
Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
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  1. Aug 28, 2012
    Powerful real music, the kind of music that shamelessly moves at you with emotion and soul.
  2. Uncut
    Jun 20, 2012
    This more captivating follow-up, mixing originals and inspired covers, fuses sultry blues and deep jazz with Trucks' training in Indian classical music to create an alchemical hybrid. [Jul 2012, p.84]
  3. Jun 20, 2012
    Everybody's Talkin' is what every live album should be: an accurate, exciting reflection of a band at its peak, playing full-throttle and providing plenty of surprises.
  4. 80
    This 2-hour double disc captures all the excitement and improvisational interplay of the gigs.
  5. Jun 18, 2012
    Derek Trucks, blues shouter (and Trucks' wife) Susan Tedeschi and nine friends cut a path between the improvised and the carefully arranged.

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