• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Aug 31, 2018
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Universal acclaim- based on 1419 Ratings

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  1. Aug 31, 2018
    My oh my. Back after a mediocre Revival, this album is what we needed right now. The flow is still impeccable.
  2. Sep 2, 2018
    REAL hip hop heads know that this album is the real deal. British publications NME and the Guardian are NOT accurate here. I had no idea that Slim Shady had an album of this quality still in him. Bravo.
  3. Sep 6, 2018
    One of the best album in a long time. I have not enjoyed any album in long time unit this came out.
    Every song is lit.
    Slim shady is back!
  4. Sep 5, 2018
    "Kamikaze" reminds me "Hell: The Sequel" and a little bit "The Eminem Show". Obviously, not the best Marshall's album, but this is high-level work. Lyrically still the best rapper (since 1999). Bits are like nothing special, but it does not spoil the album which perceived like answer to squall of their hypocritical criticism. This album only lacks the atmosphere of 2000s, but it's not"Kamikaze" reminds me "Hell: The Sequel" and a little bit "The Eminem Show". Obviously, not the best Marshall's album, but this is high-level work. Lyrically still the best rapper (since 1999). Bits are like nothing special, but it does not spoil the album which perceived like answer to squall of their hypocritical criticism. This album only lacks the atmosphere of 2000s, but it's not Eminem's fault. Also I want to mention that all these critics like **** this new pop Eminem" and "Revival is trash, Recovery garbage", but always when Shady is coming back with his "old school music" they start to shout like "nothing new", "too old", "this is 2018, not 2002". This is definitely stupid and has no make sense.

    Oh almost forgot... R.I.P D12, which have already died in 2006. It was a good time, homies, thank you for everything you've done, and especially for "Fight Music" and "Purple Pills". Always in our hearts.
  5. Aug 31, 2018
    This is pure fire. I think that, nowadays, Em could make a masterpiece and still get criticism and bad reviews; it seems that lately nothing he does is good for the critics and most of the fans. Ok, Revival was disappointing (even if 5-6 tracks were really good), but this doesn’t mean that we have to hate on Eminem and have prejudices on his new works. This album is dope, it has the powerThis is pure fire. I think that, nowadays, Em could make a masterpiece and still get criticism and bad reviews; it seems that lately nothing he does is good for the critics and most of the fans. Ok, Revival was disappointing (even if 5-6 tracks were really good), but this doesn’t mean that we have to hate on Eminem and have prejudices on his new works. This album is dope, it has the power of old school hip hop and the freshness of clever and violent lyrics. Good job Em. Expand
  6. Apr 5, 2020
    Yall wanted em on trap beats, u got it. The lyrical prowess on this album is off the charts. The production is off the chain, the album is brief and loaded.
  7. Aug 31, 2018
    Ignore the journalist as they are a bunch of SJWs who aren't fans of music but just looking for something to complain about like everything else they do, what they want is censorship and wish for everything to be like the movie 1984. This album is fire and the only people who don't like it are people who get offended over everything.
  8. Sep 11, 2018
    What a fun album! Em is back in full angry mode, which is his most entertaining mode IMHO :)
  9. Sep 1, 2018
    Em’s rappin and songwriting is top tier on this album. I see music journalists acting like a rapper dissin his critics is new as if Pac, Cube, Jay and many more didn’t do it. The “bitter” rapper narrative they’re pushing is lame.
  10. Sep 5, 2018
    Finally we get Slim back. Slim Shady is angry and in rare form. Its about damn time.
  11. Sep 6, 2018
    Rapping for the hell of it. Eminem shares Pitchfork's aversion to criticism. If major publications can indulge themselves by adjusting their tastes to recent trends Eminem has just as much a right to resist them. In the age of the blogger, where narrowly defined parameters define what is good and what isn't consistency can be lacking. To slam this album for homophobic slur seems slightlyRapping for the hell of it. Eminem shares Pitchfork's aversion to criticism. If major publications can indulge themselves by adjusting their tastes to recent trends Eminem has just as much a right to resist them. In the age of the blogger, where narrowly defined parameters define what is good and what isn't consistency can be lacking. To slam this album for homophobic slur seems slightly inconsistent since the same publications hail the more acidic MMLP which is laced with more slurs than all Eminem's recent work combined. In light of such, an album disparaging such critics rarely seems out of place. PF rewards sameness. Eminem detests it and they punish him for it Expand
  12. Sep 3, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. El mejor álbum de eminem desde MMLP2 (2013) y hablamos de que es lo mejor que eminem nos ha dado desde hace 5 años, se dice fácil pero han sido 5 años en donde el rap ha cambiado mucho desde que Recovery(2010) dominaba las listas de rap. Kamikaze es todo lo que un verdadero fanático de EMinem quiere, enérgico, potente, fuerte, rudo, letras ofensivas y una selección de canciones perfecta.

    Quedó claro que eminem sigue siendo el REY de esto de rapear y escribir letras significativas y con poder. Algo quedó claro con Kamikaze, eminem volvió (y con todo) y ahora queda esperar la respuesta de alguno rapero que se atreva a hacerlo... el género quedó en suspenso, hay un antes y después para lo que es el rap en el 2018.
  13. Sep 6, 2018
    Excellent way to address the state of hip hop in 2018. Very meta and very relevant album. Eminem hits us once again with his award winning lyrics and flow. Reminds us that the mumble rappers of late are children's games compared to the one and only Marshall Mathers.
  14. Sep 16, 2018
    revival was a 10/10 for me, guess how this album is for me, it's the best album this year, better than revival, better than infinite, shady xv in his discography and i could go on
  15. Sep 5, 2018
    Critics have gotten this one massively wrong and it is such a shame. It seems like Eminem just can't win but for those true Eminem fans you will be taken on a whirlwind from start to finish.

    This is Eminem at his ballistic, aggressive best. this album is going to be the gift that keeps on giving already receiving responses from Die Antwoord and Machine Gun Kelly. Rap fans are eagerly
    Critics have gotten this one massively wrong and it is such a shame. It seems like Eminem just can't win but for those true Eminem fans you will be taken on a whirlwind from start to finish.

    This is Eminem at his ballistic, aggressive best. this album is going to be the gift that keeps on giving already receiving responses from Die Antwoord and Machine Gun Kelly. Rap fans are eagerly awaiting Marshall's response.

    10/10 - Great album and Eminem at his best.
  16. Sep 5, 2018
    Damn Shady is trully back this time.. I missed those times when he used to snap at everything. Who would have thought that we 'd have that anger back in 2018!
    Straight fire!
  17. Sep 6, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. holy f$#k, shady's back
  18. Sep 2, 2018
    Eminem è tornato carico come non mai, soprattutto a causa delle critiche ricevute per il suo precedente lavoro "Revival".
    L'album, infatti, concede ampio spazio alla risposta a quelle stesse critiche ricevute l'anno scorso, senza però fossilizzarsi su di esse. Attraverso l'uso di beat (prodotti da Dre e dallo stesso Slim) dallo stile che ricorda un po' quello dei nostri "cari" amici
    Eminem è tornato carico come non mai, soprattutto a causa delle critiche ricevute per il suo precedente lavoro "Revival".
    L'album, infatti, concede ampio spazio alla risposta a quelle stesse critiche ricevute l'anno scorso, senza però fossilizzarsi su di esse. Attraverso l'uso di beat (prodotti da Dre e dallo stesso Slim) dallo stile che ricorda un po' quello dei nostri "cari" amici trappari, il rapper americano arriva anche a parlare di questi ultimi e della loro musica, facendo capire più e più volte quanto a lui non vada a genio. Possiamo perciò parlare di dissing a tutta la scena trap del momento.
    Non mancano le frecciatine a Trump, che però hanno uno spazio marginale. Ad esempio, vi ricordate Like Home? Ecco, non ci sono canzoni interamente dedicate al Presidente degli Stati Uniti D'America, ma semplici barre (come in "The Ringer", ad esempio).
    Non manca nemmeno lo storytelling classico di Eminem, che ritroviamo in Normal, Nice Guy e Good Guy.

    A ciò si aggiungono la sua metrica eccezionale (che ricordiamo, nel corso degli anni è solo migliorata) ed il suo flow in grado di coinvolgere chiunque ascolti le sue canzoni. Quest'ultimo, inoltre, può mutare anche 3 o 4 volte nella stessa canzone. Insomma, Em dal punto di vista tecnico si è riconfermato essere il GOAT.
    I featuring sono pochissimi (3) e perfetti. Royce tira fuori il meglio di Eminem, l'inaspettato Joyner Lucas porta freschezza in Lucky You.

    Infine, ho parlato fino ad ora di Eminem. Ma penso sia meglio parlare di Slim Shady. Perché sì, ad esser tornato, in realtà, è proprio Slim Shady. Con tutta la violenza e irriverenza che esso si porta dietro, come da tempo non accadeva.
  19. Aug 31, 2018
    Eminem's best album in years! We all missed you, Slim Shady. Save us from the mumble rap
  20. Sep 3, 2018
    This is his the most lyricaly insane album in a while! Acclaim!!! Much better than Revival!
  21. Aug 31, 2018
    Best Eminem album in a hot minute! Blinding lyrics, perfect cadence, incredible energy, and whole lot of name of dropping. 3rd best Eminem album ever imo. The homophobic slurs may seem hard to swallow at this time and age, but in all honesty, it added to the experience. Also, it's Eminem, you should be used to it by now.
  22. Sep 1, 2018
    This is goooooood man still F*ck Mumble dude this album straight better than every rapper rn you can disagree or not but the fact is **** good
  23. Sep 2, 2018
    His best album since TES. Good flow and lyrics, perfect feature, only average hooks
  24. Sep 1, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. this is one of the best albums I've ever heard I don't care if some stupid people hate this man...no one can ignore this genius...he is the greatest of all time Expand
  25. Sep 7, 2018
    Eminem continues to show us his great technical skills and some interesting collaborations. I enjoyed Revival but I guess this album will be better liked by his fans.
  26. Sep 8, 2018
    This is easily one of his best albums in years. Eminem produces his best lyrics when his back is against the wall. This kind of reminds me of The Slim Shady LP and The Marshall Mathers LP. It’s so sad that critics in 2018 don’t know what real hip hop is. This album is amazing!!
  27. Jan 24, 2020
    It's a great album that realy it highly enjoyable and intelligent at the same time

    Eminem keep proving that he is one of the GOATs if not the GOAT
  28. Aug 31, 2018
    Eminem, back on form again. Kamikaze is a great comeback from Revival, the lyrics are great, the production is the best I've seen on his albums in a while, and his flow is masterly. A few careers were also ruined in this album, R.I.P. This is the Eminem from the early days, confident with flow on point and a thirst for his enemy's blood. There are only 1 or 2 average or below average songsEminem, back on form again. Kamikaze is a great comeback from Revival, the lyrics are great, the production is the best I've seen on his albums in a while, and his flow is masterly. A few careers were also ruined in this album, R.I.P. This is the Eminem from the early days, confident with flow on point and a thirst for his enemy's blood. There are only 1 or 2 average or below average songs on the album which are made up for by his lyrical genius. This is by far (i.m.o) his best album in the latter half of his career. I'm looking forward to how he will continue after this masterpiece. 10/10 Expand
  29. Sep 1, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. EMINEM IS BACK. is at his best when he is motivated and the struggles of his last album have motivated him to drop an album that finally combines good hip hop production, his elite lyrical ability, and content all together. Expand
  30. Aug 31, 2018
    I'm sorry but Kamikaze is pretty good, y'all listening mumble rap to much !

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Sep 10, 2018
    Kamikaze finds Marshall Mathers revelling in his Slim Shady rabid underdog role, fulminating at critics, boggling at Lil Yachty, and sneering at the Migos flow on Not Alike. How riveting all this finger-wagging is probably depends upon your birth date.
  2. Sep 7, 2018
    Fans clamoring for the old Marshall Mathers should stream the old album or hell, rent it from the library or something. After being faced with nothing to prove as the highest-selling rapper of all-time, Eminem’s found another challenge in perfecting the new style he’s put on display.
  3. Sep 7, 2018
    As sheer performance, Eminem's vocals remain a thing of wonder, which is why it's so dispiriting to hear him circling the drain, relying on old tricks instead of expanding his worldview. He has the musical skills to mature; he's just refusing to let himself act his age.