• Record Label: Polydor
  • Release Date: Mar 8, 2011

Mixed or average reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 12
  2. Negative: 2 out of 12
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  1. May 6, 2011
    A voice like Maguire's deserves infinitely better than the calculated dross on display here.
  2. For now, though, she's no better than one of Cowell's ventriloquist dummies.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 14 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 14
  2. Negative: 3 out of 14
  1. Sep 29, 2011
    Great debut, but sadly, lacks the emotion and power that it was hyped to show. Lead single 'Ain't Nobody' starts off slow, telling how herGreat debut, but sadly, lacks the emotion and power that it was hyped to show. Lead single 'Ain't Nobody' starts off slow, telling how her heart only has room for one love and she thinks that one love should think the same way, but isn't a great song. Second single 'The Last Dance' is a get-up-and-sing powerhouse of a single. This song truly shows the power in Maguire's voice that most of the other tracks failed to show. The chorus "I save my last dance for you, my friend." may lack lyrical genius, but with the strong drum backing and dancy synth sounds the lyrics don't matter much. Third single 'The Shield and The Sword', with it's string intro and house piano backing welcoming the listener into 3 and a half minutes of pop gold. The track depicts Maguire's overcoming of a somewhat unpleasant break up "You take the shield, I'll take the sword, I no longer love you." shows that Clare is well and truly over and is on the offensive, showing she is a strong woman. Sadly, intro 'Are you Ready? and outro 'This is not the End' seem to be album fillers and nothing more. Ballad 'Bullet' is one of the record's highlights, showing the raw emotion that was promised of the record, a tale of heartbreak it may be, but it is a track that will be on repeat for those in a blue mood. 'The Happiest Pretenders' and 'Break These Chains' depict the fall of a relationship and just wanting to break free from it, feeling that she is imprisoned in a sad situation. Sadly, 'I Surrender', 'You're Electric' and 'Light After Dark' fall flat. Top tracks are 'The Last Dance', 'Bullet', and 'The Shield and the Sword'. Full Review »
  2. May 25, 2011
    Someone needs to take this girl in the right direction. A lot of the songs on here are Barbara Streisand-style blasty **** and to be honest,Someone needs to take this girl in the right direction. A lot of the songs on here are Barbara Streisand-style blasty **** and to be honest, Clare deserves better. Full Review »