal acclaim- based on 1419 Ratings

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  1. Jul 13, 2019
    A great return to form after 'Revival'. The lyrics are sharp, the beats aren't amazing but are a big step up and those flows...Some of the best flows of Eminem's whole career end up on this album.
  2. Sep 6, 2018
    Let's put talent aside, Eminem is a 46 year old rapper that is still achieving international platinum status. If the goal is to sell records, he's remaining successful. If the goal is to rival current talent, the competition is slim (pun unintended). Old school, new school, West side, East side--it's all blending into a mumbling uninhibited monologue reminiscent of the internalLet's put talent aside, Eminem is a 46 year old rapper that is still achieving international platinum status. If the goal is to sell records, he's remaining successful. If the goal is to rival current talent, the competition is slim (pun unintended). Old school, new school, West side, East side--it's all blending into a mumbling uninhibited monologue reminiscent of the internal ramblings that occur during a long night of drinking. If anyone is posturing to offer a coherent take on the state of hip-hop, let it be Eminem and please welcome the mumble rap slants. The music scene is sliding towards incoherence, maybe in one last phase before transforming into the drone of non-verbal electronic binaural future music. Expand
  3. May 29, 2020
    This is the roaring comeback fans have wanted. "The Ringer" is Eminem's best track in years.
  4. Sep 6, 2018
    Eminem hits back with a surprise album, that will surely get the people talking. It was probably the right thing to do, if people knew that the album was being released, it wouldn't have the impact it had following Revival.

    the first track are near perfection. It's everything i could ask for from Eminem. Joyner Lucas has one of the best verses of his career, he holds his own with one of
    Eminem hits back with a surprise album, that will surely get the people talking. It was probably the right thing to do, if people knew that the album was being released, it wouldn't have the impact it had following Revival.

    the first track are near perfection. It's everything i could ask for from Eminem. Joyner Lucas has one of the best verses of his career, he holds his own with one of the greats. While the Ringer is the most talked about song, Fall has to be my favorite track on the whole record. It comes back with the "don't give a **** attitude that i personally love from Eminem.

    Unfortunately the album loses value, with basically garbage songs, like Normal and Nice Guy, Normal is so awkward, and it feels so out of place on this album. Nice Guy is completely terrible, Jessie Reyez voice is unlistenable to, and i did myself a favor to actually delete that track as i never want to see it again.

    The song Venom doesn't belong here, even though it isn't a bad song. It'd be better to just release as a standalone, and the remix for Chloraseptic would make more sense being there

    But i think the good clearly outweighs the bad, The highlights are to high for the lows to even matter, too much.

    Favorite Songs: The Ringer, Greatest, Lucky You, Stepping Stone, Fall
    Least Favorite Songs: Normal, Nice Guy, Good Guy
  5. Jul 28, 2019
    Kamikaze has a couple good tracks and a couple good features, but it's also painful to listen to Eminem's obnoxiously out of date performances that make everything he puts out an absolutely horrible experience.
  6. Sep 30, 2018
    Is it a perfect album? No. But it is a representation of some of the best MC'n I have ever heard from Eminem. This man needs a fire under his ass to really fuel his core skill set. Makes sense looking back at his career. Always the target, and his albums, the good ones, are a shot back at the criticism. Anyway, Loved it.

    Favorite Songs: - The Ringer - Greatest - Lucky You - Not
    Is it a perfect album? No. But it is a representation of some of the best MC'n I have ever heard from Eminem. This man needs a fire under his ass to really fuel his core skill set. Makes sense looking back at his career. Always the target, and his albums, the good ones, are a shot back at the criticism. Anyway, Loved it.

    Favorite Songs:
    - The Ringer
    - Greatest
    - Lucky You
    - Not Alike
    - Fall
    - Kamikaze
  7. Jan 3, 2019
    Amazing album my favorite is Lucky You when eminem raps with Joyner Lucas. Great album!
  8. Jan 21, 2019
    Lyrics are as always the best in the game.Em back on mumble rap and critics,a joy of an album.
  9. Oct 23, 2019
    Kamikaze, kind of, lives up to its title as this album is an absolute surprise bombing by one of the best rappers of all time. After a solid album in Marshall Mathers LP 2, fans were ready for another with Revival. Sadly that album and it’s album rollout were easily the worst, of this decade, and of Marshall’s career and the worst of the year as well. However, just over 9 months laterKamikaze, kind of, lives up to its title as this album is an absolute surprise bombing by one of the best rappers of all time. After a solid album in Marshall Mathers LP 2, fans were ready for another with Revival. Sadly that album and it’s album rollout were easily the worst, of this decade, and of Marshall’s career and the worst of the year as well. However, just over 9 months later Eminem seems to have channeled his evil twin Slim Shady and asked him for advice because the sound of this album is very reminiscent of Eminem’s earlier moments of his career, yet done with inspiration and some of the style of today’s rap/trap movement. It is nowhere near a perfect project however, some awkward hooks and clunky sounds in the final three tracks can be a bit cringy and this album may have been better suited as a 10 track project. While, sort of but not totally, understandable why these tracks are included it’s not helping the albums cause. Lastly, most of the first 10 tracks on this project are pretty great, yet can be very subjective to the listener, while some lyrics sound cringy, for the most part they’re smart, goofy and very reminiscent of the earlier days of Slim Shady. While not an amazing project, Kamikaze definitely will stir some controversy and will surely be in many peoples favorite rap album year end lists, but it will also be in many people’s least favorites as well. Eminem isn’t for everyone and this project is a great example of that, but for those who have stuck with Marshall throughout the years this is a rewarding treat and one with plenty of tracks that will be in many peoples' playlists regardless of peoples opinion of the overall body of work. Not the best listen from front to back, or start to finish, but Eminem finally looks like he knows once again what makes rap music good again and how to create it, and will continue to keep this in mind going forward. Let's hope he remembers and keeps that in mind and doesn't forget that like he had on Release, a good amount of times during Recovery, and most recently of course, Revival. Expand
  10. Sep 29, 2018
    While the album contains no common theme or overall message, it provides the listener with some very thought provoking literary devices...as does all of Shady's projects. In short, the lyricism wasn't enough to overshadow the "rambling". It's good for what it attempts to accomplish but albums are meant to convey a message, this album is equivalent to a 46 minute diss track. This album isWhile the album contains no common theme or overall message, it provides the listener with some very thought provoking literary devices...as does all of Shady's projects. In short, the lyricism wasn't enough to overshadow the "rambling". It's good for what it attempts to accomplish but albums are meant to convey a message, this album is equivalent to a 46 minute diss track. This album is much better than Revival from a structural standpoint but the "choppy" cadence & lack of a feasible topic overshadows that. I'd recommend this 100% to an Eminem fan, for others its a good 1-2 time listen. Expand
  11. May 22, 2019
    Throughout the entire album, Eminem comes across as bitter. He keeps taking shots at other rappers, claiming his better than them because of what they rap about vs what he does. If he keeps calling them out and being redundant, does that not make him as repetitive and as boring? He also insists throughout the record the Revival was good, which just becomes more and more annoying. KamikazeThroughout the entire album, Eminem comes across as bitter. He keeps taking shots at other rappers, claiming his better than them because of what they rap about vs what he does. If he keeps calling them out and being redundant, does that not make him as repetitive and as boring? He also insists throughout the record the Revival was good, which just becomes more and more annoying. Kamikaze is a continued fall from grace for the rap legend. Expand
  12. Sep 4, 2018
    The best version of Eminem we got in a while. Apologies accepted for the trash "Revival" was. Those two were the phrases that came to my mind. After listening to this album for the third time in two days, I can say that he didn't disappoint me this time. Favorite tracks being "Lucky You", "Stepping Stone" and "Fall". Get ready to hear a lot of dissing going after almost every rapper you know.
  13. Jan 22, 2020
    This is a good album with very good songs, such as The Ringer, Lucky You, Normal, Fall, Good Guy and Venom.
  14. Jan 21, 2020
    I added my score but now have to type because there's a 75 character limit.
  15. Sep 4, 2018
    the album is great and I think Marshall Mathers LP 3 is absolutely possible. by the way, he is GOAT.
  16. Jun 8, 2020
    I didn't realize it when this thing dropped, but it does kinda suck. It's miles better than Revival, but quite frankly, it's still not good enough to be considered good. I've listened to this album a lot, and after a while, the tracks become very boring, and the lyrics become more and more apprarently cringey. It's a 45 year old man screaming his heart out at people for disliking his atI didn't realize it when this thing dropped, but it does kinda suck. It's miles better than Revival, but quite frankly, it's still not good enough to be considered good. I've listened to this album a lot, and after a while, the tracks become very boring, and the lyrics become more and more apprarently cringey. It's a 45 year old man screaming his heart out at people for disliking his at the time newest album. It WAS bad. Everybody who said it was said it rightfully so. Eminem should stop dropping albums if they're going to be like this, because this won't do his legacy any good other than cementing him as a rapper that became corny and old. Expand
  17. Sep 9, 2018
    First 3 tracks are complete fire imo. It slows down a bit with normal. Not Alike was cool, I definitely liked the beat switch, Fall was pretty good too. Kamikaze was eh to me. The last 3 tracks were absolute garbage to me though. So... 7.
  18. Sep 10, 2018
    Eminem makes a thankfully quick return to the world of hip-hop, and after going through the motions last year, he is back, with beats, lightning quick bars, and smart wordplay and lyrics that is for the most part, an entirely fresh and admittedly fire album from him.
  19. Sep 23, 2018
    Em needed to bounce back after Revival and he did just that with Kamikaze. He comes out swinging with bars that remind me of vintage Shady. I've seen people saying that he came off as petty for taking shots at the younger generation but Em is at his best when he's **** on other people. Going forward I'd like to see more emphasis on the musicality but overall I was very pleased.
  20. Jan 22, 2020
    Eminem best album since 2005 for me. On this project Eminem is hungry again and this is why i love it.
  21. Oct 30, 2018
    I didn't liked Revival but this album is great,I think Revival was an experiment. Finally he is back with his best style!
  22. Feb 7, 2019
    This album is so addictive I already played 50+ times. In my opinion it's his best since relapse (MMLP2 excluded).
  23. Dec 13, 2018
    I think overall the album was great. What I was most surprised about was that a couple of songs I listened to the first time didn´t really seem that good and didn´t click, but then as I listened again and focused on the message, wordplay etc then I really started to love all of them. One thing I really want to point out tho is that people/fans really disliked the Revival album and saidI think overall the album was great. What I was most surprised about was that a couple of songs I listened to the first time didn´t really seem that good and didn´t click, but then as I listened again and focused on the message, wordplay etc then I really started to love all of them. One thing I really want to point out tho is that people/fans really disliked the Revival album and said that they wanted Slim Shady back. Then came out Kamikaze which actually IS more like Slim Shady and it gets a lot of bashing again for being too angry, dissing etc. I think this is a bit sad and that Em really tries to put out music that he thinks his fans will like...and they still want something else. I hope the majority of people who listen to this album get how genius it is. Expand
  24. Dec 28, 2018
    I've never particularly been an Eminem fan beyond enjoying the odd track, but I very much liked this album and was compelled enough to purchase it (high praise, I don't remember the last full album I bought).
    I appreciated the anger and aggression mixed with some great beats, in addition to the rapping and lyrical skills on display. In particular, I would say The Ringer, Lucky You, Not
    I've never particularly been an Eminem fan beyond enjoying the odd track, but I very much liked this album and was compelled enough to purchase it (high praise, I don't remember the last full album I bought).
    I appreciated the anger and aggression mixed with some great beats, in addition to the rapping and lyrical skills on display. In particular, I would say The Ringer, Lucky You, Not Alike, and Fall stood out for me as personal favourites.
  25. Jan 3, 2019
    The best lyricist ever... This album suprised me when i woke up. Like his songs 'cause I feel like the same. Sorry 4 my english
  26. Jan 21, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Flow wise this is one of the best Eminem album. But people are talking about lack of content you guys should listen to 90s hip hop. Both Royce & Joyner killed it. Lucky you goes so hard, The ringer is a masterpiece & Greatest is great Expand
  27. Mar 30, 2019
    Eminem falls just short of ending his career on his latest album, Kamikaze.


  28. Feb 24, 2019
    A much better effort than Revival. I believe he is starting to find the right direction again.
  29. Mar 12, 2019
    Eminem comes back again with a surprise album and its a kind-of return to form. The disses, although satisfying, don't feel as witty or as entertaining as his old work. Production is good from great flow and delivery from "The Ringer" to alright beat like "Not Alike". Although, lacking in creativity and wittiness. Kamikaze is a good album especially compared to "Revival" it just needsEminem comes back again with a surprise album and its a kind-of return to form. The disses, although satisfying, don't feel as witty or as entertaining as his old work. Production is good from great flow and delivery from "The Ringer" to alright beat like "Not Alike". Although, lacking in creativity and wittiness. Kamikaze is a good album especially compared to "Revival" it just needs passion that his older work has and ditch the love songs and this would be a good album.and creativity that his old albums had. Expand
  30. Oct 29, 2019
    Después de todo el odio y criticas sin sentido vertidas durante los ultimos tiempos esta es la respuesta perfecta.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Sep 10, 2018
    Kamikaze finds Marshall Mathers revelling in his Slim Shady rabid underdog role, fulminating at critics, boggling at Lil Yachty, and sneering at the Migos flow on Not Alike. How riveting all this finger-wagging is probably depends upon your birth date.
  2. Sep 7, 2018
    Fans clamoring for the old Marshall Mathers should stream the old album or hell, rent it from the library or something. After being faced with nothing to prove as the highest-selling rapper of all-time, Eminem’s found another challenge in perfecting the new style he’s put on display.
  3. Sep 7, 2018
    As sheer performance, Eminem's vocals remain a thing of wonder, which is why it's so dispiriting to hear him circling the drain, relying on old tricks instead of expanding his worldview. He has the musical skills to mature; he's just refusing to let himself act his age.