• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Jan 18, 2011

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. Jan 18, 2011
    Perhaps the performances aren't enough to warrant a reassessment or revival, but they're consistently strong and a testament to Pearl Jam's endurance.
  2. Q Magazine
    Mar 9, 2011
    Live On Ten Legs is career-spanning, expertly played, surprisingly spirited resume, with the curveballs of Joe Strummer And The Mescaleros' Arms Aloft and a slightly tweaked version of Public Image Limited's Public Image that misses the point by such a distance it borders on skewed genius. [Mar 2011, p.115]
  3. Uncut
    Jan 24, 2011
    While there's not any unity of occasion to speak of, the cover of "Arms Aloft" by Joe Strummer And The Mescaleros is an impressively galvanising opener, new material sitting comfortably alongside older, more diffuse cuts. [Feb 2011, p.95]
  4. Feb 18, 2011
    Live on Ten Legs is a nice summary collection from one of the best performers around.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 12 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Apr 17, 2011
    As a PJ fanatic (25+ shows; I own all the studio releases, DVDs and about 40 of the bootlegs), I was a bit underwhelmed by 'Live on Ten Legs'.As a PJ fanatic (25+ shows; I own all the studio releases, DVDs and about 40 of the bootlegs), I was a bit underwhelmed by 'Live on Ten Legs'. And I know why: I feel as if I could have put together the true master live CD compilation! Of course, there are thousands of people just like me on the PJ forums with the exact same sentiment. And that got me thinking about how PJ should have gone about the project: LOTL should have been a democratically constructed album with fans, band members, crew and management all nominating performances for a vote. Full Review »
  2. Jan 29, 2011
    The world didn't need another Pearl Jam live album. But I'm glad someone thought it did as this release captures the sheer brilliance of aThe world didn't need another Pearl Jam live album. But I'm glad someone thought it did as this release captures the sheer brilliance of a Pearl Jam show. Long may this mighty band live. Full Review »