• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Aug 31, 2018
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  1. Sep 2, 2018
    Eminem è tornato carico come non mai, soprattutto a causa delle critiche ricevute per il suo precedente lavoro "Revival".
    L'album, infatti, concede ampio spazio alla risposta a quelle stesse critiche ricevute l'anno scorso, senza però fossilizzarsi su di esse. Attraverso l'uso di beat (prodotti da Dre e dallo stesso Slim) dallo stile che ricorda un po' quello dei nostri "cari" amici
    Eminem è tornato carico come non mai, soprattutto a causa delle critiche ricevute per il suo precedente lavoro "Revival".
    L'album, infatti, concede ampio spazio alla risposta a quelle stesse critiche ricevute l'anno scorso, senza però fossilizzarsi su di esse. Attraverso l'uso di beat (prodotti da Dre e dallo stesso Slim) dallo stile che ricorda un po' quello dei nostri "cari" amici trappari, il rapper americano arriva anche a parlare di questi ultimi e della loro musica, facendo capire più e più volte quanto a lui non vada a genio. Possiamo perciò parlare di dissing a tutta la scena trap del momento.
    Non mancano le frecciatine a Trump, che però hanno uno spazio marginale. Ad esempio, vi ricordate Like Home? Ecco, non ci sono canzoni interamente dedicate al Presidente degli Stati Uniti D'America, ma semplici barre (come in "The Ringer", ad esempio).
    Non manca nemmeno lo storytelling classico di Eminem, che ritroviamo in Normal, Nice Guy e Good Guy.

    A ciò si aggiungono la sua metrica eccezionale (che ricordiamo, nel corso degli anni è solo migliorata) ed il suo flow in grado di coinvolgere chiunque ascolti le sue canzoni. Quest'ultimo, inoltre, può mutare anche 3 o 4 volte nella stessa canzone. Insomma, Em dal punto di vista tecnico si è riconfermato essere il GOAT.
    I featuring sono pochissimi (3) e perfetti. Royce tira fuori il meglio di Eminem, l'inaspettato Joyner Lucas porta freschezza in Lucky You.

    Infine, ho parlato fino ad ora di Eminem. Ma penso sia meglio parlare di Slim Shady. Perché sì, ad esser tornato, in realtà, è proprio Slim Shady. Con tutta la violenza e irriverenza che esso si porta dietro, come da tempo non accadeva.
  2. Sep 2, 2018
    Absolutely love this album! Eminem snaps and funny how anybody that was dissed has responded yet hahaha they don’t wanna mess with the RAP GOD
  3. Sep 2, 2018
    The old school eminem is back! Thank you haters for helping eminem make this masterpiece!
  4. Sep 2, 2018
    Honestly this album is a 5 out of 10 in my opinion, but needs to be marked lower to make up from the amount of stans giving it a 10. Eminem has a fast flow, and at least the production is better on this one, but this can't make up for the countless poor lyrical choice on this album (lil pump can't even make my dick pump, etc.). The lyrics that are meaningful lose a lot of their effectHonestly this album is a 5 out of 10 in my opinion, but needs to be marked lower to make up from the amount of stans giving it a 10. Eminem has a fast flow, and at least the production is better on this one, but this can't make up for the countless poor lyrical choice on this album (lil pump can't even make my dick pump, etc.). The lyrics that are meaningful lose a lot of their effect because they're so haphazardly woven into these numerous cringe-worthy bars. Expand
  5. Sep 2, 2018
    His best album since TES. Good flow and lyrics, perfect feature, only average hooks
  6. Sep 2, 2018
    Better than Revival but that's not saying much. There's 6 tracks that I enjoy from this album but another 6 or 7 that are skippable. Eminem's pen game is still unmatched to this day but just like most of his discography, this album adds to a ever growing list of weak projects.

    It seems like every album he's put out thus far there's always that 1 song that just ruins it, this time it's
    Better than Revival but that's not saying much. There's 6 tracks that I enjoy from this album but another 6 or 7 that are skippable. Eminem's pen game is still unmatched to this day but just like most of his discography, this album adds to a ever growing list of weak projects.

    It seems like every album he's put out thus far there's always that 1 song that just ruins it, this time it's "Kamikaze". His flow on the song was pretty good but he completely botched it by interpolating lyrics from arguably his worst song ever "Fack".
  7. Sep 2, 2018
    Reminding us that he deserves more respect and is as sharp with his pen as ever. Welcome back Slim!
  8. Sep 2, 2018
    kamikaze has Eminem at his best, everything is impeccable from production to his delivery. His flows were smooth and the content was great. This album was absolute perfection, every track was of the highest quality. The only below par track is NICE GUY, but i can live with that.
  9. Sep 2, 2018
    Lyrically, this album is untouchable as is the case with Eminem, and the addition of Joyner Lucas and Royce only add to it. Kamikaze is filled with lyrical manslaughter throughout the tracks.

    The production on this album is amazing as well, especially compared to Eminem's last project; the beats for all the tracks are on point, and the album is also a good length (not too long or too
    Lyrically, this album is untouchable as is the case with Eminem, and the addition of Joyner Lucas and Royce only add to it. Kamikaze is filled with lyrical manslaughter throughout the tracks.

    The production on this album is amazing as well, especially compared to Eminem's last project; the beats for all the tracks are on point, and the album is also a good length (not too long or too short).

    In addition to the generally good music in this album, it also fairly entertaining; a clash between Eminem's era where lyricism was most crucial to the now new generation of mumble rap, where lyricism is weak, but the focus is on the beat and "riding" it. So when Eminem mocks mumble rappers, such as all the "lils" by either name-calling them or mimicking their music, it is very fun, entertaining and reminiscent of his old 'Slim Shady' days.

    With that said, however, this album is not 100% perfect. Some songs have bad hooks and I think the ending of the album is relatively weak compared to the immense start.

    But this doesn't take away from the rest of the album which is amazing; it is lyrical, entertaining, fun and has that raw power of a sleeping giant who has his 'fuse lit.' An album for his redemption, which you can hear from Eminem's thirst and hunger from the start. Hence I have given it a 10, but in reality, I would probably give it 9.5 as the weak ending and the 3 aforementioned songs.
  10. Sep 2, 2018
    REAL hip hop heads know that this album is the real deal. British publications NME and the Guardian are NOT accurate here. I had no idea that Slim Shady had an album of this quality still in him. Bravo.
  11. Sep 2, 2018
    His wordplay is out of this world. His lyrics are the best there is in this game. You can never compare him to any living (or dead) rapper.
  12. Sep 2, 2018
    Shady shows everyone that he is the best, and its no use to argue. Plus reminds others that its really bad idea to try and diss him.
  13. Sep 2, 2018
    I didn’t have high hopes when I first listened to this but wow what an album. And the more I listen to it the better it gets!
  14. Sep 2, 2018
    So many good beats mixed with the finesse of Em's lyrics. People don't like the hooks but i could not care less since he kills it anyway. "The Ringer" doesn't even have one and is my favourite.
  15. Sep 2, 2018
    Amazing Album, whoever says otherwise doesn't understand rap in general and should't review this type of music anyhow. Now go add entry on your blog, clown.
  16. Sep 1, 2018
    em came hard with "the ringer," "the greatest," "lucky you," "not alike," and "fall" with an old school eminem record with "stepping stones." For the pop rap fans, eminem delivered with "good guy" and "normal." eminem brought back the "paul" skit for nostalgic reasons and brought some humor to transition nicely from new school rap into the old school/pop rap bits before answering withem came hard with "the ringer," "the greatest," "lucky you," "not alike," and "fall" with an old school eminem record with "stepping stones." For the pop rap fans, eminem delivered with "good guy" and "normal." eminem brought back the "paul" skit for nostalgic reasons and brought some humor to transition nicely from new school rap into the old school/pop rap bits before answering with the "em calls paul" skit to transition back into a more new school style of rap. "nice guy," "venom," and "kamikaze" are definite low points of the album, but "venom" is a movie soundtrack song so it gets a pass. overall a solid album and a solid comeback after the horrid "revival" album for eminem. Expand
  17. Sep 1, 2018
    let me start by saying this is a welcome surprise from Eminem i like to see him active again and this album is not bad. But i believe it is a stretch to say this album is actually good. what are we supposed to like? The spew of words? Em's technical skill? His **** disses? we have seen it all, just better. he is following the same process as the majority of his work. He complains aboutlet me start by saying this is a welcome surprise from Eminem i like to see him active again and this album is not bad. But i believe it is a stretch to say this album is actually good. what are we supposed to like? The spew of words? Em's technical skill? His **** disses? we have seen it all, just better. he is following the same process as the majority of his work. He complains about mumble rap, ironic that I can't hear what is being said in the hook of track number 10, "Fall". He lists as many names as he can for relevancy, and I'm expected to respect Eminem's lunge for fame? Don't get me wrong, this man has potential but until the day that he stops worrying about the next generation of rappers and focuses on the direction of his own music, he will be taking an L. My belief is that a rapper needs to live by what they speak. Eminem puts himself on a pedestal predominantly above rappers like lil Pump and Migos, there are many more though. I'm sure his lyrical disses sounded like hardcore disses to some, but that is where i draw a line. I don't listen to lil Pump or Migos personally but i understand them, and they don't pretend to be lyrical prophets or have anything important to say. The fact that Eminem is comparing himself to these guys is just plain pitiful. Recently these artist have been doing better numbers than him. is it too far to assume that the great Eminem could be jealous? Artists like Migos and lil Pump create music for their specific niches, and Eminem forgets about why people used to listen to him. i listened for his personal opinions about subjects he actually lived through (e.g drugs, women, mental health). Kamikaze just isn't that.

  18. Sep 1, 2018
    Eminem delivered a pleasant surprise with this album, albeit falling short on a couple of songs. It is evident he applied much of the criticism from Revival, as the contrasts in sound and content are enormous, but in a positive way.
  19. Sep 1, 2018
    Anyone who dislikes this album doesn't know hiphop and shouldn't be listening to it. Or the sensitive little baby's that are still hurt from the things he said about Trump you can gtfo
  20. Sep 1, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. At his finest. The albums is fire, with perfect production and flow. The album is probably going to be a classic Expand
  21. Sep 1, 2018
    After 2017's Revival Eminem again redeems himself in rap. The album, Kamikaze, features an angry, spiteful Eminem firing at all his critics and people who ignore his past accomplishments and albums and focus on just the negatives. This album is what all of his fans have been waiting for since the release of Relapse in 2009. In my opinion, this is one of the best albums Eminem has releasedAfter 2017's Revival Eminem again redeems himself in rap. The album, Kamikaze, features an angry, spiteful Eminem firing at all his critics and people who ignore his past accomplishments and albums and focus on just the negatives. This album is what all of his fans have been waiting for since the release of Relapse in 2009. In my opinion, this is one of the best albums Eminem has released in his entire discography. It features wonderful instrumentals, skits, and heavy and angry lyrics that we are all used to from Eminem. This time it is safe to say that Shady is back and I wholeheartedly welcome him back. Expand
  22. Sep 1, 2018
    It's good to see Em learnt a lesson from last year's revival and fixed his instrumentals, and removed the corny lyrics. The Goat is back!
  23. Sep 1, 2018
    This album is an improvement from "Revival" in the categories of production, content, delivery, and variety. I'm not sure where this album ranks in his discography, but it's worth a listen by any fan or person who generally enjoys Eminem's music. My highlighted tracks are Lucky You, Stepping Stone, Not Alike, and Fall.
  24. Sep 1, 2018
    So. As for me and maybe for alot of people this album hit them by surprise. And i was happily surprised. Bringing back his lyricism that Em has used in all his albums was expected, and he delivered really well on that front. He also brought back a bit more energy and less of the political verses/songs that we heard in Revival.

    I think its a really nice album that made me bring all but 2
    So. As for me and maybe for alot of people this album hit them by surprise. And i was happily surprised. Bringing back his lyricism that Em has used in all his albums was expected, and he delivered really well on that front. He also brought back a bit more energy and less of the political verses/songs that we heard in Revival.

    I think its a really nice album that made me bring all but 2 of the songs onto my playlist.
  25. Sep 1, 2018
    Eminem?? In 2018 ?? Does this still have any relevance ??
    The answer is YES!
    After Revival's failure, Eminem seems to have learned to deal with criticism and realize every mistake made last year. Kamikaze brings good featurings, good beats, good lyricism and even good choruses (in which Eminem is not very good but this album sounded good) Responding directly to everyone who doubted
    Eminem?? In 2018 ?? Does this still have any relevance ??
    The answer is YES!

    After Revival's failure, Eminem seems to have learned to deal with criticism and realize every mistake made last year. Kamikaze brings good featurings, good beats, good lyricism and even good choruses (in which Eminem is not very good but this album sounded good)

    Responding directly to everyone who doubted Mr. Mathers and criticizing the current scene of Hip Hop was the main touch to bring Kamikaze to the top, the name of the album closes 100% with its main idea (Eminem dropped this surprise album without any marketing)

    BOTH: I think the last three tracks did not fit into the album's atmosphere and could very well have been replaced.
    The first few seconds of the Nice Guy track are impossible to hear, seriously.
    Venom made it seem like a continuation of Phenomenal, not that this is bad, but it's more of the same.

    A great album, a great comeback from a great rapper.
  26. Sep 1, 2018
    Album super.
    Very interesting meaning, like the f*cked of a new school.
    Really cool **** guys you need to listen it.
  27. Sep 1, 2018
    Eminem really got back to his old self. I didn't really like Revival and rated it less than 5. However, this album is possibly top 3 best of his album. He comes out, disses people, spits fire, got rhymes, flow and speed. It feels like he really let "Slim Shady" out on this one. Beats are by Dre which is noticeable. Also, Marshall put down his heart in this which made it feel more genuineEminem really got back to his old self. I didn't really like Revival and rated it less than 5. However, this album is possibly top 3 best of his album. He comes out, disses people, spits fire, got rhymes, flow and speed. It feels like he really let "Slim Shady" out on this one. Beats are by Dre which is noticeable. Also, Marshall put down his heart in this which made it feel more genuine and well made, which wasn't as obvious for Revival - which only had 1 or 2 "Okay" tracks. All 13 tracks are great, even though 2 are skits. This album is worse than the Eminem Show and Marshall Mathers LP put on par with the Slim Shady LP. Recovery and MMLP2 are close too, but let's be honest, Eminem shot way above expectations after Revival. I believe this album could become the album of the year - all tracks are great and relevant. The only thing lacking, for me, is a laid-back passive-aggressive track such as Marshall Mathers or I'm Back, even something like Say goodbye to Hollywood or Headlights (beat wise) would have been amazing. Otherwise 10/10 album. Expand
  28. Sep 1, 2018
    If Revival felt like a failed attempt to stand alone against the tide of modern rap trends perverting the genre (in Eminem's opinion, mine, and a lot of other people's), then Kamikaze is a simultaneous acceptance and subversion of said trends. This album feels much more in tune with the times than Em's last, with common production/lyrical tropes seen in many a rap hit today present inIf Revival felt like a failed attempt to stand alone against the tide of modern rap trends perverting the genre (in Eminem's opinion, mine, and a lot of other people's), then Kamikaze is a simultaneous acceptance and subversion of said trends. This album feels much more in tune with the times than Em's last, with common production/lyrical tropes seen in many a rap hit today present in several songs, but what's most interesting is the way he manages to both sell them with a straight face and poke fun at them at the same time. The Wrath of Shady (perhaps a more appropriate, if less entertaining, title for this album), however, isn't limited purely to crap-rappers of the Lil Pump variety - music critics who can't be pleased, fickle audiences who embrace artists one day and reject them the next, and plenty more are subjected to his spittle-flying fury (as impressive on a technical, polysyllabic level as ever) for setting their expectations too high and then complaining when he doesn't live up to them. The end result is something akin to watching a grown man throwing a temper tantrum over his own fading relevancy in a rapidly evolving world, and it's absolutely fascinating to watch. THIS is the Eminem we hoped to find on Revival - profane, juvenile, and angry without losing his sense of humor - and in spilling his guts about being afraid of getting lost in the shuffle, Em is on the fast track to reclaiming his throne. 9/10

    Choice Cuts: "Greatest", "Stepping Stone", "Not Alike"
  29. Sep 1, 2018
    Very strong album, I justified not just a small part of the new school. The general atmosphere of the album, musical accompaniment, text, everything at the highest level.
  30. Sep 1, 2018
    While maybe not as compelling as his earlier work, the level of skill Eminem exhibits is far too great to ignore. This man demands his respect, and all the drama aside, I'll say he has earned it this time. Not as well polished as the MMLP2 either, but the lyrical ability and ballsiness makes it a more entertaining album overall. Not to mention the great production. One of the 3 best albumsWhile maybe not as compelling as his earlier work, the level of skill Eminem exhibits is far too great to ignore. This man demands his respect, and all the drama aside, I'll say he has earned it this time. Not as well polished as the MMLP2 either, but the lyrical ability and ballsiness makes it a more entertaining album overall. Not to mention the great production. One of the 3 best albums of 2018, maybe even higher. Expand
  31. Sep 1, 2018
    Shady is back! ....... This is the album i wanted. Straight Fire.
    Best surprise.
  32. Sep 1, 2018
    The real slim shady has stood back up. While I appreciate the redeeming tracks on Revival like Castle and Arose, there was just something missing. With this, it's like he's been aware of all the criticisms of people saying he's too positive, working with pop stars, etc. So he rewound the clock, and brought back the angst. And my ears are pleased.
  33. Sep 1, 2018
    Eminem is finally back to the game in this album full of great lyrics, an amazing flow and outstanding production. While there a few songs that I personally didn't quite like, I did enjoy most of them. The rythms utilized here, I think, are fairly varied and never get repetitive.

    'Kamikaze' is a showcase of Eminem's incredible rapping skills, an impressive lyricism full of word-play and
    Eminem is finally back to the game in this album full of great lyrics, an amazing flow and outstanding production. While there a few songs that I personally didn't quite like, I did enjoy most of them. The rythms utilized here, I think, are fairly varied and never get repetitive.

    'Kamikaze' is a showcase of Eminem's incredible rapping skills, an impressive lyricism full of word-play and good rap at its best.
  34. Sep 1, 2018
    Below average. Slightly better than Revival, but that's no accomplishment. Eminem thinks he can just rap fast and continue calling himself the best. How about some meaningful lyrics or creative music behind him? No, he was never even close to the best and has quickly and consistently become one of the worst rappers in the industry.
  35. Sep 1, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. EMINEM IS BACK. is at his best when he is motivated and the struggles of his last album have motivated him to drop an album that finally combines good hip hop production, his elite lyrical ability, and content all together. Expand
  36. Sep 1, 2018
    It didn't take him more than some months to come back. His previous project, Revival, got heavily criticized and he decided to answer to all these critics with music. In Kamikaze, he seems hungry and unleashed with mesmerizing lyricism and flow. He is dissing a whole lot of rappers, while giving props to others. Some are glad, but some aren't that he is back!
  37. Sep 1, 2018
    Return to form for eminem. Seems like he is hungry again. This style fits great in the modern landscape of rap.
  38. Sep 1, 2018
    I can't stop listening... He is one of the best lyricists of all time. I can't wait until the next album.
  39. Sep 1, 2018
    Perfect beats. Perfect lyrics. The first track being the best and nice guy being the worst, names have been said, shots fired. Slim shady is back. Flow is magical. Best hip hop album in a long time.
  40. Sep 1, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. this is one of the best albums I've ever heard I don't care if some stupid people hate this man...no one can ignore this genius...he is the greatest of all time Expand
  41. Sep 1, 2018
    Great album. Shows diversity in his technique/beats. Eminem surprised once again.
  42. Sep 1, 2018
    Em’s rappin and songwriting is top tier on this album. I see music journalists acting like a rapper dissin his critics is new as if Pac, Cube, Jay and many more didn’t do it. The “bitter” rapper narrative they’re pushing is lame.
  43. Sep 1, 2018
    Em at his best like he was on all of his albums when it comes to lyrics. But this album is a bit to short with only 11 tracks. It has way to many trap-ish songs, but that might be because he is mocking mumble rappers. He is in a "revolution" mode ... he attacks and easily wins a fight that barely was real with his critics. He again proves that top artists comes with something differentEm at his best like he was on all of his albums when it comes to lyrics. But this album is a bit to short with only 11 tracks. It has way to many trap-ish songs, but that might be because he is mocking mumble rappers. He is in a "revolution" mode ... he attacks and easily wins a fight that barely was real with his critics. He again proves that top artists comes with something different every time, so that is why Kamikaze comes to complete the conceptual success that he had with Relapse, Recovery, The Marshall Mathers Lp 2 and Revival when we talk about the albums he released in his second part of his career. All of this albums brought you something different and that is why he might be the only artist with a legendary complexity when it comes to sound and lyrics adapted for what he is saying at a specific point in his life. Expand
  44. Sep 1, 2018
    em surprised everyone once again, his rage for revival bad review and reflects on the tracks,
    his lyrics are perfectly written, and he use a great variety of flows.
    in addiction he managed to put together is style in some new school tracks, showing he is the greatest of all time
  45. Sep 1, 2018
    This is a big improvement from Revival! Its urgency, anger and lyricism is at its greatness here. Although it fallen short by the end with the unneccesary collab and a trash soundtrack. Still this is a return-to-form for the G.O.A.T.
  46. Sep 1, 2018
    I completely loved this album, Slim Shady is back baby! This is the eminem I like to see!
  47. Sep 1, 2018
    This is just a reply to all of the people that thought the Mid-Aged Slim Shady had lost his track. The guy kills it with a surprise album and creates much hype that a G.O.A.T usually gets (The funny part being that haters reviewing this forget the fact that their reception is going to be considered as a mere "hyped-reaction" which would be overshadowed to the reception to this album).

    This is just a reply to all of the people that thought the Mid-Aged Slim Shady had lost his track. The guy kills it with a surprise album and creates much hype that a G.O.A.T usually gets (The funny part being that haters reviewing this forget the fact that their reception is going to be considered as a mere "hyped-reaction" which would be overshadowed to the reception to this album).

    I don't give it a perfect 10 at heart though because of the fact that "Nice Guy" felt like a painful filler where Em didn't pour his heart out in a way he had in the songs previous to it. "Good Guy" tried to save the fall, but that just did it's thing.

    Top Songs : The Ringer, Greatest, Not Alike, Fall

    Songs that are up to the mark : Stepping Stone.

    The song that wasn't just "Em" : Nice Guy
  48. Sep 1, 2018
    This is goooooood man still F*ck Mumble dude this album straight better than every rapper rn you can disagree or not but the fact is **** good
  49. Sep 1, 2018
    Best Eminem album in a hot minute! Blinding lyrics, perfect cadence, incredible energy, and whole lot of name of dropping. 3rd best Eminem album ever imo.
  50. Aug 31, 2018
    This is the real comeback! Eminem, who was being highly criticized by his work on Revival (that wasn't that bad), just done one of his best albums. I believe this have much less Pop influence on it, which was good.
    The flow patterns, the cadence, the rhyme schemes, the beats - everything sounded very good.
    This may be the best album since TES.
  51. Aug 31, 2018
    For an album with only 11 real songs and 7 of them being absolute Bops, I don't see how so many people can be hating on it. yall gotten too used to mumble rap. would be a 10 without good guy and nice guy (both are trash in my opinion)
    This is some absolute heat especially after revival.
  52. Aug 31, 2018
    Perfection. After the disappointment, that was revival, this delivers on every level. I am glad we got the real slim shady back.
  53. Aug 31, 2018
    Liked 10 out of the 13 song songs of the album. 2 being skits and the song itself being ****
  54. Aug 31, 2018
    This is an alright album. Kind of solid but nothing memorable. None of the songs are standouts. While there really isn't a bad or horrible song, most of the songs are just kind of, there. The Ringer, Not Alike, and Venom are the only songs I would listen to more than once. Eminem continues to rely on pointless disses for a been there done that idea for the album. Production rangesThis is an alright album. Kind of solid but nothing memorable. None of the songs are standouts. While there really isn't a bad or horrible song, most of the songs are just kind of, there. The Ringer, Not Alike, and Venom are the only songs I would listen to more than once. Eminem continues to rely on pointless disses for a been there done that idea for the album. Production ranges from great to flat out basic and boring. Lyrics are what is expected out of new Eminem material. The best parts of the album are his aggressive and super fast rapping that he's made so famous and iconic. There's really no focus on the album and no cohesive idea. Eminem used to be known for a clear theme for his albums, but this feels like a glorified streaming platform playlist. Expand
  55. Aug 31, 2018
    Kamikaze is Eminem at his best. Reminiscent of the classic 00-02 Eminem where he was taking names and throwing punches. As a fan of Revival, I knew Eminem was pissed and Kamikaze proves that the negative hate has put him back in his place. I'm sick and tired of mumble rap and garbage taking over hip-hop and everyone thinking that Eminem is all washed up and out of his prime. Kamikaze,Kamikaze is Eminem at his best. Reminiscent of the classic 00-02 Eminem where he was taking names and throwing punches. As a fan of Revival, I knew Eminem was pissed and Kamikaze proves that the negative hate has put him back in his place. I'm sick and tired of mumble rap and garbage taking over hip-hop and everyone thinking that Eminem is all washed up and out of his prime. Kamikaze, Eminem's tenth album, and possibly a top 3 effort, will definitely have everyone shut their mouths and realize why Eminem is the greatest artist of all time. Expand
  56. Aug 31, 2018
    EMINEM IS BACK. after his disappointing album Revival, Eminem makes his fans up by dropping a surprise album. This album is pure fire.
  57. Aug 31, 2018
    Although personally I didn't hate "Revival", I still think Em needed a return to form, especially after how unfocused "Revival" was, thankfully, "Kamikaze" does exactly that.

    The opening tracks have some really solid rapping abilities and great wordplay with the lyrics, especially THE opener; "The Ringer" with great brag rap and critical of the double standards of criticism and mumble
    Although personally I didn't hate "Revival", I still think Em needed a return to form, especially after how unfocused "Revival" was, thankfully, "Kamikaze" does exactly that.

    The opening tracks have some really solid rapping abilities and great wordplay with the lyrics, especially THE opener; "The Ringer" with great brag rap and critical of the double standards of criticism and mumble rap, and has an incredible flow. And leads into the incredibly fast track "Greatest", which criticized all of the rapper who have achieved "so much" when in reality all they have done is over-saturate their content into the mainstream, which ALSO leads into "Lucky You" with Joyner Lucas, with Lucas infuriated that he doesn't have any mainstream awards, even though he's arguably the best out of the breakout rappers lately, with Em switching it up and talking about although he's arguably the greatest, he's being ignored by the mainstream in favor of the **** mumble rap we have today, and with, again, an incredible flow and speed from both artists.

    Next is a Paul Rosenberg skit, which has Paul concerned over Em about the subject of the album, and asking if he doesn't get his way, if he'll do the exact same thing for the next album, and after the next song, Em responds with an angry call and actually going to a Yahoo user's house because he didn't understand a part of Revival, both of which are funny as hell.

    Anyways, between those skis include a song named "Normal" which Em goes into account as to why he can't have a normal relationship, but goes into conclusion that he's also the same and will always have to deal with it.

    But, after the second skit, comes an emotional song called "Stepping Stone", which delves into Em's relationship with D12, why he feels bad for them, but also why he feels some resentment against them. In the end, he calls to their fans that D12 is indeed over, but at the end of the day, everybody in D12 still love each other and are still friends.

    This next song, actually goes direct with Em's criticism with mumble rap, by taking the beat to "Look Alive" and mimicking the Migos flow and the "Bad and Boujee" hook and having Royce da 5'9" provide a verse that's incredible at him failing to understand why mumble rap is so popular, which is supported by Em's verse as he calls out many rappers, including Lil Xan, Lil Yachty, and others who ride off of other rappers' success or are too afraid to go deep into the genre, overall, a great song.

    The title track, "Kamikaze" goes over Em's reaction and everybody else's reaction to the reception of "Revival", going as far as comparing to "FACK", which is widely regarded as Em's worst song. However, the execution is a bit off, as the beat is pretty bad, and although a catchy hook and a solid flow, I feel as if the lyrics could've been better, but, overall, not a terrible song. The next song "Fall" continues with this tone, but he also calls out other rappers such as "Tyler the Creator", whom he actually calls a **** which has been met with some dumb backlash online for no reason, especially considering that, A. Em CENSORS the line, even on the explicit version, and, B. Em has said "WORSE" things with the word **** so, to say the very least, people are overreacting. The beat, though, again, isn't stellar, but the flow and lyrics are much better than the previous song.

    The next two songs: "Nice Guy" and "Good Guy" both feature a "duet" of sorts with Jessie Reyez, with "Nice Guy" being sluggish as hell with insufferable vocals from Reyez, and one of Eminem's worst performances (Excluding most of "Relapse"). The subject matter is actually good, though, as it focuses on Em's struggle with relationships despite being as good as he can. "Good Guy" is, thankfully, much better, with a better performance from both artists, with the same general subject matter, though with better writing, flow, and overall execution with the production as well.

    Unfortunately, the closing track; "Venom" (the title track from the Marvel movie of the same name) isn't all that good, with less than stellar performance from Em, and non-interesting subject matter of being the best, with decent wordplay and good production, far from terrible, but it's just average to bad.

    Overall, though, a great album from Em, with an inspiration in his vocals that we haven't seen in a while (save for "Nice Guy" and "Venom"), amazing rap speed and wordplay, (again, save for "Nice Guy" and "Venom"), great features, (AGAIN, save for "Nice Guy"). and funny as hell skits that don't come so abundantly, this album is a great return to form, rivaling the quality of "Recovery", my main complaint has to be the production, which sounds clunky and lazy. But, again, a great album that I recommend you listen to.

    Best Songs: Greatest, Not Alike, Lucky You, Stepping Stone, Normal, the Paul skits.
    Worst Songs: Nice Guy, Kamikaze, Venom.

    Rating: 8/10
  58. Aug 31, 2018
    Eminem is back and he is angry! Em is at his best when he is motivated and the struggles of his last album have motivated him to drop an album that finally combines good hip hop production, his elite lyrical ability, and content all together. This is most likely the best hip hop album of 2018 at this point at the end of a summer that saw many heavy hitters release albums.
  59. Aug 31, 2018
    I'm sorry but Kamikaze is pretty good, y'all listening mumble rap to much !
  60. Aug 31, 2018
    My oh my. Back after a mediocre Revival, this album is what we needed right now. The flow is still impeccable.
  61. Aug 31, 2018
    The only songs on this album NOT worth even clicking on and trying out are Nice Guy and Good Guy, both with Jessie Reyez. They are just bad and her vocals are really unpleasant to listen to.
    Otherwise, it's a really good and enjoyable album, I can give it about 8-.
  62. Aug 31, 2018
    hmm it's alright em is very good lyrically on this album but hen it comes to the beats and hooks most of em are meeh but it's an okay project overall
  63. Aug 31, 2018
    Best Eminem album in a hot minute! Blinding lyrics, perfect cadence, incredible energy, and whole lot of name of dropping. 3rd best Eminem album ever imo. The homophobic slurs may seem hard to swallow at this time and age, but in all honesty, it added to the experience. Also, it's Eminem, you should be used to it by now.
  64. Aug 31, 2018
    This is the people craved for. He turns back and slap the **** out of the market...
  65. Aug 31, 2018
    That **** is dope. Eminem or maybe I should've said Slim is **** back again.
  66. Aug 31, 2018
    I don't understand! Why you people goes ''Ah ı don't like the new album, he is so overrated **** and mainstream bla bla bla'' this is a not funny. This is stupid. Eminem's career never opening to discussion **** Stay back!
  67. Aug 31, 2018
    Great album from GOAT.Do not let them breathe Shady. Inevitable last has realized.
  68. Aug 31, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. JESUS BACKKK!! SHADY’S BACKKK!!! Btw I'm not a mumble rap fan
    Em is in my top five list
    This album is really good, but no way it's the "best hip hop album is yearssssssss"
  69. Aug 31, 2018
    This is pure fire. I think that, nowadays, Em could make a masterpiece and still get criticism and bad reviews; it seems that lately nothing he does is good for the critics and most of the fans. Ok, Revival was disappointing (even if 5-6 tracks were really good), but this doesn’t mean that we have to hate on Eminem and have prejudices on his new works. This album is dope, it has the powerThis is pure fire. I think that, nowadays, Em could make a masterpiece and still get criticism and bad reviews; it seems that lately nothing he does is good for the critics and most of the fans. Ok, Revival was disappointing (even if 5-6 tracks were really good), but this doesn’t mean that we have to hate on Eminem and have prejudices on his new works. This album is dope, it has the power of old school hip hop and the freshness of clever and violent lyrics. Good job Em. Expand
  70. Aug 31, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Super album for stream and listen. Shady is f’ckn great. Pretty average. Even if it's the best album he's put out in a decade. Decent production and some pretty great lyrics at points but no consistency. Expand
  71. Aug 31, 2018
    Eminem is back with a response album after the utterly disappointing and infamous Revival. He is certainly more hungry and hits the mark more often than not this time around. Eminem is at his best writing with his back against the wall. However people should be able to criticize revival which Eminem clearly hasn't understood, u don't have to be a hater to understand revival is wack.Eminem is back with a response album after the utterly disappointing and infamous Revival. He is certainly more hungry and hits the mark more often than not this time around. Eminem is at his best writing with his back against the wall. However people should be able to criticize revival which Eminem clearly hasn't understood, u don't have to be a hater to understand revival is wack.

    Anyways Eminem tries to drop multiple bombs on his Kamikaze mission, most are funny and hit the mark while some fall flat and feel unjust. The Tyler diss was uncalled for, he is probably not offended by the slur, but Tyler deserves more respect than "Tyler create nothing" flower boy was a masterpiece miles better than revival. Tyler called out revival but previously defended relapse, Em seems weak.

    But all in all em blasts through with much better beats and production values, putting more or less the choppy robotic flow aside, and puts his heart into dropping lyrical bombs and entertaining hardcore fans. To say that Eminem won't make any new fans after this is an understatement. Props to em for bringing the old skits back, and i liket that he addressed the D12 inner circle beef in stepping stone.

    Favorite tracks: Kamikaze, The Ringer, Stepping Stone, Fall, Lucky you

    Least favorite: Venom(although it is for a soundtrack), Normal, Good/Nice guy
  72. Aug 31, 2018
    As a fan, I'd say it's his best work since Relapse. In terms of lyricism and production it's not quite on the same level as his first 3 albums, but definitely makes a change from the generic breakup themes (although some tracks still include a hint of this) and rock rap samples from Revival, MMLP2 and Recovery. Still has the same few tracks that lower the standard of the rest of the album,As a fan, I'd say it's his best work since Relapse. In terms of lyricism and production it's not quite on the same level as his first 3 albums, but definitely makes a change from the generic breakup themes (although some tracks still include a hint of this) and rock rap samples from Revival, MMLP2 and Recovery. Still has the same few tracks that lower the standard of the rest of the album, Nice Guy is a good example of this. However, The Ringer, Greatest, Stepping Stone and Venom are the most enjoyable songs I've heard from him in a while. Was also nice to see a return of the Paul Rosenburg skits. If this turns out to be his last album, which is expected, then I'm glad he went out with what we know Eminem best for - speaking his mind and showing little mercy for his critics, instead of a sub par output with Revival. Expand
  73. Aug 31, 2018
    Eminem, back on form again. Kamikaze is a great comeback from Revival, the lyrics are great, the production is the best I've seen on his albums in a while, and his flow is masterly. A few careers were also ruined in this album, R.I.P. This is the Eminem from the early days, confident with flow on point and a thirst for his enemy's blood. There are only 1 or 2 average or below average songsEminem, back on form again. Kamikaze is a great comeback from Revival, the lyrics are great, the production is the best I've seen on his albums in a while, and his flow is masterly. A few careers were also ruined in this album, R.I.P. This is the Eminem from the early days, confident with flow on point and a thirst for his enemy's blood. There are only 1 or 2 average or below average songs on the album which are made up for by his lyrical genius. This is by far (i.m.o) his best album in the latter half of his career. I'm looking forward to how he will continue after this masterpiece. 10/10 Expand
  74. Aug 31, 2018
    Kamikaze is the sound of Eminem with his back against the wall, and this has led to some of his most invigorated writing in years--albeit with some troubling lyrical results. Whether he'll be able to maintain this level of energy into his next project is up for debate; for now though, any inspiration is promising.
  75. Aug 31, 2018
    No one can lyrically beat this man. Great album. The attention it's getting with 0 promotion proves it.
  76. Aug 31, 2018
    Ignore the journalist as they are a bunch of SJWs who aren't fans of music but just looking for something to complain about like everything else they do, what they want is censorship and wish for everything to be like the movie 1984. This album is fire and the only people who don't like it are people who get offended over everything.
  77. Aug 31, 2018
    As a person who was thinking Eminem was losing his way on Revival, while Kamikaze will never touch his older work (he was a different person with different motivations then), glad to see Em is still hungry to eat these wack a** mumble rappers.
  78. Aug 31, 2018
    Pretty good album I'd say, definitely had fun listening to it. Some songs are better, others are more "meh".

    Overall an 8/10 if you ask me.
  79. Aug 31, 2018
    Finally this is the Eminem we have been waiting for since The Eminem Show. He is back!
  80. Aug 31, 2018
    Slightly better than Revival but still cringey all the way through. The track "Kamikaze" is probably the worst song Eminem has ever released. I'm sure why he feels the need to rap as fast as possible. Every time he does it ruins the track no matter how good the production is.
  81. Aug 31, 2018
    Oh no Em what is you doin son?? This is some of his most pretentious, bored, and just awful material he's produced ever. Might even be worse than his last one. This is not good. Couldn't even stomach the garbage enough for a second listen.
  82. Aug 31, 2018
    The album is the best Eminem has released since The Eminem Show while some would argue the Marshall Mathers LP 2 is better. The Hooks, flows and beats are all on point and work well together. The same good Eminem lyrics are also over the beats, which is ofcourse the biggest plus.
  83. Aug 31, 2018
    In utter disbelief at some of the reviews this has been getting. Same old same old from Eminem as of recently. Cool, he raps fast. Ha ha lyrics so funny. So hard so cool. Give me a break. He's lost it and it ain't coming back.
  84. Aug 31, 2018
    Pretty average. Even if it's the best album he's put out in a decade. Decent production and some pretty great lyrics at points but no consistency.
  85. Aug 31, 2018
    Ótima maneira de retornar ao jogo após desapontar com Revival. Kamikaze tá fantástico!
  86. Aug 31, 2018
    Love the prods, it is notably better than Revival.
    Slim Shady strikes again.
  87. Aug 31, 2018
    ... Let me tell you a little story.

    When Revival came out, I didn't completely hate it. I listened to it all the way through, a couple times... And then I realized I didn't want to listen to it again. That shocked me so much... You have no idea. Now, this morning... I wake up... And I discover that he had dropped a new Album... And I've had it on repeat the whole day. I just wish I
    ... Let me tell you a little story.

    When Revival came out, I didn't completely hate it. I listened to it all the way through, a couple times... And then I realized I didn't want to listen to it again. That shocked me so much... You have no idea.

    Now, this morning... I wake up... And I discover that he had dropped a new Album... And I've had it on repeat the whole day. I just wish I didn't have other things to do this weekend, because I would do nothing but listen to it if possible.
  88. Aug 31, 2018
    the **** GOAT is back **** mumble **** not a single song is bad , stan all the way
  89. Aug 31, 2018
    If you say this album is wack, you're probably too young or too dissolved in hate to realize and comprehend the excellence this album has put forward. Lyrics, flow, production, beat, punchlines and passion in one single album is the rarest combination you could hope for. This album does justice to this combination.
    Out of the 13 tracks, only 2 I'd say are average or below average. I'd
    If you say this album is wack, you're probably too young or too dissolved in hate to realize and comprehend the excellence this album has put forward. Lyrics, flow, production, beat, punchlines and passion in one single album is the rarest combination you could hope for. This album does justice to this combination.
    Out of the 13 tracks, only 2 I'd say are average or below average. I'd ignore those tracks because of the others. Hip-Hop isn't dead.
  90. Aug 31, 2018
    Eminem's best album in years! We all missed you, Slim Shady. Save us from the mumble rap
  91. Aug 31, 2018
    The lyrics,production is great!!!! Em is hot!! so so hot! Music is top!!!!!!
  92. Aug 31, 2018
    Loved it. Eminem goes crazy, this one reminds me a lot of the old eminem. I thank the haters for this masterpiece
  93. Aug 31, 2018
    Dissing rappers/celebrities, amazing flow, constant rage in his lyrics and funny skits! SLIM SHADY IS BACK! Better than Revival and the same as Good than the Marshall Mathers LP 2. I have not seen eminem with that anger in his lyrics since The Eminem Show in 2002. In addition, it contains the return of slim shady with an air of modernity that turns the album into a classic based onDissing rappers/celebrities, amazing flow, constant rage in his lyrics and funny skits! SLIM SHADY IS BACK! Better than Revival and the same as Good than the Marshall Mathers LP 2. I have not seen eminem with that anger in his lyrics since The Eminem Show in 2002. In addition, it contains the return of slim shady with an air of modernity that turns the album into a classic based on todays standards of Hip Hop. However, I think some tracks could have better productions and beats. Despite that, this is the best thing i ever heard from eminem since 2013. Expand
  94. Aug 31, 2018
    The lyrics,production is amazing. Eminem is back baby and god dammit he snapped. We stan
  95. Aug 31, 2018
    Lyrics are as always the best in the game. I'm suprised by its release, sure I'm not the only one.
  96. Aug 31, 2018
    A return to better form, but not a classic Em album. The production has a more modern sound. His acerbic hatred and seething being the featured theme. Still several tracks where slurs come into play and they hamper the songs - Em should be past that at this point in his career. Highlights include: The Ringer, The Greatest, and Venom
  97. Aug 31, 2018
    Enjoyed it more on the first listen than Revival. Wish their was more Slim Shady on this album though.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Sep 10, 2018
    Kamikaze finds Marshall Mathers revelling in his Slim Shady rabid underdog role, fulminating at critics, boggling at Lil Yachty, and sneering at the Migos flow on Not Alike. How riveting all this finger-wagging is probably depends upon your birth date.
  2. Sep 7, 2018
    Fans clamoring for the old Marshall Mathers should stream the old album or hell, rent it from the library or something. After being faced with nothing to prove as the highest-selling rapper of all-time, Eminem’s found another challenge in perfecting the new style he’s put on display.
  3. Sep 7, 2018
    As sheer performance, Eminem's vocals remain a thing of wonder, which is why it's so dispiriting to hear him circling the drain, relying on old tricks instead of expanding his worldview. He has the musical skills to mature; he's just refusing to let himself act his age.