• Record Label: Nonesuch
  • Release Date: Jun 28, 2019
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 89 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 74 out of 89
  2. Negative: 5 out of 89
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  1. Jun 30, 2019
    Maybe I’m feeling nostalgic but I’m really happy they decided to produce something that really speaks to their roots. The album sticks to soul blues rock inspired music that’s simple yet fun to listen to.
  2. Jun 30, 2019
    Couldn't have imagined a better comeback after all these years. Great sound and diverse songs!
  3. Aug 26, 2019
    It took me a while to get around to this one, but it was worth the wait! The opening track, “Shine A Little Light,” may be the best new song I’ve heard all year. The rest of the record doesn’t disappoint either, although at times it feels less like new songs than makeovers of classics. You’ll hear flashes of Aerosmith’s “Round and Round,” Fleetwood Mac’s “Little Lies,” Gerry Rafferty’sIt took me a while to get around to this one, but it was worth the wait! The opening track, “Shine A Little Light,” may be the best new song I’ve heard all year. The rest of the record doesn’t disappoint either, although at times it feels less like new songs than makeovers of classics. You’ll hear flashes of Aerosmith’s “Round and Round,” Fleetwood Mac’s “Little Lies,” Gerry Rafferty’s “Stuck In The Middle With You”... even “The Girl from Ipanema.” Still, even if the mannequins may seem familiar, the window-dressing is spectacular. They’ve fashioned a sound that evokes the bluesy muscle of ZZ Top, blended with a counter-rhythmic groove, à la T Rex, that can’t fail to get you moving. The best part is that, where most modern records would add “glossy” production effects - strings, electronics, samples, etc. - this one just overdubs more guitars. Expand
  4. Jul 2, 2019
    It was a long time since I almost stopped listening rock. But this os absolutely amazing. The guitar riffs, the drums, the vocals, the bassline... everything mathces so nice. Gorgeous job!
  5. Aug 3, 2019
    To me - best albums from the keys!

    Let's rock - simple in some ways but not static or boring in any way. Great great songs in different tempo and with various style though very coherent. I love it, but a number like howling for you or tighten up would have made it a clear 10! Specially good song:
    Shine a little light
    Every little thing
  6. Jul 1, 2019
    Amazing and such an underrated work of them. It's not like their oldest albums, it's not like their latest albums, let's admit that it's going somewhere new in terms of style, song structure and melody.

    This is one of their simplest works, but such beautifully handled... Gives me chills and thrills every time I listen to it. You've got to be a brilliant performer to make it as good as
    Amazing and such an underrated work of them. It's not like their oldest albums, it's not like their latest albums, let's admit that it's going somewhere new in terms of style, song structure and melody.

    This is one of their simplest works, but such beautifully handled... Gives me chills and thrills every time I listen to it. You've got to be a brilliant performer to make it as good as it is.

    And by the way, I respect all of the Twin Peaks references. There's more than the title and final track. Listening to the album under the context of the series gives it a whole new depth.

    Blown away and amazed. Hats off.
  7. Jul 3, 2019
    After listening to this album in its entirety 4 times, I've felt mixed feelings about it. But I have eventually come around to what it's about. Being the huge "Brothers" fan I am, and also siding more with The Black Keys' older, roots-y side of Rock, as well as being into their experimental side that was shown on "Turn Blue" (their predecessor), this came is a bit of a curveball for me.After listening to this album in its entirety 4 times, I've felt mixed feelings about it. But I have eventually come around to what it's about. Being the huge "Brothers" fan I am, and also siding more with The Black Keys' older, roots-y side of Rock, as well as being into their experimental side that was shown on "Turn Blue" (their predecessor), this came is a bit of a curveball for me. But The Black Keys still have it. I can definitely sense that they're cruising around more of a commercial and simple-chorded side of Rock which I've seen to happen since their departure of raw, Garage and Blues-Rock that old fans were akin to up until the cut-off from that sound on "El Camino", which I'm not too happy about, but they still rock. "Let's Rock" (which, on a side note is a reference to a double-murderer who was executed by electric chair before his last words: "Let's rock") is a call-back to the Hard Rock AC/DC, Eagles, and California Rock of the 70s. The opener, "Shine A Little Light" hits HARD with the song instantly opening with a vicious, fuzzy guitar, followed by a heavy, tuned-down riff that can rattle to the core. It's a promising beginning that represents elements of the album, yet the album itself only comes somewhat close to holding that energy. It's not to say there aren't some catchy moments throughout (like the raw guitar screeches before the choruses on "Lo/Hi" with Dan Auerbach's howl, or the swift, cruising feelings on "Walk Across The Water" with its sandy drums and thump-y bass), but it's missing that raw energy that was loved from their earlier albums, yet the guitars themselves are raw-sounding. It's a well-delivered Classic and beach Rock-inspired album that unfortunately sounds like a commercial attempt on some if its parts. It might come as bland for first-time listeners, fan or not, but it grows a bit. I see this as becoming more of Summer, muscle car-driving hit, whether or not the delivery feels commercial. Expand
  8. Jul 8, 2019
    One of the best rock albums that you'll find out there, if you want yo listen to some good old riffs then this album is for you.
  9. Aug 11, 2019
    One of their strongest albums. A lively, fun and upbeat blast. You'd have to be a miserable b#*&ard not to enjoy the ride!
  10. Sep 3, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. o rock do Black Keys é inconfundível! guitarras nas horas certas, bateria que sempre se destaca em qualquer faixa além dos vocais muito bem construídos. as músicas num coletivo constroem um ótimo álbum mas algumas se sobressaem com refrões grudentos, como "Go", deixando outras faixas para trás e sem destaque nenhum. essa talvez seja a minha maior crítica ao álbum.

    "lets rock" é um álbum muuuuito bom, que só poderia ser feito pelo black keys. com certeza minha banda de rock favorita.
  11. Jun 29, 2019
    Sometimes simplicity is the best kind of rock music. This album is full of great tracks just like any other Black Keys album.
  12. Jun 28, 2019
    I'm genuinely surprised by some of the lukewarm reviews. 'Lets's Rock' is arguably The Black Keys most satisfying album to date in my opinion. While it doesn't break any new ground and is certainly the most 'radio friendly' and mainstream of their albums it's none the worse for it. Recommended.
  13. Jun 29, 2019
    This had to be seventy five characters so let's rock my friends. X
  14. Jun 29, 2019
    Such a complexe, cohesive, deep lyrics album, Its like you are travelling around your own thoughts, fears and hopes. Everything The Black Keys does it's pure art and this album it's not an exception! #LetsRock
  15. Jun 29, 2019
    Finally a rock album that catches you from the first note to the last. Awesome stuff
  16. Oct 6, 2022
    "Let's Rock" is simple yet very describing the name for the album. No band does the classic garage rock sound quite as well as the black keys, and they have done it again. And the sound really is something. They have ripped the garage rock sound back to the basics and done it again. Adding to the sound, the lyrics are also something that bounces the garage rock back to its glory. While the"Let's Rock" is simple yet very describing the name for the album. No band does the classic garage rock sound quite as well as the black keys, and they have done it again. And the sound really is something. They have ripped the garage rock sound back to the basics and done it again. Adding to the sound, the lyrics are also something that bounces the garage rock back to its glory. While the sound is prime of the classic Black keys, creatively I feel like this is a step back. I would have been more interested in more creative step from them. But in the end, no denying that this is one of the greatest albums from the "America's sweethearts". From any other band this would be a 9, but from the keys, I would have expected more. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. Aug 8, 2019
    It’s as close an approximation of before as they could possibly get - the result of 12 tracks being plopped out of a Black Keys song generator - but, five years down the line, you hope that people will demand more than that.
  2. Jul 29, 2019
    It’s as good a rock record as The Black Keys have in them in 2019, and odds are that will satisfy most fans.
  3. Classic Rock Magazine
    Jul 24, 2019
    Southern rockers like Under The Gun, Get Yourself Together and Breaking Down are as infectious as mad cowboy disease. When they do branch out, it's into Fleetwood Mac gossamer balladry and adorable Stealers Wheel soft rock. They'll find that the world has not changed the locks. [Aug 2019, p.83]