
Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. She's not above revisiting periods where the creative process of collaboration was symbiotic as well as successful.
  2. An earthy soul-rock set that redeems Joan Osborne's occasionally mushy songwriting with full-blooded singing and deep roots-music grooves
  3. It isn't as robust--musically or vocally--as their first collaboration.
  4. Little Wild One continues to fill out the picture of Joan Osborne as artist, adding new shades of color to the portrait of a confident and exciting songwriter who is comfortable in her skin yet willing to continue striving for excellence.
  5. The 46-year-old Kentucky native rejoins the production team from her breakthrough on Little Wild One and spins a broad spectrum of rock tapestries married to warm, personal musings centered on a common theme.
  6. Joan Osborne didn't wander too far from the dynamic "Relish" after it hit in 1995, but her subsequent recordings haven't captured her as wonderfully all-around until Little Wild One.

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