• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Mar 31, 2015
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 57 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 41 out of 57
  2. Negative: 3 out of 57
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  1. Jul 1, 2018
    It's hard to not enjoy Kintsugi - the vocals are original and fresh, the music is polished, and the lyrics are dark, mysterious, and seem to have depth. I have listened to K near a dozen times so far - its not that long - and some of the tracks dozens upon dozens of times. "The Ghosts of Beverly Drive" is one of my most listened-to Alt songs, since I got it back when I just started to haveIt's hard to not enjoy Kintsugi - the vocals are original and fresh, the music is polished, and the lyrics are dark, mysterious, and seem to have depth. I have listened to K near a dozen times so far - its not that long - and some of the tracks dozens upon dozens of times. "The Ghosts of Beverly Drive" is one of my most listened-to Alt songs, since I got it back when I just started to have an interest in the genre. I've listened to "Good Help" and "Binary Sea" many times as well, and still really enjoy them. Let's talk about the music a little more. The music on every song is good, and great on several. "Black Sun" has a good sound that goes well with the dark lyrics. "The Ghosts" has amazing music, especially during the chorus. "Little Wanderer" has a magical effect on me, and I can't really say why. The lyrics are great during the chorus, and the music is really enjoyable. The dark music on "You've Haunted Me All My Life" and "Hold No Guns" is excellent. "Good Help" is one of my favorite DC songs. "El Dorado" is good musically, but has weak lyrics. "Binary Sea" takes a familiar beat and music and puts them to clever, dark, relevant lyrics. It is a great, powerful conclusion to the album. It seems like Kintsugi is not loved by people nearly as much as Plans or Transatlanticism because of the different style lyrically, but I really don't mind. K is a really good album, and I would say that it is DC's best album musically. Expand
  2. May 18, 2015
    I've pretty much given up all hope of DCFC shovelling out more Tranatlanticism-esque material, although some moments on Kintsugi make it easy to come to those terms, but not quite so forgiving.

    You want to teach, but not be taught
    I wanna sell, but not be bought

    Gibbard should've doubled-checked himself before accusing out loud.
  3. Apr 20, 2015
    It was never going to be easy for Death Cab for Cutie, it being the last album by the indie rock band to include Chris Walla, but they ploughed through and made a pleasingly good collection of heartfelt love songs and just straight up indie. Overall a nice listen!
  4. Apr 9, 2015
    Basically a more synth oriented Narrow Stairs. Sounds much better sonically than Codes and Keys. I'd say a 8.3-5 but I'm giving it a nine because it deserves more than a 8. Its more consistent than Codes and Keys with the quality of its tracks that why I compare it to a electronic version of the Narrow Stairs.
  5. Apr 7, 2015
    Undoubtedly a great album, but I do hold some issues with it. Half the songs are about his divorce, and half of them are about his despise of the LA lifestyle. The songs about his divorce are for the most part great, examine different aspects of what brought them apart and the emotions he experienced. The songs about the fakeness in LA are repetitive. I feel like he keeps repeating theUndoubtedly a great album, but I do hold some issues with it. Half the songs are about his divorce, and half of them are about his despise of the LA lifestyle. The songs about his divorce are for the most part great, examine different aspects of what brought them apart and the emotions he experienced. The songs about the fakeness in LA are repetitive. I feel like he keeps repeating the same message over and over in these, and It bores me by the end. No doubt these songs are pretty good on their own, but In an album they just leave you wanting something more.

    Another problem I have is the album starts off really strong, and ends really strong. Songs 1-4 and 10-11 are all amazing. Unfortunately, it falls flat in the middle. "You've Haunted Me All My Life" is nothing short of cliche and uninteresting, as is "Hold No Guns". "Everything is a ceiling" is a great song, and is a beacon of hope that maybe the last two songs were the only weak ones, but unfortunately this isn't so. "Good Help" and "El Dorado" once again just repeat the same messages about LA that have already been stated, and I couldn't care less at this point. Even on their own these songs aren't so great, but in the album they're even worse. The final two songs, especially the final song, end the album on a strong note.

    Overall, half the album is amazing, and the other half is bland. The lack of diversity in song topics left me wanting more, but I'm still happy with what I got.
  6. Apr 4, 2015
    This is a nice return to form following the less than stellar "Codes & Keys", and acts as a truly cathartic send off for band member Chris Walla. If this album is any indication of DFCC's future directions, then I'm more than on board.
  7. Mar 31, 2015
    Beautiful record. It's more emotionally moving and sparsely arranged than Codes & Keys and Narrow Stairs. The arrangements, simultaneously along with Gibbard's vocals, gives the album the ability to sound both familiar and new. The songs themselves do a terrific job of moving the listener by perfectly balancing Gibbard's personal experiences with more generalized concepts reflective ofBeautiful record. It's more emotionally moving and sparsely arranged than Codes & Keys and Narrow Stairs. The arrangements, simultaneously along with Gibbard's vocals, gives the album the ability to sound both familiar and new. The songs themselves do a terrific job of moving the listener by perfectly balancing Gibbard's personal experiences with more generalized concepts reflective of painfully failed relationships, self-deception, and looking ahead without losing touch with what's past. There are a few weaker moments in the second half that prevent a higher score, but the strong material is very strong. Highlights: Black Sun, Beverly Drive, Little Wanderer, Haunted..., & Binary Sea Expand
  8. Mar 31, 2015
    The first few listens of Kintsugi were quite disappointing for me. Still, I love Death Cab, and am more than willing to give this a bit of time. Around the fifth listen, it clicked. This is perhaps the most emotionally mature, and most soulful Death Cab for Cutie album in years. I love Codes and Keys, and I love Narrow Stairs, but they lack serious heart compared to Kintsugi. TheThe first few listens of Kintsugi were quite disappointing for me. Still, I love Death Cab, and am more than willing to give this a bit of time. Around the fifth listen, it clicked. This is perhaps the most emotionally mature, and most soulful Death Cab for Cutie album in years. I love Codes and Keys, and I love Narrow Stairs, but they lack serious heart compared to Kintsugi. The songwriting here is as excellent as one could be. The production might seem off-putting or distracting at first, but it does begin to feel natural and earned. Though Kintsugi is by no means Death Cab for Cutie's best album, the end result is quite authentically beautifully. Definitely worth the effort. Collapse

Generally favorable reviews - based on 30 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 30
  2. Negative: 1 out of 30
  1. Apr 30, 2015
    The acoustic "Hold No Guns" and yawning dirge "You've Haunted Me All My Life" spin austere--dramatic--but ring flat. Even so, Death Cab for Cutie's breakup ballads remain anthemic and radio-ready.
  2. Apr 6, 2015
    Kintsugi hits hard due to its lightness, its bitter heart shrouded in soft arpeggios and catchy riffs.
  3. Apr 3, 2015
    Gibbard’s downcast verses keep Kintsugi all too safely anchored and docked.